Convert index.js to typescript
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 114 additions and 95 deletions
@ -16,22 +16,6 @@ limitations under the License.
import {BaseObservableValue, ObservableValue} from "../../observable/ObservableValue";
type SegmentType = {
"login": true;
"session": string;
"sso": string;
"logout": true;
"room": string;
"rooms": string[];
"settings": true;
"create-room": true;
"empty-grid-tile": number;
"lightbox": string;
"right-panel": boolean;
"details": true;
"members": true;
"member": string;
type AllowsChild<T> = (parent: Segment<T> | undefined, child: Segment<T>) => boolean;
@ -55,7 +39,7 @@ export class Navigation<T> {
return this._path;
push<K extends keyof T>(type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [undefined?]: [T[K]]): void {
push<K extends keyof T>(type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [(undefined | true)?]: [T[K]]): void {
const newPath = this.path.with(new Segment(type, ...value));
if (newPath) {
@ -107,7 +91,7 @@ export class Navigation<T> {
return new Path(segments, this._allowsChild);
segment<K extends keyof T>(type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [undefined?]: [T[K]]): Segment<T> {
segment<K extends keyof T>(type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [(undefined | true)?]: [T[K]]): Segment<T> {
return new Segment(type, ...value);
@ -133,7 +117,7 @@ function segmentValueEqual<T>(a?: T[keyof T], b?: T[keyof T]): boolean {
export class Segment<T, K extends keyof T = any> {
public value: T[K];
constructor(public type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [undefined?]: [T[K]]) {
constructor(public type: K, ...value: T[K] extends true? [(undefined | true)?]: [T[K]]) {
this.value = (value[0] === undefined ? true : value[0]) as unknown as T[K];
@ -231,6 +215,8 @@ class SegmentObservable<T> extends BaseObservableValue<T[keyof T] | undefined> {
export type { Path };
export function tests() {
function createMockNavigation() {
@ -16,6 +16,24 @@ limitations under the License.
import {Navigation, Segment} from "./Navigation";
import {URLRouter} from "./URLRouter.js";
import type { Path } from "./Navigation";
type SegmentType = {
login: true;
session: string;
sso: string;
logout: true;
room: string;
rooms: string[];
settings: true;
"create-room": true;
"empty-grid-tile": number;
lightbox: string;
"right-panel": true;
details: true;
members: true;
member: string;
export function createNavigation() {
return new Navigation(allowsChild);
@ -25,7 +43,7 @@ export function createRouter({history, navigation}) {
return new URLRouter({history, navigation, stringifyPath, parseUrlPath});
function allowsChild(parent, child) {
function allowsChild(parent: {type: string, value: any} | undefined, child: {type: string, value: any}): boolean {
const {type} = child;
switch (parent?.type) {
case undefined:
@ -45,8 +63,9 @@ function allowsChild(parent, child) {
export function removeRoomFromPath(path, roomId) {
const rooms = path.get("rooms");
export function removeRoomFromPath(path: Path<SegmentType>, roomId: string): Path<SegmentType> | null {
let newPath: Path<SegmentType> | null = path;
const rooms = newPath.get("rooms");
let roomIdGridIndex = -1;
// first delete from rooms segment
if (rooms) {
@ -54,22 +73,22 @@ export function removeRoomFromPath(path, roomId) {
if (roomIdGridIndex !== -1) {
const idsWithoutRoom = rooms.value.slice();
idsWithoutRoom[roomIdGridIndex] = "";
path = path.replace(new Segment("rooms", idsWithoutRoom));
newPath = newPath.replace(new Segment("rooms", idsWithoutRoom));
const room = path.get("room");
const room = newPath!.get("room");
// then from room (which occurs with or without rooms)
if (room && room.value === roomId) {
if (roomIdGridIndex !== -1) {
path = path.with(new Segment("empty-grid-tile", roomIdGridIndex));
newPath = newPath!.with(new Segment("empty-grid-tile", roomIdGridIndex));
} else {
path = path.until("session");
newPath = newPath!.until("session");
return path;
return newPath;
function roomsSegmentWithRoom(rooms, roomId, path) {
function roomsSegmentWithRoom(rooms: Segment<SegmentType, "rooms">, roomId: string, path: Path<SegmentType>): Segment<SegmentType, "rooms"> {
if(!rooms.value.includes(roomId)) {
const emptyGridTile = path.get("empty-grid-tile");
const oldRoom = path.get("room");
@ -87,28 +106,29 @@ function roomsSegmentWithRoom(rooms, roomId, path) {
function pushRightPanelSegment(array, segment, value = true) {
// todo-self: verify code change here is okay
function pushRightPanelSegment<T extends keyof SegmentType>(array: Segment<SegmentType>[], segment: T, ...value: SegmentType[T] extends true? [(undefined | true)?]: [SegmentType[T]]) {
array.push(new Segment("right-panel"));
array.push(new Segment(segment, value));
array.push(new Segment(segment, ...value));
export function addPanelIfNeeded(navigation, path) {
export function addPanelIfNeeded<T extends SegmentType>(navigation: Navigation<T>, path: Path<T>): Path<T> {
const segments = navigation.path.segments;
const i = segments.findIndex(segment => segment.type === "right-panel");
let _path = path;
if (i !== -1) {
_path = path.until("room");
_path = _path.with(segments[i]);
_path = _path.with(segments[i + 1]);
_path = _path.with(segments[i])!;
_path = _path.with(segments[i + 1])!;
return _path;
export function parseUrlPath(urlPath, currentNavPath, defaultSessionId) {
export function parseUrlPath(urlPath: string, currentNavPath: Path<SegmentType>, defaultSessionId: string): Segment<SegmentType>[] {
