2021-04-17 20:07:23 +05:30
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Pagination
module Keyset
# This class stores information for one column (or SQL expression) which can be used in an
# ORDER BY SQL clasue.
# The goal of this class is to encapsulate all the metadata in one place which are needed to
# make keyset pagination work in a generalized way.
# == Arguments
# **order expression** (Arel::Nodes::Node | String)
# The actual SQL expression for the ORDER BY clause.
# Examples:
# # Arel column order definition
# Project.arel_table[:id].asc # ORDER BY projects.id ASC
# # Arel expression, calculated order definition
# Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new("COALESCE", [Project.arel_table[:issue_count].asc, 0]).asc # ORDER BY COALESCE(projects.issue_count, 0)
# # Another Arel expression
# Arel::Nodes::Multiplication(Issue.arel_table[:weight], Issue.arel_table[:time_spent]).desc
# # Raw string order definition
# 'issues.type DESC NULLS LAST'
# **column_expression** (Arel::Nodes::Node | String)
# Expression for the database column or an expression. This value will be used with logical operations (>, <, =, !=)
# when building the database query for the next page.
# Examples:
# # Arel column reference
# Issue.arel_table[:title]
# # Calculated value
# Arel::Nodes::Multiplication(Issue.arel_table[:weight], Issue.arel_table[:time_spent])
# **attribute_name** (String | Symbol)
# An attribute on the loaded ActiveRecord model where the value can be obtained.
# Examples:
# # Simple attribute definition
# attribute_name = :title
# # Later on this attribute will be used like this:
# my_record = Issue.find(x)
# value = my_record[attribute_name] # reads data from the title column
# # Calculated value based on an Arel or raw SQL expression
# attribute_name = :lowercase_title
# # `lowercase_title` is not is not a table column therefore we need to make sure it's available in the `SELECT` clause
# my_record = Issue.select(:id, 'LOWER(title) as lowercase_title').last
# value = my_record[:lowercase_title]
# **distinct**
# Boolean value.
# Tells us whether the database column contains only distinct values. If the column is covered by
# a unique index then set to true.
# **nullable** (:not_nullable | :nulls_last | :nulls_first)
# Tells us whether the database column is nullable or not. This information can be
# obtained from the DB schema.
# If the column is not nullable, set this attribute to :not_nullable.
# If the column is nullable, then additional information is needed. Based on the ordering, the null values
# will show up at the top or at the bottom of the resultset.
# Examples:
# # Nulls are showing up at the top (for example: ORDER BY column ASC):
# nullable = :nulls_first
# # Nulls are showing up at the bottom (for example: ORDER BY column DESC):
# nullable = :nulls_last
# **order_direction**
# :asc or :desc
# Note: this is an optional attribute, the value will be inferred from the order_expression.
# Sometimes it's not possible to infer the order automatically. In this case an exception will be
# raised (when the query is executed). If the reverse order cannot be computed, it must be provided explicitly.
# **reversed_order_expression**
# The reversed version of the order_expression.
# A ColumnOrderDefinition object is able to reverse itself which is used when paginating backwards.
# When a complex order_expression is provided (raw string), then reversing the order automatically
# is not possible. In this case an exception will be raised.
# Example:
# order_expression = Project.arel_table[:id].asc
# reversed_order_expression = Project.arel_table[:id].desc
# **add_to_projections**
# Set to true if the column is not part of the queried table. (Not part of SELECT *)
# Example:
# - When the order is a calculated expression or the column is in another table (JOIN-ed)
# If the add_to_projections is true, the query builder will automatically add the column to the SELECT values
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# **sql_type**
# The SQL type of the column or SQL expression. This is an optional field which is only required when using the
# column with the InOperatorOptimization class.
# Example: When the order expression is a calculated SQL expression.
# {
# attribute_name: 'id_times_count',
# order_expression: Arel.sql('(id * count)').asc,
# sql_type: 'integer' # the SQL type here must match with the type of the produced data by the order_expression. Putting 'text' here would be incorrect.
