// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build ignore package main // This program generates table.go and table_test.go based on the authoritative // public suffix list at https://publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat // // The version is derived from // https://api.github.com/repos/publicsuffix/list/commits?path=public_suffix_list.dat // and a human-readable form is at // https://github.com/publicsuffix/list/commits/master/public_suffix_list.dat // // To fetch a particular git revision, such as 5c70ccd250, pass // -url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/publicsuffix/list/5c70ccd250/public_suffix_list.dat" // and -version "an explicit version string". import ( "bufio" "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "go/format" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "golang.org/x/net/idna" ) const ( // These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32. nodesBitsChildren = 9 nodesBitsICANN = 1 nodesBitsTextOffset = 15 nodesBitsTextLength = 6 // These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32. childrenBitsWildcard = 1 childrenBitsNodeType = 2 childrenBitsHi = 14 childrenBitsLo = 14 ) var ( maxChildren int maxTextOffset int maxTextLength int maxHi uint32 maxLo uint32 ) func max(a, b int) int { if a < b { return b } return a } func u32max(a, b uint32) uint32 { if a < b { return b } return a } const ( nodeTypeNormal = 0 nodeTypeException = 1 nodeTypeParentOnly = 2 numNodeType = 3 ) func nodeTypeStr(n int) string { switch n { case nodeTypeNormal: return "+" case nodeTypeException: return "!" case nodeTypeParentOnly: return "o" } panic("unreachable") } const ( defaultURL = "https://publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat" gitCommitURL = "https://api.github.com/repos/publicsuffix/list/commits?path=public_suffix_list.dat" ) var ( labelEncoding = map[string]uint32{} labelsList = []string{} labelsMap = map[string]bool{} rules = []string{} // validSuffixRE is used to check that the entries in the public suffix // list are in canonical form (after Punycode encoding). Specifically, // capital letters are not allowed. validSuffixRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9_\!\*\-\.]+$`) shaRE = regexp.MustCompile(`"sha":"([^"]+)"`) dateRE = regexp.MustCompile(`"committer":{[^{]+"date":"([^"]+)"`) comments = flag.Bool("comments", false, "generate table.go comments, for debugging") subset = flag.Bool("subset", false, "generate only a subset of the full table, for debugging") url = flag.String("url", defaultURL, "URL of the publicsuffix.org list. If empty, stdin is read instead") v = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose output (to stderr)") version = flag.String("version", "", "the effective_tld_names.dat version") ) func main() { if err := main1(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } } func main1() error { flag.Parse() if nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset+nodesBitsICANN+nodesBitsChildren > 32 { return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the nodes table") } if childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType+childrenBitsWildcard > 32 { return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the children table") } if *version == "" { if *url != defaultURL { return fmt.Errorf("-version was not specified, and the -url is not the default one") } sha, date, err := gitCommit() if err != nil { return err } *version = fmt.Sprintf("publicsuffix.org's public_suffix_list.dat, git revision %s (%s)", sha, date) } var r io.Reader = os.Stdin if *url != "" { res, err := http.Get(*url) if err != nil { return err } if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", *url, res.Status) } r = res.Body defer res.Body.Close() } var root node icann := false br := bufio.NewReader(r) for { s, err := br.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { break } return err } s = strings.TrimSpace(s) if strings.Contains(s, "BEGIN ICANN DOMAINS") { icann = true continue } if strings.Contains(s, "END ICANN DOMAINS") { icann = false continue } if s == "" || strings.HasPrefix(s, "//") { continue } s, err = idna.ToASCII(s) if err != nil { return err } if !validSuffixRE.MatchString(s) { return fmt.Errorf("bad publicsuffix.org list data: %q", s) } if *subset { switch { case s == "ac.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ac.jp"): case s == "ak.us" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ak.us"): case s == "ao" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ao"): case s == "ar" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ar"): case s == "arpa" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".arpa"): case s == "cy" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".cy"): case s == "dyndns.org" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".dyndns.org"): case s == "jp": case s == "kobe.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".kobe.jp"): case s == "kyoto.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".kyoto.jp"): case s == "om" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".om"): case s == "uk" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".uk"): case s == "uk.com" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".uk.com"): case s == "tw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".tw"): case s == "zw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".zw"): case s == "xn--p1ai" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".xn--p1ai"): // xn--p1ai is Russian-Cyrillic "рф". default: continue } } rules = append(rules, s) nt, wildcard := nodeTypeNormal, false switch { case strings.HasPrefix(s, "*."): s, nt = s[2:], nodeTypeParentOnly wildcard = true case strings.HasPrefix(s, "!"): s, nt = s[1:], nodeTypeException } labels := strings.Split(s, ".") for n, i := &root, len(labels)-1; i >= 0; i-- { label := labels[i] n = n.child(label) if i == 0 { if nt != nodeTypeParentOnly && n.nodeType == nodeTypeParentOnly { n.nodeType = nt } n.icann = n.icann && icann n.wildcard = n.wildcard || wildcard } labelsMap[label] = true } } labelsList = make([]string, 0, len(labelsMap)) for label := range labelsMap { labelsList = append(labelsList, label) } sort.Strings(labelsList) if err := generate(printReal, &root, "table.go"); err != nil { return err } if err := generate(printTest, &root, "table_test.go"); err != nil { return err } return nil } func generate(p func(io.Writer, *node) error, root *node, filename string) error { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := p(buf, root); err != nil { return err } b, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes()) if err != nil { return err } return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, b, 0644) } func gitCommit() (sha, date string, retErr error) { res, err := http.Get(gitCommitURL) if err != nil { return "", "", err } if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", gitCommitURL, res.Status) } defer res.