package server

import (
	htmltemplate "html/template"



func TestSendResetPasswordEmailHandler(t *testing.T) {
	str := func(s string) []string {
		return []string{s}

	textTemplateString := `{{define "password-reset.txt"}}{{.link}}{{end}}`
	textTemplates := template.New("text")
	_, err := textTemplates.Parse(textTemplateString)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error parsing text templates: %v", err)

	htmlTemplates := htmltemplate.New("html")

	tests := []struct {
		query url.Values

		method string

		wantFormValues  *url.Values
		wantCode        int
		wantRedirectURL *url.URL
		wantEmailer     *testEmailer
		wantPRRedirect  *url.URL
		wantPRUserID    string
		wantPRPassword  string
		// First we'll test all the requests for happy path #1:
		{ // Case 0

			// STEP 1.1 - User clicks on link from local-login page and has a
			// session_key, which will prompt a redirect to page which has
			// instead a client_id and redirect_uri.
			query: url.Values{
				"session_key": str("code-2"),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusSeeOther,
			wantRedirectURL: &url.URL{
				Scheme: testIssuerURL.Scheme,
				Host:   testIssuerURL.Host,
				Path:   httpPathSendResetPassword,
				RawQuery: url.Values{
					"client_id":    str(testClientID),
					"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
		{ // Case 1

			// STEP 1.2 - This is the request that happens as a result of the
			// redirect. The client_id and redirect_uri should be in the form on
			// the page.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
				"email":        str(""),
		{ // Case 2
			// STEP 1.3 - User enters a valid email, gets success page.  The
			// values from the GET redirect are resent in the form POST along
			// with the email.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
				"email":        str(""),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantEmailer: &testEmailer{
				to:      str(""),
				from:    "",
				subject: "Reset Your Password",
			wantPRUserID:   "ID-1",
			wantPRRedirect: &testRedirectURL,
			wantPRPassword: "password",

		// Happy Path #2 - no email or redirect
		{ // Case 3

			// STEP 2.1 - user somehow ends up on reset page with nothing but a client id
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id": str(testClientID),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(""),
				"email":        str(""),
		{ // Case 4

			// STEP 2.3 - There is no STEP 2 because we don't have the redirect.
			query: url.Values{
				"email":     str(""),
				"client_id": str(testClientID),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantEmailer: &testEmailer{
				to:      str(""),
				from:    "",
				subject: "Reset Your Password",
			wantPRPassword: "password",
			wantPRUserID:   "ID-1",

		// Some error conditions:
		{ // Case 5
			// STEP 1.3.1 - User enters an invalid email, gets form again.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
				"email":        str("NOT EMAIL"),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
				"email":        str(""),
		{ // Case 6
			// STEP 1.3.2 - User enters a valid email but for a user not in the
			// system. They still get the success page, but no email is sent.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(testRedirectURL.String()),
				"email":        str(""),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
		{ // Case 7

			// STEP 1.1.1 - User clicks on link from local-login page and has a
			// session_key, but it is not-recognized.
			query: url.Values{
				"session_key": str("code-UNKNOWN"),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 8

			// STEP 1.2.1 - Someone trying to replace a valid redirect_url with
			// an invalid one.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(""),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 9
			// STEP 1.3.4 - User enters a valid email for a user in the system,
			// but with an invalid redirect_uri.
			query: url.Values{
				"client_id":    str(testClientID),
				"redirect_uri": str(""),
				"email":        str(""),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 10

			// User hits the page with a valid email but no client id
			query: url.Values{
				"email": str(""),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 10

			// Don't send an email without a client id
			query: url.Values{
				"email": str(""),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 11

			// Empty requests lack a client id
			query:  url.Values{},
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
		{ // Case 12

			// Empty requests lack a client id
			query:  url.Values{},
			method: "POST",

			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		t.Logf("CASE: %d", i)
		f, err := makeTestFixtures()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("case %d: could not make test fixtures: %v", i, err)

