\subsection{Proof of Work} \subsubsection{Privacy} Excellent\\ Proof of Work (PoW) doesn't use any tracking elements and are able to work in anonymous networks like TOR\@. \subsubsection{Effectiveness} Excellent\\ Proofs are cryptographically sound and can't be forged. PoW works on the idea that the work done to send a request must be more than the work done to respond to it. Therefore, a successful attack will require the attacker to dedicate significantly more resources than what the service provider uses to run the service. % TODO cite CAPTCHA farm cost analysis paper ease. \subsubsection{Accessibility} Good\\ The process is fully automated so doesn't require any user interactions. So it is ideal for users with auditory, cognitive and visual disabilities. But it poses challenges to users with slower devices. Some PoW implementations time-to-live (TTL) on challenges so when a device is not able to generate proofs within that period, their solution will be rejected and will be bared from accessing the service. \subsubsection{Accuracy} Good\\ Success and failure are absolute states in this method. A proof that doesn't pass verification will be rejected and the user barred from accessing the service. But when above-mentioned circumvention methods are used, there will be results will be completely inaccurate and as the system lacks any adaptational capabilities, the failure will be long-lasting. The method uses only challenge proofs in its decision process. No other external factors are involved.