381 lines
17 KiB
381 lines
17 KiB
- if project_nav_tab? :issues
= nav_link(controller: @project.issues_enabled? ? ['projects/issues', :labels, :milestones, :boards, :iterations] : 'projects/issues') do
= link_to project_issues_path(@project), class: 'shortcuts-issues qa-issues-item' do
= sprite_icon('issues')
= _('Issues')
- if @project.issues_enabled?
= number_with_delimiter(@project.open_issues_count(current_user))
= nav_link(controller: 'projects/issues', action: :index, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to project_issues_path(@project) do
= _('Issues')
- if @project.issues_enabled?
= number_with_delimiter(@project.open_issues_count(current_user))
= nav_link(controller: :issues, action: :index) do
= link_to project_issues_path(@project), title: _('Issues') do
= _('List')
= nav_link(controller: :boards) do
= link_to project_boards_path(@project), title: boards_link_text, data: { qa_selector: "issue_boards_link" } do
= boards_link_text
= nav_link(controller: :labels) do
= link_to project_labels_path(@project), title: _('Labels'), class: 'qa-labels-link' do
= _('Labels')
= render 'projects/sidebar/issues_service_desk'
= nav_link(controller: :milestones) do
= link_to project_milestones_path(@project), title: _('Milestones'), class: 'qa-milestones-link' do
= _('Milestones')
= render_if_exists 'layouts/nav/sidebar/project_iterations_link'
- if project_nav_tab?(:external_issue_tracker)
- issue_tracker = @project.external_issue_tracker
- if issue_tracker.is_a?(JiraService) && project_jira_issues_integration?
= render_if_exists 'layouts/nav/sidebar/project_jira_issues_link', issue_tracker: issue_tracker
- else
= nav_link do
= link_to issue_tracker.issue_tracker_path, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', class: 'shortcuts-external_tracker' do
= sprite_icon('external-link')
= issue_tracker.title
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to issue_tracker.issue_tracker_path, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' do
= issue_tracker.title
- if (project_nav_tab? :labels) && !@project.issues_enabled?
= nav_link(controller: [:labels]) do
= link_to project_labels_path(@project), title: _('Labels'), class: 'shortcuts-labels qa-labels-items' do
= sprite_icon('label')
= _('Labels')
- if project_nav_tab? :merge_requests
= nav_link(controller: @project.issues_enabled? ? :merge_requests : [:merge_requests, :milestones]) do
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project), class: 'shortcuts-merge_requests', data: { qa_selector: 'merge_requests_link' } do
= sprite_icon('git-merge')
= _('Merge requests')
= number_with_delimiter(@project.open_merge_requests_count)
= nav_link(controller: :merge_requests, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to project_merge_requests_path(@project) do
= _('Merge requests')
= number_with_delimiter(@project.open_merge_requests_count)
= render_if_exists "layouts/nav/requirements_link", project: @project
- if project_nav_tab? :pipelines
= nav_link(controller: [:pipelines, :builds, :jobs, :pipeline_schedules, :artifacts, :test_cases, :pipeline_editor], unless: -> { current_path?('projects/pipelines#charts') }) do
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project), class: 'shortcuts-pipelines qa-link-pipelines rspec-link-pipelines', data: { qa_selector: 'ci_cd_link' } do
= sprite_icon('rocket')
= _('CI/CD')
= nav_link(controller: [:pipelines, :builds, :jobs, :pipeline_schedules, :artifacts, :test_cases, :pipeline_editor], html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" }) do
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project) do
= _('CI/CD')
- if project_nav_tab? :pipelines
= nav_link(path: ['pipelines#index', 'pipelines#show']) do
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project), title: _('Pipelines'), class: 'shortcuts-pipelines' do
= _('Pipelines')
- if can_view_pipeline_editor?(@project)
= nav_link(controller: :pipeline_editor, action: :show) do
= link_to project_ci_pipeline_editor_path(@project), title: s_('Pipelines|Editor') do
= s_('Pipelines|Editor')
- if project_nav_tab? :builds
= nav_link(controller: :jobs) do
= link_to project_jobs_path(@project), title: _('Jobs'), class: 'shortcuts-builds' do
= _('Jobs')
- if Feature.enabled?(:artifacts_management_page, @project)
