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package server
import (
// Connector is a connector with metadata.
type Connector struct {
ID string
DisplayName string
Connector connector.Connector
// Config holds the server's configuration options.
// Multiple servers using the same storage are expected to be configured identically.
type Config struct {
Issuer string
// The backing persistence layer.
Storage storage.Storage
// Strategies for federated identity.
Connectors []Connector
// Valid values are "code" to enable the code flow and "token" to enable the implicit
// flow. If no response types are supplied this value defaults to "code".
SupportedResponseTypes []string
// List of allowed origins for CORS requests on discovery, token and keys endpoint.
// If none are indicated, CORS requests are disabled. Passing in "*" will allow any
// domain.
AllowedOrigins []string
// If enabled, the server won't prompt the user to approve authorization requests.
// Logging in implies approval.
SkipApprovalScreen bool
RotateKeysAfter time.Duration // Defaults to 6 hours.
IDTokensValidFor time.Duration // Defaults to 24 hours
GCFrequency time.Duration // Defaults to 5 minutes
// If specified, the server will use this function for determining time.
Now func() time.Time
EnablePasswordDB bool
Web WebConfig
Logger logrus.FieldLogger
// WebConfig holds the server's frontend templates and asset configuration.
// These are currently very custom to CoreOS and it's not recommended that
// outside users attempt to customize these.
type WebConfig struct {
// A filepath to web static.
// It is expected to contain the following directories:
// * static - Static static served at "( issuer URL )/static".
// * templates - HTML templates controlled by dex.
// * themes/(theme) - Static static served at "( issuer URL )/theme".
Dir string
// Defaults to "( issuer URL )/theme/logo.png"
LogoURL string
// Defaults to "dex"
Issuer string
// Defaults to "coreos"
Theme string
func value(val, defaultValue time.Duration) time.Duration {
if val == 0 {
return defaultValue
return val
// Server is the top level object.
type Server struct {
issuerURL url.URL
// Read-only map of connector IDs to connectors.
connectors map[string]Connector
storage storage.Storage
mux http.Handler
templates *templates
// If enabled, don't prompt user for approval after logging in through connector.
skipApproval bool
supportedResponseTypes map[string]bool
now func() time.Time
idTokensValidFor time.Duration
logger logrus.FieldLogger
// NewServer constructs a server from the provided config.
func NewServer(ctx context.Context, c Config) (*Server, error) {
return newServer(ctx, c, defaultRotationStrategy(
value(c.RotateKeysAfter, 6*time.Hour),
value(c.IDTokensValidFor, 24*time.Hour),
func newServer(ctx context.Context, c Config, rotationStrategy rotationStrategy) (*Server, error) {
issuerURL, err := url.Parse(c.Issuer)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("server: can't parse issuer URL")
if c.EnablePasswordDB {
c.Connectors = append(c.Connectors, Connector{
ID: "local",
DisplayName: "Email",
Connector: newPasswordDB(c.Storage),
if len(c.Connectors) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("server: no connectors specified")
if c.Storage == nil {
return nil, errors.New("server: storage cannot be nil")
if len(c.SupportedResponseTypes) == 0 {
c.SupportedResponseTypes = []string{responseTypeCode}
supported := make(map[string]bool)
for _, respType := range c.SupportedResponseTypes {
switch respType {
case responseTypeCode, responseTypeIDToken, responseTypeToken:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported response_type %q", respType)
supported[respType] = true
web := webConfig{
dir: c.Web.Dir,
logoURL: c.Web.LogoURL,
issuerURL: c.Issuer,
issuer: c.Web.Issuer,
theme: c.Web.Theme,
static, theme, tmpls, err := loadWebConfig(web)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("server: failed to load web static: %v", err)
now := c.Now
if now == nil {
now = time.Now
s := &Server{
issuerURL: *issuerURL,
connectors: make(map[string]Connector),
storage: newKeyCacher(c.Storage, now),
supportedResponseTypes: supported,
idTokensValidFor: value(c.IDTokensValidFor, 24*time.Hour),
skipApproval: c.SkipApprovalScreen,
now: now,
templates: tmpls,
logger: c.Logger,
for _, conn := range c.Connectors {
s.connectors[conn.ID] = conn
r := mux.NewRouter()
handleFunc := func(p string, h http.HandlerFunc) {
r.HandleFunc(path.Join(issuerURL.Path, p), h)
handlePrefix := func(p string, h http.Handler) {
prefix := path.Join(issuerURL.Path, p)
r.PathPrefix(prefix).Handler(http.StripPrefix(prefix, h))
handleWithCORS := func(p string, h http.HandlerFunc) {
var handler http.Handler = h
if len(c.AllowedOrigins) > 0 {
corsOption := handlers.AllowedOrigins(c.AllowedOrigins)
handler = handlers.CORS(corsOption)(handler)
r.Handle(path.Join(issuerURL.Path, p), handler)
r.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(http.NotFound)
discoveryHandler, err := s.discoveryHandler()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
handleWithCORS("/.well-known/openid-configuration", discoveryHandler)
// TODO(ericchiang): rate limit certain paths based on IP.
