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2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
Package couchbase provides a smart client for go.
client, err := couchbase.Connect("http://myserver:8091/")
pool, err := client.GetPool("default")
bucket, err := pool.GetBucket("MyAwesomeBucket")
or a shortcut for the bucket directly
bucket, err := couchbase.GetBucket("http://myserver:8091/", "default", "default")
in any case, you can specify authentication credentials using
standard URL userinfo syntax:
b, err := couchbase.GetBucket("http://bucketname:bucketpass@myserver:8091/",
"default", "bucket")
package couchbase
import (
"" // package name is 'memcached'
// Mutation Token
type MutationToken struct {
VBid uint16 // vbucket id
Guard uint64 // vbuuid
Value uint64 // sequence number
// Maximum number of times to retry a chunk of a bulk get on error.
var MaxBulkRetries = 5000
var backOffDuration time.Duration = 100 * time.Millisecond
var MaxBackOffRetries = 25 // exponentail backOff result in over 30sec (25*13*0.1s)
// If this is set to a nonzero duration, Do() and ViewCustom() will log a warning if the call
// takes longer than that.
var SlowServerCallWarningThreshold time.Duration
func slowLog(startTime time.Time, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if elapsed := time.Now().Sub(startTime); elapsed > SlowServerCallWarningThreshold {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
caller := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
logging.Infof("go-couchbase: "+format+" in "+caller+" took "+elapsed.String(), args...)
// Return true if error is KEY_ENOENT. Required by cbq-engine
func IsKeyEExistsError(err error) bool {
res, ok := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse)
if ok && res.Status == gomemcached.KEY_EEXISTS {
return true
return false
// Return true if error is KEY_ENOENT. Required by cbq-engine
func IsKeyNoEntError(err error) bool {
res, ok := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse)
if ok && res.Status == gomemcached.KEY_ENOENT {
return true
return false
// Return true if error suggests a bucket refresh is required. Required by cbq-engine
func IsRefreshRequired(err error) bool {
res, ok := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse)
if ok && (res.Status == gomemcached.NO_BUCKET || res.Status == gomemcached.NOT_MY_VBUCKET) {
return true
return false
// Return true if a collection is not known. Required by cbq-engine
func IsUnknownCollection(err error) bool {
res, ok := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse)
if ok && (res.Status == gomemcached.UNKNOWN_COLLECTION) {
return true
return false
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// ClientOpCallback is called for each invocation of Do.
var ClientOpCallback func(opname, k string, start time.Time, err error)
// Do executes a function on a memcached connection to the node owning key "k"
// Note that this automatically handles transient errors by replaying
// your function on a "not-my-vbucket" error, so don't assume
// your command will only be executed only once.
func (b *Bucket) Do(k string, f func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error) (err error) {
return b.Do2(k, f, true)
func (b *Bucket) Do2(k string, f func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error, deadline bool) (err error) {
if SlowServerCallWarningThreshold > 0 {
defer slowLog(time.Now(), "call to Do(%q)", k)
vb := b.VBHash(k)
maxTries := len(b.Nodes()) * 2
for i := 0; i < maxTries; i++ {
conn, pool, err := b.getConnectionToVBucket(vb)
if err != nil {
if isConnError(err) && backOff(i, maxTries, backOffDuration, true) {
return err
if deadline && DefaultTimeout > 0 {
conn.SetDeadline(getDeadline(noDeadline, DefaultTimeout))
} else {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
err = f(conn, uint16(vb))
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
var retry bool
discard := isOutOfBoundsError(err)
// MB-30967 / MB-31001 implement back off for transient errors
if resp, ok := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse); ok {
switch resp.Status {
case gomemcached.NOT_MY_VBUCKET:
// MB-28842: in case of NMVB, check if the node is still part of the map
// and ditch the connection if it isn't.
discard = b.checkVBmap(pool.Node())
retry = true
case gomemcached.NOT_SUPPORTED:
discard = true
retry = true
case gomemcached.ENOMEM:
case gomemcached.TMPFAIL:
retry = backOff(i, maxTries, backOffDuration, true)
retry = false
} else if err != nil && isConnError(err) && backOff(i, maxTries, backOffDuration, true) {
retry = true
if discard {
} else {
if !retry {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unable to complete action after %v attemps", maxTries)
type GatheredStats struct {
Server string
Stats map[string]string
Err error
func getStatsParallel(sn string, b *Bucket, offset int, which string,
ch chan<- GatheredStats) {
pool := b.getConnPool(offset)
var gatheredStats GatheredStats
conn, err := pool.Get()
defer func() {
ch <- gatheredStats
if err != nil {
gatheredStats = GatheredStats{Server: sn, Err: err}
} else {
conn.SetDeadline(getDeadline(time.Time{}, DefaultTimeout))
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
sm, err := conn.StatsMap(which)
gatheredStats = GatheredStats{Server: sn, Stats: sm, Err: err}
// GetStats gets a set of stats from all servers.
