/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {MEGOLM_ALGORITHM, DecryptionSource} from "./common.js"; import {groupEventsBySession} from "./megolm/decryption/utils"; import {mergeMap} from "../../utils/mergeMap"; import {groupBy} from "../../utils/groupBy"; import {makeTxnId} from "../common.js"; import {iterateResponseStateEvents} from "../room/common"; const ENCRYPTED_TYPE = "m.room.encrypted"; const ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE = "m.room.history_visibility"; // how often ensureMessageKeyIsShared can check if it needs to // create a new outbound session // note that encrypt could still create a new session const MIN_PRESHARE_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000; // 1min // TODO: this class is a good candidate for splitting up into encryption and decryption, there doesn't seem to be much overlap export class RoomEncryption { constructor({room, deviceTracker, olmEncryption, megolmEncryption, megolmDecryption, encryptionParams, storage, keyBackup, notifyMissingMegolmSession, clock}) { this._room = room; this._deviceTracker = deviceTracker; this._olmEncryption = olmEncryption; this._megolmEncryption = megolmEncryption; this._megolmDecryption = megolmDecryption; // content of the m.room.encryption event this._encryptionParams = encryptionParams; // caches devices to verify events this._senderDeviceCache = new Map(); this._storage = storage; this._keyBackup = keyBackup; this._notifyMissingMegolmSession = notifyMissingMegolmSession; this._clock = clock; this._isFlushingRoomKeyShares = false; this._lastKeyPreShareTime = null; this._keySharePromise = null; this._historyVisibility = undefined; this._disposed = false; } enableKeyBackup(keyBackup) { if (this._keyBackup && !!keyBackup) { return; } this._keyBackup = keyBackup; } async restoreMissingSessionsFromBackup(entries, log) { const events = entries.filter(e => e.isEncrypted && !e.isDecrypted && e.event).map(e => e.event); const eventsBySession = groupEventsBySession(events); const groups = Array.from(eventsBySession.values()); const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.inboundGroupSessions]); const hasSessions = await Promise.all(groups.map(async group => { return this._megolmDecryption.hasSession(this._room.id, group.senderKey, group.sessionId, txn); })); const missingSessions = groups.filter((_, i) => !hasSessions[i]); if (missingSessions.length) { // start with last sessions which should be for the last items in the timeline for (var i = missingSessions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const session = missingSessions[i]; await log.wrap("session", log => this._requestMissingSessionFromBackup(session.senderKey, session.sessionId, log)); } } } notifyTimelineClosed() { this._senderDeviceCache = new Map(); // purge the sender device cache } async writeSync(roomResponse, memberChanges, txn, log) { let historyVisibility = await this._loadHistoryVisibilityIfNeeded(this._historyVisibility, txn); const addedMembers = []; const removedMembers = []; // update the historyVisibility if needed await iterateResponseStateEvents(roomResponse, event => { // TODO: can the same state event appear twice? Hence we would be rewriting the useridentities twice... // we'll see in the logs if(event.state_key === "" && event.type === ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE) { const newHistoryVisibility = event?.content?.history_visibility; if (newHistoryVisibility !== historyVisibility) { return log.wrap({ l: "history_visibility changed", from: historyVisibility, to: newHistoryVisibility }, async log => { historyVisibility = newHistoryVisibility; const result = await this._deviceTracker.writeHistoryVisibility(this._room, historyVisibility, txn, log); addedMembers.push(...result.added); removedMembers.push(...result.removed); }); } } }); // process member changes if (memberChanges.size) { const result = await this._deviceTracker.writeMemberChanges( this._room, memberChanges, historyVisibility, txn); addedMembers.push(...result.added); removedMembers.push(...result.removed); } // discard key if somebody (including ourselves) left if (removedMembers.length) { log.log({ l: "discardOutboundSession", leftUsers: removedMembers, }); this._megolmEncryption.discardOutboundSession(this._room.id, txn); } let shouldFlush = false; // add room to userIdentities if needed, and share the current key with them if (addedMembers.length) { shouldFlush = await this._addShareRoomKeyOperationForMembers(addedMembers, txn, log); } return {shouldFlush, historyVisibility}; } afterSync({historyVisibility}) { this._historyVisibility = historyVisibility; } async _loadHistoryVisibilityIfNeeded(historyVisibility, txn = undefined) { if (!historyVisibility) { if (!txn) { txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.roomState]); } const visibilityEntry = await txn.roomState.get(this._room.id, ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE, ""); if (visibilityEntry) { return visibilityEntry.event?.content?.history_visibility; } } return historyVisibility; } async prepareDecryptAll(events, newKeys, source, txn) { const errors = new Map(); const validEvents = []; for (const event of events) { if (event.redacted_because || event.unsigned?.redacted_because) { continue; } if (event.content?.algorithm !== MEGOLM_ALGORITHM) { errors.set(event.event_id, new Error("Unsupported algorithm: " + event.content?.algorithm)); } validEvents.push(event); } const preparation = await this._megolmDecryption.prepareDecryptAll( this._room.id, validEvents, newKeys, txn); return new DecryptionPreparation(preparation, errors, source, this, events); } async _processDecryptionResults(events, results, errors, source, txn, log) { const missingSessionEvents = events.filter(event => { const error = errors.get(event.event_id); return error?.code === "MEGOLM_NO_SESSION"; }); if (!missingSessionEvents.length) { return; } // store missing event ids if received from sync const missingEventsBySession = groupEventsBySession(missingSessionEvents); if (source === DecryptionSource.Sync) { await Promise.all(Array.from(missingEventsBySession.values()).map(async group => { const eventIds = group.events.map(e => e.event_id); return this._megolmDecryption.addMissingKeyEventIds( this._room.id, group.senderKey, group.sessionId, eventIds, txn); })); } if (!this._keyBackup) { return; } log.wrapDetached("check key backup", async log => { // if the message came from sync, wait 10s to see if the room key arrives late, // and only after that proceed to request from backup log.set("source", source); log.set("events", missingSessionEvents.length); log.set("sessions", missingEventsBySession.size); if (source === DecryptionSource.Sync) { await this._clock.createTimeout(10000).elapsed(); if (this._disposed) { return; } // now check which sessions have been received already const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.inboundGroupSessions]); await Promise.all(Array.from(missingEventsBySession).map(async ([key, group]) => { if (await this._megolmDecryption.hasSession(this._room.id, group.senderKey, group.sessionId, txn)) { missingEventsBySession.delete(key); } })); } await Promise.all(Array.from(missingEventsBySession.values()).map(group => { return log.wrap("session", log => this._requestMissingSessionFromBackup(group.senderKey, group.sessionId, log)); })); }); } async _verifyDecryptionResult(result, txn) { let device = this._senderDeviceCache.get(result.senderCurve25519Key); if (!device) { device = await this._deviceTracker.getDeviceByCurve25519Key(result.senderCurve25519Key, txn); this._senderDeviceCache.set(result.senderCurve25519Key, device); } if (device) { result.setDevice(device); } else if (!this._room.isTrackingMembers) { result.setRoomNotTrackedYet(); } } async _requestMissingSessionFromBackup(senderKey, sessionId, log) { // show prompt to enable secret storage if (!this._keyBackup) { log.set("enabled", false); this._notifyMissingMegolmSession(); return; } log.set("id", sessionId); log.set("senderKey", senderKey); try { const roomKey = await this._keyBackup.getRoomKey(this._room.id, sessionId, log); if (roomKey) { if (roomKey.senderKey !== senderKey) { log.set("wrong_sender_key", roomKey.senderKey); log.logLevel = log.level.Warn; return; } let keyIsBestOne = false; let retryEventIds; const txn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.inboundGroupSessions]); try { keyIsBestOne = await this._megolmDecryption.writeRoomKey(roomKey, txn); log.set("isBetter", keyIsBestOne); if (keyIsBestOne) { retryEventIds = roomKey.eventIds; } } catch (err) { txn.abort(); throw err; } await txn.complete(); if (keyIsBestOne) { await log.wrap("retryDecryption", log => this._room.notifyRoomKey(roomKey, retryEventIds || [], log)); } } } catch (err) { if (!