2015-12-23 02:04:40 +05:30
Feature: Group Milestones
Given I sign in as "John Doe"
And "John Doe" is owner of group "Owned"
Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone index page with no milestones
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I click on group milestones
Then I should see group milestones index page has no milestones
Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone index page with milestones
Given Group has projects with milestones
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I click on group milestones
Then I should see group milestones index page with milestones
Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone show page
Given Group has projects with milestones
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I click on group milestones
And I click on one group milestone
Then I should see group milestone with descriptions and expiry date
And I should see group milestone with all issues and MRs assigned to that milestone
Scenario: Create multiple milestones with one form
Given I visit group "Owned" milestones page
And I click new milestone button
And I fill milestone name
When I press create mileston button
Then milestone in each project should be created
2016-06-02 11:05:42 +05:30
Scenario: I should see Issues listed with labels
Given Group has projects with milestones
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I click on group milestones
And I click on one group milestone
Then I should see the "bug" label
And I should see the "feature" label
And I should see the project name in the Issue row
Scenario: I should see the Labels tab
Given Group has projects with milestones
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I click on group milestones
And I click on one group milestone
And I click on the "Labels" tab
Then I should see the list of labels