Add a battery of sync3 tests
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 321 additions and 124 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"lint": "eslint --cache src/",
"lint-ts": "eslint src/ -c .ts-eslintrc.js --ext .ts",
"lint-ci": "eslint src/",
"test": "impunity --entry-point src/main.js src/platform/web/Platform.js src/matrix/Sync3.ts --force-esm-dirs lib/ src/",
"test": "impunity --entry-point src/main.js src/platform/web/Platform.js --force-esm-dirs lib/ src/",
"start": "snowpack dev --port 3000",
"build": "node --experimental-modules scripts/build.mjs",
"postinstall": "node ./scripts/post-install.js"
@ -396,128 +396,8 @@ export class Sync3 {
// The purpose of this function is to process the response `ops` array by modifying the current
// roooms list. It does this non-destructively to ensure that if we die half way through processing
// we are left in a consistent state. It has a few responsibilities:
// - Keep the index->room_id map up-to-date, this is the sort order for the room list.
// - Remove rooms we are no longer tracking e.g they fell off the sliding window.
// - Add/update rooms which have new events.
// This functions returns the new index->room_id map with updated values along with a bunch of
// RoomUpdates which contain things like new timeline events, required state, etc. Note we don't
// especially handle removed rooms as we don't want to nuke precious data: it's enough to just remove
// them from the map for them to disappear from the list.
private processOps(ops: Op[]): { indexToRoom: IndexToRoomId, updates: RoomResponse[] } {
// copy the index->room_id map. This is assumed to be reasonably cheap as we expect to only have
// up to 200 elements in this map. (first 100 then sliding window 100).
let indexToRoomID = { ...this.roomIndexToRoomId };
let roomUpdates: RoomResponse[] = []; // ordered by when we saw them in the response, earlier ops are earlier
let gapIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) {
const op = ops[i];
switch (op.op) {
case "SYNC": {
if (op.range === undefined || op.rooms === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed SYNC:", op);
// e.g [100,199] (inclusive indexes) with an array of 100 rooms
const startIndex = op.range[0];
for (let j = startIndex; j <= op.range[1]; j++) {
const r = op.rooms[j - startIndex];
if (!r) {
break; // we are at the end of list
indexToRoomID[j] = r.room_id;
case "INVALIDATE": {
if (op.range === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed INVALIDATE:", op);
const startIndex = op.range[0];
for (let j = startIndex; j <= op.range[1]; j++) {
delete indexToRoomID[j];
case "INSERT": {
if (op.index === undefined || === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed INSERT:", op);
if (indexToRoomID[op.index]) {
// there exists a room at this location so we need to shift items out of the way.
if (gapIndex < 0) {
console.error(`cannot INSERT as there is a room already at index ${op.index} there and no gap`);
// 0,1,2,3 index
// [A,B,C,D]
// DEL 3
// [A,B,C,_]
// [E,A,B,C]
// gapIndex=3, op.index=0
if (gapIndex > op.index) {
// the gap is further down the list, shift every element to the right
// starting at the gap so we can just shift each element in turn:
// [A,B,C,_] gapIndex=3, op.index=0
// [A,B,C,C] i=3
// [A,B,B,C] i=2
// [A,A,B,C] i=1
// Terminate. We'll assign into op.index next.
for (let j = gapIndex; j > op.index; j--) {
if (indexInRange(this.ranges, j)) {
indexToRoomID[j] = indexToRoomID[j - 1];
} else if (gapIndex < op.index) {
// the gap is further up the list, shift every element to the left
// starting at the gap so we can just shift each element in turn
for (let j = gapIndex; j < op.index; j++) {
if (indexInRange(this.ranges, j)) {
indexToRoomID[j] = indexToRoomID[j + 1];
// assign to this index
indexToRoomID[op.index] =;
case "DELETE": {
if (op.index === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed DELETE:", op);
// Delete the room at this index and remember the new gap. It may be filled in
// a moment by a corresponding INSERT.
delete indexToRoomID[op.index];
gapIndex = op.index;
case "UPDATE": {
if (op.index === undefined || === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed UPDATE:", op);
console.error("skipping unknown op: ", op.op);
return {
indexToRoom: indexToRoomID,
updates: roomUpdates,
return processSyncOps(this.roomIndexToRoomId, this.ranges, ops);
private openSyncTxn() {
@ -552,12 +432,142 @@ const sleep = (ms: number) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// The purpose of this function is to process the response `ops` array by modifying the current
// roooms list. It does this non-destructively to ensure that if we die half way through processing
// we are left in a consistent state. It has a few responsibilities:
// - Keep the index->room_id map up-to-date, this is the sort order for the room list.