= nav_link(controller: :artifacts, action: :index) do
= link_to project_artifacts_path(@project), title: _('Artifacts'), class: 'shortcuts-builds' do
= _('Artifacts')
- if project_nav_tab?(:pipelines)
= nav_link(controller: :pipeline_schedules) do
= link_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project), title: _('Schedules'), class: 'shortcuts-builds' do
= _('Schedules')
= render_if_exists "layouts/nav/test_cases_link", project: @project
- if project_nav_tab? :security_and_compliance
= render_if_exists 'layouts/nav/sidebar/project_security_link' # EE-specific
- if project_nav_tab? :operations
= nav_link(controller: sidebar_operations_paths) do
= link_to sidebar_operations_link_path, class: 'shortcuts-operations', data: { qa_selector: 'operations_link' } do
= sprite_icon('cloud-gear')
= _('Operations')
= nav_link(controller: sidebar_operations_paths, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to sidebar_operations_link_path do
= _('Operations')
- if project_nav_tab? :metrics_dashboards
= nav_link(controller: :metrics_dashboard, action: [:show]) do
= link_to project_metrics_dashboard_path(@project), title: _('Metrics'), class: 'shortcuts-metrics', data: { qa_selector: 'operations_metrics_link' } do
= _('Metrics')
- if project_nav_tab?(:environments) && can?(current_user, :read_pod_logs, @project)
= nav_link(controller: :logs, action: [:index]) do
= link_to project_logs_path(@project), title: _('Logs') do
= _('Logs')
- if project_nav_tab? :environments
= render "layouts/nav/sidebar/tracing_link"
- if project_nav_tab?(:error_tracking)
= nav_link(controller: :error_tracking) do
= link_to project_error_tracking_index_path(@project), title: _('Error Tracking') do
= _('Error Tracking')
- if project_nav_tab?(:alert_management)
= nav_link(controller: :alert_management) do
= link_to project_alert_management_index_path(@project), title: _('Alerts') do
= _('Alerts')
- if project_nav_tab?(:incidents)
= nav_link(controller: :incidents) do
= link_to project_incidents_path(@project), title: _('Incidents'), data: { qa_selector: 'operations_incidents_link' } do
= _('Incidents')
= render_if_exists 'projects/sidebar/oncall_schedules'
- if project_nav_tab? :serverless
= nav_link(controller: :functions) do
= link_to project_serverless_functions_path(@project), title: _('Serverless') do
= _('Serverless')
- if project_nav_tab? :terraform
= nav_link(controller: :terraform) do
= link_to project_terraform_index_path(@project), title: _('Terraform') do
= _('Terraform')
- if project_nav_tab? :clusters
- show_cluster_hint = show_gke_cluster_integration_callout?(@project)
= nav_link(controller: [:cluster_agents, :clusters]) do
= link_to project_clusters_path(@project), title: _('Kubernetes'), class: 'shortcuts-kubernetes' do
= _('Kubernetes')
- if show_cluster_hint
.js-feature-highlight{ disabled: true,
data: { trigger: 'manual',
container: 'body',
placement: 'right',
highlight: UserCalloutsHelper::GKE_CLUSTER_INTEGRATION,
highlight_priority: UserCallout.feature_names[:GKE_CLUSTER_INTEGRATION],
dismiss_endpoint: user_callouts_path,
auto_devops_help_path: help_page_path('topics/autodevops/index.md') } }
- if project_nav_tab? :environments
= nav_link(controller: :environments, action: [:index, :folder, :show, :new, :edit, :create, :update, :stop, :terminal]) do
= link_to project_environments_path(@project), title: _('Environments'), class: 'shortcuts-environments qa-operations-environments-link' do
= _('Environments')
- if project_nav_tab? :feature_flags
= nav_link(controller: :feature_flags) do
= link_to project_feature_flags_path(@project), title: _('Feature Flags'), class: 'shortcuts-feature-flags' do
= _('Feature Flags')
- if project_nav_tab?(:product_analytics)
= nav_link(controller: :product_analytics) do
= link_to project_product_analytics_path(@project), title: _('Product Analytics') do
= _('Product Analytics')
= render_if_exists 'layouts/nav/sidebar/project_packages_link'
- if project_nav_tab? :analytics
= render 'layouts/nav/sidebar/analytics_links', links: project_analytics_navbar_links(@project, current_user)
- if project_nav_tab?(:confluence)
- confluence_url = project_wikis_confluence_path(@project)
= nav_link do
= link_to confluence_url, class: 'shortcuts-confluence' do
= image_tag 'confluence.svg', alt: _('Confluence')
= _('Confluence')
