add content hashes to build assets
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 114 additions and 74 deletions
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"@rollup/plugin-multi-entry": "^3.0.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^8.4.0",
"cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.3",
"commander": "^6.0.0",
"core-js": "^3.6.5",
"finalhandler": "^1.1.1",
"impunity": "^0.0.11",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"postcss-import": "^12.0.1",
"regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.7",
"rollup": "^1.15.6",
"serve-static": "^1.13.2"
"serve-static": "^1.13.2",
"xxhash": "^0.3.0"
@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ import cheerio from "cheerio";
import fsRoot from "fs";
const fs = fsRoot.promises;
import path from "path";
import XXHash from 'xxhash';
import rollup from 'rollup';
import postcss from "postcss";
import postcssImport from "postcss-import";
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname } from 'path';
import commander from "commander";
// needed for legacy bundle
import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel';
// needed to find the polyfill modules in the main-legacy.js bundle
@ -43,32 +45,20 @@ const PROJECT_NAME = "Hydrogen Chat";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
const projectDir = path.join(__dirname, "../");
const cssDir = path.join(projectDir, "src/ui/web/css/");
const targetDir = path.join(projectDir, "target");
const cssSrcDir = path.join(projectDir, "src/ui/web/css/");
const targetDir = path.join(projectDir, "target/");
const {debug, noOffline, legacy} = process.argv.reduce((params, param) => {
if (param.startsWith("--")) {
params[param.substr(2)] = true;
return params;
}, {
debug: false,
noOffline: false,
legacy: false
const program = new commander.Command();
.option("--legacy", "make a build for IE11")
.option("--no-offline", "make a build without a service worker or appcache manifest")
const {debug, noOffline, legacy} = program;
const offline = !noOffline;
async function build() {
// get version number
const version = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(projectDir, "package.json"), "utf8")).version;
// clear target dir
await removeDirIfExists(targetDir);
await fs.mkdir(targetDir);
let bundleName = `${PROJECT_ID}.js`;
if (legacy) {
bundleName = `${PROJECT_ID}-legacy.js`;
const devHtml = await fs.readFile(path.join(projectDir, "index.html"), "utf8");
const doc = cheerio.load(devHtml);
@ -76,25 +66,40 @@ async function build() {
findThemes(doc, themeName => {
// clear target dir
await removeDirIfExists(targetDir);
await createDirs(targetDir, themes);
// also creates the directories where the theme css bundles are placed in,
// so do it first
const themeAssets = await copyThemeAssets(themes, legacy);
const jsBundlePath = await (legacy ? buildJsLegacy() : buildJs());
const cssBundlePaths = await buildCssBundles(legacy ? buildCssLegacy : buildCss, themes);
const assetPaths = createAssetPaths(jsBundlePath, cssBundlePaths, themeAssets);
await buildHtml(doc, version, bundleName);
if (legacy) {
await buildJsLegacy(bundleName);
} else {
await buildJs(bundleName);
await buildCssBundles(legacy ? buildCssLegacy : buildCss, themes);
if (offline) {
await buildOffline(version, bundleName, themeAssets);
await buildOffline(version, assetPaths);
await buildHtml(doc, version, assetPaths);
console.log(`built ${PROJECT_ID}${legacy ? " legacy" : ""} ${version} successfully`);
function createAssetPaths(jsBundlePath, cssBundlePaths, themeAssets) {
function trim(path) {
if (!path.startsWith(targetDir)) {
throw new Error("invalid target path: " + targetDir);
return path.substr(targetDir.length);
return {
jsBundle: () => trim(jsBundlePath),
cssMainBundle: () => trim(cssBundlePaths.main),
cssThemeBundle: themeName => trim(cssBundlePaths.themes[themeName]),
cssThemeBundles: () => Object.values(cssBundlePaths.themes).map(a => trim(a)),
otherAssets: () => => trim(a))
async function findThemes(doc, callback) {
doc("link[rel~=stylesheet][title]").each((i, el) => {
const theme = doc(el);
@ -110,37 +115,39 @@ async function findThemes(doc, callback) {
async function createDirs(targetDir, themes) {
await fs.mkdir(targetDir);
const themeDir = path.join(targetDir, "themes");
await fs.mkdir(themeDir);
