import { iterateCursor, txnAsPromise } from "./utils.js"; import { STORE_NAMES } from "../common.js"; export async function exportSession(db) { const NOT_DONE = {done: false}; const txn = db.transaction(STORE_NAMES, "readonly"); const data = {}; await Promise.all( name => { const results = data[name] = []; // initialize in deterministic order const store = txn.objectStore(name); await iterateCursor(store.openCursor(), (value) => { results.push(value); return NOT_DONE; }); })); return data; } export async function importSession(db, data) { const txn = db.transaction(STORE_NAMES, "readwrite"); for (const name of STORE_NAMES) { const store = txn.objectStore(name); for (const value of data[name]) { store.add(value); } } await txnAsPromise(txn); }