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const path = require("path");
const mergeOptions = require('merge-options').bind({concatArrays: true});
const commonOptions = require("./vite.common-config.js");
const srcDir = path.join(__dirname, "src/");
const modulesDir = path.join(srcDir, "node_modules/");
const mocksDir = path.join(srcDir, "mocks/");
const fixturesDir = path.join(srcDir, "fixtures/");
export default mergeOptions(commonOptions, {
root: "src/",
build: {
outDir: "../target",
lib: {
entry: "lib.ts",
fileName: "hydrogen",
formats: ["cjs", "es"]
rollupOptions: {
external: (id, parentId) => {
const resolveId = (id.startsWith("./") || id.startsWith("../")) ? path.join(path.dirname(parentId), id) : id;
return !resolveId.startsWith(srcDir) || resolveId.startsWith(mocksDir) || resolveId.startsWith(fixturesDir);
output: {
manualChunks: (id) => {
if (id.startsWith(srcDir)) {
const idPath = id.substring(srcDir.length);
const pathWithoutExt = idPath.substring(0, idPath.lastIndexOf("."));
return pathWithoutExt;
} else {
return "index";
chunkFileNames: `[format]/[name].js`,
// important to preserve export names of every module
// so we can still override the file and provider alternative impls
minifyInternalExports: false,
preferConst: true,