bring back postcss plugins, apart from autoprefixer, which breaks vite

This commit is contained in:
Bruno Windels 2021-12-01 18:10:25 +01:00
parent a504e74f54
commit 09338d8aa8

View file

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
const injectWebManifest = require("./scripts/build-plugins/manifest");
const injectServiceWorker = require("./scripts/build-plugins/service-worker");
const legacyBuild = require("./scripts/build-plugins/legacy-build");
const cssvariables = require("postcss-css-variables");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const flexbugsFixes = require("postcss-flexbugs-fixes");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const injectWebManifest = require("./scripts/build-plugins/manifest");
const injectServiceWorker = require("./scripts/build-plugins/service-worker");
// const legacyBuild = require("./scripts/build-plugins/legacy-build");
// we could also just import {version} from "../../package.json" where needed,
// but this won't work in the service worker yet as it is not transformed yet
// TODO: we should emit a chunk early on and then transform the asset again once we know all the other assets to cache
@ -42,6 +48,21 @@ export default {
define: {
"HYDROGEN_VERSION": JSON.stringify(version)
css: {
postcss: {
plugins: [
preserve: (declaration) => {
return declaration.value.indexOf("var(--ios-") == 0;
// the grid option creates some source fragment that causes the vite warning reporter to crash because
// it wants to log a warning on a line that does not exist in the source fragment.
// autoprefixer({overrideBrowserslist: ["IE 11"], grid: "no-autoplace"}),