// Returns a map of server ID -> map of stat key to map value.
func (b *Bucket) GetStats(which string) map[string]map[string]string {
rv := map[string]map[string]string{}
for server, gs := range b.GatherStats(which) {
if len(gs.Stats) > 0 {
rv[server] = gs.Stats
return rv
// GatherStats returns a map of server ID -> GatheredStats from all servers.
func (b *Bucket) GatherStats(which string) map[string]GatheredStats {
vsm := b.VBServerMap()
if vsm.ServerList == nil {
return nil
// Go grab all the things at once.
ch := make(chan GatheredStats, len(vsm.ServerList))
for i, sn := range vsm.ServerList {
go getStatsParallel(sn, b, i, which, ch)
// Gather the results
rv := map[string]GatheredStats{}
for range vsm.ServerList {
gs := <-ch
rv[gs.Server] = gs
return rv
// Get bucket count through the bucket stats
func (b *Bucket) GetCount(refresh bool, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (count int64, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if refresh {
var cnt int64
if len(context) > 0 {
key := fmt.Sprintf("collections-byid 0x%x", context[0].CollId)
resKey := ""
for _, gs := range b.GatherStats(key) {
if len(gs.Stats) > 0 {
// the key encodes the scope and collection id
// we don't have the scope id, so we have to find it...
if resKey == "" {
for k, _ := range gs.Stats {
resKey = strings.TrimRightFunc(k, func(r rune) bool {
return r != ':'
}) + "items"
cnt, err = strconv.ParseInt(gs.Stats[resKey], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
count += cnt
} else if gs.Err != nil {
return 0, gs.Err
} else {
for _, gs := range b.GatherStats("") {
if len(gs.Stats) > 0 {
cnt, err = strconv.ParseInt(gs.Stats["curr_items"], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
count += cnt
} else if gs.Err != nil {
return 0, gs.Err
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return count, nil
// Get bucket document size through the bucket stats
func (b *Bucket) GetSize(refresh bool, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (size int64, err error) {
if refresh {
var sz int64
if len(context) > 0 {
key := fmt.Sprintf("collections-byid 0x%x", context[0].CollId)
resKey := ""
for _, gs := range b.GatherStats(key) {
if len(gs.Stats) > 0 {
// the key encodes the scope and collection id
// we don't have the scope id, so we have to find it...
if resKey == "" {
for k, _ := range gs.Stats {
resKey = strings.TrimRightFunc(k, func(r rune) bool {
return r != ':'
}) + "disk_size"
sz, err = strconv.ParseInt(gs.Stats[resKey], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
size += sz
} else if gs.Err != nil {
return 0, gs.Err
} else {
for _, gs := range b.GatherStats("") {
if len(gs.Stats) > 0 {
sz, err = strconv.ParseInt(gs.Stats["ep_value_size"], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
size += sz
} else if gs.Err != nil {
return 0, gs.Err
return size, nil
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
func isAuthError(err error) bool {
estr := err.Error()
return strings.Contains(estr, "Auth failure")
func IsReadTimeOutError(err error) bool {
estr := err.Error()
return strings.Contains(estr, "read tcp") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "i/o timeout")
func isTimeoutError(err error) bool {
estr := err.Error()
return strings.Contains(estr, "i/o timeout") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "connection timed out") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "no route to host")
// Errors that are not considered fatal for our fetch loop
func isConnError(err error) bool {
if err == io.EOF {
return true
estr := err.Error()
return strings.Contains(estr, "broken pipe") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "connection reset") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "connection refused") ||
strings.Contains(estr, "connection pool is closed")
func isOutOfBoundsError(err error) bool {
return err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Out of Bounds error")
func getDeadline(reqDeadline time.Time, duration time.Duration) time.Time {
if reqDeadline.IsZero() {
if duration > 0 {
return time.Unix(time.Now().Unix(), 0).Add(duration)
} else {
return noDeadline
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return reqDeadline
func backOff(attempt, maxAttempts int, duration time.Duration, exponential bool) bool {
if attempt < maxAttempts {
// 0th attempt return immediately
if attempt > 0 {
if exponential {
duration = time.Duration(attempt) * duration
return true
return false
func (b *Bucket) doBulkGet(vb uint16, keys []string, reqDeadline time.Time,
ch chan<- map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse, ech chan<- error, subPaths []string,
eStatus *errorStatus, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if SlowServerCallWarningThreshold > 0 {
defer slowLog(time.Now(), "call to doBulkGet(%d, %d keys)", vb, len(keys))
attempts := 0
backOffAttempts := 0
done := false
bname := b.Name
for ; attempts < MaxBulkRetries && !done && !eStatus.errStatus; attempts++ {
if len(b.VBServerMap().VBucketMap) < int(vb) {
err := fmt.Errorf("vbmap smaller than requested for %v", bname)
logging.Errorf("go-couchbase: %v vb %d vbmap len %d", err.Error(), vb, len(b.VBServerMap().VBucketMap))
ech <- err
masterID := b.VBServerMap().VBucketMap[vb][0]
if masterID < 0 {
// fatal
err := fmt.Errorf("No master node available for %v vb %d", bname, vb)
logging.Errorf("%v", err.Error())
ech <- err
// This stack frame exists to ensure we can clean up
// connection at a reasonable time.
