2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
Feature: Dashboard Group
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Given I sign in as "John Doe"
And "John Doe" is owner of group "Owned"
And "John Doe" is guest of group "Guest"
# Leave groups
Scenario: Owner should be able to leave from group if he is not the last owner
Given "Mary Jane" is owner of group "Owned"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should see group "Guest" in group list
When I click on the "Leave" button for group "Owned"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
And I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should not see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should see group "Guest" in group list
Scenario: Owner should not be able to leave from group if he is the last owner
Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Owned"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should see group "Guest" in group list
Then I should not see the "Leave" button for group "Owned"
Scenario: Guest should be able to leave from group
Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Guest"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should see group "Guest" in group list
When I click on the "Leave" button for group "Guest"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should not see group "Guest" in group list
Scenario: Guest should be able to leave from group even if he is the only user in the group
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should see group "Guest" in group list
When I click on the "Leave" button for group "Guest"
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
When I visit dashboard groups page
2014-09-02 14:37:02 +02:00
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should not see group "Guest" in group list
2015-04-26 09:18:37 +02:00
Scenario: Create a group from dasboard
And I visit dashboard groups page
And I click new group link
And submit form with new group "Samurai" info
Then I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page
And I should see newly created group "Samurai"