@ECHO off :: This script relies on nssm.exe to work. :: Please, download it and make it available on the system path, :: or copy it to the gogs path. :: https://nssm.cc/download :: This script itself should run in the gogs path, too. :: In case of startup failure, please read carefully the log file. :: Make sure Gitea work running manually with "gogs web" before running :: this script. :: And, please, read carefully the installation docs first: :: https://gogs.io/docs/installation :: To unistall the service, run "nssm remove gogs" and restart Windows. :: Set the folder where you extracted Gitea. Omit the last slash. SET gogspath=C:\gogs nssm install gogs "%gogspath%\gogs.exe" nssm set gogs AppParameters "web" nssm set gogs Description "A painless self-hosted Git service." nssm set gogs DisplayName "Gitea - Git with a cup of tea" nssm set gogs Start SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START nssm set gogs AppStdout "%gogspath%\gogs.log" nssm start gogs pause