> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/169) in GitLab 11.8.
Error tracking allows developers to easily discover and view the errors that their application may be generating. By surfacing error information where the code is being developed, efficiency and awareness can be increased.
[Sentry](https://sentry.io/) is an open source error tracking system. GitLab allows administrators to connect Sentry to GitLab, to allow users to view a list of Sentry errors in GitLab.
You may sign up to the cloud hosted <https://sentry.io>, deploy your own [on-premise instance](https://docs.sentry.io/server/installation/) or use GitLab to [install Sentry to a Kubernetes cluster](../../clusters/applications.md#install-sentry-using-gitlab-cicd).
1. [Create](https://docs.sentry.io/guides/integrate-frontend/create-new-project/) a new Sentry project. For each GitLab project that you want to integrate, we recommend that you create a new Sentry project.
1. In the **Sentry API URL** field, enter your Sentry hostname. For example, enter `https://sentry.example.com` if this is the address at which your Sentry instance is available. For the SaaS version of Sentry, the hostname will be `https://sentry.io`.
You may also want to enable Sentry's GitLab integration by following the steps in the [Sentry documentation](https://docs.sentry.io/workflow/integrations/global-integrations/#gitlab)
You can find the Error Tracking list at **Operations > Error Tracking** in your project's sidebar.
Here, you can filter errors by title or by status (one of Ignored , Resolved, or Unresolved) and sort in descending order by Frequency, First Seen, or Last Seen. By default, the error list is ordered by Last Seen and filtered to Unresolved errors.
- A link to the GitLab commit if the Sentry [release id/version](https://docs.sentry.io/workflow/releases/?platform=javascript#configure-sdk) on the Sentry Issue's first release matches a commit SHA in your GitLab hosted project.
If you create a GitLab issue from the error, the **Create issue** button will change to a **View issue** button and a link to the GitLab issue will surface within the error detail section:

## Taking Action on errors
You can take action on Sentry Errors from within the GitLab UI.
### Ignoring errors
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/39665) in GitLab 12.7.
From within the [Error Details](#error-details) page you can ignore a Sentry error by simply clicking the **Ignore** button near the top of the page.
Ignoring an error will prevent it from appearing in the [Error Tracking List](#error-tracking-list), and will silence notifications that were set up within Sentry.
### Resolving errors
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/39825) in GitLab 12.7.
From within the [Error Details](#error-details) page you can resolve a Sentry error by
clicking the **Resolve** button near the top of the page.
Marking an error as resolved indicates that the error has stopped firing events. If a GitLab issue is linked to the error, then the issue will be closed.
If another event occurs, the error reverts to unresolved.