const path = require("path"); const mergeOptions = require('merge-options'); const commonOptions = require("./vite.common-config.js"); const manifest = require("./package.json"); const externalDependencies = Object.keys(manifest.dependencies) // just in case for safety in case fake-indexeddb wouldn't be // treeshake'd out of the bundle .concat(Object.keys(manifest.devDependencies)) // bundle bs58 because it uses buffer indirectly, which is a pain to bundle, // so we don't annoy our library users with it. .filter(d => d !== "bs58"); const moduleDir = path.join(__dirname, "node_modules"); export default mergeOptions(commonOptions, { root: "src/", build: { lib: { entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/lib.ts'), formats: ["cjs", "es"], fileName: format => `hydrogen.${format}.js`, }, minify: false, sourcemap: false, outDir: "../target/lib-build", // don't bundle any dependencies, they should be imported/required rollupOptions: { external(id) { return externalDependencies.some(d => id === d || id.startsWith(d + "/")); }, /* don't bundle, so we can override imports per file at build time to replace components */ // output: { // manualChunks: (id) => { // if (id.startsWith(srcDir)) { // const idPath = id.substring(srcDir.length); // const pathWithoutExt = idPath.substring(0, idPath.lastIndexOf(".")); // return pathWithoutExt; // } else { // return "index"; // } // }, // minifyInternalExports: false, // chunkFileNames: "[format]/[name].js" // } } }, });