2022-06-21 17:19:12 +05:30
import { s _ _ } from '~/locale' ;
2023-06-20 00:43:36 +05:30
import { helpPagePath } from '~/helpers/help_page_helper' ;
2021-09-30 23:02:18 +05:30
2023-07-09 08:55:56 +05:30
export const PROJECT _SELECT _LABEL _ID = 'project-select' ;
2021-04-17 20:07:23 +05:30
export const SEARCH _DELAY = 200 ;
2022-08-27 11:52:29 +05:30
export const VALID _TOKEN _BACKGROUND = 'gl-bg-green-100' ;
export const INVALID _TOKEN _BACKGROUND = 'gl-bg-red-100' ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const INVITE _MEMBERS _FOR _TASK = {
minimum _access _level : 30 ,
submit : 'submit' ,
} ;
2023-03-04 22:38:38 +05:30
export const TOAST _MESSAGE _LOCALSTORAGE _KEY = 'members_invited_successfully' ;
2021-09-04 01:27:46 +05:30
export const GROUP _FILTERS = {
ALL : 'all' ,
DESCENDANT _GROUPS : 'descendant_groups' ,
} ;
2021-09-30 23:02:18 +05:30
2021-10-27 15:23:28 +05:30
export const USERS _FILTER _ALL = 'all' ;
export const USERS _FILTER _SAML _PROVIDER _ID = 'saml_provider_id' ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const TRIGGER _ELEMENT _BUTTON = 'button' ;
2023-05-27 22:25:52 +05:30
export const TOP _NAV _INVITE _MEMBERS _COMPONENT = 'invite_members' ;
export const TRIGGER _ELEMENT _WITH _EMOJI = 'text-emoji' ;
export const TRIGGER _ELEMENT _DROPDOWN _WITH _EMOJI = 'dropdown-text-emoji' ;
2023-07-09 08:55:56 +05:30
export const TRIGGER _ELEMENT _DISCLOSURE _DROPDOWN = 'dropdown-text' ;
2023-04-23 21:23:45 +05:30
export const INVITE _MEMBER _MODAL _TRACKING _CATEGORY = 'invite_members_modal' ;
2022-07-23 23:45:48 +05:30
export const TRIGGER _DEFAULT _QA _SELECTOR = 'invite_members_button' ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const MEMBERS _MODAL _DEFAULT _TITLE = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Invite members' ) ;
export const MEMBERS _MODAL _CELEBRATE _TITLE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|GitLab is better with colleagues!' ,
) ;
export const MEMBERS _MODAL _CELEBRATE _INTRO = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|How about inviting a colleague or two to join you?' ,
) ;
export const MEMBERS _TO _GROUP _DEFAULT _INTRO _TEXT = s _ _ (
"InviteMembersModal|You're inviting members to the %{strongStart}%{name}%{strongEnd} group." ,
) ;
export const MEMBERS _TO _PROJECT _DEFAULT _INTRO _TEXT = s _ _ (
"InviteMembersModal|You're inviting members to the %{strongStart}%{name}%{strongEnd} project." ,
) ;
"InviteMembersModal|Congratulations on creating your project, you're almost there!" ,
) ;
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
export const MEMBERS _SEARCH _FIELD = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Username or email address' ) ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const MEMBERS _PLACEHOLDER = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Select members or type email addresses' ) ;
export const MEMBERS _TASKS _TO _BE _DONE _TITLE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Create issues for your new team member to work on (optional)' ,
) ;
export const MEMBERS _TASKS _TO _BE _DONE _NO _PROJECTS = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|To assign issues to a new team member, you need a project for the issues. %{linkStart}Create a project to get started.%{linkEnd}' ,
) ;
export const MEMBERS _TASKS _PROJECTS _TITLE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Choose a project for the issues' ,
) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _DEFAULT _TITLE = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Invite a group' ) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _GROUP _DEFAULT _INTRO _TEXT = s _ _ (
"InviteMembersModal|You're inviting a group to the %{strongStart}%{name}%{strongEnd} group." ,
) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _PROJECT _DEFAULT _INTRO _TEXT = s _ _ (
"InviteMembersModal|You're inviting a group to the %{strongStart}%{name}%{strongEnd} project." ,
) ;
2023-06-20 00:43:36 +05:30
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _GROUP _ALERT _BODY = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Inviting a group %{linkStart}adds its members to your group%{linkEnd}, including members who join after the invite. This might put your group over the free %{count} user limit.' ,
) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _GROUP _ALERT _LINK = helpPagePath ( 'user/group/manage' , {
anchor : 'share-a-group-with-another-group' ,
} ) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _PROJECT _ALERT _BODY = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Inviting a group %{linkStart}adds its members to your project%{linkEnd}, including members who join after the invite. This might put your group over the free %{count} user limit.' ,
) ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _TO _PROJECT _ALERT _LINK = helpPagePath ( 'user/project/members/index' , {
anchor : 'add-groups-to-a-project' ,
} ) ;
2023-03-04 22:38:38 +05:30
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const GROUP _SEARCH _FIELD = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Select a group to invite' ) ;
export const GROUP _PLACEHOLDER = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Search for a group to invite' ) ;
export const ACCESS _LEVEL = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Select a role' ) ;
export const ACCESS _EXPIRE _DATE = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Access expiration date (optional)' ) ;
export const TOAST _MESSAGE _SUCCESSFUL = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Members were successfully added' ) ;