err := func() error {
pool := b.getConnPool(masterID)
conn, err := pool.Get()
if err != nil {
if isAuthError(err) || isTimeoutError(err) {
logging.Errorf("Fatal Error %v : %v", bname, err)
ech <- err
return err
} else if isConnError(err) {
if !backOff(backOffAttempts, MaxBackOffRetries, backOffDuration, true) {
logging.Errorf("Connection Error %v : %v", bname, err)
ech <- err
return err
logging.Infof("Pool Get returned %v: %v", bname, err)
// retry
return nil
conn.SetDeadline(getDeadline(reqDeadline, DefaultTimeout))
err = conn.GetBulk(vb, keys, rv, subPaths, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
discard := false
defer func() {
if discard {
} else {
switch err.(type) {
case *gomemcached.MCResponse:
notSMaxTries := len(b.Nodes()) * 2
st := err.(*gomemcached.MCResponse).Status
if st == gomemcached.NOT_MY_VBUCKET || (st == gomemcached.NOT_SUPPORTED && attempts < notSMaxTries) {
discard = b.checkVBmap(pool.Node())
return nil // retry
} else if st == gomemcached.EBUSY || st == gomemcached.LOCKED {
if (attempts % (MaxBulkRetries / 100)) == 0 {
logging.Infof("Retrying Memcached error (%v) FOR %v(vbid:%d, keys:<ud>%v</ud>)",
err.Error(), bname, vb, keys)
return nil // retry
} else if (st == gomemcached.ENOMEM || st == gomemcached.TMPFAIL) && backOff(backOffAttempts, MaxBackOffRetries, backOffDuration, true) {
// MB-30967 / MB-31001 use backoff for TMPFAIL too
logging.Infof("Retrying Memcached error (%v) FOR %v(vbid:%d, keys:<ud>%v</ud>)",
err.Error(), bname, vb, keys)
return nil // retry
ech <- err
return err
case error:
if isOutOfBoundsError(err) {
// We got an out of bound error, retry the operation
discard = true
return nil
} else if isConnError(err) && backOff(backOffAttempts, MaxBackOffRetries, backOffDuration, true) {
logging.Errorf("Connection Error: %s. Refreshing bucket %v (vbid:%v,keys:<ud>%v</ud>)",
err.Error(), bname, vb, keys)
discard = true
return nil // retry
ech <- err
ch <- rv
return err
done = true
return nil
if err != nil {
if attempts >= MaxBulkRetries {
err := fmt.Errorf("bulkget exceeded MaxBulkRetries for %v(vbid:%d,keys:<ud>%v</ud>)", bname, vb, keys)
logging.Errorf("%v", err.Error())
ech <- err
ch <- rv
type errorStatus struct {
errStatus bool
type vbBulkGet struct {
b *Bucket
ch chan<- map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse
ech chan<- error
k uint16
keys []string
reqDeadline time.Time
wg *sync.WaitGroup
subPaths []string
groupError *errorStatus
context []*memcached.ClientContext
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
const _NUM_CHANNELS = 5
var _NUM_CHANNEL_WORKERS = (runtime.NumCPU() + 1) / 2
var DefaultDialTimeout = time.Duration(0)
var DefaultTimeout = time.Duration(0)
var noDeadline = time.Time{}
// Buffer 4k requests per worker
var _VB_BULK_GET_CHANNELS []chan *vbBulkGet
func InitBulkGet() {
DefaultDialTimeout = 20 * time.Second
DefaultTimeout = 120 * time.Second
_VB_BULK_GET_CHANNELS = make([]chan *vbBulkGet, _NUM_CHANNELS)
for i := 0; i < _NUM_CHANNELS; i++ {
channel := make(chan *vbBulkGet, 16*1024*_NUM_CHANNEL_WORKERS)
_VB_BULK_GET_CHANNELS[i] = channel
for j := 0; j < _NUM_CHANNEL_WORKERS; j++ {
go vbBulkGetWorker(channel)
func vbBulkGetWorker(ch chan *vbBulkGet) {
defer func() {
// Workers cannot panic and die
go vbBulkGetWorker(ch)
for vbg := range ch {
func vbDoBulkGet(vbg *vbBulkGet) {
defer vbg.wg.Done()
defer func() {
// Workers cannot panic and die
vbg.b.doBulkGet(vbg.k, vbg.keys, vbg.reqDeadline,, vbg.ech, vbg.subPaths, vbg.groupError, vbg.context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
var _ERR_CHAN_FULL = fmt.Errorf("Data request queue full, aborting query.")
