2020-05-24 23:13:21 +05:30
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
describe Ci::DagPipelineEntity do
let_it_be(:request) { double(:request) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) }
let(:entity) { described_class.new(pipeline, request: request) }
describe '#as_json' do
subject { entity.as_json }
context 'when pipeline is empty' do
it 'contains stages' do
expect(subject).to include(:stages)
expect(subject[:stages]).to be_empty
context 'when pipeline has jobs' do
let!(:build_job) { create(:ci_build, stage: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:test_job) { create(:ci_build, stage: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:deploy_job) { create(:ci_build, stage: 'deploy', pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'contains 3 stages' do
stages = subject[:stages]
expect(stages.size).to eq 3
expect(stages.map { |s| s[:name] }).to contain_exactly('build', 'test', 'deploy')
2020-06-23 00:09:42 +05:30
context 'when pipeline has parallel jobs, DAG needs and GenericCommitStatus' do
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let!(:stage_build) { create(:ci_stage_entity, name: 'build', position: 1, pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:stage_test) { create(:ci_stage_entity, name: 'test', position: 2, pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:stage_deploy) { create(:ci_stage_entity, name: 'deploy', position: 3, pipeline: pipeline) }
2020-06-23 00:09:42 +05:30
let!(:job_build_1) { create(:ci_build, name: 'build 1', stage: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:job_build_2) { create(:ci_build, name: 'build 2', stage: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:commit_status) { create(:generic_commit_status, stage: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) }
2020-05-24 23:13:21 +05:30
let!(:job_rspec_1) { create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec 1/2', stage: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:job_rspec_2) { create(:ci_build, name: 'rspec 2/2', stage: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:job_jest) do
create(:ci_build, name: 'jest', stage: 'test', scheduling_type: 'dag', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |job|
create(:ci_build_need, name: 'build 1', build: job)
let!(:job_deploy_ruby) do
create(:ci_build, name: 'deploy_ruby', stage: 'deploy', scheduling_type: 'dag', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |job|
create(:ci_build_need, name: 'rspec 1/2', build: job)
create(:ci_build_need, name: 'rspec 2/2', build: job)
let!(:job_deploy_js) do
create(:ci_build, name: 'deploy_js', stage: 'deploy', scheduling_type: 'dag', pipeline: pipeline).tap do |job|
create(:ci_build_need, name: 'jest', build: job)
it 'performs the smallest number of queries' do
log = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { subject }
# stages, project, builds, build_needs
expect(log.count).to eq 4
it 'contains all the data' do
expected_result = {
stages: [
name: 'build',
groups: [
2020-06-23 00:09:42 +05:30
name: 'build 1', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'build 1', scheduling_type: 'stage' }
name: 'build 2', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'build 2', scheduling_type: 'stage' }
name: 'generic', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'generic', scheduling_type: nil }
2020-05-24 23:13:21 +05:30
name: 'test',
groups: [
2020-06-23 00:09:42 +05:30
name: 'jest', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'jest', scheduling_type: 'dag', needs: ['build 1'] }
name: 'rspec', size: 2, jobs: [
{ name: 'rspec 1/2', scheduling_type: 'stage' },
{ name: 'rspec 2/2', scheduling_type: 'stage' }
2020-05-24 23:13:21 +05:30
name: 'deploy',
groups: [
2020-06-23 00:09:42 +05:30
name: 'deploy_js', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'deploy_js', scheduling_type: 'dag', needs: ['jest'] }
name: 'deploy_ruby', size: 1, jobs: [
{ name: 'deploy_ruby', scheduling_type: 'dag', needs: ['rspec 1/2', 'rspec 2/2'] }
2020-05-24 23:13:21 +05:30
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)).not_to be_empty
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[0].fetch(:name)).to eq 'build'
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[0]).to eq expected_result.fetch(:stages)[0]
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[1].fetch(:name)).to eq 'test'
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[1]).to eq expected_result.fetch(:stages)[1]
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[2].fetch(:name)).to eq 'deploy'
expect(subject.fetch(:stages)[2]).to eq expected_result.fetch(:stages)[2]