close_button_class: 'js-close-2fa-enabled-success-alert' do
= s_('Import|A repository URL usually ends in a .git suffix, although this is not required. Double check to make sure your repository URL is correct.')
= html_escape(_('The repository must be accessible over %{code_open}http://%{code_close}, %{code_open}https://%{code_close} or %{code_open}git://%{code_close}.')) % { code_open: '<code>'.html_safe, code_close: '</code>'.html_safe }
%li= html_escape(_('When using the %{code_open}http://%{code_close} or %{code_open}https://%{code_close} protocols, please provide the exact URL to the repository. HTTP redirects will not be followed.')) % { code_open: '<code>'.html_safe, code_close: '</code>'.html_safe }