(err.name === "HomeServerError" && err.errcode === "M_NOT_FOUND")) { log.set("not_found", true); } else { log.error = err; log.logLevel = log.level.Error; } } } /** * @param {RoomKey} roomKeys * @param {Transaction} txn * @return {Promise>} the event ids that should be retried to decrypt */ getEventIdsForMissingKey(roomKey, txn) { return this._megolmDecryption.getEventIdsForMissingKey(this._room.id, roomKey.senderKey, roomKey.sessionId, txn); } /** shares the encryption key for the next message if needed */ async ensureMessageKeyIsShared(hsApi, log) { if (this._lastKeyPreShareTime?.measure() < MIN_PRESHARE_INTERVAL) { return; } this._lastKeyPreShareTime = this._clock.createMeasure(); try { this._keySharePromise = (async () => { const roomKeyMessage = await this._megolmEncryption.ensureOutboundSession(this._room.id, this._encryptionParams); if (roomKeyMessage) { this._keyBackup?.flush(log); await log.wrap("share key", log => this._shareNewRoomKey(roomKeyMessage, hsApi, log)); } })(); await this._keySharePromise; } finally { this._keySharePromise = null; } } async encrypt(type, content, hsApi, log) { // ensureMessageKeyIsShared is still running, // wait for it to create and share a key if needed if (this._keySharePromise) { log.set("waitForRunningKeyShare", true); await this._keySharePromise; } const megolmResult = await log.wrap("megolm encrypt", () => this._megolmEncryption.encrypt(this._room.id, type, content, this._encryptionParams)); if (megolmResult.roomKeyMessage) { this._keyBackup?.flush(log); await log.wrap("share key", log => this._shareNewRoomKey(megolmResult.roomKeyMessage, hsApi, log)); } return { type: ENCRYPTED_TYPE, content: megolmResult.content }; } needsToShareKeys(memberChanges) { for (const m of memberChanges.values()) { if (m.hasJoined) { return true; } } return false; } async _shareNewRoomKey(roomKeyMessage, hsApi, log) { this._historyVisibility = await this._loadHistoryVisibilityIfNeeded(this._historyVisibility); await this._deviceTracker.trackRoom(this._room, this._historyVisibility, log); const devices = await this._deviceTracker.devicesForTrackedRoom(this._room.id, hsApi, log); const userIds = Array.from(devices.reduce((set, device) => set.add(device.userId), new Set())); let writeOpTxn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.operations]); let operation; try { operation = this._writeRoomKeyShareOperation(roomKeyMessage, userIds, writeOpTxn); } catch (err) { writeOpTxn.abort(); throw err; } // TODO: at this point we have the room key stored, and the rest is sort of optional // it would be nice if we could signal SendQueue that any error from here on is non-fatal and // return the encrypted payload. await this._processShareRoomKeyOperation(operation, hsApi, log); } async _addShareRoomKeyOperationForMembers(userIds, txn, log) { const roomKeyMessage = await this._megolmEncryption.createRoomKeyMessage( this._room.id, txn); if (roomKeyMessage) { log.log({ l: "share key for new members", userIds, id: roomKeyMessage.session_id, chain_index: roomKeyMessage.chain_index }); this._writeRoomKeyShareOperation(roomKeyMessage, userIds, txn); return true; } return false; } async flushPendingRoomKeyShares(hsApi, operations, log) { // this has to be reentrant as it can be called from Room.start while still running if (this._isFlushingRoomKeyShares) { return; } this._isFlushingRoomKeyShares = true; try { if (!operations) { const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([this._storage.storeNames.operations]); operations = await txn.operations.getAllByTypeAndScope("share_room_key", this._room.id); } for (const operation of operations) { // just to be sure if (operation.type !== "share_room_key") { continue; } await log.wrap("operation", log => this._processShareRoomKeyOperation(operation, hsApi, log)); } } finally { this._isFlushingRoomKeyShares = false; } } _writeRoomKeyShareOperation(roomKeyMessage, userIds, txn) { const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(); const operation = { id, type: "share_room_key", scope: this._room.id, userIds, roomKeyMessage, }; txn.operations.add(operation); return operation; } async _processShareRoomKeyOperation(operation, hsApi, log) { log.set("id", operation.id); this._historyVisibility = await this._loadHistoryVisibilityIfNeeded(this._historyVisibility); await this._deviceTracker.trackRoom(this._room, this._historyVisibility, log); const devices = await this._deviceTracker.devicesForRoomMembers(this._room.id, operation.userIds, hsApi, log); const messages = await log.wrap("olm encrypt", log => this._olmEncryption.encrypt( "m.room_key", operation.roomKeyMessage, devices, hsApi, log)); const missingDevices = devices.filter(d => !messages.some(m => m.device === d)); await log.wrap("send", log => this._sendMessagesToDevices(ENCRYPTED_TYPE, messages, hsApi, log)); if (missingDevices.length) { await log.wrap("missingDevices", async log => { log.set("devices", missingDevices.map(d => d.deviceId)); const unsentUserIds = operation.userIds.filter(userId => missingDevices.some(d => d.userId === userId)); log.set("unsentUserIds", unsentUserIds); operation.userIds = unsentUserIds; // first remove the users that we've sent the keys already from the operation, // so if anything fails, we don't send them again await this._updateOperationsStore(operations => operations.update(operation)); // now, let the devices we could not claim their key const withheldMessage = this._megolmEncryption.createWithheldMessage(operation.roomKeyMessage, "m.no_olm", "OTKs exhausted"); await this._sendSharedMessageToDevices("org.matrix.room_key.withheld", withheldMessage, missingDevices, hsApi, log); }); } await this._updateOperationsStore(operations => operations.remove(operation.id)); } async _updateOperationsStore(callback) { const writeTxn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([this._storage.storeNames.operations]); try { callback(writeTxn.operations); } catch (err) { writeTxn.abort(); throw err; } await writeTxn.complete(); } async _sendSharedMessageToDevices(type, message, devices, hsApi, log) { const devicesByUser = groupBy(devices, device => device.userId); const payload = { messages: Array.from(devicesByUser.entries()).reduce((userMap, [userId, devices]) => { userMap[userId] = devices.reduce((deviceMap, device) => { deviceMap[device.deviceId] = message; return deviceMap; }, {}); return userMap; }, {}) }; const txnId = makeTxnId(); await hsApi.sendToDevice(type, payload, txnId, {log}).response(); } async _sendMessagesToDevices(type, messages, hsApi, log) { log.set("messages", messages.length); const messagesByUser = groupBy(messages, message => message.device.userId); const payload = { messages: Array.from(messagesByUser.entries()).reduce((userMap, [userId, messages]) => { userMap[userId] = messages.reduce((deviceMap, message) => { deviceMap[message.device.deviceId] = message.content; return deviceMap; }, {}); return userMap; }, {}) }; const txnId = makeTxnId(); await hsApi.sendToDevice(type, payload, txnId, {log}).response(); } filterUndecryptedEventEntriesForKeys(entries, keys) { return entries.filter(entry => { if (entry.isEncrypted && !entry.isDecrypted) { const {event} = entry; if (event) { const senderKey = event.content?.["sender_key"]; const sessionId = event.content?.["session_id"]; return keys.some(key => senderKey === key.senderKey && sessionId === key.sessionId); } } return false; }); } dispose() { this._disposed = true; } } /** * wrappers around megolm decryption classes to be able to post-process * the decryption results before turning them */ class DecryptionPreparation { constructor(megolmDecryptionPreparation, extraErrors, source, roomEncryption, events) { this._megolmDecryptionPreparation = megolmDecryptionPreparation; this._extraErrors = extraErrors; this._source = source; this._roomEncryption = roomEncryption; this._events = events; } async decrypt() { return new DecryptionChanges( await this._megolmDecryptionPreparation.decrypt(), this._extraErrors, this._source, this._roomEncryption, this._events); } dispose() { this._megolmDecryptionPreparation.dispose(); } } class DecryptionChanges { constructor(megolmDecryptionChanges, extraErrors, source, roomEncryption, events) { this._megolmDecryptionChanges = megolmDecryptionChanges; this._extraErrors = extraErrors; this._source = source; this._roomEncryption = roomEncryption; this._events = events; } async write(txn, log) { const {results, errors} = await this._megolmDecryptionChanges.write(txn); mergeMap(this._extraErrors, errors); await this._roomEncryption._processDecryptionResults(this._events, results, errors, this._source, txn, log); return new BatchDecryptionResult(results, errors, this._roomEncryption); } } class BatchDecryptionResult { constructor(results, errors, roomEncryption) { this.results = results; this.errors = errors; this._roomEncryption = roomEncryption; } applyToEntries(entries) { for (const entry of entries) { const result = this.results.get(entry.id); if (result) { entry.setDecryptionResult(result); } else { const error = this.errors.get(entry.id); if (error) { entry.setDecryptionError(error); } } } } verifySenders(txn) { return Promise.all(Array.from(this.results.values()).map(result => { return