func (b *Bucket) processBulkGet(kdm map[uint16][]string, reqDeadline time.Time,
ch chan<- map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse, ech chan<- error, subPaths []string,
eStatus *errorStatus, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
defer close(ch)
defer close(ech)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for k, keys := range kdm {
// GetBulk() group has error donot Queue items for this group
if eStatus.errStatus {
vbg := &vbBulkGet{
b: b,
ch: ch,
ech: ech,
k: k,
keys: keys,
reqDeadline: reqDeadline,
wg: wg,
subPaths: subPaths,
groupError: eStatus,
context: context,
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Random int
// Right shift to avoid 8-byte alignment, and take low bits
c := (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vbg)) >> 4) % _NUM_CHANNELS
select {
case _VB_BULK_GET_CHANNELS[c] <- vbg:
// No-op
// Buffer full, abandon the bulk get
// Wait for my vb bulk gets
type multiError []error
func (m multiError) Error() string {
if len(m) == 0 {
panic("Error of none")
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v errors, starting with %v}", len(m), m[0].Error())
// Convert a stream of errors from ech into a multiError (or nil) and
// send down eout.
// At least one send is guaranteed on eout, but two is possible, so
// buffer the out channel appropriately.
func errorCollector(ech <-chan error, eout chan<- error, eStatus *errorStatus) {
defer func() { eout <- nil }()
var errs multiError
for e := range ech {
if !eStatus.errStatus && !IsKeyNoEntError(e) {
eStatus.errStatus = true
errs = append(errs, e)
if len(errs) > 0 {
eout <- errs
// Fetches multiple keys concurrently, with []byte values
// This is a wrapper around GetBulk which converts all values returned
// by GetBulk from raw memcached responses into []byte slices.
// Returns one document for duplicate keys
func (b *Bucket) GetBulkRaw(keys []string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (map[string][]byte, error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
resp, eout := b.getBulk(keys, noDeadline, nil, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
rv := make(map[string][]byte, len(keys))
for k, av := range resp {
rv[k] = av.Body
return rv, eout
// GetBulk fetches multiple keys concurrently.
// Unlike more convenient GETs, the entire response is returned in the
// map array for each key. Keys that were not found will not be included in
// the map.
func (b *Bucket) GetBulk(keys []string, reqDeadline time.Time, subPaths []string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse, error) {
return b.getBulk(keys, reqDeadline, subPaths, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
func (b *Bucket) ReleaseGetBulkPools(rv map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse) {
func (b *Bucket) getBulk(keys []string, reqDeadline time.Time, subPaths []string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse, error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
kdm := _VB_STRING_POOL.Get()
defer _VB_STRING_POOL.Put(kdm)
for _, k := range keys {
if k != "" {
vb := uint16(b.VBHash(k))
a, ok1 := kdm[vb]
if !ok1 {
a = _STRING_POOL.Get()
kdm[vb] = append(a, k)
eout := make(chan error, 2)
groupErrorStatus := &errorStatus{}
// processBulkGet will own both of these channels and
// guarantee they're closed before it returns.
ch := make(chan map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse)
ech := make(chan error)
go errorCollector(ech, eout, groupErrorStatus)
go b.processBulkGet(kdm, reqDeadline, ch, ech, subPaths, groupErrorStatus, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
var rv map[string]*gomemcached.MCResponse
for m := range ch {
if rv == nil {
rv = m
for k, v := range m {
rv[k] = v
return rv, <-eout
// WriteOptions is the set of option flags availble for the Write
// method. They are ORed together to specify the desired request.
type WriteOptions int
const (
// Raw specifies that the value is raw []byte or nil; don't
// JSON-encode it.
