Compare commits


No commits in common. "v0.2.2" and "master" have entirely different histories.

1102 changed files with 88488 additions and 144217 deletions

.dockerignore Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

.editorconfig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 2
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 2

.envrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 1.5.0; then
source_url "" "sha256-carKk9aUFHMuHt+IWh74hFj58nY4K3uywpZbwXX0BTI="
use flake

.github/.editorconfig vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
indent_size = 2

.github/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## Community Code of Conduct
This project follows the [CNCF Code of Conduct](

DCO → .github/DCO vendored
View file

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
name: 🐛 Bug report
description: Report a bug to help us improve Dex
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for submitting a bug report!
Please fill out the template below to make it easier to debug your problem.
If you are not sure if it is a bug or not, you can contact us via the available [support channels](
- type: checkboxes
label: Preflight Checklist
description: Please ensure you've completed all of the following.
- label: I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( that this project adheres to.
required: true
- label: I have searched the [issue tracker]( for an issue that matches the one I want to file, without success.
required: true
- label: I am not looking for support or already pursued the available [support channels]( without success.
required: true
- type: input
label: Version
description: What version of Dex are you running?
placeholder: 2.29.0
required: true
- type: dropdown
label: Storage Type
description: Which persistent storage type are you using?
- etcd
- Kubernetes
- In-memory
- Postgres
- SQLite
required: true
- type: dropdown
label: Installation Type
description: How did you install Dex?
- Binary
- Official container image
- Official Helm chart
- Custom container image
- Custom Helm chart
- Other (specify below)
multiple: true
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Expected Behavior
description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Actual Behavior
description: A clear description of what actually happens.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Steps To Reproduce
description: Steps to reproduce the behavior if it is not self-explanatory.
placeholder: |
1. In this environment...
2. With this config...
3. Run '...'
4. See error...
- type: textarea
label: Additional Information
description: Links? References? Anything that will give us more context about the issue that you are encountering!
- type: textarea
label: Configuration
description: Contents of your configuration file (if relevant).
render: yaml
placeholder: |
# ...
# ...
# ...
- type: textarea
label: Logs
description: Dex application logs (if relevant).
render: shell

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: ❓ Ask a question
about: Ask and discuss questions with other Dex community members
- name: 📚 Documentation
about: Check the documentation for help
- name: 💬 Slack channel
about: Please ask and answer questions here
- name: 💡 Dex Enhancement Proposal
about: Open a proposal for significant architectural change

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: 🎉 Feature request
description: Suggest an idea for Dex
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for submitting a feature request!
Please describe what you would like to change/add and why in detail by filling out the template below.
If you are not sure if your request fits into Dex, you can contact us via the available [support channels](
- type: checkboxes
label: Preflight Checklist
description: Please ensure you've completed all of the following.
- label: I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( that this project adheres to.
required: true
- label: I have searched the [issue tracker]( for an issue that matches the one I want to file, without success.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Problem Description
description: A clear and concise description of the problem you are seeking to solve with this feature request.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Proposed Solution
description: A clear and concise description of what would you like to happen.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Alternatives Considered
description: A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
- type: textarea
label: Additional Information
description: Add any other context about the problem here.

.github/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Thank you for sending a pull request! Here are some tips for contributors:
1. Fill the description template below.
2. Sign a DCO (if you haven't already signed it).
3. Include appropriate tests (if necessary). Make sure that all CI checks passed.
4. If the Pull Request is a work in progress, make use of GitHub's "Draft PR" feature and mark it as such.
#### Overview
<!-- Describe your changes briefly here. -->
#### What this PR does / why we need it
- Please state in detail why we need this PR and what it solves.
- If your PR closes some of the existing issues, please add links to them here.
Mentioned issues will be automatically closed.
Usage: "Closes #<issue number>", or "Closes (paste link of issue)"
#### Special notes for your reviewer
#### Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?
If no, just write "NONE" in the release-note block below.
If yes, a release note is required:
Enter your extended release note in the block below. If the PR requires additional action from users switching to the new release, include the string "action required".

.github/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Security Policy
## Reporting a vulnerability
To report a vulnerability, send an email to [](
detailing the issue and steps to reproduce. The reporter(s) can expect a
response within 48 hours acknowledging the issue was received. If a response is
not received within 48 hours, please reach out to any maintainer directly
to confirm receipt of the issue.
## Review Process
Once a maintainer has confirmed the relevance of the report, a draft security
advisory will be created on Github. The draft advisory will be used to discuss
the issue with maintainers, the reporter(s).
If the reporter(s) wishes to participate in this discussion, then provide
reporter Github username(s) to be invited to the discussion. If the reporter(s)
does not wish to participate directly in the discussion, then the reporter(s)
can request to be updated regularly via email.
If the vulnerability is accepted, a timeline for developing a patch, public
disclosure, and patch release will be determined. The reporter(s) are expected
to participate in the discussion of the timeline and abide by agreed upon dates
for public disclosure.

