info: "See the Technical Writers assigned to Development Guidelines:"
Developers are required to use feature flags for changes that could affect availability of existing GitLab functionality (if it only affects the new feature you're making that is probably acceptable).
Such changes include:
1. New features in high traffic areas (e.g. a new merge request widget, new option in issues/epics, new CI functionality).
1. Complex performance improvements that may require additional testing in production (e.g. rewriting complex queries, changes to frequently used API endpoints).
1. Invasive changes to the user interface (e.g. introducing a new navigation bar, removal of a sidebar, UI element change in issues or MR interface).
1. Introducing dependencies on third-party services (e.g. adding support for importing projects).
1. Changes to features that can cause data corruption or cause data loss (e.g. features processing repository data or user uploaded content).
Situations where you might consider not using a feature flag:
1. Adding a new API endpoint
1. Introducing new features in low traffic areas (e.g. adding a new export functionality in the admin area/group settings/project settings)
1. Non-invasive frontend changes (e.g. changing the color of a button, or moving a UI element in a low traffic area)
In all cases, those working on the changes should ask themselves:
> Why do I need to add a feature flag? If I don't add one, what options do I have to control the impact on application reliability, and user experience?
In case you are uncertain if a feature flag is necessary, simply ask about this in an early merge request, and those reviewing the changes will likely provide you with an answer.