Raw = WriteOptions(1 << iota)
// AddOnly indicates an item should only be written if it
// doesn't exist, otherwise ErrKeyExists is returned.
// Persist causes the operation to block until the server
// confirms the item is persisted.
// Indexable causes the operation to block until it's availble via the index.
// Append indicates the given value should be appended to the
// existing value for the given key.
var optNames = []struct {
opt WriteOptions
name string
{Raw, "raw"},
{AddOnly, "addonly"}, {Persist, "persist"},
{Indexable, "indexable"}, {Append, "append"},
// String representation of WriteOptions
func (w WriteOptions) String() string {
f := []string{}
for _, on := range optNames {
if w&on.opt != 0 {
f = append(f,
w &= ^on.opt
if len(f) == 0 || w != 0 {
f = append(f, fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", int(w)))
return strings.Join(f, "|")
// Error returned from Write with AddOnly flag, when key already exists in the bucket.
var ErrKeyExists = errors.New("key exists")
// General-purpose value setter.
// The Set, Add and Delete methods are just wrappers around this. The
// interpretation of `v` depends on whether the `Raw` option is
// given. If it is, v must be a byte array or nil. (A nil value causes
// a delete.) If `Raw` is not given, `v` will be marshaled as JSON
// before being written. It must be JSON-marshalable and it must not
// be nil.
func (b *Bucket) Write(k string, flags, exp int, v interface{},
opt WriteOptions, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) {
ClientOpCallback(fmt.Sprintf("Write(%v)", opt), k, t, err)
var data []byte
if opt&Raw == 0 {
data, err = json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v != nil {
data = v.([]byte)
var res *gomemcached.MCResponse
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
if opt&AddOnly != 0 {
res, err = memcached.UnwrapMemcachedError(
mc.Add(vb, k, flags, exp, data, context...))
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == nil && res.Status != gomemcached.SUCCESS {
if res.Status == gomemcached.KEY_EEXISTS {
err = ErrKeyExists
} else {
err = res
} else if opt&Append != 0 {
res, err = mc.Append(vb, k, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
} else if data == nil {
res, err = mc.Del(vb, k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
} else {
res, err = mc.Set(vb, k, flags, exp, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return err
if err == nil && (opt&(Persist|Indexable) != 0) {
err = b.WaitForPersistence(k, res.Cas, data == nil)
return err
func (b *Bucket) WriteWithMT(k string, flags, exp int, v interface{},
opt WriteOptions, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (mt *MutationToken, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) {
ClientOpCallback(fmt.Sprintf("WriteWithMT(%v)", opt), k, t, err)
var data []byte
if opt&Raw == 0 {
data, err = json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if v != nil {
data = v.([]byte)
var res *gomemcached.MCResponse
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
if opt&AddOnly != 0 {
res, err = memcached.UnwrapMemcachedError(
mc.Add(vb, k, flags, exp, data, context...))
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == nil && res.Status != gomemcached.SUCCESS {
if res.Status == gomemcached.KEY_EEXISTS {
err = ErrKeyExists
} else {
err = res
} else if opt&Append != 0 {
res, err = mc.Append(vb, k, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
} else if data == nil {
res, err = mc.Del(vb, k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
} else {
res, err = mc.Set(vb, k, flags, exp, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if len(res.Extras) >= 16 {
vbuuid := uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(res.Extras[0:8]))
seqNo := uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(res.Extras[8:16]))
mt = &MutationToken{VBid: vb, Guard: vbuuid, Value: seqNo}
return err
if err == nil && (opt&(Persist|Indexable) != 0) {
err = b.WaitForPersistence(k, res.Cas, data == nil)
return mt, err
// Set a value in this bucket with Cas and return the new Cas value
func (b *Bucket) Cas(k string, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (uint64, error) {
return b.WriteCas(k, 0, exp, cas, v, 0, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Set a value in this bucket with Cas without json encoding it
func (b *Bucket) CasRaw(k string, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (uint64, error) {
return b.WriteCas(k, 0, exp, cas, v, Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
func (b *Bucket) WriteCas(k string, flags, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{},
opt WriteOptions, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (newCas uint64, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) {
ClientOpCallback(fmt.Sprintf("Write(%v)", opt), k, t, err)
var data []byte
if opt&Raw == 0 {
data, err = json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if v != nil {
data = v.([]byte)
var res *gomemcached.MCResponse