// substr(1) to take of initial /
const parts = urlPath.substr(1).split("/");
const iterator = parts[Symbol.iterator]();
const segments = [];
const segments: Segment<SegmentType>[] = [];
let next;
while (!(next = {
const type = next.value;
@ -170,9 +190,9 @@ export function parseUrlPath(urlPath, currentNavPath, defaultSessionId) {
return segments;
export function stringifyPath(path) {
export function stringifyPath(path: Path<SegmentType>): string {
let urlPath = "";
let prevSegment;
let prevSegment: Segment<SegmentType> | undefined;
for (const segment of path.segments) {
switch (segment.type) {
case "rooms":
@ -205,9 +225,16 @@ export function stringifyPath(path) {
export function tests() {
function createEmptyPath() {
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([]);
return path;
return {
"stringify grid url with focused empty tile": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
@ -217,7 +244,7 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(urlPath, "/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/3");
"stringify grid url with focused room": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
@ -227,7 +254,7 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(urlPath, "/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/1");
"stringify url with right-panel and details segment": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
@ -239,13 +266,15 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(urlPath, "/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/1/details");
"Parse loginToken query parameter into SSO segment": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("?loginToken=a1232aSD123");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("?loginToken=a1232aSD123", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 1);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "sso");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "a1232aSD123");
"parse grid url path with focused empty tile": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/3");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/3", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -255,7 +284,8 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, 3);
"parse grid url path with focused room": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/1");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/a,b,c/1", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -265,7 +295,8 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, "b");
"parse empty grid url": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms/", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -275,7 +306,8 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, 0);
"parse empty grid url with focus": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms//1");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/rooms//1", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -285,13 +317,13 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, 1);
"parse open-room action replacing the current focused room": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
new Segment("room", "b")
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/d", path);
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/d", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -301,13 +333,13 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, "d");
"parse open-room action changing focus to an existing room": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
new Segment("room", "b")
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a", path);
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -317,7 +349,7 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, "a");
"parse open-room action changing focus to an existing room with details open": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
@ -325,7 +357,7 @@ export function tests() {
new Segment("right-panel", true),
new Segment("details", true)
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a", path);
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 5);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -339,7 +371,7 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[4].value, true);
"open-room action should only copy over previous segments if there are no parts after open-room": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
@ -347,7 +379,7 @@ export function tests() {
new Segment("right-panel", true),
new Segment("members", true)
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a/member/foo", path);
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/a/member/foo", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 5);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -361,13 +393,13 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[4].value, "foo");
"parse open-room action setting a room in an empty tile": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
new Segment("empty-grid-tile", 4)
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/d", path);
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session/1/open-room/d", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(segments[0].value, "1");
@ -377,82 +409,83 @@ export function tests() {
assert.equal(segments[2].value, "d");
"parse session url path without id": assert => {
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session");
const path = createEmptyPath();
const segments = parseUrlPath("/session", path, "");
