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Tyler Cloke dd84e73c0e Add VerifyPassword to API
It takes in an email and plain text password to verify. If it fails to find a password stored for email, it returns not_found. If it finds the password hash stored but that hash doesn't match the password passed via the API, it returns verified = false, else it returns verified = true.

Co-authored-by: Alban Seurat <>
2019-07-22 10:23:07 +02:00

510 lines
13 KiB

package server
import (
// apiClient is a test gRPC client. When constructed, it runs a server in
// the background to exercise the serialization and network configuration
// instead of just this package's server implementation.
type apiClient struct {
// Embedded gRPC client to talk to the server.
// Close releases resources associated with this client, includuing shutting
// down the background server.
Close func()
// newAPI constructs a gRCP client connected to a backing server.
func newAPI(s storage.Storage, logger log.Logger, t *testing.T) *apiClient {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
serv := grpc.NewServer()
api.RegisterDexServer(serv, NewAPI(s, logger))
go serv.Serve(l)
// Dial will retry automatically if the serv.Serve() goroutine
// hasn't started yet.
conn, err := grpc.Dial(l.Addr().String(), grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
return &apiClient{
DexClient: api.NewDexClient(conn),
Close: func() {
// Attempts to create, update and delete a test Password
func TestPassword(t *testing.T) {
logger := &logrus.Logger{
Out: os.Stderr,
Formatter: &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true},
Level: logrus.DebugLevel,
s := memory.New(logger)
client := newAPI(s, logger, t)
defer client.Close()
ctx := context.Background()
email := ""
p := api.Password{
Email: email,
// bcrypt hash of the value "test1" with cost 10
Hash: []byte("$2a$10$XVMN/Fid.Ks4CXgzo8fpR.iU1khOMsP5g9xQeXuBm1wXjRX8pjUtO"),
Username: "test",
UserId: "test123",
createReq := api.CreatePasswordReq{
Password: &p,
if resp, err := client.CreatePassword(ctx, &createReq); err != nil || resp.AlreadyExists {
if resp.AlreadyExists {
t.Fatalf("Unable to create password since %s already exists", createReq.Password.Email)
t.Fatalf("Unable to create password: %v", err)
// Attempt to create a password that already exists.
if resp, _ := client.CreatePassword(ctx, &createReq); !resp.AlreadyExists {
t.Fatalf("Created password %s twice", createReq.Password.Email)
// Attempt to verify valid password and email
goodVerifyReq := &api.VerifyPasswordReq{
Email: email,
Password: "test1",
goodVerifyResp, err := client.VerifyPassword(ctx, goodVerifyReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to run verify password we expected to be valid for correct email: %v", err)
if !goodVerifyResp.Verified {
t.Fatalf("verify password failed for password expected to be valid for correct email. expected %t, found %t", true, goodVerifyResp.Verified)
if goodVerifyResp.NotFound {
t.Fatalf("verify password failed to return not found response. expected %t, found %t", false, goodVerifyResp.NotFound)
// Check not found response for valid password with wrong email
badEmailVerifyReq := &api.VerifyPasswordReq{
Email: "",
Password: "test1",
badEmailVerifyResp, err := client.VerifyPassword(ctx, badEmailVerifyReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to run verify password for incorrect email: %v", err)
if badEmailVerifyResp.Verified {
t.Fatalf("verify password passed for password expected to be not found. expected %t, found %t", false, badEmailVerifyResp.Verified)
if !badEmailVerifyResp.NotFound {
t.Fatalf("expected not found response for verify password with bad email. expected %t, found %t", true, badEmailVerifyResp.NotFound)
// Check that wrong password fails
badPassVerifyReq := &api.VerifyPasswordReq{
Email: email,
Password: "wrong_password",
badPassVerifyResp, err := client.VerifyPassword(ctx, badPassVerifyReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to run verify password for password we expected to be invalid: %v", err)
if badPassVerifyResp.Verified {
t.Fatalf("verify password passed for password we expected to fail. expected %t, found %t", false, badPassVerifyResp.Verified)
if badPassVerifyResp.NotFound {
t.Fatalf("did not expect expected not found response for verify password with bad email. expected %t, found %t", false, badPassVerifyResp.NotFound)