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err = mc.SetCas(vb, k, flags, exp, cas, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return err
if err == nil && (opt&(Persist|Indexable) != 0) {
err = b.WaitForPersistence(k, res.Cas, data == nil)
return res.Cas, err
// Extended CAS operation. These functions will return the mutation token, i.e vbuuid & guard
func (b *Bucket) CasWithMeta(k string, flags int, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (uint64, *MutationToken, error) {
return b.WriteCasWithMT(k, flags, exp, cas, v, 0, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
func (b *Bucket) CasWithMetaRaw(k string, flags int, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (uint64, *MutationToken, error) {
return b.WriteCasWithMT(k, flags, exp, cas, v, Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
func (b *Bucket) WriteCasWithMT(k string, flags, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{},
opt WriteOptions, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (newCas uint64, mt *MutationToken, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) {
ClientOpCallback(fmt.Sprintf("Write(%v)", opt), k, t, err)
var data []byte
if opt&Raw == 0 {
data, err = json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
} else if v != nil {
data = v.([]byte)
var res *gomemcached.MCResponse
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err = mc.SetCas(vb, k, flags, exp, cas, data, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return err
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
// check for extras
if len(res.Extras) >= 16 {
vbuuid := uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(res.Extras[0:8]))
seqNo := uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(res.Extras[8:16]))
vb := b.VBHash(k)
mt = &MutationToken{VBid: uint16(vb), Guard: vbuuid, Value: seqNo}
if err == nil && (opt&(Persist|Indexable) != 0) {
err = b.WaitForPersistence(k, res.Cas, data == nil)
return res.Cas, mt, err
// Set a value in this bucket.
// The value will be serialized into a JSON document.
func (b *Bucket) Set(k string, exp int, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
return b.Write(k, 0, exp, v, 0, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Set a value in this bucket with with flags
func (b *Bucket) SetWithMeta(k string, flags int, exp int, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (*MutationToken, error) {
return b.WriteWithMT(k, flags, exp, v, 0, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// SetRaw sets a value in this bucket without JSON encoding it.
func (b *Bucket) SetRaw(k string, exp int, v []byte, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
return b.Write(k, 0, exp, v, Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Add adds a value to this bucket; like Set except that nothing
// happens if the key exists. The value will be serialized into a
// JSON document.
func (b *Bucket) Add(k string, exp int, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (added bool, err error) {
err = b.Write(k, 0, exp, v, AddOnly, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == ErrKeyExists {
return false, nil
return (err == nil), err
// AddRaw adds a value to this bucket; like SetRaw except that nothing
// happens if the key exists. The value will be stored as raw bytes.
func (b *Bucket) AddRaw(k string, exp int, v []byte, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (added bool, err error) {
err = b.Write(k, 0, exp, v, AddOnly|Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == ErrKeyExists {
return false, nil
return (err == nil), err
// Add adds a value to this bucket; like Set except that nothing
// happens if the key exists. The value will be serialized into a
// JSON document.
func (b *Bucket) AddWithMT(k string, exp int, v interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (added bool, mt *MutationToken, err error) {
mt, err = b.WriteWithMT(k, 0, exp, v, AddOnly, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == ErrKeyExists {
return false, mt, nil
return (err == nil), mt, err
// AddRaw adds a value to this bucket; like SetRaw except that nothing
// happens if the key exists. The value will be stored as raw bytes.
func (b *Bucket) AddRawWithMT(k string, exp int, v []byte, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (added bool, mt *MutationToken, err error) {
mt, err = b.WriteWithMT(k, 0, exp, v, AddOnly|Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err == ErrKeyExists {
return false, mt, nil
return (err == nil), mt, err
// Append appends raw data to an existing item.
func (b *Bucket) Append(k string, data []byte, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
return b.Write(k, 0, 0, data, Append|Raw, context...)
// Returns collectionUid, manifestUid, error.
func (b *Bucket) GetCollectionCID(scope string, collection string, reqDeadline time.Time) (uint32, uint32, error) {
var err error
var response *gomemcached.MCResponse
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetCollectionCID", scope+"."+collection, t, err) }(time.Now())
var key = "DUMMY" // Contact any server.