for (const theme of themes) {
await fs.mkdir(path.join(themeDir, theme));
async function copyThemeAssets(themes, legacy) {
const assets = [];
// create theme directories and copy assets
await fs.mkdir(path.join(targetDir, "themes"));
for (const theme of themes) {
const themeDstFolder = path.join(targetDir, `themes/${theme}`);
await fs.mkdir(themeDstFolder);
const themeSrcFolder = path.join(cssDir, `themes/${theme}`);
await copyFolder(themeSrcFolder, themeDstFolder, file => {
const themeSrcFolder = path.join(cssSrcDir, `themes/${theme}`);
const themeAssets = await copyFolder(themeSrcFolder, themeDstFolder, file => {
const isUnneededFont = legacy ? file.endsWith(".woff2") : file.endsWith(".woff");
if (!file.endsWith(".css") && !isUnneededFont) {
return true;
return false;
return !file.endsWith(".css") && !isUnneededFont;
return assets;
async function buildHtml(doc, version, bundleName) {
async function buildHtml(doc, version, assetPaths) {
// transform html file
// change path to main.css to css bundle
doc("link[rel=stylesheet]:not([title])").attr("href", `${PROJECT_ID}.css`);
doc("link[rel=stylesheet]:not([title])").attr("href", assetPaths.cssMainBundle());
// change paths to all theme stylesheets
findThemes(doc, (themeName, theme) => {
theme.attr("href", `themes/${themeName}/bundle.css`);
theme.attr("href", assetPaths.cssThemeBundle(themeName));
`<script type="text/javascript" src="${bundleName}"></script>` +
`<script type="text/javascript" src="${assetPaths.jsBundle()}"></script>` +
`<script type="text/javascript">${PROJECT_ID}Bundle.main(document.body);</script>`);
removeOrEnableScript(doc("script#service-worker"), offline);
@ -157,17 +164,20 @@ async function buildHtml(doc, version, bundleName) {
await fs.writeFile(path.join(targetDir, "index.html"), doc.html(), "utf8");
async function buildJs(bundleName) {
async function buildJs() {
// create js bundle
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({input: 'src/main.js'});
await bundle.write({
file: path.join(targetDir, bundleName),
const {output} = await bundle.generate({
format: 'iife',
name: `${PROJECT_ID}Bundle`
const code = output[0].code;
const bundlePath = resource(`${PROJECT_ID}.js`, code);
await fs.writeFile(bundlePath, code, "utf8");
return bundlePath;
async function buildJsLegacy(bundleName) {
async function buildJsLegacy() {
// compile down to whatever IE 11 needs
const babelPlugin = babel.babel({
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
@ -189,24 +199,24 @@ async function buildJsLegacy(bundleName) {
plugins: [multi(), commonjs(), nodeResolve(), babelPlugin]
const bundle = await rollup.rollup(rollupConfig);
await bundle.write({
file: path.join(targetDir, bundleName),
const {output} = await bundle.generate({
format: 'iife',
name: `${PROJECT_ID}Bundle`
const code = output[0].code;
const bundlePath = resource(`${PROJECT_ID}-legacy.js`, code);
await fs.writeFile(bundlePath, code, "utf8");
return bundlePath;
async function buildOffline(version, bundleName, themeAssets) {
const {offlineAssets, cacheAssets} = themeAssets.reduce((result, asset) => {
if (asset.endsWith(".css")) {
} else {
return result;
}, {offlineAssets: [], cacheAssets: []});
async function buildOffline(version, assetPaths) {
// write offline availability
const offlineFiles = [bundleName, `${PROJECT_ID}.css`, "index.html", "icon-192.png"].concat(offlineAssets);
const offlineFiles = [
// write appcache manifest
const manifestLines = [
@ -223,7 +233,7 @@ async function buildOffline(version, bundleName, themeAssets) {
let swSource = await fs.readFile(path.join(projectDir, "src/service-worker.template.js"), "utf8");
swSource = swSource.replace(`"%%VERSION%%"`, `"${version}"`);
swSource = swSource.replace(`"%%OFFLINE_FILES%%"`, JSON.stringify(offlineFiles));
swSource = swSource.replace(`"%%CACHE_FILES%%"`, JSON.stringify(cacheAssets));
swSource = swSource.replace(`"%%CACHE_FILES%%"`, JSON.stringify(assetPaths.otherAssets()));
await fs.writeFile(path.join(targetDir, "sw.js"), swSource, "utf8");
// write web manifest
const webManifest = {
@ -235,33 +245,37 @@ async function buildOffline(version, bundleName, themeAssets) {
await fs.writeFile(path.join(targetDir, "manifest.json"), JSON.stringify(webManifest), "utf8");
// copy icon
// should this icon have a content hash as well?
