# This file will do everything necessary to bring up a working Dex # environment, connected to a Postgres DB and with a local and Google OIDC # connector; When the script is completed, you will have three processes running # in the background of your (bash) shell: an Dex Overlord, an Dex Worker, # and the example app. # # It assumes you are in the root directory of the Dex project and that you # have psql installed and running. # # USAGE: # # DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<<your_client_id>> DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<<your_client_secret>> && source contrib/standup-db.sh # # NOTE: As you can see from above, this file is meant to be *sourced* not executed directly. # Build components. ./build # Set DB var DEX_DB=dex_dev DEX_DB_URL=postgres://localhost/$DEX_DB?sslmode=disable export DEX_WORKER_DB_URL=$DEX_DB_URL # Delete/create DB dropdb $DEX_DB; createdb $DEX_DB DEX_KEY_SECRET=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d '\n') # Start the overlord export DEX_OVERLORD_DB_URL=$DEX_DB_URL export DEX_OVERLORD_KEY_SECRETS=$DEX_KEY_SECRET export DEX_OVERLORD_KEY_PERIOD=1h export DEX_OVERLORD_ADMIN_API_SECRET=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=128 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d '\n') ./bin/dex-overlord & echo "Waiting for overlord to start..." until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --fail http://localhost:5557/health); do printf '.' sleep 1 done # Create a client eval "$(./bin/dexctl --db-url=$DEX_DB_URL new-client" # Set up connectors DEX_CONNECTORS_FILE=$(mktemp /tmp/dex-conn.XXXXX) DEX_GOOGLE_ISSUER_URL=https://accounts.google.com cat << EOF > $DEX_CONNECTORS_FILE [ { "type": "local", "id": "local" }, { "type": "oidc", "id": "google", "issuerURL": "$DEX_GOOGLE_ISSUER_URL", "clientID": "$DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID", "clientSecret": "$DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET", "trustedEmailProvider": true } ] EOF ./bin/dexctl --db-url=$DEX_DB_URL set-connector-configs $DEX_CONNECTORS_FILE # Start the worker export DEX_WORKER_DB_URL=$DEX_DB_URL export DEX_WORKER_KEY_SECRETS=$DEX_KEY_SECRET export DEX_WORKER_LOG_DEBUG=1 export DEX_WORKER_EMAIL_CFG=static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample export DEX_WORKER_ENABLE_REGISTRATION=true ./bin/dex-worker & echo "Waiting for worker to start..." until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --fail http://localhost:5556/health); do printf '.' sleep 1 done # Start the app ./bin/example-app --client-id=$DEX_APP_CLIENT_ID --client-secret=$DEX_APP_CLIENT_SECRET --discovery= & # Create Admin User - the password is a hash of the word "password" curl -X POST --data '{"email":"admin@example.com","password":"$2a$04$J54iz31fhYfXIRVglUMmpufY6TKf/vvwc9pv8zWog7X/LFrFfkNQe" }' --header "Authorization: $DEX_OVERLORD_ADMIN_API_SECRET"