1. As soon as the build passes, your website will have been deployed with GitLab Pages. Your website URL will be available under your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Pages**
To turn a **project website** forked from the Pages group into a **user/group** website, you'll need to:
- Rename it to `namespace.gitlab.io`: navigate to **Project**'s **Settings** > **Edit Project** > **Rename repository**
- Adjust your SSG's [base URL](#urls-and-baseurls) to from `"project-name"` to `""`. This setting will be at a different place for each SSG, as each of them have their own structure and file tree. Most likelly, it will be in the SSG's config file.
> **Notes:**
>1. Why do I need to remove the fork relationship?
> Unless you want to contribute to the original project,
Every Static Site Generator (SSG) default configuration expects
to find your website under a (sub)domain (`example.com`), not
in a subdirectory of that domain (`example.com/subdir`). Therefore,
whenever you publish a project website (`namespace.gitlab.io/project-name`),
you'll have to look for this configuration (base URL) on your SSG's
documentation and set it up to reflect this pattern.
For example, for a Jekyll site, the `baseurl` is defined in the Jekyll
configuration file, `_config.yml`. If your website URL is
`https://john.gitlab.io/blog/`, you need to add this line to `_config.yml`:
baseurl: "/blog"
On the contrary, if you deploy your website after forking one of
our [default examples](https://gitlab.com/pages), the baseurl will
already be configured this way, as all examples there are project
websites. If you decide to make yours a user or group website, you'll
have to remove this configuration from your project. For the Jekyll
example we've just mentioned, you'd have to change Jekyll's `_config.yml` to:
baseurl: ""
### Custom Domains
GitLab Pages supports custom domains and subdomains, served under HTTPS or HTTPS.
Please check the [next part](getting_started_part_three.md) of this series for an overview.
|[**← Part 1: Static sites, domains, DNS records, and SSL/TLS certificates**](getting_started_part_one.md)|[**Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates →**](getting_started_part_three.md)|