let icon = await fs.readFile(path.join(projectDir, "icon.png"));
await fs.writeFile(path.join(targetDir, "icon-192.png"), icon);
async function buildCssBundles(buildFn, themes) {
const cssMainFile = path.join(cssDir, "main.css");
await buildFn(cssMainFile, path.join(targetDir, `${PROJECT_ID}.css`));
const bundleCss = await buildFn(path.join(cssSrcDir, "main.css"));
const mainDstPath = resource(`${PROJECT_ID}.css`, bundleCss);
await fs.writeFile(mainDstPath, bundleCss, "utf8");
const bundlePaths = {main: mainDstPath, themes: {}};
for (const theme of themes) {
await buildFn(
path.join(cssDir, `themes/${theme}/theme.css`),
path.join(targetDir, `themes/${theme}/bundle.css`)
const themeCss = await buildFn(path.join(cssSrcDir, `themes/${theme}/theme.css`));
const themeDstPath = resource(`themes/${theme}/bundle.css`, themeCss);
await fs.writeFile(themeDstPath, themeCss, "utf8");
bundlePaths.themes[theme] = themeDstPath;
return bundlePaths;
async function buildCss(entryPath, bundlePath) {
async function buildCss(entryPath) {
const preCss = await fs.readFile(entryPath, "utf8");
const cssBundler = postcss([postcssImport]);
const result = await cssBundler.process(preCss, {from: entryPath});
await fs.writeFile(bundlePath, result.css, "utf8");
return result.css;
async function buildCssLegacy(entryPath, bundlePath) {
async function buildCssLegacy(entryPath) {
const preCss = await fs.readFile(entryPath, "utf8");
const cssBundler = postcss([postcssImport, cssvariables(), flexbugsFixes()]);
const result = await cssBundler.process(preCss, {from: entryPath});
await fs.writeFile(bundlePath, result.css, "utf8");
return result.css;
function removeOrEnableScript(scriptNode, enable) {
@ -283,17 +297,41 @@ async function removeDirIfExists(targetDir) {
async function copyFolder(srcRoot, dstRoot, filter) {
const assetPaths = [];
const dirEnts = await fs.readdir(srcRoot, {withFileTypes: true});
for (const dirEnt of dirEnts) {
const dstPath = path.join(dstRoot,;
const srcPath = path.join(srcRoot,;
if (dirEnt.isDirectory()) {
await fs.mkdir(dstPath);
await copyFolder(srcPath, dstPath, filter);
assetPaths.push(... await copyFolder(srcPath, dstPath, filter));
} else if (dirEnt.isFile() && filter(srcPath)) {
await fs.copyFile(srcPath, dstPath);
const content = await fs.readFile(srcPath);
const hashedDstPath = resource(dstPath, content);
await fs.writeFile(hashedDstPath, content);
return assetPaths;
function resource(relPath, content) {
let fullPath = relPath;
if (!relPath.startsWith("/")) {
fullPath = path.join(targetDir, relPath);
const hash = contentHash(Buffer.from(content));
const dir = path.dirname(fullPath);
const extname = path.extname(fullPath);
const basename = path.basename(fullPath, extname);
return path.join(dir, `${basename}-${hash}${extname}`);
function contentHash(str) {
var hasher = new XXHash(0);
return hasher.digest();
build().catch(err => console.error(err));
Reference in a new issue