- **Project milestones** can be assigned to issues or merge requests in that project only. Navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in a project to view the project milestone list.
- **Group milestones** can be assigned to any issue or merge request of any project in that group. Navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in a group to view the group milestone list.
- All milestones you have access to can also be viewed in the dashboard milestones list. Click on **Milestones** on the top navigation bar to view both project milestones and group milestones you have access to.
A permission level of `Developer` or higher is required to create milestones.
### New project milestone
To create a **project milestone**, navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in the project.
Click the **New milestone** button. Enter the title, an optional description, an optional start date, and an optional due date. Click **Create milestone** to create the milestone.
To create a **group milestone**, follow similar steps from above to project milestones. Navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in the group and create it from there.

A permission level of `Developer` or higher is required to edit milestones.
You can update a milestone by navigating to **Issues > Milestones** in the project or group and clicking the **Edit** button.
You can delete a milestone by clicking the **Delete** button.
### Promoting project milestones to group milestones
If you are expanding from a few projects to a larger number of projects within the same group, you may want to share the same milestone among multiple projects in the same group. If you previously created a project milestone and now want to make it available for other milestones, you can promote it to a group milestone.
From the project milestone list page, you can promote a project milestone to a group milestone. This will merge all project milestones across all projects in this group with the same name into a single group milestones. All issues and merge requests that previously were assigned one of these project milestones will now be assigned the new group milestones. This action cannot be reversed and the changes are permanent.
Not all features on the project milestone view are available on the group milestone view. If you promote a project milestone to a group milestone, you will lose these features. See [Milestone view](#milestone-view) to see which features are missing from the group milestone view.
Every issue and merge request can be assigned a milestone. The milestones are visible on every issue and merge request page, in the sidebar. They are also visible in the issue board. From the sidebar, you can assign or unassign a milestones to the object. You can also perform this as a [quick action](../quick_actions.md) in a comment. [As mentioned](#project-milestones-and-group-milestones), for a given issue or merge request, both project milestones and group milestones can be selected and assigned to the object.
## Filtering issues and merge requests by milestone
### Filtering in list pages
From the project issue/merge request list pages and the group issue/merge request list pages, you can [filter](../../search/index.md#issues-and-merge-requests) by both group milestones and project milestones.
### Filtering in issue boards
From [project issue boards](../issue_board.md), you can filter by both group milestones and project milestones in the [search and filter bar](../../search/index.md#issue-boards).
### Special milestone filters
When filtering by milestone, in addition to choosing a specific project milestone or group milestone, you can choose a special milestone filter.
- **Upcoming**: Show issues or merge requests that have been assigned the open milestone that has the next upcoming due date (i.e. nearest due date in the future).
- Percentage complete, which is calculated as number of closed issues plus number of closed/merged merge requests divided by total number issues and merge requests.
- The start date and due date.
- The total time spent on all issues that have the milestone assigned.