updateReq := api.UpdatePasswordReq{
Email: email,
NewUsername: "test1",
if _, err := client.UpdatePassword(ctx, &updateReq); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to update password: %v", err)
pass, err := s.GetPassword(updateReq.Email)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to retrieve password: %v", err)
if pass.Username != updateReq.NewUsername {
t.Fatalf("UpdatePassword failed. Expected username %s retrieved %s", updateReq.NewUsername, pass.Username)
deleteReq := api.DeletePasswordReq{
Email: "",
if _, err := client.DeletePassword(ctx, &deleteReq); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to delete password: %v", err)
// Ensures checkCost returns expected values
func TestCheckCost(t *testing.T) {
logger := &logrus.Logger{
Out: os.Stderr,
Formatter: &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true},
Level: logrus.DebugLevel,
s := memory.New(logger)
client := newAPI(s, logger, t)
defer client.Close()
tests := []struct {
name string
inputHash []byte
wantErr bool
name: "valid cost",
// bcrypt hash of the value "test1" with cost 12 (default)
inputHash: []byte("$2a$12$M2Ot95Qty1MuQdubh1acWOiYadJDzeVg3ve4n5b.dgcgPdjCseKx2"),
name: "invalid hash",
inputHash: []byte(""),
wantErr: true,
name: "cost below default",
// bcrypt hash of the value "test1" with cost 4
inputHash: []byte("$2a$04$8bSTbuVCLpKzaqB3BmgI7edDigG5tIQKkjYUu/mEO9gQgIkw9m7eG"),
wantErr: true,
name: "cost above recommendation",
// bcrypt hash of the value "test1" with cost 17
inputHash: []byte("$2a$17$tWuZkTxtSmRyWZAGWVHQE.7npdl.TgP8adjzLJD.SyjpFznKBftPe"),
wantErr: true,
for _, tc := range tests {
if err := checkCost(tc.inputHash); err != nil {
if !tc.wantErr {
t.Errorf("%s: %s",, err)
if tc.wantErr {
t.Errorf("%s: expected err",
// Attempts to list and revoke an exisiting refresh token.
func TestRefreshToken(t *testing.T) {
logger := &logrus.Logger{
Out: os.Stderr,
Formatter: &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true},
Level: logrus.DebugLevel,
s := memory.New(logger)
client := newAPI(s, logger, t)
defer client.Close()
ctx := context.Background()
// Creating a storage with an existing refresh token and offline session for the user.
id := storage.NewID()
r := storage.RefreshToken{
ID: id,
Token: "bar",
Nonce: "foo",
ClientID: "client_id",
ConnectorID: "client_secret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "email", "profile"},
CreatedAt: time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Millisecond),
LastUsed: time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Millisecond),
Claims: storage.Claims{
UserID: "1",
Username: "jane",
Email: "",
EmailVerified: true,
Groups: []string{"a", "b"},
ConnectorData: []byte(`{"some":"data"}`),
if err := s.CreateRefresh(r); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create refresh token: %v", err)
tokenRef := storage.RefreshTokenRef{
ID: r.ID,
ClientID: r.ClientID,
CreatedAt: r.CreatedAt,
LastUsed: r.LastUsed,
session := storage.OfflineSessions{
UserID: r.Claims.UserID,
ConnID: r.ConnectorID,
Refresh: make(map[string]*storage.RefreshTokenRef),
session.Refresh[tokenRef.ClientID] = &tokenRef
if err := s.CreateOfflineSessions(session); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create offline session: %v", err)
subjectString, err := internal.Marshal(&internal.IDTokenSubject{
UserId: r.Claims.UserID,
ConnId: r.ConnectorID,
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to marshal offline session ID: %v", err)
//Testing the api.
listReq := api.ListRefreshReq{
UserId: subjectString,
listResp, err := client.ListRefresh(ctx, &listReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to list refresh tokens for user: %v", err)
for _, tok := range listResp.RefreshTokens {
if tok.CreatedAt != r.CreatedAt.Unix() {
t.Errorf("Expected CreatedAt timestamp %v, got %v", r.CreatedAt.Unix(), tok.CreatedAt)
if tok.LastUsed != r.LastUsed.Unix() {
t.Errorf("Expected LastUsed timestamp %v, got %v", r.LastUsed.Unix(), tok.LastUsed)
revokeReq := api.RevokeRefreshReq{
UserId: subjectString,
ClientId: r.ClientID,
resp, err := client.RevokeRefresh(ctx, &revokeReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to revoke refresh tokens for user: %v", err)
if resp.NotFound {
t.Errorf("refresh token session wasn't found")
// Try to delete again.