		_, err = f.srv.NewSession("local", "XXX", "", f.redirectURL, "", true, []string{"openid"})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("case %d: could not create new session: %v", i, err)

		emailer := &testEmailer{
			sent: make(chan struct{}),
		templatizer := email.NewTemplatizedEmailerFromTemplates(textTemplates, htmlTemplates, emailer)
		hdlr := SendResetPasswordEmailHandler{
			tpl:     f.srv.SendResetPasswordEmailTemplate,
			emailer: f.srv.UserEmailer,
			sm:      f.sessionManager,
			cr:      f.clientIdentityRepo,

		w := httptest.NewRecorder()

		var req *http.Request
		u := testIssuerURL
		u.Path = httpPathSendResetPassword
		if tt.method == "POST" {
			req, err = http.NewRequest(tt.method, u.String(), strings.NewReader(tt.query.Encode()))
			req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
		} else {
			u.RawQuery = tt.query.Encode()
			req, err = http.NewRequest(tt.method, u.String(), nil)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: unable to form HTTP request: %v", i, err)

		hdlr.ServeHTTP(w, req)
		if tt.wantCode != w.Code {
			t.Errorf("case %d: wantCode=%v, got=%v", i, tt.wantCode, w.Code)
			t.Logf("case %d: Body: %v ", i, w.Body)

		values, err := html.FormValues("#sendResetPasswordForm", w.Body)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse form: %v", i, err)

		if tt.wantFormValues != nil {
			if diff := pretty.Compare(*tt.wantFormValues, values); diff != "" {
				t.Errorf("case %d: Compare(wantFormValues, got) = %v", i, diff)

		if tt.wantRedirectURL != nil {
			location, err := url.Parse(w.Header().Get("location"))
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse Location header: %v", i, err)
			if diff := pretty.Compare(*tt.wantRedirectURL, *location); diff != "" {
				t.Errorf("case %d: Compare(wantRedirectURL, got) = %v", i, diff)
		if tt.wantEmailer != nil {
			txt := emailer.text
			emailer.text = ""
			if diff := pretty.Compare(*tt.wantEmailer, *emailer); diff != "" {
				t.Errorf("case %d: Compare(wantEmailer, got) = %v", i, diff)

			u, err := url.Parse(txt)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse generated link: %v", i, err)
			token := u.Query().Get("token")
			pubKeys, err := f.srv.KeyManager.PublicKeys()
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse generated link: %v", i, err)

			pr, err := user.ParseAndVerifyPasswordResetToken(token, testIssuerURL, pubKeys)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse reset token: %v", i, err)

			if tt.wantPRPassword != string(pr.Password()) {
				t.Errorf("case %d: wantPRPassword=%v, got=%v", i, tt.wantPRPassword, string(pr.Password()))

			if tt.wantPRRedirect == nil {
				if pr.Callback() != nil {
					t.Errorf("case %d: wantPRCallback=nil, got=%v", i, pr.Callback())

			} else {
				if *tt.wantPRRedirect != *pr.Callback() {
					t.Errorf("case %d: wantPRCallback=%v, got=%v", i, tt.wantPRRedirect, pr.Callback())


func TestResetPasswordHandler(t *testing.T) {
	makeToken := func(userID, password, clientID string, callback url.URL, expires time.Duration, signer jose.Signer) string {
		pr := user.NewPasswordReset("ID-1",

		jwt, err := jose.NewSignedJWT(pr.Claims, signer)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("couldn't make token: %q", err)
		token := jwt.Encode()
		return token
	goodSigner := key.NewPrivateKeySet([]*key.PrivateKey{testPrivKey},

	badKey, err := key.GeneratePrivateKey()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("couldn't make new key: %q", err)
	badSigner := key.NewPrivateKeySet([]*key.PrivateKey{badKey},

	str := func(s string) []string {
		return []string{s}

	user.PasswordHasher = func(s string) ([]byte, error) {
		return []byte(strings.ToUpper(s)), nil
	defer func() {
		user.PasswordHasher = user.DefaultPasswordHasher

	tokenForCase := map[int]string{
		0: makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, testRedirectURL, time.Hour*1, goodSigner),
		2: makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, goodSigner),
		5: makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, goodSigner),