assert.equal(segments.length, 1);
assert.equal(segments[0].type, "session");
assert.strictEqual(segments[0].value, true);
"remove active room from grid path turns it into empty tile": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
new Segment("room", "b")
const newPath = removeRoomFromPath(path, "b");
assert.equal(newPath.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath.segments[1].value, ["a", "", "c"]);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].type, "empty-grid-tile");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath?.segments[1].value, ["a", "", "c"]);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].type, "empty-grid-tile");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].value, 1);
"remove inactive room from grid path": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", "c"]),
new Segment("room", "b")
const newPath = removeRoomFromPath(path, "a");
assert.equal(newPath.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath.segments[1].value, ["", "b", "c"]);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].type, "room");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].value, "b");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath?.segments[1].value, ["", "b", "c"]);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].type, "room");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].value, "b");
"remove inactive room from grid path with empty tile": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("rooms", ["a", "b", ""]),
new Segment("empty-grid-tile", 3)
const newPath = removeRoomFromPath(path, "b");
assert.equal(newPath.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath.segments[1].value, ["a", "", ""]);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].type, "empty-grid-tile");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[2].value, 3);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments.length, 3);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[1].type, "rooms");
assert.deepEqual(newPath?.segments[1].value, ["a", "", ""]);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].type, "empty-grid-tile");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[2].value, 3);
"remove active room": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("room", "b")
const newPath = removeRoomFromPath(path, "b");
assert.equal(newPath.segments.length, 1);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments.length, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].value, 1);
"remove inactive room doesn't do anything": assert => {
const nav = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const nav: Navigation<SegmentType> = new Navigation(allowsChild);
const path = nav.pathFrom([
new Segment("session", 1),
new Segment("room", "b")
const newPath = removeRoomFromPath(path, "a");
assert.equal(newPath.segments.length, 2);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath.segments[1].type, "room");
assert.equal(newPath.segments[1].value, "b");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments.length, 2);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].type, "session");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[0].value, 1);
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[1].type, "room");
assert.equal(newPath?.segments[1].value, "b");
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import {ViewModel} from "../ViewModel";
import {addPanelIfNeeded} from "../navigation/index.js";
import {addPanelIfNeeded} from "../navigation/index";
function dedupeSparse(roomIds) {
return, idx) => {
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ export class RoomGridViewModel extends ViewModel {
import {createNavigation} from "../navigation/index.js";
import {createNavigation} from "../navigation/index";
import {ObservableValue} from "../../observable/ObservableValue";
export function tests() {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import {InviteTileViewModel} from "./InviteTileViewModel.js";
import {RoomBeingCreatedTileViewModel} from "./RoomBeingCreatedTileViewModel.js";
import {RoomFilter} from "./RoomFilter.js";
import {ApplyMap} from "../../../observable/map/ApplyMap.js";
import {addPanelIfNeeded} from "../../navigation/index.js";
import {addPanelIfNeeded} from "../../navigation/index";
export class LeftPanelViewModel extends ViewModel {
constructor(options) {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export {Platform} from "./platform/web/Platform.js";
export {Client, LoadStatus} from "./matrix/Client.js";
export {RoomStatus} from "./matrix/room/common";
// export main view & view models
export {createNavigation, createRouter} from "./domain/navigation/index.js";
export {createNavigation, createRouter} from "./domain/navigation/index";
export {RootViewModel} from "./domain/RootViewModel.js";
export {RootView} from "./platform/web/ui/RootView.js";
export {SessionViewModel} from "./domain/session/SessionViewModel.js";
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
// import {RecordRequester, ReplayRequester} from "./matrix/net/request/replay";
import {RootViewModel} from "../../domain/RootViewModel.js";
import {createNavigation, createRouter} from "../../domain/navigation/index.js";
import {createNavigation, createRouter} from "../../domain/navigation/index";
// Don't use a default export here, as we use multiple entries during legacy build,
// which does not support default exports,
// see
Reference in a new issue