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return "", "", err } if m := shaRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil { sha = string(m[1]) } if m := dateRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil { date = string(m[1]) } if sha == "" || date == "" { retErr = fmt.Errorf("could not find commit SHA and date in %s", gitCommitURL) } return sha, date, retErr } func printTest(w io.Writer, n *node) error { fmt.Fprintf(w, "// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT\n\n") fmt.Fprintf(w, "package publicsuffix\n\nvar rules = [...]string{\n") for _, rule := range rules { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", rule) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\nvar nodeLabels = [...]string{\n") if err := n.walk(w, printNodeLabel); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n") return nil } func printReal(w io.Writer, n *node) error { const header = `// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT package publicsuffix const version = %q const ( nodesBitsChildren = %d nodesBitsICANN = %d nodesBitsTextOffset = %d nodesBitsTextLength = %d childrenBitsWildcard = %d childrenBitsNodeType = %d childrenBitsHi = %d childrenBitsLo = %d ) const ( nodeTypeNormal = %d nodeTypeException = %d nodeTypeParentOnly = %d ) // numTLD is the number of top level domains. const numTLD = %d ` fmt.Fprintf(w, header, *version, nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength, childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo, nodeTypeNormal, nodeTypeException, nodeTypeParentOnly, len(n.children)) text := combineText(labelsList) if text == "" { return fmt.Errorf("internal error: makeText returned no text") } for _, label := range labelsList { offset, length := strings.Index(text, label), len(label) if offset < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("internal error: could not find %q in text %q", label, text) } maxTextOffset, maxTextLength = max(maxTextOffset, offset), max(maxTextLength, length) if offset >= 1<= 1< 64 { n, plus = 64, " +" } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q%s\n", text[:n], plus) text = text[n:] } if err := n.walk(w, assignIndexes); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(w, ` // nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which // encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into // the children array), ICANN bit and text. // // If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment // after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children, // formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The // nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only // nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right. // An I denotes an ICANN domain. // // The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is: // [%2d bits] unused // [%2d bits] children index // [%2d bits] ICANN bit // [%2d bits] text index // [%2d bits] text length var nodes = [...]uint32{ `, 32-nodesBitsChildren-nodesBitsICANN-nodesBitsTextOffset-nodesBitsTextLength, nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength) if err := n.walk(w, printNode); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(w, `} // children is the list of nodes' children, the parent's wildcard bit and the // parent's node type. If a node has no children then their children index // will be in the range [0, 6), depending on the wildcard bit and node type. // // The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is: // [%2d bits] unused // [%2d bits] wildcard bit // [%2d bits] node type // [%2d bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children // [%2d bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children var children=[...]uint32{ `, 32-childrenBitsWildcard-childrenBitsNodeType-childrenBitsHi-childrenBitsLo, childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo) for i, c := range childrenEncoding { s := "---------------" lo := c & (1<> childrenBitsLo) & (1<>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi)) & (1<>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType) != 0 if *comments { fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // c0x%04x (%s)%s %s\n", c, i, s, wildcardStr(wildcard), nodeTypeStr(nodeType)) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x,\n", c) } } fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\n") fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max children %d (capacity %d)\n", maxChildren, 1<= 1<= 1<= 1< 0 && ss[0] == "" { ss = ss[1:] } return ss } // crush combines a list of strings, taking advantage of overlaps. It returns a // single string that contains each input string as a substring. func crush(ss []string) string { maxLabelLen := 0 for _, s := range ss { if maxLabelLen < len(s) { maxLabelLen = len(s) } } for prefixLen := maxLabelLen; prefixLen > 0; prefixLen-- { prefixes := makePrefixMap(ss, prefixLen) for i, s := range ss { if len(s) <= prefixLen { continue } mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes) } } return strings.Join(ss, "") } // mergeLabel merges the label at ss[i] with the first available matching label // in prefixMap, where the last "prefixLen" characters in ss[i] match the first // "prefixLen" characters in the matching label. // It will merge ss[i] repeatedly until no more matches are available. // All matching labels merged into ss[i] are replaced by "". func mergeLabel(ss []string, i, prefixLen int, prefixes prefixMap) { s := ss[i] suffix := s[len(s)-prefixLen:] for _, j := range prefixes[suffix] { // Empty strings mean "already used." Also avoid merging with self. if ss[j] == "" || i == j { continue } if *v { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d-length overlap at (%4d,%4d): %q and %q share %q\n", prefixLen, i, j, ss[i], ss[j], suffix) } ss[i] += ss[j][prefixLen:] ss[j] = "" // ss[i] has a new suffix, so merge again if possible. // Note: we only have to merge again at the same prefix length. Shorter // prefix lengths will be handled in the next iteration of crush's for loop. // Can there be matches for longer prefix lengths, introduced by the merge? // I believe that any such matches would by necessity have been eliminated // during substring removal or merged at a higher prefix length. For // instance, in crush("abc", "cde", "bcdef"), combining "abc" and "cde" // would yield "abcde", which could be merged with "bcdef." However, in // practice "cde" would already have been elimintated by removeSubstrings. mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes) return } } // prefixMap maps from a prefix to a list of strings containing that prefix. The // list of strings is represented as indexes into a slice of strings stored // elsewhere. type prefixMap map[string][]int // makePrefixMap constructs a prefixMap from a slice of strings. func makePrefixMap(ss []string, prefixLen int) prefixMap { prefixes := make(prefixMap) for i, s := range ss { // We use < rather than <= because if a label matches on a prefix equal to // its full length, that's actually a substring match handled by // removeSubstrings. if prefixLen < len(s) { prefix := s[:prefixLen] prefixes[prefix] = append(prefixes[prefix], i) } } return prefixes }