2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
# SCSS styleguide
This style guide recommends best practices for SCSS to make styles easy to read,
easy to maintain, and performant for the end-user.
## Rules
2019-07-07 11:18:12 +05:30
### Utility Classes
As part of the effort for [cleaning up our CSS and moving our components into GitLab-UI ](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/950 )
led by the [GitLab UI WG ](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/merge_requests/20623 ) we prefer the use of utility classes over adding new CSS. However, complex CSS can be addressed by adding component classes.
We have a few internal utility classes in [`common.scss` ](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/common.scss )
and we use [Bootstrap's Utility Classes ](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/utilities/ )
New utility classes should be added to [`utilities.scss` ](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/app/assets/stylesheets/utilities.scss ). Existing classes include:
**Background color**: `.bg-variant-shade` e.g. `.bg-warning-400`
**Text color**: `.text-variant-shade` e.g. `.text-success-500`
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- variant is one of 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'warning', 'error'
- shade is on of the shades listed on [colors ](https://design.gitlab.com/foundations/colors/ )
**Font size**: `.text-size` e.g. `.text-2`
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- **size** is number from 1-6 from our [Type scale ](https://design.gitlab.com/foundations/typography )
2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
### Naming
2018-03-27 19:54:05 +05:30
Filenames should use `snake_case` .
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CSS classes should use the `lowercase-hyphenated` format rather than
`snake_case` or `camelCase` .
// Bad
.class_name {
color: #fff ;
// Bad
.className {
color: #fff ;
// Good
.class-name {
color: #fff ;
### Formatting
You should always use a space before a brace, braces should be on the same
line, each property should each get its own line, and there should be a space
between the property and its value.
// Bad
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
.container-item {
2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
width: 100px; height: 100px;
margin-top: 0;
// Bad
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin-top: 0;
// Bad
// Good
.container-item {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin-top: 0;
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Note that there is an exception for single-line rulesets, although these are
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not typically recommended.
p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
### Colors
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
HEX (hexadecimal) colors should use shorthand where possible, and should use
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lower case letters to differentiate between letters and numbers, e.g. `#E3E3E3`
vs. `#e3e3e3` .
// Bad
p {
color: #ffffff ;
// Bad
p {
color: #FFFFFF ;
// Good
p {
color: #fff ;
### Indentation
Indentation should always use two spaces for each indentation level.
// Bad, four spaces
p {
color: #f00 ;
// Good
p {
color: #f00 ;
### Semicolons
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Always include semicolons after every property. When the stylesheets are
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minified, the semicolons will be removed automatically.
// Bad
.container-item {
width: 100px;
height: 100px
// Good
.container-item {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
### Shorthand
The shorthand form should be used for properties that support it.
// Bad
margin: 10px 15px 10px 15px;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
// Good
margin: 10px 15px;
padding: 10px;
### Zero Units
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Omit length units on zero values, they're unnecessary and not including them
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is slightly more performant.
// Bad
.item-with-padding {
padding: 0px;
// Good
.item-with-padding {
padding: 0;
### Selectors with a `js-` Prefix
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Do not use any selector prefixed with `js-` for styling purposes. These
selectors are intended for use only with JavaScript to allow for removal or
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renaming without breaking styling.
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
### IDs
Don't use ID selectors in CSS.
// Bad
#my-element {
padding: 0;
// Good
.my-element {
padding: 0;
### Variables
2019-02-15 15:39:39 +05:30
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
Before adding a new variable for a color or a size, guarantee:
2019-02-15 15:39:39 +05:30
- There isn't already one
- There isn't a similar one we can use instead.
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2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
## Linting
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
We use [SCSS Lint][scss-lint] to check for style guide conformity. It uses the
ruleset in `.scss-lint.yml` , which is located in the home directory of the
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2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
To check if any warnings will be produced by your changes, you can run `rake
scss_lint` in the GitLab directory. SCSS Lint will also run in GitLab CI to
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catch any warnings.
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If the Rake task is throwing warnings you don't understand, SCSS Lint's
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documentation includes [a full list of their linters][scss-lint-documentation].
### Fixing issues
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
If you want to automate changing a large portion of the codebase to conform to
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the SCSS style guide, you can use [CSSComb][csscomb]. First install
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
[Node][node] and [NPM][npm], then run `npm install csscomb -g` to install
CSSComb globally (system-wide). Run it in the GitLab directory with
2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
`csscomb app/assets/stylesheets` to automatically fix issues with CSS/SCSS.
Note that this won't fix every problem, but it should fix a majority.
### Ignoring issues
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
If you want a line or set of lines to be ignored by the linter, you can use
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`// scss-lint:disable RuleName` ([more info][disabling-linters]):
2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
// This lint rule is disabled because it is supported only in Chrome/Safari
// scss-lint:disable PropertySpelling
body {
text-decoration-skip: ink;
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2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
// scss-lint:enable PropertySpelling
2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
Make sure a comment is added on the line above the `disable` rule, otherwise the
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linter will throw a warning. `DisableLinterReason` is enabled to make sure the
style guide isn't being ignored, and to communicate to others why the style
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guide is ignored in this instance.
[csscomb]: https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js
[node]: https://github.com/nodejs/node
[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/
[scss-lint]: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint
[scss-lint-documentation]: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/blob/master/lib/scss_lint/linter/README.md
[disabling-linters]: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint#disabling -linters-via-source