.github/dependabot.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "gomod"
directory: "/"
- "area/dependencies"
interval: "daily"
- package-ecosystem: "gomod"
directory: "/api/v2"
- "area/dependencies"
interval: "daily"
- package-ecosystem: "docker"
directory: "/"
- "area/dependencies"
interval: "daily"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
- "area/dependencies"
interval: "daily"

.github/release.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- release-note/ignore
- title: Exciting New Features 🎉
- kind/feature
- release-note/new-feature
- title: Enhancements 🚀
- kind/enhancement
- release-note/enhancement
- title: Bug Fixes 🐛
- kind/bug
- release-note/bug-fix
- title: Breaking Changes 🛠
- release-note/breaking-change
- title: Deprecations ❌
- release-note/deprecation
- title: Dependency Updates ⬆️
- area/dependencies
- release-note/dependency-update
- title: Other Changes
- "*"

.github/workflows/artifacts.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
name: Artifacts
- master
- v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+
name: Container images
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- alpine
- distroless
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Gather metadata
id: meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v4
images: |
flavor: |
latest = false
tags: |
type=ref,event=branch,enable=${{ matrix.variant == 'alpine' }}
type=ref,event=pr,enable=${{ matrix.variant == 'alpine' }}
type=semver,pattern={{raw}},enable=${{ matrix.variant == 'alpine' }}
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', github.event.repository.default_branch) && matrix.variant == 'alpine' }}
type=ref,event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.variant }}
type=ref,event=pr,suffix=-${{ matrix.variant }}
type=semver,pattern={{raw}},suffix=-${{ matrix.variant }}
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', github.event.repository.default_branch) }},suffix=-${{ matrix.variant }}
labels: |
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
platforms: all
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le
# cache-from: type=gha
# cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
push: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
build-args: |
BASE_IMAGE=${{ matrix.variant }}
VERSION=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.version'] }}
COMMIT_HASH=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }}
BUILD_DATE=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }}
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
- name: Run Trivy vulnerability scanner
uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@0.6.1
image-ref: "${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.version'] }}"
format: "sarif"
output: "trivy-results.sarif"
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Upload Trivy scan results to GitHub Security tab
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
sarif_file: "trivy-results.sarif"
if: github.event_name == 'push'

.github/workflows/checks.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
name: PR Checks
types: [opened, labeled, unlabeled, synchronize]
name: Release note label
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check minimum labels
uses: mheap/github-action-required-labels@v2
mode: minimum
count: 1
labels: "release-note/ignore, kind/feature, release-note/new-feature, kind/enhancement, release-note/enhancement, kind/bug, release-note/bug-fix, release-note/breaking-change, release-note/deprecation, area/dependencies, release-note/dependency-update"

.github/workflows/ci.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
name: CI
- master
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
GOFLAGS: -mod=readonly
image: postgres:10.8
- 5432
options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
image: postgres:10.8
- 5432
options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
image: mysql:5.7
- 3306
options: --health-cmd "mysql -proot -e \"show databases;\"" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
image: mysql:5.7
- 3306
options: --health-cmd "mysql -proot -e \"show databases;\"" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
- 2379
options: --health-cmd "ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints http://localhost:2379 endpoint health" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
image: openio/openstack-keystone:rocky
- 5000
- 35357
options: --health-cmd "curl --fail http://localhost:5000/v3" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.18
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Start services
run: docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yaml up -d
- name: Create kind cluster
uses: helm/kind-action@v1.3.0
version: v0.11.1
node_image: kindest/node:v1.19.11@sha256:07db187ae84b4b7de440a73886f008cf903fcf5764ba8106a9fd5243d6f32729
- name: Download tool dependencies
run: make deps
- name: Test
run: make testall
DEX_MYSQL_PORT: ${{[3306] }}
DEX_MYSQL_ENT_PORT: ${{[3306] }}
DEX_POSTGRES_PORT: ${{[5432] }}
DEX_ETCD_ENDPOINTS: http://localhost:${{[2379] }}
DEX_LDAP_HOST: localhost
DEX_KEYSTONE_URL: http://localhost:${{[5000] }}
DEX_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_URL: http://localhost:${{[35357] }}
- name: Lint
run: make lint
# Ensure proto generation doesn't depend on external packages.
- name: Verify proto
run: make verify-proto

