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2016-08-08 11:49:47 -07:00

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package oidc
import (
var (
// ErrTokenExpired indicates that a token parsed by a verifier has expired.
ErrTokenExpired = errors.New("oidc: ID Token expired")
// ErrNotSupported indicates that the requested optional OpenID Connect endpoint is not supported by the provider.
ErrNotSupported = errors.New("oidc: endpoint not supported")
const (
// ScopeOpenID is the mandatory scope for all OpenID Connect OAuth2 requests.
ScopeOpenID = "openid"
// ScopeOfflineAccess is an optional scope defined by OpenID Connect for requesting
// OAuth2 refresh tokens.
// Support for this scope differs between OpenID Connect providers. For instance
// Google rejects it, favoring appending "access_type=offline" as part of the
// authorization request instead.
// See:
ScopeOfflineAccess = "offline_access"
// Provider contains the subset of the OpenID Connect provider metadata needed to request
// and verify ID Tokens.
type Provider struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
UserInfoURL string `json:"userinfo_endpoint"`
// Raw claims returned by the server.
rawClaims []byte
// NewProvider uses the OpenID Connect disovery mechanism to construct a Provider.
func NewProvider(ctx context.Context, issuer string) (*Provider, error) {
wellKnown := strings.TrimSuffix(issuer, "/") + "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
resp, err := contextClient(ctx).Get(wellKnown)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", resp.Status, body)
defer resp.Body.Close()
var p Provider
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &p); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode provider discovery object: %v", err)
p.rawClaims = body
if p.Issuer != issuer {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: issuer did not match the issuer returned by provider, expected %q got %q", issuer, p.Issuer)
return &p, nil
// Claims returns additional fields returned by the server during discovery.
func (p *Provider) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if p.rawClaims == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(p.rawClaims, v)
// Endpoint returns the OAuth2 auth and token endpoints for the given provider.
func (p *Provider) Endpoint() oauth2.Endpoint {
return oauth2.Endpoint{AuthURL: p.AuthURL, TokenURL: p.TokenURL}
// UserInfo represents the OpenID Connect userinfo claims.
type UserInfo struct {
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
claims []byte
// Claims unmarshals the raw JSON object claims into the provided object.
func (u *UserInfo) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(, v)
// UserInfo uses the token source to query the provider's user info endpoint.
func (p *Provider) UserInfo(ctx context.Context, tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource) (*UserInfo, error) {
if p.UserInfoURL == "" {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
cli := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, tokenSource)
resp, err := cli.Get(p.UserInfoURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", resp.Status, body)
var userInfo UserInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &userInfo); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode userinfo: %v", err)
} = body
return &userInfo, nil
// IDToken is an OpenID Connect extension that provides a predictable representation
// of an authorization event.
// The ID Token only holds fields OpenID Connect requires. To access additional
// claims returned by the server, use the Claims method.
// idToken, err := idTokenVerifier.Verify(rawIDToken)
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// var claims struct {
// Email string `json:"email"`
// EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
// }
// if err := idToken.Claims(&claims); err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
type IDToken struct {
// The URL of the server which issued this token. This will always be the same
// as the URL used for initial discovery.
Issuer string
// The client, or set of clients, that this token is issued for.
Audience []string
// A unique string which identifies the end user.
Subject string
IssuedAt time.Time
Expiry time.Time
Nonce string
claims []byte
// Claims unmarshals the raw JSON payload of the ID Token into a provided struct.
func (i *IDToken) Claims(v interface{}) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("oidc: claims not set")
return json.Unmarshal(, v)
type audience []string
func (a *audience) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if json.Unmarshal(b, &s) == nil {
*a = audience{s}
return nil
var auds []string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &auds); err != nil {
return err
*a = audience(auds)
return nil
type jsonTime time.Time
func (j *jsonTime) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var n json.Number
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &n); err != nil {
return err
var unix int64
if t, err := n.Int64(); err == nil {
unix = t
} else {
f, err := n.Float64()
if err != nil {
return err
unix = int64(f)
*j = jsonTime(time.Unix(unix, 0))
return nil
type idToken struct {
Issuer string `json:"iss"`
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Audience audience `json:"aud"`
Expiry jsonTime `json:"exp"`
IssuedAt jsonTime `json:"iat"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
// IDTokenVerifier provides verification for ID Tokens.
type IDTokenVerifier struct {
issuer string
keySet *remoteKeySet
options []VerificationOption
// Verify parse the raw ID Token, verifies it's been signed by the provider, preforms
// additional verification, and returns the claims.
func (v *IDTokenVerifier) Verify(rawIDToken string) (*IDToken, error) {
payload, err := v.keySet.verifyJWT(rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var token idToken
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &token); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to unmarshal claims: %v", err)
if v.issuer != token.Issuer {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: iss field did not match provider issuer")
t := &IDToken{
Issuer: token.Issuer,
Subject: token.Subject,
Audience: []string(token.Audience),
Expiry: time.Time(token.Expiry),
IssuedAt: time.Time(token.Expiry),
Nonce: token.Nonce,
claims: payload,
for _, option := range v.options {
if err := option.verifyIDToken(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
// NewVerifier returns an IDTokenVerifier that uses the provider's key set to verify JWTs.
// The verifier queries the provider to update keys when a signature cannot be verified by the
// set of keys cached from the previous request.
func (p *Provider) NewVerifier(ctx context.Context, options ...VerificationOption) *IDTokenVerifier {
return &IDTokenVerifier{
issuer: p.Issuer,
keySet: newRemoteKeySet(ctx, p.JWKSURL),
options: options,
// VerificationOption is an option provided to Provider.NewVerifier.
type VerificationOption interface {
verifyIDToken(token *IDToken) error
// VerifyAudience ensures that an ID Token was issued for the specific client.
// Note that a verified token may be valid for other clients, as OpenID Connect allows a token to have
// multiple audiences.
func VerifyAudience(clientID string) VerificationOption {
return clientVerifier{clientID}
type clientVerifier struct {
clientID string
func (c clientVerifier) verifyIDToken(token *IDToken) error {
for _, aud := range token.Audience {
if aud == c.clientID {
return nil
return errors.New("oidc: id token aud field did not match client_id")
// VerifyExpiry ensures that an ID Token has not expired.
func VerifyExpiry() VerificationOption {
return expiryVerifier{time.Now}
type expiryVerifier struct {
now func() time.Time
func (e expiryVerifier) verifyIDToken(token *IDToken) error {
if {
return ErrTokenExpired
return nil
// This method is internal to Just copy it.
func contextClient(ctx context.Context) *http.Client {
if ctx != nil {
if hc, ok := ctx.Value(oauth2.HTTPClient).(*http.Client); ok {
return hc
return http.DefaultClient