= nav_link(html_options: { class: 'fly-out-top-item' } ) do
= link_to confluence_url, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' do
= _('Confluence')
- if project_nav_tab? :wiki
= render 'layouts/nav/sidebar/wiki_link', wiki_url: wiki_path(@project.wiki)
- if project_nav_tab?(:external_wiki)
- external_wiki_url = @project.external_wiki.external_wiki_url
= nav_link do
= link_to external_wiki_url, class: 'shortcuts-external_wiki' do
= sprite_icon('external-link')
= s_('ExternalWikiService|External wiki')
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to external_wiki_url do
= s_('ExternalWikiService|External wiki')
- if project_nav_tab? :snippets
= nav_link(controller: :snippets) do
= link_to project_snippets_path(@project), class: 'shortcuts-snippets', data: { qa_selector: 'snippets_link' } do
= sprite_icon('snippet')
= _('Snippets')
= nav_link(controller: :snippets, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to project_snippets_path(@project) do
= _('Snippets')
= nav_link(controller: :project_members) do
= link_to project_project_members_path(@project), title: _('Members'), class: 'qa-members-link', id: 'js-onboarding-members-link' do
= sprite_icon('users')
= _('Members')
= nav_link(path: %w[members#show], html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to project_project_members_path(@project) do
= _('Members')
- if project_nav_tab? :settings
= nav_link(path: sidebar_settings_paths) do
= link_to edit_project_path(@project) do
= sprite_icon('settings')
= _('Settings')
- can_edit = can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project)
- if can_edit
= nav_link(path: sidebar_settings_paths, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to edit_project_path(@project) do
= _('Settings')
= nav_link(path: %w[projects#edit]) do
= link_to edit_project_path(@project), title: _('General'), class: 'qa-general-settings-link' do
= _('General')
- if can_edit
= nav_link(controller: [:integrations, :services]) do
= link_to project_settings_integrations_path(@project), title: _('Integrations'), data: { qa_selector: 'integrations_settings_link' } do
= _('Integrations')
= nav_link(controller: [:hooks, :hook_logs]) do
= link_to project_hooks_path(@project), title: _('Webhooks'), data: { qa_selector: 'webhooks_settings_link' } do
= _('Webhooks')
- if can?(current_user, :read_resource_access_tokens, @project)
= nav_link(controller: [:access_tokens]) do
= link_to project_settings_access_tokens_path(@project), title: _('Access Tokens'), data: { qa_selector: 'access_tokens_settings_link' } do
= _('Access Tokens')
= nav_link(controller: :repository) do
= link_to project_settings_repository_path(@project), title: _('Repository') do
= _('Repository')
- if !@project.archived? && @project.feature_available?(:builds, current_user)
= nav_link(controller: :ci_cd) do
= link_to project_settings_ci_cd_path(@project), title: _('CI/CD') do
= _('CI/CD')
- if settings_operations_available?
= nav_link(controller: [:operations]) do
= link_to project_settings_operations_path(@project), title: _('Operations'), data: { qa_selector: 'operations_settings_link' } do
= _('Operations')
- if @project.pages_available?
= nav_link(controller: :pages) do
= link_to project_pages_path(@project), title: _('Pages') do
= _('Pages')
-# Shortcut to Project > Activity
= link_to activity_project_path(@project), title: _('Activity'), class: 'shortcuts-project-activity' do
= _('Activity')
-# Shortcut to Repository > Graph (formerly, Network)
- if project_nav_tab? :network
= link_to project_network_path(@project, current_ref), title: _('Network'), class: 'shortcuts-network' do
= _('Graph')
-# Shortcut to Issues > New Issue
- if project_nav_tab?(:issues)
= link_to new_project_issue_path(@project), class: 'shortcuts-new-issue' do
= _('Create a new issue')
-# Shortcut to Pipelines > Jobs
- if project_nav_tab? :builds
= link_to project_jobs_path(@project), title: _('Jobs'), class: 'shortcuts-builds' do
= _('Jobs')
-# Shortcut to commits page
- if project_nav_tab? :commits
= link_to project_commits_path(@project), title: _('Commits'), class: 'shortcuts-commits' do
= _('Commits')
-# Shortcut to issue boards
- if project_nav_tab?(:issues)
= link_to _('Issue Boards'), project_boards_path(@project), title: _('Issue Boards'), class: 'shortcuts-issue-boards'