// - Remove rooms we are no longer tracking e.g they fell off the sliding window.
// - Add/update rooms which have new events.
// This functions returns the new index->room_id map with updated values along with a bunch of
// RoomUpdates which contain things like new timeline events, required state, etc. Note we don't
// especially handle removed rooms as we don't want to nuke precious data: it's enough to just remove
// them from the map for them to disappear from the list.
const processSyncOps = (oldIndexToRoomId: IndexToRoomId, ranges: number[][], ops: Op[]): { indexToRoom: IndexToRoomId, updates: RoomResponse[] } => {
// copy the index->room_id map. This is assumed to be reasonably cheap as we expect to only have
// up to 200 elements in this map. (first 100 then sliding window 100).
let indexToRoomID = { ...oldIndexToRoomId };
let roomUpdates: RoomResponse[] = []; // ordered by when we saw them in the response, earlier ops are earlier
let gapIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) {
const op = ops[i];
switch (op.op) {
case "SYNC": {
if (op.range === undefined || op.rooms === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed SYNC:", op);
// e.g [100,199] (inclusive indexes) with an array of 100 rooms
const startIndex = op.range[0];
for (let j = startIndex; j <= op.range[1]; j++) {
const r = op.rooms[j - startIndex];
if (!r) {
break; // we are at the end of list
indexToRoomID[j] = r.room_id;
case "INVALIDATE": {
if (op.range === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed INVALIDATE:", op);
const startIndex = op.range[0];
for (let j = startIndex; j <= op.range[1]; j++) {
delete indexToRoomID[j];
case "INSERT": {
if (op.index === undefined || === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed INSERT:", op);
if (indexToRoomID[op.index]) {
// there exists a room at this location so we need to shift items out of the way.
if (gapIndex < 0) {
console.error(`cannot INSERT as there is a room already at index ${op.index} there and no gap`);
// 0,1,2,3 index
// [A,B,C,D]
// DEL 3
// [A,B,C,_]
// [E,A,B,C]
// gapIndex=3, op.index=0
if (gapIndex > op.index) {
// the gap is further down the list, shift every element to the right
// starting at the gap so we can just shift each element in turn:
// [A,B,C,_] gapIndex=3, op.index=0
// [A,B,C,C] i=3
// [A,B,B,C] i=2
// [A,A,B,C] i=1
// Terminate. We'll assign into op.index next.
for (let j = gapIndex; j > op.index; j--) {
if (indexInRange(ranges, j)) {
indexToRoomID[j] = indexToRoomID[j - 1];
if (!indexToRoomID[j]) { // delete undefined entries
delete indexToRoomID[j];
} else if (gapIndex < op.index) {
// the gap is further up the list, shift every element to the left
// starting at the gap so we can just shift each element in turn
for (let j = gapIndex; j < op.index; j++) {
if (indexInRange(ranges, j)) {
indexToRoomID[j] = indexToRoomID[j + 1];
if (!indexToRoomID[j]) { // delete undefined entries
delete indexToRoomID[j];
// assign to this index
indexToRoomID[op.index] =;
case "DELETE": {
if (op.index === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed DELETE:", op);
// Delete the room at this index and remember the new gap. It may be filled in
// a moment by a corresponding INSERT.
