2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Adds a , to a string composed by numbers, at every 3 chars.
* 2333 -> 2,333
* 232324 -> 232,324
* @param {String} text
* @returns {String}
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
export const addDelimiter = text =>
(text ? text.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') : text);
2017-09-10 17:25:29 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Returns '99+' for numbers bigger than 99.
* @param {Number} count
* @return {Number|String}
export const highCountTrim = count => (count > 99 ? '99+' : count);
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Converts first char to uppercase and replaces undercores with spaces
* @param {String} string
* @requires {String}
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
export const humanize = string =>
string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.replace(/_/g, ' ').slice(1);
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Adds an 's' to the end of the string when count is bigger than 0
* @param {String} str
* @param {Number} count
* @returns {String}
export const pluralize = (str, count) => str + (count > 1 || count === 0 ? 's' : '');
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Replaces underscores with dashes
* @param {*} str
* @returns {String}
export const dasherize = str => str.replace(/[_\s]+/g, '-');
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Removes accents and converts to lower case
* @param {String} str
* @returns {String}
export const slugify = str => str.trim().toLowerCase();
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Truncates given text
* @param {String} string
* @param {Number} maxLength
* @returns {String}
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
export const truncate = (string, maxLength) => `${string.substr(0, maxLength - 3)}...`;
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
* Truncate SHA to 8 characters
* @param {String} sha
* @returns {String}
export const truncateSha = sha => sha.substr(0, 8);
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Capitalizes first character
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
export function capitalizeFirstCharacter(text) {
return `${text[0].toUpperCase()}${text.slice(1)}`;
2017-08-17 22:00:37 +05:30
2018-11-18 11:00:15 +05:30
* Returns the first character capitalized
* If falsey, returns empty string.
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
export function getFirstCharacterCapitalized(text) {
return text
? text.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
: '';
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Replaces all html tags from a string with the given replacement.
* @param {String} string
* @param {*} replace
* @returns {String}
2018-10-15 14:42:47 +05:30
export const stripHtml = (string, replace = '') => {
if (!string) return string;
return string.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, replace);
2016-09-13 17:45:13 +05:30
2018-03-17 18:26:18 +05:30
* Converts snake_case string to camelCase
* @param {*} string
export const convertToCamelCase = string => string.replace(/(_\w)/g, s => s[1].toUpperCase());
2018-05-09 12:01:36 +05:30
* Converts a sentence to lower case from the second word onwards
* e.g. Hello World => Hello world
* @param {*} string
export const convertToSentenceCase = string => {
const splitWord = string.split(' ').map((word, index) => (index > 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word));
return splitWord.join(' ');
2018-11-08 19:23:39 +05:30
* Splits camelCase or PascalCase words
* e.g. HelloWorld => Hello World
* @param {*} string
export const splitCamelCase = string => (
.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, ' $1 $2')
.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2')