export const INVALID _FEEDBACK _MESSAGE _DEFAULT = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Something went wrong' ) ;
export const READ _MORE _TEXT = s _ _ (
` InviteMembersModal|%{linkStart}Read more%{linkEnd} about role permissions ` ,
) ;
export const INVITE _BUTTON _TEXT = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Invite' ) ;
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
export const INVITE _BUTTON _TEXT _DISABLED = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Manage members' ) ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
export const CANCEL _BUTTON _TEXT = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Cancel' ) ;
export const HEADER _CLOSE _LABEL = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Close invite team members' ) ;
2022-08-13 15:12:31 +05:30
export const MEMBER _ERROR _LIST _TEXT = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Review the invite errors and try again:' ,
) ;
2022-08-27 11:52:29 +05:30
export const COLLAPSED _ERRORS = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Show more (%{count})' ) ;
export const EXPANDED _ERRORS = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Show less' ) ;
2023-03-04 22:38:38 +05:30
export const EMPTY _INVITES _ALERT _TEXT = s _ _ ( 'InviteMembersModal|Please add members to invite' ) ;
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
export const MEMBER _MODAL _LABELS = {
modal : {
default : {
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
} ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
celebrate : {
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
} ,
} ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
toGroup : {
default : {
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
} ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
} ,
toProject : {
default : {
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
} ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
celebrate : {
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
} ,
} ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
searchField : MEMBERS _SEARCH _FIELD ,
tasksToBeDone : {
} ,
tasksProject : {
} ,
toastMessageSuccessful : TOAST _MESSAGE _SUCCESSFUL ,
2022-08-13 15:12:31 +05:30
memberErrorListText : MEMBER _ERROR _LIST _TEXT ,
2022-08-27 11:52:29 +05:30
collapsedErrors : COLLAPSED _ERRORS ,
expandedErrors : EXPANDED _ERRORS ,
2023-03-04 22:38:38 +05:30
emptyInvitesAlertText : EMPTY _INVITES _ALERT _TEXT ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
} ;
export const GROUP _MODAL _LABELS = {
toGroup : {
2023-06-20 00:43:36 +05:30
notificationText : GROUP _MODAL _TO _GROUP _ALERT _BODY ,
notificationLink : GROUP _MODAL _TO _GROUP _ALERT _LINK ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
} ,
toProject : {
2023-06-20 00:43:36 +05:30
notificationText : GROUP _MODAL _TO _PROJECT _ALERT _BODY ,
notificationLink : GROUP _MODAL _TO _PROJECT _ALERT _LINK ,
2022-04-04 11:22:00 +05:30
} ,
searchField : GROUP _SEARCH _FIELD ,
placeHolder : GROUP _PLACEHOLDER ,
2021-12-11 22:18:48 +05:30
toastMessageSuccessful : TOAST _MESSAGE _SUCCESSFUL ,
} ;
2022-01-26 12:08:38 +05:30
2023-01-13 00:05:48 +05:30
export const ON _SHOW _TRACK _LABEL = 'over_limit_modal_viewed' ;
2023-04-23 21:23:45 +05:30
export const ON _CELEBRATION _TRACK _LABEL = 'invite_celebration_modal' ;
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
2023-03-17 16:20:25 +05:30
export const INFO _ALERT _TITLE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|Your top-level group %{namespaceName} is over the %{dashboardLimit} user limit.' ,
) ;
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
export const WARNING _ALERT _TITLE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|You only have space for %{count} more %{members} in %{name}' ,
) ;
export const DANGER _ALERT _TITLE = s _ _ (
"InviteMembersModal|You've reached your %{count} %{members} limit for %{name}" ,
) ;
2023-01-13 00:05:48 +05:30
export const REACHED _LIMIT _VARIANT = 'reached' ;
export const CLOSE _TO _LIMIT _VARIANT = 'close' ;
2023-03-17 16:20:25 +05:30
export const NOTIFICATION _LIMIT _VARIANT = 'notification' ;
2023-01-13 00:05:48 +05:30
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
export const REACHED _LIMIT _MESSAGE = s _ _ (
2023-03-17 16:20:25 +05:30
'InviteMembersModal|To invite new users to this top-level group, you must remove existing users. You can still add existing users from the top-level group, including any subgroups and projects.' ,
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
) ;
s _ _ (
2023-03-17 16:20:25 +05:30
'InviteMembersModal| To get more members, the owner of this top-level group can %{trialLinkStart}start a trial%{trialLinkEnd} or %{upgradeLinkStart}upgrade%{upgradeLinkEnd} to a paid tier.' ,
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
) ,
) ;
export const CLOSE _TO _LIMIT _MESSAGE = s _ _ (
2022-08-27 11:52:29 +05:30
'InviteMembersModal|To get more members an owner of the group can %{trialLinkStart}start a trial%{trialLinkEnd} or %{upgradeLinkStart}upgrade%{upgradeLinkEnd} to a paid tier.' ,
2022-07-16 23:28:13 +05:30
) ;
2023-03-17 16:20:25 +05:30
export const NOTIFICATION _LIMIT _MESSAGE = s _ _ (
'InviteMembersModal|GitLab will enforce this limit in the future. If you are over %{dashboardLimit} users when enforcement begins, your top-level group will be placed in a %{freeUserLimitLinkStart}read-only state%{freeUserLimitLinkEnd}. To avoid being placed in a read-only state, reduce your top-level group to %{dashboardLimit} users or less, or purchase a paid tier.' ,
) ;