handleWithCORS("/token", s.handleToken)
handleWithCORS("/keys", s.handlePublicKeys)
handleFunc("/auth", s.handleAuthorization)
handleFunc("/auth/{connector}", s.handleConnectorLogin)
handleFunc("/callback", s.handleConnectorCallback)
handleFunc("/approval", s.handleApproval)
handleFunc("/healthz", s.handleHealth)
handlePrefix("/static", static)
handlePrefix("/theme", theme)
s.mux = r
s.startKeyRotation(ctx, rotationStrategy, now)
s.startGarbageCollection(ctx, value(c.GCFrequency, 5*time.Minute), now)
return s, nil
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.mux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func (s *Server) absPath(pathItems ...string) string {
paths := make([]string, len(pathItems)+1)
paths[0] = s.issuerURL.Path
copy(paths[1:], pathItems)
return path.Join(paths...)
func (s *Server) absURL(pathItems ...string) string {
u := s.issuerURL
u.Path = s.absPath(pathItems...)
return u.String()
func newPasswordDB(s storage.Storage) interface {
} {
return passwordDB{s}
type passwordDB struct {
s storage.Storage
func (db passwordDB) Login(ctx context.Context, s connector.Scopes, email, password string) (connector.Identity, bool, error) {
p, err := db.s.GetPassword(email)
if err != nil {
if err != storage.ErrNotFound {
return connector.Identity{}, false, fmt.Errorf("get password: %v", err)
return connector.Identity{}, false, nil
if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(p.Hash, []byte(password)); err != nil {
return connector.Identity{}, false, nil
return connector.Identity{
UserID: p.UserID,
Username: p.Username,
Email: p.Email,
EmailVerified: true,
}, true, nil
func (db passwordDB) Refresh(ctx context.Context, s connector.Scopes, identity connector.Identity) (connector.Identity, error) {
// If the user has been deleted, the refresh token will be rejected.
p, err := db.s.GetPassword(identity.Email)
if err != nil {
if err == storage.ErrNotFound {
return connector.Identity{}, errors.New("user not found")
return connector.Identity{}, fmt.Errorf("get password: %v", err)
// User removed but a new user with the same email exists.
if p.UserID != identity.UserID {
return connector.Identity{}, errors.New("user not found")
// If a user has updated their username, that will be reflected in the
// refreshed token.
// No other fields are expected to be refreshable as email is effectively used
// as an ID and this implementation doesn't deal with groups.
identity.Username = p.Username
return identity, nil
// newKeyCacher returns a storage which caches keys so long as the next
func newKeyCacher(s storage.Storage, now func() time.Time) storage.Storage {
if now == nil {
now = time.Now
return &keyCacher{Storage: s, now: now}
type keyCacher struct {
now func() time.Time
keys atomic.Value // Always holds nil or type *storage.Keys.
func (k *keyCacher) GetKeys() (storage.Keys, error) {
keys, ok := k.keys.Load().(*storage.Keys)
if ok && keys != nil && {
return *keys, nil
storageKeys, err := k.Storage.GetKeys()
if err != nil {
return storageKeys, err
if {
return storageKeys, nil
func (s *Server) startGarbageCollection(ctx context.Context, frequency time.Duration, now func() time.Time) {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(frequency):
if r, err :=; err != nil {
s.logger.Errorf("garbage collection failed: %v", err)
} else if r.AuthRequests > 0 || r.AuthCodes > 0 {
s.logger.Infof("garbage collection run, delete auth requests=%d, auth codes=%d", r.AuthRequests, r.AuthCodes)