.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
# supported CodeQL languages.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ master, v1 ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master ]
- cron: '28 10 * * 6'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'go' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2

.github/workflows/docker.yaml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
name: Docker
# push:
# branches:
# - master
# tags:
# - v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+
name: Docker
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Calculate Docker image tags
id: tags
DOCKER_IMAGES: " dexidp/dex"
run: |
case $GITHUB_REF in
refs/tags/*) VERSION=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/};;
refs/heads/*) VERSION=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/} | sed -r 's#/+#-#g');;
refs/pull/*) VERSION=pr-${{ github.event.number }};;
*) VERSION=sha-${GITHUB_SHA::8};;
for image in $DOCKER_IMAGES; do
if [[ "${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}" == "$VERSION" ]]; then
echo ::set-output name=version::${VERSION}
echo ::set-output name=tags::$(IFS=,; echo "${TAGS[*]}")
echo ::set-output name=commit_hash::${GITHUB_SHA::8}
echo ::set-output name=build_date::$(git show -s --format=%cI)
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
platforms: all
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
install: true
version: latest
# TODO: Remove driver-opts once fix is released docker/buildx#386
driver-opts: image=moby/buildkit:master
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le
# cache-from: type=gha
# cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
push: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
tags: ${{ steps.tags.outputs.tags }}
build-args: |
VERSION=${{ steps.tags.outputs.version }}
COMMIT_HASH=${{ steps.tags.outputs.commit_hash }}
BUILD_DATE=${{ steps.tags.outputs.build_date }}
labels: |
org.opencontainers.image.title=${{ }}
org.opencontainers.image.description=${{ github.event.repository.description }}
org.opencontainers.image.url=${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}
org.opencontainers.image.source=${{ github.event.repository.clone_url }}
org.opencontainers.image.version=${{ steps.tags.outputs.version }}
org.opencontainers.image.created=${{ steps.tags.outputs.build_date }}
org.opencontainers.image.revision=${{ github.sha }}
org.opencontainers.image.licenses=${{ github.event.repository.license.spdx_id }}
- name: Run Trivy vulnerability scanner
uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@0.6.1
image-ref: "${{ steps.tags.outputs.version }}"
format: "template"
template: "@/contrib/sarif.tpl"
output: "trivy-results.sarif"
if: github.event_name == 'push'
- name: Upload Trivy scan results to GitHub Security tab
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
sarif_file: "trivy-results.sarif"
if: github.event_name == 'push'

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,34 +1,7 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes

.gitpod.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- init: go get && go build ./... && go test ./... && make
command: go run

.golangci.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
timeout: 4m
list-type: blacklist
include-go-root: true
- io/ioutil
- io/ioutil: "The 'io/ioutil' package is deprecated. Use corresponding 'os' or 'io' functions instead."
disable-all: true
- bodyclose
- deadcode
- depguard
- dogsled
- exhaustive
- exportloopref
- gci
- gochecknoinits
- gocritic
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports
- goprintffuncname
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- misspell
- nakedret
- nolintlint
- prealloc
- revive
- rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck
- staticcheck
- structcheck
- stylecheck
- tparallel
- unconvert
- unparam
- unused
- varcheck
- whitespace
# Disable temporarily until everything works with Go 1.18
# - typecheck
# TODO: fix linter errors before enabling
# - exhaustivestruct
# - gochecknoglobals
# - errorlint
# - gocognit
# - godot
# - nlreturn
# - noctx
# - wrapcheck
# TODO: fix linter errors before enabling (from original config)
# - dupl
# - errcheck
# - goconst
# - gocyclo
# - gosec
# - lll
# - scopelint
# unused
# - goheader
# - gomodguard
# don't enable:
# - asciicheck
# - funlen
# - godox
# - goerr113
# - gomnd
# - interfacer
# - maligned
# - nestif
# - testpackage
# - wsl

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
sudo: required
- docker
language: go
- 1.4.3
- 1.5.2
- DEX_TEST_DSN="postgres://postgres@" ISOLATED=true
- go get
- go get
- docker pull
- docker run -d -p
- ./test
- ./test-functional
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" == "1.5.2" && "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" && "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]]; then ./build-docker-push ;fi
email: false

