2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
- if @project.pages_deployed?
- if can?(current_user, :remove_pages, @project)
2022-11-25 23:54:43 +05:30
= render Pajamas::CardComponent.new(card_options: { class: 'border-danger' }, header_options: {class: 'bg-danger text-white'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
= s_('GitLabPages|Remove pages')
2022-11-25 23:54:43 +05:30
- c.with_body do
= s_('GitLabPages|Removing pages will prevent them from being exposed to the outside world.')
- c.with_footer do
= render Pajamas::ButtonComponent.new(href: project_pages_path(@project),
variant: :danger,
method: :delete,
button_options: {data: { confirm: s_('GitLabPages|Are you sure?'), 'confirm-btn-variant': 'danger'}, "aria-label": s_('GitLabPages|Remove pages')}) do
= s_('GitLabPages|Remove pages')
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
- else
2019-12-21 20:55:43 +05:30
= s_('GitLabPages|Only project maintainers can remove pages')