	tests := []struct {
		query url.Values

		method string

		wantFormValues *url.Values
		wantCode       int
		wantPassword   string
		// Scenario 1: Happy Path
		{ // Case 0
			// Step 1.1 - User clicks link in email, has valid token.
			query: url.Values{
				"token": str(tokenForCase[0]),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"password": str(""),
				"token":    str(tokenForCase[0]),
			wantPassword: "password",
		{ // Case 1
			// Step 1.2 - User enters in new valid password, password is changed, user is redirected.
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, testRedirectURL, time.Hour*1, goodSigner)),
				"password": str("new_password"),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode:       http.StatusSeeOther,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{},
			wantPassword:   "NEW_PASSWORD",
		// Scenario 2: Happy Path, but without redirect.
		{ // Case 2
			// Step 2.1 - User clicks link in email, has valid token.
			query: url.Values{
				"token": str(tokenForCase[2]),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode: http.StatusOK,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"password": str(""),
				"token":    str(tokenForCase[2]),
			wantPassword: "password",
		{ // Case 3
			// Step 2.2 - User enters in new valid password, password is changed, user is redirected.
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, goodSigner)),
				"password": str("new_password"),
			method: "POST",

			// no redirect
			wantCode:       http.StatusOK,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{},
			wantPassword:   "NEW_PASSWORD",
		// Errors
		{ // Case 4
			// Step 1.1.1 - User clicks link in email, has invalid token.
			query: url.Values{
				"token": str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, testRedirectURL, time.Hour*1, badSigner)),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode:       http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{},
			wantPassword:   "password",

		{ // Case 5
			// Step 2.2.1 - User enters in new valid password, password is changed, no redirect
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(tokenForCase[5]),
				"password": str("shrt"),
			method: "POST",

			// no redirect
			wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{
				"password": str(""),
				"token":    str(tokenForCase[5]),
			wantPassword: "password",
		{ // Case 6
			// Step 2.2.2 - User enters in new valid password, with suspicious token.
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", testClientID, url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, badSigner)),
				"password": str("shrt"),
			method: "POST",

			// no redirect
			wantCode:       http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantFormValues: &url.Values{},
			wantPassword:   "password",
		{ // Case 7
			// Token lacking client id
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", "", url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, goodSigner)),
				"password": str("shrt"),
			method: "GET",

			wantCode:     http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantPassword: "password",
		{ // Case 8
			// Token lacking client id
			query: url.Values{
				"token":    str(makeToken("ID-1", "password", "", url.URL{}, time.Hour*1, goodSigner)),
				"password": str("shrt"),
			method: "POST",

			wantCode:     http.StatusBadRequest,
			wantPassword: "password",
	for i, tt := range tests {
		f, err := makeTestFixtures()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("case %d: could not make test fixtures: %v", i, err)

		hdlr := ResetPasswordHandler{
			tpl:       f.srv.ResetPasswordTemplate,
			issuerURL: testIssuerURL,
			um:        f.srv.UserManager,
			keysFunc:  f.srv.KeyManager.PublicKeys,

		w := httptest.NewRecorder()
		var req *http.Request
		u := testIssuerURL
		u.Path = httpPathResetPassword
		if tt.method == "POST" {
			req, err = http.NewRequest(tt.method, u.String(), strings.NewReader(tt.query.Encode()))
			req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
		} else {
			u.RawQuery = tt.query.Encode()
			req, err = http.NewRequest(tt.method, u.String(), nil)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: unable to form HTTP request: %v", i, err)

		hdlr.ServeHTTP(w, req)

		if tt.wantCode != w.Code {
			t.Errorf("case %d: wantCode=%v, got=%v", i, tt.wantCode, w.Code)

		values, err := html.FormValues("#resetPasswordForm", bytes.NewReader(w.Body.Bytes()))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: could not parse form: %v", i, err)

		if tt.wantFormValues != nil {
			if diff := pretty.Compare(*tt.wantFormValues, values); diff != "" {
				t.Errorf("case %d: Compare(wantFormValues, got) = %v", i, diff)
		pwi, err := f.srv.PasswordInfoRepo.Get(nil, "ID-1")
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("case %d: Error getting Password info: %v", i, err)
		if tt.wantPassword != string(pwi.Password) {
			t.Errorf("case %d: wantPassword=%v, got=%v", i, tt.wantPassword, string(pwi.Password))


type testEmailer struct {
	from, subject, text, html string
	to                        []string
	sent                      chan struct{}

func (t *testEmailer) SendMail(from, subject, text, html string, to ...string) error {
	t.from = from
	t.subject = subject
	t.text = text
	t.html = html = to
	t.sent <- struct{}{}

	return nil