// See
resp, err = client.RevokeRefresh(ctx, &revokeReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to revoke refresh tokens for user: %v", err)
if !resp.NotFound {
t.Errorf("refresh token session was found")
if resp, _ := client.ListRefresh(ctx, &listReq); len(resp.RefreshTokens) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Refresh token returned inspite of revoking it.")
func TestUpdateClient(t *testing.T) {
logger := &logrus.Logger{
Out: os.Stderr,
Formatter: &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true},
Level: logrus.DebugLevel,
s := memory.New(logger)
client := newAPI(s, logger, t)
defer client.Close()
ctx := context.Background()
createClient := func(t *testing.T, clientId string) {
resp, err := client.CreateClient(ctx, &api.CreateClientReq{
Client: &api.Client{
Id: clientId,
Secret: "",
RedirectUris: []string{},
TrustedPeers: nil,
Public: true,
Name: "",
LogoUrl: "",
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create the client: %v", err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("create client returned no response")
if resp.AlreadyExists {
t.Error("existing client was found")
if resp.Client == nil {
t.Fatalf("no client created")
deleteClient := func(t *testing.T, clientId string) {
resp, err := client.DeleteClient(ctx, &api.DeleteClientReq{
Id: clientId,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to delete the client: %v", err)
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("delete client delete client returned no response")
tests := map[string]struct {
setup func(t *testing.T, clientId string)
cleanup func(t *testing.T, clientId string)
req *api.UpdateClientReq
wantErr bool
want *api.UpdateClientResp
"update client": {
setup: createClient,
cleanup: deleteClient,
req: &api.UpdateClientReq{
Id: "test",
RedirectUris: []string{"https://redirect"},
TrustedPeers: []string{"test"},
Name: "test",
LogoUrl: "https://logout",
wantErr: false,
want: &api.UpdateClientResp{
NotFound: false,
"update client without ID": {
setup: createClient,
cleanup: deleteClient,
req: &api.UpdateClientReq{
Id: "",
RedirectUris: nil,
TrustedPeers: nil,
Name: "test",
LogoUrl: "test",
wantErr: true,
want: &api.UpdateClientResp{
NotFound: false,
"update client which not exists ": {
req: &api.UpdateClientReq{
Id: "test",
RedirectUris: nil,
TrustedPeers: nil,
Name: "test",
LogoUrl: "test",
wantErr: true,
want: &api.UpdateClientResp{
NotFound: false,
for name, tc := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
if tc.setup != nil {
tc.setup(t, tc.req.Id)
resp, err := client.UpdateClient(ctx, tc.req)
if err != nil && !tc.wantErr {
t.Fatalf("failed to update the client: %v", err)
if !tc.wantErr {
if resp == nil {
t.Fatalf("update client response not found")
if tc.want.NotFound != resp.NotFound {
t.Errorf("expected in response NotFound: %t", tc.want.NotFound)
client, err := s.GetClient(tc.req.Id)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("no client found in the storage: %v", err)
if tc.req.Id != client.ID {
t.Errorf("expected stored client with ID: %s, found %s", tc.req.Id, client.ID)
if tc.req.Name != client.Name {
t.Errorf("expected stored client with Name: %s, found %s", tc.req.Name, client.Name)
if tc.req.LogoUrl != client.LogoURL {
t.Errorf("expected stored client with LogoURL: %s, found %s", tc.req.LogoUrl, client.LogoURL)
for _, redirectURI := range tc.req.RedirectUris {
found := find(redirectURI, client.RedirectURIs)
if !found {
t.Errorf("expected redirect URI: %s", redirectURI)
for _, peer := range tc.req.TrustedPeers {
found := find(peer, client.TrustedPeers)
if !found {
t.Errorf("expected trusted peer: %s", peer)
if tc.cleanup != nil {
tc.cleanup(t, tc.req.Id)
func find(item string, items []string) bool {
for _, i := range items {
if item == i {
return true
return false