import Room from "./room/room.js"; import { ObservableMap } from "../observable/index.js"; import { SendScheduler, RateLimitingBackoff } from "./SendScheduler.js"; import User from "./User.js"; export default class Session { // sessionInfo contains deviceId, userId and homeServer constructor({storage, hsApi, sessionInfo}) { this._storage = storage; this._hsApi = hsApi; this._session = null; this._sessionInfo = sessionInfo; this._rooms = new ObservableMap(); this._sendScheduler = new SendScheduler({hsApi, backoff: new RateLimitingBackoff()}); this._roomUpdateCallback = (room, params) => this._rooms.update(, params); this._user = new User(sessionInfo.userId); } async load() { const txn = await this._storage.readTxn([ this._storage.storeNames.session, this._storage.storeNames.roomSummary, this._storage.storeNames.roomState, this._storage.storeNames.timelineEvents, this._storage.storeNames.timelineFragments, this._storage.storeNames.pendingEvents, ]); // restore session object this._session = await txn.session.get(); if (!this._session) { this._session = {}; return; } const pendingEventsByRoomId = await this._getPendingEventsByRoom(txn); // load rooms const rooms = await txn.roomSummary.getAll(); await Promise.all( => { const room = this.createRoom(summary.roomId, pendingEventsByRoomId.get(summary.roomId)); return room.load(summary, txn); })); } get isStarted() { return this._sendScheduler.isStarted; } stop() { this._sendScheduler.stop(); } async start(lastVersionResponse) { if (lastVersionResponse) { // store /versions response const txn = await this._storage.readWriteTxn([ this._storage.storeNames.session ]); const newSessionData = Object.assign({}, this._session, {serverVersions: lastVersionResponse}); txn.session.set(newSessionData); // TODO: what can we do if this throws? await txn.complete(); this._session = newSessionData; } this._sendScheduler.start(); for (const [, room] of this._rooms) { room.resumeSending(); } } async _getPendingEventsByRoom(txn) { const pendingEvents = await txn.pendingEvents.getAll(); return pendingEvents.reduce((groups, pe) => { const group = groups.get(pe.roomId); if (group) { group.push(pe); } else { groups.set(pe.roomId, [pe]); } return groups; }, new Map()); } get rooms() { return this._rooms; } createRoom(roomId, pendingEvents) { const room = new Room({ roomId, storage: this._storage, emitCollectionChange: this._roomUpdateCallback, hsApi: this._hsApi, sendScheduler: this._sendScheduler, pendingEvents, user: this._user, }); this._rooms.add(roomId, room); return room; } writeSync(syncToken, syncFilterId, accountData, txn) { if (syncToken !== this._session.syncToken) { // don't modify this._session because transaction might still fail const newSessionData = Object.assign({}, this._session, {syncToken, syncFilterId}); txn.session.set(newSessionData); return newSessionData; } } afterSync(newSessionData) { if (newSessionData) { // sync transaction succeeded, modify object state now this._session = newSessionData; } } get syncToken() { return this._session.syncToken; } get syncFilterId() { return this._session.syncFilterId; } get user() { return this._user; } } export function tests() { function createStorageMock(session, pendingEvents = []) { return { readTxn() { return Promise.resolve({ session: { get() { return Promise.resolve(Object.assign({}, session)); } }, pendingEvents: { getAll() { return Promise.resolve(pendingEvents); } }, roomSummary: { getAll() { return Promise.resolve([]); } } }); }, storeNames: {} }; } return { "session data is not modified until after sync": async (assert) => { const session = new Session({storage: createStorageMock({ syncToken: "a", syncFilterId: 5, }), sessionInfo: {userId: ""}}); await session.load(); let txnSetCalled = false; const syncTxn = { session: { set({syncToken, syncFilterId}) { txnSetCalled = true; assert.equal(syncToken, "b"); assert.equal(syncFilterId, 6); } } }; const newSessionData = session.writeSync("b", 6, {}, syncTxn); assert(txnSetCalled); assert.equal(session.syncToken, "a"); assert.equal(session.syncFilterId, 5); session.afterSync(newSessionData); assert.equal(session.syncToken, "b"); assert.equal(session.syncFilterId, 6); } } }