var manifestUid uint32
var collUid uint32
err = b.Do2(key, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
var err1 error
mc.SetDeadline(getDeadline(reqDeadline, DefaultTimeout))
_, err1 = mc.SelectBucket(b.Name)
if err1 != nil {
return err1
response, err1 = mc.CollectionsGetCID(scope, collection)
if err1 != nil {
return err1
manifestUid = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(response.Extras[4:8])
collUid = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(response.Extras[8:12])
return nil
}, false)
return collUid, manifestUid, err
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Get a value straight from Memcached
func (b *Bucket) GetsMC(key string, reqDeadline time.Time, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (*gomemcached.MCResponse, error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
var err error
var response *gomemcached.MCResponse
if key == "" {
return nil, nil
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetsMC", key, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do2(key, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
var err1 error
mc.SetDeadline(getDeadline(reqDeadline, DefaultTimeout))
response, err1 = mc.Get(vb, key, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err1 != nil {
return err1
return nil
}, false)
return response, err
// Get a value through the subdoc API
func (b *Bucket) GetsSubDoc(key string, reqDeadline time.Time, subPaths []string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (*gomemcached.MCResponse, error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
var err error
var response *gomemcached.MCResponse
if key == "" {
return nil, nil
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetsSubDoc", key, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do2(key, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
var err1 error
mc.SetDeadline(getDeadline(reqDeadline, DefaultTimeout))
response, err1 = mc.GetSubdoc(vb, key, subPaths, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err1 != nil {
return err1
return nil
}, false)
return response, err
// GetsRaw gets a raw value from this bucket including its CAS
// counter and flags.
func (b *Bucket) GetsRaw(k string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (data []byte, flags int,
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
cas uint64, err error) {
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetsRaw", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err := mc.Get(vb, k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
cas = res.Cas
if len(res.Extras) >= 4 {
flags = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(res.Extras))
data = res.Body
return nil
// Gets gets a value from this bucket, including its CAS counter. The
// value is expected to be a JSON stream and will be deserialized into
// rv.
func (b *Bucket) Gets(k string, rv interface{}, caso *uint64, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
data, _, cas, err := b.GetsRaw(k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
if caso != nil {
*caso = cas
return json.Unmarshal(data, rv)
// Get a value from this bucket.
// The value is expected to be a JSON stream and will be deserialized
// into rv.
func (b *Bucket) Get(k string, rv interface{}, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
return b.Gets(k, rv, nil, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// GetRaw gets a raw value from this bucket. No marshaling is performed.
func (b *Bucket) GetRaw(k string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) ([]byte, error) {
d, _, _, err := b.GetsRaw(k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
return d, err
// GetAndTouchRaw gets a raw value from this bucket including its CAS
// counter and flags, and updates the expiry on the doc.
func (b *Bucket) GetAndTouchRaw(k string, exp int, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (data []byte,
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
cas uint64, err error) {
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetsRaw", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err := mc.GetAndTouch(vb, k, exp, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
cas = res.Cas
data = res.Body
return nil
return data, cas, err
// GetMeta returns the meta values for a key
func (b *Bucket) GetMeta(k string, flags *int, expiry *int, cas *uint64, seqNo *uint64, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("GetsMeta", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err := mc.GetMeta(vb, k, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
*cas = res.Cas
if len(res.Extras) >= 8 {
*flags = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(res.Extras[4:]))
if len(res.Extras) >= 12 {
*expiry = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(res.Extras[8:]))
if len(res.Extras) >= 20 {
*seqNo = uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(res.Extras[12:]))
return nil
return err
// Delete a key from this bucket.
func (b *Bucket) Delete(k string, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) error {
return b.Write(k, 0, 0, nil, Raw, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
// Incr increments the value at a given key by amt and defaults to def if no value present.
func (b *Bucket) Incr(k string, amt, def uint64, exp int, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (val uint64, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("Incr", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
var rv uint64
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err := mc.Incr(vb, k, amt, def, exp, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
rv = res
return nil
return rv, err
// Decr decrements the value at a given key by amt and defaults to def if no value present
func (b *Bucket) Decr(k string, amt, def uint64, exp int, context ...*memcached.ClientContext) (val uint64, err error) {
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("Decr", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
var rv uint64
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
res, err := mc.Decr(vb, k, amt, def, exp, context...)
2019-02-05 22:22:51 +05:30
if err != nil {
return err
rv = res
return nil
return rv, err
// Wrapper around memcached.CASNext()
func (b *Bucket) casNext(k string, exp int, state *memcached.CASState) bool {
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) {
ClientOpCallback("casNext", k, t, state.Err)
keepGoing := false
state.Err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
keepGoing = mc.CASNext(vb, k, exp, state)
return state.Err
return keepGoing && state.Err == nil
// An UpdateFunc is a callback function to update a document
type UpdateFunc func(current []byte) (updated []byte, err error)
// Return this as the error from an UpdateFunc to cancel the Update
// operation.
const UpdateCancel = memcached.CASQuit
// Update performs a Safe update of a document, avoiding conflicts by
// using CAS.
