/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {TemplateView} from "../../general/TemplateView"; import {disableTargetCallback} from "../../general/utils"; import {KeyBackupSettingsView} from "./KeyBackupSettingsView.js" export class SettingsView extends TemplateView { render(t, vm) { let version = vm.version; if (vm.showUpdateButton) { version = t.span([ vm.version, t.button({onClick: () => vm.checkForUpdate()}, vm.i18n`Check for updates`) ]); } const row = (t, label, content, extraClass = "") => { return t.div({className: `row ${extraClass}`}, [ t.div({className: "label"}, label), t.div({className: "content"}, content), ]); }; const settingNodes = []; settingNodes.push( t.h3("Session"), row(t, vm.i18n`User ID`, vm.userId), row(t, vm.i18n`Session ID`, vm.deviceId, "code"), row(t, vm.i18n`Session key`, vm.fingerprintKey, "code"), row(t, "", t.button({ onClick: () => vm.logout(), disabled: vm => vm.isLoggingOut }, vm.i18n`Log out`)), ); settingNodes.push( t.h3("Key backup"), t.view(new KeyBackupSettingsView(vm.keyBackupViewModel)) ); settingNodes.push( t.h3("Notifications"), t.map(vm => vm.pushNotifications.supported, (supported, t) => { if (supported === null) { return t.p(vm.i18n`Loading…`); } else if (supported) { const label = vm => vm.pushNotifications.enabled ? vm.i18n`Push notifications are enabled`: vm.i18n`Push notifications are disabled`; const buttonLabel = vm => vm.pushNotifications.enabled ? vm.i18n`Disable`: vm.i18n`Enable`; return row(t, label, t.button({ onClick: () => vm.togglePushNotifications(), disabled: vm => vm.pushNotifications.updating }, buttonLabel)); } else { return t.p(vm.i18n`Push notifications are not supported on this browser`); } }), t.if(vm => vm.pushNotifications.supported && vm.pushNotifications.enabled, t => { return t.div([ t.p([ "If you think push notifications are not being delivered, ", t.button({className: "link", onClick: () => vm.checkPushEnabledOnServer()}, "check"), " if they got disabled on the server" ]), t.map(vm => vm.pushNotifications.enabledOnServer, (enabled, t) => { if (enabled === true) { return t.p("Push notifications are still enabled on the server, so everything should be working. Sometimes notifications can get dropped if they can't be delivered within a given time."); } else if (enabled === false) { return t.p("Push notifications have been disabled on the server, likely due to a bug. Please re-enable them by clicking Disable and then Enable again above."); } }), t.map(vm => vm.pushNotifications.serverError, (err, t) => { if (err) { return t.p("Couldn't not check on server: " + err.message); } }) ]); }) ); settingNodes.push( t.h3("Preferences"), row(t, vm.i18n`Scale down images when sending`, this._imageCompressionRange(t, vm)), t.if(vm => !import.meta.env.DEV && vm.activeTheme, (t, vm) => { return row(t, vm.i18n`Use the following theme`, this._themeOptions(t, vm)); }), ); const logButtons = []; if (vm.canSendLogsToServer) { logButtons.push(t.button({onClick: disableTargetCallback(() => vm.sendLogsToServer())}, `Submit logs to ${vm.logsServer}`)); } logButtons.push(t.button({onClick: () => vm.exportLogs()}, "Download logs")); settingNodes.push( t.h3("Application"), row(t, vm.i18n`Version`, version), row(t, vm.i18n`Storage usage`, vm => `${vm.storageUsage} / ${vm.storageQuota}`), row(t, vm.i18n`Debug logs`, logButtons), t.p({className: {hidden: vm => !vm.logsFeedbackMessage}}, vm => vm.logsFeedbackMessage), t.p(["Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited, the usernames of other users and the names of files you send. They do not contain messages. For more information, review our ", t.a({href: "https://element.io/privacy", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener"}, "privacy policy"), "."]), ); return t.main({className: "Settings middle"}, [ t.div({className: "middle-header"}, [ t.a({className: "button-utility close-middle", href: vm.closeUrl, title: vm.i18n`Close settings`}), t.h2("Settings") ]), t.div({className: "SettingsBody"}, settingNodes) ]); } _imageCompressionRange(t, vm) { const step = 32; const min = Math.ceil(vm.minSentImageSizeLimit / step) * step; const max = (Math.floor(vm.maxSentImageSizeLimit / step) + 1) * step; const updateSetting = evt => vm.setSentImageSizeLimit(parseInt(evt.target.value, 10)); return [t.input({ type: "range", step, min, max, value: vm => vm.sentImageSizeLimit || max, onInput: updateSetting, onChange: updateSetting, }), " ", t.output(vm => { return vm.sentImageSizeLimit ? vm.i18n`resize to ${vm.sentImageSizeLimit}px` : vm.i18n`no resizing`; })]; } _themeOptions(t, vm) { const { themeName: activeThemeName, themeVariant: activeThemeVariant } = vm.activeTheme; const optionTags = []; // 1. render the dropdown containing the themes for (const name of Object.keys(vm.themeMapping)) { optionTags.push( t.option({ value: name, selected: name === activeThemeName} , name)); } const select = t.select({ onChange: (e) => { const themeName = e.target.value; if(!("id" in vm.themeMapping[themeName])) { const colorScheme = darkRadioButton.checked ? "dark" : lightRadioButton.checked ? "light" : "default"; // execute the radio-button callback so that the theme actually changes! // otherwise the theme would only change when another radio-button is selected. radioButtonCallback(colorScheme); return; } vm.changeThemeOption(themeName); } }, optionTags); // 2. render the radio-buttons used to choose variant const radioButtonCallback = (colorScheme) => { const selectedThemeName = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; vm.changeThemeOption(selectedThemeName, colorScheme); }; const isDarkSelected = activeThemeVariant === "dark"; const isLightSelected = activeThemeVariant === "light"; const darkRadioButton = t.input({ type: "radio", name: "radio-chooser", value: "dark", id: "dark", checked: isDarkSelected }); const defaultRadioButton = t.input({ type: "radio", name: "radio-chooser", value: "default", id: "default", checked: !(isDarkSelected || isLightSelected) }); const lightRadioButton = t.input({ type: "radio", name: "radio-chooser", value: "light", id: "light", checked: isLightSelected }); const radioButtons = t.form({ className: { hidden: () => { const themeName = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; return "id" in vm.themeMapping[themeName]; } }, onChange: (e) => radioButtonCallback(e.target.value) }, [ defaultRadioButton, t.label({for: "default"}, "Match system theme"), darkRadioButton, t.label({for: "dark"}, "dark"), lightRadioButton, t.label({for: "light"}, "light"), ]); return t.div({ className: "theme-chooser" }, [select, radioButtons]); } }