#!/bin/sh set -ex : ${DOCKER_HOST:=unix:///var/run/docker.sock} : ${ARCHS:=amd64 arm64} : ${INTEGRATION_USER:=forgejo-integration} : ${INTEGRATION_IMAGE:=codeberg.org/$INTEGRATION_USER/forgejo} : ${TAG:=${CI_COMMIT_TAG##v}} : ${SHORT_TAG=${TAG%.*-*}} : ${DOMAIN:=codeberg.org} : ${VERIFY:=true} VERIFY_COMMAND='gitea --version' VERIFY_STRING='built with' publish() { for suffix in '' '-rootless' ; do images="" for arch in $ARCHS ; do # # Get the image from the integration user # image=$(image_name $INTEGRATION_USER $suffix) docker pull --platform linux/$arch $image # # Verify it is usable # if $VERIFY ; then docker run --platform linux/$arch --rm $image $VERIFY_COMMAND | grep "$VERIFY_STRING" fi # # Push the image with a tag reflecting the architecture to the repo owner # arch_image=$(arch_image_name $CI_REPO_OWNER $arch $suffix) docker tag $image $arch_image docker push $arch_image images="$images $arch_image" done # # Push a manifest with all the architectures to the repo owner # manifest=$(image_name $CI_REPO_OWNER $suffix) docker manifest rm $manifest || true docker manifest create $manifest $images image_put $CI_REPO_OWNER $(image_tag $suffix) $manifest image_put $CI_REPO_OWNER $(short_image_tag $suffix) $manifest # # Sanity check to ensure the manifest that are published can actualy # be used. # for arch in $ARCHS ; do docker pull --platform linux/$arch $(image_name $CI_REPO_OWNER $suffix) docker pull --platform linux/$arch $(short_image_name $CI_REPO_OWNER $suffix) done done } boot() { if docker version ; then return fi apk --update --no-cache add coredns jq curl ( echo ".:53 {" ; echo " forward . /etc/resolv.conf"; echo "}" ) > /etc/coredns/Corefile coredns -conf /etc/coredns/Corefile & /usr/local/bin/dockerd --data-root /var/lib/docker --host=$DOCKER_HOST --dns & for i in $(seq 60) ; do docker version && break sleep 1 done docker version || exit 1 } authenticate() { echo "$RELEASETEAMTOKEN" | docker login --password-stdin --username "$RELEASETEAMUSER" $DOMAIN token=$(curl -u$RELEASETEAMUSER:$RELEASETEAMTOKEN -sS https://$DOMAIN/v2/token | jq --raw-output .token) } image_put() { docker manifest inspect $3 > /tmp/manifest.json curl -sS -H "Authorization: token $token" -X PUT --data-binary @/tmp/manifest.json https://$DOMAIN/v2/$1/forgejo/manifests/$2 } main() { boot authenticate publish } image_name() { echo $DOMAIN/$1/forgejo:$(image_tag $2) } image_tag() { echo $TAG$1 } short_image_name() { echo $DOMAIN/$1/forgejo:$(short_image_tag $2) } short_image_tag() { echo $SHORT_TAG$1 } arch_image_name() { echo $DOMAIN/$1/forgejo:$(arch_image_tag $2 $3) } arch_image_tag() { echo $TAG-$1$2 } ${@:-main}