15 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Adopters
This is a list of production adopters of Dex (in alphabetical order):
- [Aspect]( uses Dex for authenticating users across their Kubernetes infrastructure (using Kubernetes OIDC support).
- [Banzai Cloud]( is using Dex for authenticating to its Pipeline control plane and also to authenticate users against provisioned Kubernetes clusters (via Kubernetes OIDC support).
- [Chef]( uses Dex for authenticating users in [Chef Automate]( The code is Open Source, available at [``](
- [Elastisys]( uses Dex for authentication in their [Compliant Kubernetes]( distribution, including SSO to the custom dashboard, Grafana, Kibana, and Harbor.
- [Flant]( uses Dex for providing access to core components of [Managed Kubernetes as a Service](, integration with various authentication providers, plugging custom applications.
- [JuliaBox]( is leveraging federated OIDC provided by Dex for authenticating users to their compute infrastructure based on Kubernetes.
- [Kasten]( is using Dex for authenticating access to the dashboard of [K10](, a Kubernetes-native platform for backup, disaster recovery and mobility of Kubernetes applications. K10 is widely used by a variety of customers including large enterprises, financial services, design firms, and IT companies.
- [Kyma]( is using Dex to authenticate access to Kubernetes API server (even for managed Kubernetes like Google Kubernetes Engine or Azure Kubernetes Service) and for protecting web UI of [Kyma Console]( and other UIs integrated in Kyma ([Grafana](, [Loki](, and [Jaeger]( Kyma is an open-source project ([``]( designed natively on Kubernetes, that allows you to extend and customize your applications in a quick and modern way, using serverless computing or microservice architecture.
- [Pusher]( uses Dex for authenticating users across their Kubernetes infrastructure (using Kubernetes OIDC support) in conjunction with the [OAuth2 Proxy]( for protecting web UIs.
- [Pydio]( Pydio Cells is an open source sync & share platform written in Go. Cells is using Dex as an OIDC service for authentication and authorizations. Check out [Pydio Cells repository]( for more information and/or to contribute.
- [sigstore]( uses Dex for authentication in their public Fulcio instance, which is a certificate authority for code signing certificates bound to OIDC-based identities.

View file

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# How to Contribute
CoreOS projects are [Apache 2.0 licensed](LICENSE) and accept contributions via
GitHub pull requests. This document outlines some of the conventions on
development workflow, commit message formatting, contact points and other
resources to make it easier to get your contribution accepted.
# Certificate of Origin
By contributing to this project you agree to the Developer Certificate of
Origin (DCO). This document was created by the Linux Kernel community and is a
simple statement that you, as a contributor, have the legal right to make the
contribution. See the [DCO](DCO) file for details.
# Email and Chat
The project currently uses the general CoreOS email list and IRC channel:
- Email: [coreos-dev](!forum/coreos-dev)
- IRC: #[coreos](irc:// IRC channel on
Please avoid emailing maintainers found in the MAINTAINERS file directly. They
are very busy and read the mailing lists.
## Getting Started
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Read the [README]( for build and test instructions
- Play with the project, submit bugs, submit patches!
## Contribution Flow
This is a rough outline of what a contributor's workflow looks like:
- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work (usually master).
- Make commits of logical units.
- Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format (see below).
- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
- Make sure the tests pass, and add any new tests as appropriate.
- Submit a pull request to the original repository.
Thanks for your contributions!
### Format of the Commit Message
We follow a rough convention for commit messages that is designed to answer two
questions: what changed and why. The subject line should feature the what and
the body of the commit should describe the why.
scripts: add the test-cluster command
this uses tmux to setup a test cluster that you can easily kill and
start for debugging.
Fixes #38
The format can be described more formally as follows:
<subsystem>: <what changed>
<why this change was made>
The first line is the subject and should be no longer than 70 characters, the
second line is always blank, and other lines should be wrapped at 80 characters.
This allows the message to be easier to read on GitHub as well as in various
git tools.

