\subsection{CAPTCHA methods analysed} We analysed at the following CAPTCHA methods using the above-mentioned parameters. These are popular methods are currently in deployment. %TODO add images \subsubsection{Align object} Objects in various degrees of misalignments are displayed to the user and are asked to choose the one that is perfectly aligned. % Example GitHub/Kik inverted Hippo \subsubsection{Noisy Text} A sequence of randomly generated letters and digits are presented to the user with added noise, scattered distribution and rotations. Sometimes, they are also presented in 3D form. \subsubsection{Context-based} This method is personalised to the platforms they are displayed on. They usually pose challenges which can only be solved if the user is familiar with the platforms. Some examples are: \begin{itemize} \item What is the name of the website's mascot? \item Who owns this website? \item What are our members collectively called? (example: Reddit users are called Redditors) \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Audio based} A audio recording with added noise is presented to the user who is asked to transcribe the content of the recording. \subsubsection{IP tracking} IP address is used to blacklist misbehaving users. Strictly speaking, this isn't a CAPTCHA method but is frequently used in conjunction with other methods. \subsubsection{Image identification} A blurred image with added noise or unusual cropping is presented to the user who is requested to identify the object in it. Sometimes, the users are also asked to pick images that match a certain description from a collection of images. \subsubsection{Proof of Work based} This is an alternative to CAPTCHA method that has been used for rate-limiting. The user agent is presented with a challenge and is tasked generate a cryptographic proof which computationally expensive.