// The callback function will be invoked with the current raw document
// contents (or nil if the document doesn't exist); it should return
// the updated raw contents (or nil to delete.) If it decides not to
// change anything it can return UpdateCancel as the error.
// If another writer modifies the document between the get and the
// set, the callback will be invoked again with the newer value.
func (b *Bucket) Update(k string, exp int, callback UpdateFunc) error {
_, err := b.update(k, exp, callback)
return err
// internal version of Update that returns a CAS value
func (b *Bucket) update(k string, exp int, callback UpdateFunc) (newCas uint64, err error) {
var state memcached.CASState
for b.casNext(k, exp, &state) {
var err error
if state.Value, err = callback(state.Value); err != nil {
return 0, err
return state.Cas, state.Err
// A WriteUpdateFunc is a callback function to update a document
type WriteUpdateFunc func(current []byte) (updated []byte, opt WriteOptions, err error)
// WriteUpdate performs a Safe update of a document, avoiding
// conflicts by using CAS. WriteUpdate is like Update, except that
// the callback can return a set of WriteOptions, of which Persist and
// Indexable are recognized: these cause the call to wait until the
// document update has been persisted to disk and/or become available
// to index.
func (b *Bucket) WriteUpdate(k string, exp int, callback WriteUpdateFunc) error {
var writeOpts WriteOptions
var deletion bool
// Wrap the callback in an UpdateFunc we can pass to Update:
updateCallback := func(current []byte) (updated []byte, err error) {
update, opt, err := callback(current)
writeOpts = opt
deletion = (update == nil)
return update, err
cas, err := b.update(k, exp, updateCallback)
if err != nil {
return err
// If callback asked, wait for persistence or indexability:
if writeOpts&(Persist|Indexable) != 0 {
err = b.WaitForPersistence(k, cas, deletion)
return err
// Observe observes the current state of a document.
func (b *Bucket) Observe(k string) (result memcached.ObserveResult, err error) {
if ClientOpCallback != nil {
defer func(t time.Time) { ClientOpCallback("Observe", k, t, err) }(time.Now())
err = b.Do(k, func(mc *memcached.Client, vb uint16) error {
result, err = mc.Observe(vb, k)
return err
// Returned from WaitForPersistence (or Write, if the Persistent or Indexable flag is used)
// if the value has been overwritten by another before being persisted.
var ErrOverwritten = errors.New("overwritten")
// Returned from WaitForPersistence (or Write, if the Persistent or Indexable flag is used)
// if the value hasn't been persisted by the timeout interval
var ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// WaitForPersistence waits for an item to be considered durable.
// Besides transport errors, ErrOverwritten may be returned if the
// item is overwritten before it reaches durability. ErrTimeout may
// occur if the item isn't found durable in a reasonable amount of
// time.
func (b *Bucket) WaitForPersistence(k string, cas uint64, deletion bool) error {
timeout := 10 * time.Second
sleepDelay := 5 * time.Millisecond
start := time.Now()
for {
sleepDelay += sleepDelay / 2 // multiply delay by 1.5 every time
result, err := b.Observe(k)
if err != nil {
return err
if persisted, overwritten := result.CheckPersistence(cas, deletion); overwritten {
return ErrOverwritten
} else if persisted {
return nil
if result.PersistenceTime > 0 {
timeout = 2 * result.PersistenceTime
if time.Since(start) >= timeout-sleepDelay {
return ErrTimeout
var _STRING_MCRESPONSE_POOL = gomemcached.NewStringMCResponsePool(16)
type stringPool struct {
pool *sync.Pool
size int
func newStringPool(size int) *stringPool {
rv := &stringPool{
pool: &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]string, 0, size)
size: size,
return rv
func (this *stringPool) Get() []string {
return this.pool.Get().([]string)
func (this *stringPool) Put(s []string) {
if s == nil || cap(s) < this.size || cap(s) > 2*this.size {
var _STRING_POOL = newStringPool(16)
type vbStringPool struct {
pool *sync.Pool
strPool *stringPool
func newVBStringPool(size int, sp *stringPool) *vbStringPool {
rv := &vbStringPool{
pool: &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make(map[uint16][]string, size)
strPool: sp,
return rv
func (this *vbStringPool) Get() map[uint16][]string {
return this.pool.Get().(map[uint16][]string)
func (this *vbStringPool) Put(s map[uint16][]string) {
if s == nil {
for k, v := range s {
delete(s, k)
var _VB_STRING_POOL = newVBStringPool(16, _STRING_POOL)