- add_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Start the title with %{draft_snippet} or %{wip_snippet}%{link_end} to prevent a merge request that is a work in progress from being merged before it\'s ready.') % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_snippet: draft_snippet, wip_snippet: wip_snippet } ).html_safe
- remove_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Remove the %{draft_or_wip_snippet} prefix%{link_end} from the title to allow this merge request to be merged when it\'s ready.' ) % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_or_wip_snippet: draft_or_wip_snippet } ).html_safe