this._roomEncryption._verifyDecryptionResult(result, txn); })); } } import {createMockStorage} from "../../mocks/Storage"; import {Clock as MockClock} from "../../mocks/Clock"; import {poll} from "../../mocks/poll"; import {Instance as NullLoggerInstance} from "../../logging/NullLogger"; import {ConsoleLogger} from "../../logging/ConsoleLogger"; import {HomeServer as MockHomeServer} from "../../mocks/HomeServer.js"; export function tests() { const roomId = "!abc:hs.tld"; return { "ensureMessageKeyIsShared tracks room and passes correct history visibility to deviceTracker": async assert => { const storage = await createMockStorage(); const megolmMock = { async ensureOutboundSession() { return { }; } }; const olmMock = { async encrypt() { return []; } } let isRoomTracked = false; let isDevicesRequested = false; const deviceTracker = { async trackRoom(room, historyVisibility) { // only assert on first call if (isRoomTracked) { return; } assert(!isDevicesRequested); assert.equal(room.id, roomId); assert.equal(historyVisibility, "invited"); isRoomTracked = true; }, async devicesForTrackedRoom() { assert(isRoomTracked); isDevicesRequested = true; return []; }, async devicesForRoomMembers() { return []; } } const writeTxn = await storage.readWriteTxn([storage.storeNames.roomState]); writeTxn.roomState.set(roomId, {state_key: "", type: ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE, content: { history_visibility: "invited" }}); await writeTxn.complete(); const roomEncryption = new RoomEncryption({ room: {id: roomId}, megolmEncryption: megolmMock, olmEncryption: olmMock, storage, deviceTracker, clock: new MockClock() }); const homeServer = new MockHomeServer(); const promise = roomEncryption.ensureMessageKeyIsShared(homeServer.api, NullLoggerInstance.item); // need to poll because sendToDevice isn't first async step const request = await poll(() => homeServer.requests.sendToDevice?.[0]); request.respond({}); await promise; assert(isRoomTracked); assert(isDevicesRequested); }, "encrypt tracks room and passes correct history visibility to deviceTracker": async assert => { const storage = await createMockStorage(); const megolmMock = { async encrypt() { return { roomKeyMessage: {} }; } }; const olmMock = { async encrypt() { return []; } } let isRoomTracked = false; let isDevicesRequested = false; const deviceTracker = { async trackRoom(room, historyVisibility) { // only assert on first call if (isRoomTracked) { return; } assert(!isDevicesRequested); assert.equal(room.id, roomId); assert.equal(historyVisibility, "invited"); isRoomTracked = true; }, async devicesForTrackedRoom() { assert(isRoomTracked); isDevicesRequested = true; return []; }, async devicesForRoomMembers() { return []; } } const writeTxn = await storage.readWriteTxn([storage.storeNames.roomState]); writeTxn.roomState.set(roomId, {state_key: "", type: ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE, content: { history_visibility: "invited" }}); await writeTxn.complete(); const roomEncryption = new RoomEncryption({ room: {id: roomId}, megolmEncryption: megolmMock, olmEncryption: olmMock, storage, deviceTracker }); const homeServer = new MockHomeServer(); const promise = roomEncryption.encrypt("m.room.message", {body: "hello"}, homeServer.api, NullLoggerInstance.item); // need to poll because sendToDevice isn't first async step const request = await poll(() => homeServer.requests.sendToDevice?.[0]); request.respond({}); await promise; assert(isRoomTracked); assert(isDevicesRequested); }, "writeSync passes correct history visibility to deviceTracker": async assert => { const storage = await createMockStorage(); let isMemberChangesCalled = false; const deviceTracker = { async writeMemberChanges(room, memberChanges, historyVisibility, txn) { assert.equal(historyVisibility, "invited"); isMemberChangesCalled = true; return {removed: [], added: []}; }, async devicesForRoomMembers() { return []; } } const writeTxn = await storage.readWriteTxn([storage.storeNames.roomState]); writeTxn.roomState.set(roomId, {state_key: "", type: ROOM_HISTORY_VISIBILITY_TYPE, content: { history_visibility: "invited" }}); const memberChanges = new Map([["@alice:hs.tld", {}]]); const roomEncryption = new RoomEncryption({ room: {id: roomId}, storage, deviceTracker }); const roomResponse = {}; const txn = await storage.readWriteTxn([storage.storeNames.roomState]); await roomEncryption.writeSync(roomResponse, memberChanges, txn, NullLoggerInstance.item); assert(isMemberChangesCalled); }, } }