GitLab is a responsive experience that works well across all screen sizes, from mobile devices to large monitors. In order to provide a great user experience, the core functionality (browsing files, creating issues, writing comments, etc.) must be available at all resolutions. However, due to size limitations, some secondary functionality may be hidden on smaller screens. Please keep this functionality limited to rare actions that aren't expected to be needed on small devices.
## Typography
### Primary typeface
GitLab's main typeface used throughout the UI is **Source Sans Pro**. We support both the bold and regular weight.

This is the typeface used for code blocks and references to commits, branches, and tags (`.commit-sha` or `.ref-name`). GitLab uses the OS default font.
|  | Pointer cursor: used to indicate that you can click on an element to invoke a command or navigate, such as links and buttons |
|  | Move cursor: used to indicate that you can move an element around on the screen |
|  | Pan cursor (opened): indicates that you can grab and move the entire canvas, affecting what is seen in the view port. |
|  | Pan cursor (closed): indicates that you are actively panning the canvas. |
|  | I-beam cursor: indicates that this is either text that you can select and copy, or a text field that you can click into to enter text. |