
305 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
- breadcrumb_title "Settings"
2015-09-11 14:41:01 +05:30
- page_title "Settings"
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
- @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout
- expanded = Rails.env.test?
2016-06-22 15:30:34 +05:30
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Visibility and access controls')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Set default and restrict visibility levels. Configure import sources and git access protocol.')
= render 'visibility_and_access'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Account and limit settings')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Session expiration, projects limit and attachment size.')
= render 'account_and_limit'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Sign-up restrictions')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure the way a user creates a new account.')
= render 'signup'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Sign-in restrictions')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Set requirements for a user to sign-in. Enable mandatory two-factor authentication.')
= render 'signin'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Help page')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Help page text and support page url.')
= render 'help_page'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Pages')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Size and domain settings for static websites')
= render 'pages'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Continuous Integration and Deployment')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Auto DevOps, runners and job artifacts')
= render 'ci_cd'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Metrics - Influx')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable and configure InfluxDB metrics.')
= render 'influx'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Metrics - Prometheus')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable and configure Prometheus metrics.')
= render 'prometheus'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Profiling - Performance bar')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable the Performance Bar for a given group.')
= link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('administration/monitoring/performance/performance_bar')
= render 'performance_bar'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Background jobs')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure Sidekiq job throttling.')
= render 'background_jobs'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Spam and Anti-bot Protection')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable reCAPTCHA or Akismet and set IP limits.')
= render 'spam'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Abuse reports')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Set notification email for abuse reports.')
= render 'abuse'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Error Reporting and Logging')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable Sentry for error reporting and logging.')
= render 'logging'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Repository storage')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure storage path and circuit breaker settings.')
= render 'repository_storage'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Repository maintenance')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure automatic git checks and housekeeping on repositories.')
= render 'repository_check'
- if Gitlab.config.registry.enabled{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Container Registry')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Various container registry settings.')
= render 'registry'
- if koding_enabled?{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Koding')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Online IDE integration settings.')
= render 'koding'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('PlantUML')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Allow rendering of PlantUML diagrams in Asciidoc documents.')
= render 'plantuml'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Usage statistics')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Enable or disable version check and usage ping.')
= render 'usage'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Email')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Various email settings.')
= render 'email'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Gitaly')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure Gitaly timeouts.')
= render 'gitaly'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Web terminal')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Set max session time for web terminal.')
= render 'terminal'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Real-time features')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Change this value to influence how frequently the GitLab UI polls for updates.')
= render 'realtime'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Performance optimization')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Various settings that affect GitLab performance.')
= render 'performance'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('User and IP Rate Limits')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Configure limits for web and API requests.')
= render 'ip_limits'{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
= _('Outbound requests')
%button.btn.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' }
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
= _('Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services.')
= render 'outbound'