delete indexToRoomID[op.index];
gapIndex = op.index;
case "UPDATE": {
if (op.index === undefined || === undefined) { // required fields
console.error("malformed UPDATE:", op);
console.error("skipping unknown op: ", op.op);
return {
indexToRoom: indexToRoomID,
updates: roomUpdates,
// SYNC 0 2 a b c; SYNC 6 8 d e f; DELETE 7; INSERT 0 e;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// a b c d e f
// a b c d _ f
// e a b c d f <--- c=3 is wrong as we are not tracking it, ergo we need to see if `i` is in range else drop it
const indexInRange = (ranges: number[][], i: number) => {
const indexInRange = (ranges: number[][], i: number): boolean => {
let isInRange = false;
ranges.forEach((r) => {
if (r[0] <= i && i <= r[1]) {
@ -581,9 +591,196 @@ const deletedElements = (oldArr: string[], newArr: string[]): string[] => {
export function tests() {
let now = new Date().getTime();
const createEvent = (eventType, content, sk) => {
now += 1;
return {
type: eventType,
state_key: sk ? sk : undefined,
content: content,
sender: "@someone:localhost",
origin_server_ts: now,
return {
"deletedElements": assert => {
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements(["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b"]), ["c"]); // deleted element
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements(["a", "b", "c"], ["b"]), ["a", "c"]); // deleted elements
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements(["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"]), []); // identical arrays
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements(["a", "b"], ["a", "b", "c"]), []); // added element
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements([], []), []); // null case
assert.deepEqual(deletedElements([], ["a", "b"]), []); // 2 added elements
"indexInRange": assert => {
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9]], 5), true); // index inside range
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9]], 0), true); // index at lower bound inside
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9]], 9), true); // index at upper bound inside
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9]], 10), false); // index outside range
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9], [100, 109]], 100), true); // index at lower bound of 2nd range
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9], [100, 109]], 109), true); // index at upper bound of 2nd range
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9], [100, 109]], 102), true); // index inside 2nd range
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9], [100, 109]], 110), false); // index outside ranges
assert.equal(indexInRange([[0, 9], [100, 109]], 50), false); // index between 2 ranges
"processSyncOps": assert => {
assert.equal(1, 1);
const roomA = {
room_id: "!a",
name: "A",
required_state: [],
timeline: [createEvent("", { body: "Hi" }, null)],
notification_count: 0,
highlight_count: 0,
const roomB = {
room_id: "!b",
name: "B",
required_state: [],
timeline: [createEvent("", { body: "Hi" }, null)],
notification_count: 1,
highlight_count: 1,
const roomC = {
room_id: "!c",
name: "C",
required_state: [],
timeline: [createEvent("", { body: "Hi" }, null)],
notification_count: 0,
highlight_count: 0,
const roomD = {
room_id: "!d",
name: "D",
required_state: [],
timeline: [createEvent("", { body: "Hi" }, null)],
notification_count: 0,
highlight_count: 0,
// initial sync
let result = processSyncOps({}, [[0, 2]], [
list: 0,
op: "SYNC",
range: [0, 2], // 3 rooms
rooms: [
roomA, roomB, roomC,
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, [roomA, roomB, roomC]);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
2: "!c",
// update room in window
result = processSyncOps({
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
2: "!c",
}, [[0, 2]], [
list: 0,
op: "UPDATE",
index: 0,
room: roomA,
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, [roomA]);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
2: "!c",
// delete room a and insert room D, test bumping
result = processSyncOps({
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
2: "!c",
}, [[0, 2]], [
list: 0,
op: "DELETE",
index: 2,
list: 0,
op: "INSERT",
index: 0,
room: roomD,
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, [roomD]);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {
0: "!d",
1: "!a",
2: "!b",
// test invalidation
result = processSyncOps({
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
2: "!c",
}, [[0, 2]], [
list: 0,
range: [0, 2],
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, []);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {});
// sync an additional range
result = processSyncOps({
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
}, [[0, 1], [10, 11]], [
list: 0,
op: "SYNC",
range: [10, 11],
rooms: [roomC, roomD],
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, [roomC, roomD]);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
10: "!c",
11: "!d",
// bump a room from one range to the other
result = processSyncOps({
0: "!a",
1: "!b",
10: "!c",
11: "!d",
}, [[0, 1], [10, 11]], [
list: 0,
op: "DELETE",
index: 11,
list: 0,
op: "INSERT",
index: 0,
room: roomD,
assert.deepEqual(result.updates, [roomD]);
assert.deepEqual(result.indexToRoom, {
0: "!d",
1: "!a",
// we weren't told what should be in index 10 so it should be empty
11: "!c",
Reference in a new issue