package goquery

import (

const (
	wrapHtml = "<div id=\"ins\">test string<div><p><em><b></b></em></p></div></div>"

func TestAfter(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + #nf6").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAfterMany(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one + #nf6").Nodes, 2)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAfterWithRemoved(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	s := doc.Find("#main").Remove()

	assertLength(t, s.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAfterSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").AfterSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1, #main #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1, #foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + #nf1, #nf1 + #nf2").Nodes, 2)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAfterHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").AfterHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + strong").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppend(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppendBody(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppendSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").AppendSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf2").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppendSelectionExisting(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").AppendSelection(doc.Find("#n1, #n2"))

	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(1)"), "three")
	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(5)"), "one")
	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(6)"), "two")
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppendClone(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestAppendHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("div").AppendHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("strong").Nodes, 14)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestBefore(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestBeforeWithRemoved(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	s := doc.Find("#main").Remove()

	assertLength(t, s.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestBeforeSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").BeforeSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1, #main #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1, #foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf1:first-child, #nf1 + #nf2").Nodes, 2)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestBeforeHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").BeforeHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > strong:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestEmpty(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	s := doc.Find("#main").Empty()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Children().Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, s.Filter("div").Nodes, 6)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrepend(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrependBody(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrependSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").PrependSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf2:nth-child(2)").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrependSelectionExisting(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main").PrependSelection(doc.Find("#n5, #n6"))

	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(1)"), "five")
	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(2)"), "six")
	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(5)"), "three")
	assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(6)"), "four")
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrependClone(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestPrependHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("div").PrependHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("strong:first-child").Nodes, 14)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestRemove(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestRemoveAll(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("*").Nodes, 0)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestRemoveRoot(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("html").Nodes, 0)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestRemoveFiltered(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf6 := doc.Find("#nf6")
	s := doc.Find("div").RemoveFiltered("#nf6")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, s.Nodes, 1)
	if nf6.Nodes[0] != s.Nodes[0] {
		t.Error("Removed node does not match original")
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestReplaceWith(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #main:last-child").Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestReplaceWithHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	doc.Find("#main, #foot").ReplaceWithHtml("<div id=\"replace\"></div>")

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#replace").Nodes, 2)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestReplaceWithSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	sel := doc.Find("#nf6").ReplaceWithSelection(doc.Find("#nf5"))

	assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#nf6")
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf5").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestUnwrap(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf1").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf5").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

	doc = Doc2Clone()

	doc.Find("#nf5, #n1").Unwrap()
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #n1").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf5").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestUnwrapBody(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body").Nodes, 1)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #main").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestUnwrapHead(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("head").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("head > title").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("title").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestUnwrapHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	assertLength(t, doc.Find("html").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("html head").Nodes, 0)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find("head").Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrap(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf1 := doc.Find("#foot #nf2 #nf1")
	assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)

	nf2 := doc.Find("#nf2")
	assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 2)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapEmpty(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	origHtml, _ := Doc2().Html()
	newHtml, _ := doc.Html()

	if origHtml != newHtml {
		t.Error("Expected the two documents to be identical.")

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf2 := doc.Find("#ins #nf2")
	assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapSelection(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf1 := doc.Find("#foot #nf2 #nf1")
	assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)

	nf2 := doc.Find("#nf2")
	assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 2)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapAll(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf1 := doc.Find("#main #nf1")
	assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)

	sel := nf1.Find("#n2 ~ #n4 ~ #n6 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf4 ~ #nf6")
	assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapAllHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()
	nf1 := doc.Find("#main div#ins div p em b #n2 ~ #n4 ~ #n6 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf4 ~ #nf6")
	assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)
	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapInnerNoContent(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	twos := doc.Find(".two")
	assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 4)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 2)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapInnerWithContent(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc3Clone()

	twos := doc.Find(".two")
	assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 4)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 2)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapInnerNoWrapper(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	twos := doc.Find(".two")
	assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 2)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one").Nodes, 2)
	assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 0)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)

func TestWrapInnerHtml(t *testing.T) {
	doc := Doc2Clone()

	foot := doc.Find("#foot div#ins div p em b #nf1 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf3")
	assertLength(t, foot.Nodes, 1)

	printSel(t, doc.Selection)