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Bruno Windels 122528f9a9 also transpile typescript files
note that these have already been converted to javascript by vite
2021-11-09 17:59:58 +01:00

168 lines
5.7 KiB

const path = require("path");
const {build} = require("vite");
const {babel} = require('@rollup/plugin-babel');
const {createFilter} = require("@rollup/pluginutils");
const VIRTUAL_ENTRY = "hydrogen:legacy-entry";
module.exports = function legacyBuild(entryModuleId, entryImportReplacements, chunkName, extraImports) {
let parentRoot;
let code;
let legacyBundleRef;
let legacyBundleFileName;
return {
name: "hydrogen:legacyBuild",
apply: "build",
configResolved: config => {
parentRoot = config.root;
async moduleParsed(info) {
if ( === entryModuleId) {
code = info.code;
async buildEnd() {
if (!code) {
throw new Error("couldnt find entry");
for (const [importSource, newImportSource] of Object.entries(entryImportReplacements)) {
code = replaceImport(this, code, importSource, newImportSource);
code = prependExtraImports(code, extraImports);
const bundleCode = await buildLegacyChunk(parentRoot, chunkName, code);
legacyBundleRef = this.emitFile({
type: "asset",
source: bundleCode,
name: `${chunkName}.js`
generateBundle() {
if (!legacyBundleRef) {
throw new Error("no bundle");
legacyBundleFileName = this.getFileName(legacyBundleRef);
transformIndexHtml: {
transform(html) {
if (!legacyBundleFileName) {
throw new Error("no bundle");
return [{
tag: "script",
attrs: {type: "text/javascript", nomodule: true, src: legacyBundleFileName},
injectTo: "head"
/** we replace the imports ourselves instead of relying on rollup-alias or similar, because
* we only want to replace imports in the entry module, not anywhere in the import tree.
* This allows to create sub classes for the legacy build that can still import
* the non-legacy class as a base class, like LegacyPlatform does with Platform.*/
function replaceImport(pluginCtx, code, importSource, newImportSource) {
const ast = pluginCtx.parse(code);
for (const node of ast.body) {
if (node.type === "ImportDeclaration") {
const sourceNode = node.source;
if (sourceNode.value === importSource) {
code = code.substr(0, sourceNode.start) + JSON.stringify(newImportSource) + code.substr(sourceNode.end);
return code;
throw new Error(`Could not find import ${JSON.stringify(importSource)} to replace`);
function prependExtraImports(code, extraImports) {
return => `import ${JSON.stringify(i)};`).join("\n") + code;
async function buildLegacyChunk(root, chunkName, code) {
const projectRootDir = path.resolve(path.join(root, "../../.."));
const nodeModulesDir = path.join(projectRootDir, "node_modules");
const defaultFilter = createFilter([], [], {resolve: projectRootDir});
const transpiledModuleDirs = => {
return path.join(nodeModulesDir, m);
const filterModule = id => {
if (!defaultFilter(id)) {
return false;
if (transpiledModuleDirs.some(d => id.startsWith(d))) {
return true;
if (id.startsWith(nodeModulesDir)) {
return false;
return true;
// compile down to whatever IE 11 needs
const babelPlugin = babel({
babelrc: false,
filter: filterModule,
extensions: [".js", ".ts"],
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
presets: [
useBuiltIns: "entry",
corejs: "3.4",
targets: "IE 11",
// we provide our own promise polyfill (es6-promise)
// with support for synchronous flushing of
// the queue for idb where needed
exclude: ["es.promise", "es.promise.all-settled", "es.promise.finally"]
const resolveEntryPlugin = {
name: "hydrogen:resolve-legacy-entry",
resolveId(id, importer) {
if (id === VIRTUAL_ENTRY) {
return id;
} else if (importer === VIRTUAL_ENTRY && id.startsWith("./")) {
return this.resolve(path.join(root, id));
load(id) {
if (id === VIRTUAL_ENTRY) {
return code;
const bundle = await build({
configFile: false,
logLevel: 'error',
build: {
write: false,
minify: false,
target: "esnext",
assetsInlineLimit: 0,
polyfillModulePreload: false,
rollupOptions: {
input: {
[chunkName]: VIRTUAL_ENTRY
output: {
format: "iife",
manualChunks: undefined
plugins: [
const assets = Array.isArray(bundle.output) ? bundle.output : [bundle.output];
const mainChunk = assets.find(a => === chunkName);
return mainChunk.code;