info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
| `DATABASE_URL` | string | The database URL; is of the form: `postgresql://localhost/blog_development`. |
| `ENABLE_BOOTSNAP` | string | Enables Bootsnap for speeding up initial Rails boot (`1` to enable). |
| `GITLAB_CDN_HOST` | string | Sets the base URL for a CDN to serve static assets (for example, `//`). |
| `GITLAB_EMAIL_DISPLAY_NAME` | string | The name used in the **From** field in emails sent by GitLab. |
| `GITLAB_EMAIL_FROM` | string | The email address used in the **From** field in emails sent by GitLab. |
| `GITLAB_EMAIL_REPLY_TO` | string | The email address used in the **Reply-To** field in emails sent by GitLab. |
| `GITLAB_EMAIL_SUBJECT_SUFFIX` | string | The email subject suffix used in emails sent by GitLab. |
| `GITLAB_HOST` | string | The full URL of the GitLab server (including `http://` or `https://`). |
| `GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD` | string | Sets the password for the `root` user on installation. |
| `GITLAB_SHARED_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN` | string | Sets the initial registration token used for runners. |
| `GITLAB_UNICORN_MEMORY_MAX` | integer | The maximum memory threshold (in bytes) for the [unicorn-worker-killer](operations/ |
| `GITLAB_UNICORN_MEMORY_MIN` | integer | The minimum memory threshold (in bytes) for the [unicorn-worker-killer](operations/ |
| `RAILS_ENV` | string | The Rails environment; can be one of `production`, `development`, `staging`, or `test`. |
| `UNSTRUCTURED_RAILS_LOG` | string | Enables the unstructured log in addition to JSON logs (defaults to `true`). |