# }
2021-04-17 20:07:23 +05:30
class ColumnOrderDefinition
REVERSED_ORDER_DIRECTIONS = { asc : :desc , desc : :asc } . freeze
REVERSED_NULL_POSITIONS = { nulls_first : :nulls_last , nulls_last : :nulls_first } . freeze
AREL_ORDER_CLASSES = { Arel :: Nodes :: Ascending = > :asc , Arel :: Nodes :: Descending = > :desc } . freeze
ALLOWED_NULLABLE_VALUES = [ :not_nullable , :nulls_first , :nulls_last ] . freeze
2021-09-30 23:02:18 +05:30
attr_reader :attribute_name , :column_expression , :order_expression , :add_to_projections , :order_direction
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2022-03-02 08:16:31 +05:30
# rubocop: disable Metrics/ParameterLists
def initialize ( attribute_name : , order_expression : , column_expression : nil , reversed_order_expression : nil , nullable : :not_nullable , distinct : true , order_direction : nil , sql_type : nil , add_to_projections : false )
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@attribute_name = attribute_name
@order_expression = order_expression
@column_expression = column_expression || calculate_column_expression ( order_expression )
@distinct = distinct
@reversed_order_expression = reversed_order_expression || calculate_reversed_order ( order_expression )
@nullable = parse_nullable ( nullable , distinct )
@order_direction = parse_order_direction ( order_expression , order_direction )
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@sql_type = sql_type
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@add_to_projections = add_to_projections
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# rubocop: enable Metrics/ParameterLists
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def reverse
self . class . new (
attribute_name : attribute_name ,
column_expression : column_expression ,
order_expression : reversed_order_expression ,
reversed_order_expression : order_expression ,
nullable : not_nullable? ? :not_nullable : REVERSED_NULL_POSITIONS [ nullable ] ,
distinct : distinct ,
order_direction : REVERSED_ORDER_DIRECTIONS [ order_direction ]
def ascending_order?
order_direction == :asc
def descending_order?
order_direction == :desc
def nulls_first?
nullable == :nulls_first
def nulls_last?
nullable == :nulls_last
def not_nullable?
nullable == :not_nullable
def nullable?
! not_nullable?
def distinct?
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def order_direction_as_sql_string
sql_string = ascending_order? ? + 'ASC' : + 'DESC'
if nulls_first?
sql_string << ' NULLS FIRST'
elsif nulls_last?
sql_string << ' NULLS LAST'
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def sql_type
raise Gitlab :: Pagination :: Keyset :: SqlTypeMissingError . for_column ( self ) if @sql_type . nil?
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2021-09-30 23:02:18 +05:30
attr_reader :reversed_order_expression , :nullable , :distinct
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def calculate_reversed_order ( order_expression )
unless AREL_ORDER_CLASSES . has_key? ( order_expression . class ) # Arel can reverse simple orders
raise " Couldn't determine reversed order for ` #{ order_expression } `, please provide the `reversed_order_expression` parameter. "
order_expression . reverse
def calculate_column_expression ( order_expression )
if order_expression . respond_to? ( :expr )
order_expression . expr
raise ( " Couldn't calculate the column expression. Please pass an ARel node as the order_expression, not a string. " )
def parse_order_direction ( order_expression , order_direction )
transformed_order_direction = if order_direction . nil? && AREL_ORDER_CLASSES [ order_expression . class ]
AREL_ORDER_CLASSES [ order_expression . class ]
elsif order_direction . present?
order_direction . to_s . downcase . to_sym
unless REVERSED_ORDER_DIRECTIONS . has_key? ( transformed_order_direction )
raise " Invalid or missing `order_direction` (value: #{ order_direction } ) was given, the allowed values are: :asc or :desc "
def parse_nullable ( nullable , distinct )
if ALLOWED_NULLABLE_VALUES . exclude? ( nullable )
raise " Invalid `nullable` is given (value: #{ nullable } ), the allowed values are: #{ ALLOWED_NULLABLE_VALUES . join ( ', ' ) } "
if nullable != :not_nullable && distinct
raise 'Invalid column definition, `distinct` and `nullable` columns are not allowed at the same time'