For each stage there are learning goals and content to support the learning of the engineer.
The goal of this boot camp is to have every Service Engineer prepared to help our customers
with whatever needs they might have and to also assist our awesome community with their
Always start with the [University Overview](../ and then work
your way here for more advanced and specific training. Once you feel comfortable
with the topics of the current stage, move to the next.
### Stage 1
Follow the topics on the [University Overview](../, concentrate on it
during your first Stage, but also:
- Perform the [first steps]( of
the on-boarding process for new Service Engineers
#### Goals
Aim to have a good overview of the Product and main features, Git and the Company
### Stage 2
Continue to look over remaining portions of the [University Overview](../ and continue on to these topics:
#### Set up your development machine
Get your development machine ready to familiarize yourself with the codebase, the components, and to be prepared to reproduce issues that our users encounter
- Install the [GDK](
#### Become comfortable with the Installation processes that we support
It's important to understand how to install GitLab in the same way that our users do. Try installing different versions and upgrading and downgrading between them. Installation from source will give you a greater understanding of the components that we employ and how everything fits together.
Sometimes we need to upgrade customers from old versions of GitLab to latest, so it's good to get some experience of doing that now.
- [Backup using our Backup rake task](
- [Perform the MySQL to PostgreSQL migration to convert your backup](
- [Upgrade to Omnibus 7.14](
- [Restore backup using our Restore rake task](
#### Start to learn about some of the integrations that we support
Our integrations add great value to GitLab. User questions often relate to integrating GitLab with existing external services and the configuration involved
- Learn about our Integrations (specially, not only):
- Dive into our ZenDesk support process by reading how to [handle tickets](
- Start getting real world experience by handling real tickets, all the while gaining further experience with the Product.
- First, learn about our [Support Channels](
- Ask other Service Engineers for help, when necessary, and to review your responses
- Start with [StackOverflow]( and the [GitLab forum](
- Here you will find a large variety of queries mainly from our Users who are self hosting GitLab CE
- Understand the questions that are asked and dig in to try to find a solution
- [Proceed on to the Support Forum](
#### Learn about the Escalation process for tickets
Some tickets need specific knowledge or a deep understanding of a particular component and will need to be escalated to a Senior Service Engineer or Developer
- Read about [Escalation](
- Find the macros in Zendesk for ticket escalations
- Take a look at the [ Team page]( to find the resident experts in their fields
#### Learn about raising issues and fielding feature proposals
- Understand what's in the pipeline and proposed features at GitLab: [Direction Page](
- Practice searching issues and filtering using [labels]( to find existing feature proposals and bugs
- If raising a new issue always provide a relevant label and a link to the relevant ticket in Zendesk
- Add [customer labels]( for those issues relevant to our subscribers
- Take a look at the [existing issue templates]( to see what is expected
- Raise issues for bugs in a manner that would make the issue easily reproducible. A Developer or a contributor may work on your issue
#### Goals
- Aim to have a good understanding of the problems that customers are facing
- Aim to have gained experience in scheduling and participating in calls with customers
Move on to understanding some of GitLab's more advanced features. You can make use of to understand the features from an end-user perspective and then use your own instance to understand setup and configuration of the feature from an Administrative perspective
- Get to know the GitLab Codebase by reading through the source code:
- Find the differences between the [EE codebase](
and the [CE codebase](
- Ask as many questions as you can think of on the `#support` chat channel
#### Get initiated for on-call duty
- Read over the [public run-books to understand common tasks](
- Create an issue on the internal Organization tracker to schedule time with the DevOps / Production team, so that you learn how to handle going down. Once you are trained for this, you are ready to be added to the on-call rotation.