import Session from "../matrix/session.js"; import Sync from "../matrix/sync.js"; import SessionViewModel from "./session/SessionViewModel.js"; import LoginViewModel from "./LoginViewModel.js"; import SessionPickerViewModel from "./SessionPickerViewModel.js"; import EventEmitter from "../EventEmitter.js"; export function createNewSessionId() { return (Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)).toString(); } export default class BrawlViewModel extends EventEmitter { constructor({storageFactory, sessionStore, createHsApi, clock}) { super(); this._storageFactory = storageFactory; this._sessionStore = sessionStore; this._createHsApi = createHsApi; this._clock = clock; this._loading = false; this._error = null; this._sessionViewModel = null; this._loginViewModel = null; this._sessionPickerViewModel = null; } async load() { if (await this._sessionStore.hasAnySession()) { this._showPicker(); } else { this._showLogin(); } } async _showPicker() { this._clearSections(); this._sessionPickerViewModel = new SessionPickerViewModel({ sessionStore: this._sessionStore, storageFactory: this._storageFactory, sessionCallback: sessionInfo => this._onSessionPicked(sessionInfo) }); this.emit("change", "activeSection"); try { await this._sessionPickerViewModel.load(); } catch (err) { this._clearSections(); this._error = err; this.emit("change", "activeSection"); } } _showLogin() { this._clearSections(); this._loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel({ createHsApi: this._createHsApi, defaultHomeServer: "", loginCallback: loginData => this._onLoginFinished(loginData) }); this.emit("change", "activeSection"); } _showSession(session, sync) { this._clearSections(); this._sessionViewModel = new SessionViewModel({session, sync}); this.emit("change", "activeSection"); } _clearSections() { this._error = null; this._loading = false; this._sessionViewModel = null; this._loginViewModel = null; this._sessionPickerViewModel = null; } get activeSection() { if (this._error) { return "error"; } else if(this._loading) { return "loading"; } else if (this._sessionViewModel) { return "session"; } else if (this._loginViewModel) { return "login"; } else { return "picker"; } } get loadingText() { return this._loadingText; } get sessionViewModel() { return this._sessionViewModel; } get loginViewModel() { return this._loginViewModel; } get sessionPickerViewModel() { return this._sessionPickerViewModel; } get errorText() { return this._error && this._error.message; } async _onLoginFinished(loginData) { if (loginData) { // TODO: extract random() as it is a source of non-determinism const sessionId = createNewSessionId(); const sessionInfo = { id: sessionId, deviceId: loginData.device_id, userId: loginData.user_id, homeServer: loginData.homeServerUrl, accessToken: loginData.access_token, lastUsed: }; await this._sessionStore.add(sessionInfo); this._loadSession(sessionInfo); } else { this._showPicker(); } } _onSessionPicked(sessionInfo) { if (sessionInfo) { this._loadSession(sessionInfo); this._sessionStore.updateLastUsed(,; } else { this._showLogin(); } } async _loadSession(sessionInfo) { try { this._loading = true; this._loadingText = "Loading your conversations…"; const reconnector = new Reconnector( new ExponentialRetryDelay(2000, this._clock.createTimeout), this._clock.createMeasure ); const hsApi = this._createHsApi(sessionInfo.homeServer, sessionInfo.accessToken, reconnector); const storage = await this._storageFactory.create(; // no need to pass access token to session const filteredSessionInfo = { deviceId: sessionInfo.deviceId, userId: sessionInfo.userId, homeServer: sessionInfo.homeServer, }; const session = new Session({storage, sessionInfo: filteredSessionInfo, hsApi}); // show spinner now, with title loading stored data? this.emit("change", "activeSection"); await session.load(); const sync = new Sync({hsApi, storage, session}); reconnector.on("state", state => { if (state === ConnectionState.Online) { sync.start(); session.notifyNetworkAvailable(reconnector.lastVersionsResponse); } }); const needsInitialSync = !session.syncToken; if (!needsInitialSync) { this._showSession(session, sync); } this._loadingText = "Getting your conversations from the server…"; this.emit("change", "loadingText"); // update spinner title to initial sync await sync.start(); if (needsInitialSync) { this._showSession(session, sync); } // start sending pending messages session.notifyNetworkAvailable(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); this._error = err; } this.emit("change", "activeSection"); } }