View file

@ -1,12 +1,72 @@
ADD bin/dex-worker /opt/dex/bin/dex-worker
ADD bin/dex-overlord /opt/dex/bin/dex-overlord
ADD bin/dexctl /opt/dex/bin/dexctl
FROM golang:1.18.4-alpine3.15 AS builder
WORKDIR /usr/local/src/dex
ADD static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample $DEX_WORKER_EMAIL_TEMPLATES/emailer.json
RUN apk add --no-cache --update alpine-sdk ca-certificates openssl
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
COPY api/v2/go.mod api/v2/go.sum ./api/v2/
RUN go mod download
COPY . .
RUN make release-binary
FROM alpine:3.16.2 AS stager
RUN mkdir -p /var/dex
RUN mkdir -p /etc/dex
COPY config.docker.yaml /etc/dex/
FROM alpine:3.16.2 AS gomplate
RUN wget -O /usr/local/bin/gomplate \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gomplate
# For Dependabot to detect base image versions
FROM alpine:3.16.2 AS alpine
FROM AS distroless
# Dex connectors, such as GitHub and Google logins require root certificates.
# Proper installations should manage those certificates, but it's a bad user
# experience when this doesn't work out of the box.
# See for Go root CA bundle locations.
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
COPY --from=stager --chown=1001:1001 /var/dex /var/dex
COPY --from=stager --chown=1001:1001 /etc/dex /etc/dex
# Copy module files for CVE scanning / dependency analysis.
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/src/dex/go.mod /usr/local/src/dex/go.sum /usr/local/src/dex/
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/src/dex/api/v2/go.mod /usr/local/src/dex/api/v2/go.sum /usr/local/src/dex/api/v2/
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dex /usr/local/bin/dex
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/docker-entrypoint /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/src/dex/web /srv/dex/web
COPY --from=gomplate /usr/local/bin/gomplate /usr/local/bin/gomplate
USER 1001:1001
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint"]
CMD ["dex", "serve", "/etc/dex/config.docker.yaml"]

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.4
RUN go get
RUN go get
RUN go get

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@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
Authorization (Auth-Z) Proposal
## Components
Core-Auth consisists of various components:
1. A web app for users to authenticate with.
2. A web app for users to manage auth-z policies.
3. An API to serve auth-z queries.
4. A common golang library to: validate auth-n tokens, assert identities from auth-n tokens, and fetch auth-z policies for users.
## Design Strategy
- Users authenticate and are provided a JWT
- API keys are the same format JWT
- Apps use the common library to access core-auth API to fetch auth-z policies etc
- Auth-z policy requests supply an etag, policies are cached with a ttl
## Basic Flow
1. users log in via OAuth and are redirected to app with token (alternatively entities can use pregenerated api tokens)
1. app uses common lib to assert identity from token
1. app uses common lib to fetch auth-z policies (if not cached, or ttl expired) from configured auth-z server
1. app uses common lib to assert permissions to requested resource(s)
input: policies, resource CRN(s)
output: yes/no, or filtered list of CRNs
1. app responds with: denial, full-results, or filter-results
## Permissions Specification
### Core Resource Namespaces (CRN)
Format: `crn:provider:product:instance:resource-type:resource`
- `provider`: a unique FQDN of the organization that created/maintains the application
- `product`: a product id/name unique to the provider
- `instance`: an individual deployed instance of the product (FQDN, or UUID?)
- `resource-type`: app specific resource type unqiue to the product
- `resource`: the uniqe id of the resource in question (can use `/` for nested resources)
### Resource Namespace Examples
CoreUpdate Examples:
// CoreOS App
// CoreOS App's "stable" Group
Quay Example:
### Actions
Similar to CRN but defined and registered by individual apps.
Action describes the type of access that should be allowed or denied (for example, read, write, list, delete, startService, and so on)
- `provider`: a unique FQDN of the organization that created/maintains the application (same as CRN)
- `product`: a product id/name unique to the provider (same as CRN)
- `name`: the acutal name of the aciton in the product
#### Action Examples
CoreUpdate (general):
CoreUpdate (finer grained control):
### Policies
"apiVersion": "v1",
"id": "7CFCE45E-610A-407C-84DB-86A24658B217",
"label": "my policy",
"statements": [
"effect": "allow",
"resource": ["crn:..."],
"action": ["crn:..."],
- `apiVersion`: the policy API version
- `id`: unique id of the policy
- `label`: human readable label for the policy
- `statements`: the main element for a policy. it is a list of multiple statements defining access.
- `effect`: "allow" or "deny"
- `resource`: the CRN of the resource
- `action`: described in action section
#### Policiy Examples
CoreUpdate Example:
"apiVersion": "v1",
"id": "rando-uuid",
"label": "admin",
"description": "allows full admin access to everything",
"statements": [
"effect": "allow",
"resource": ["*:*"],
"action": ["*"],
"apiVersion": "v1",
"id": "rando-uuid",
"label": "full-read-only",
"description": "allows read only access to everything",
"statements": [
"effect": "allow",
"resource": ["*:*"],
"action": [""],
"apiVersion": "v1",
"id": "rando-uuid",
"label": "full-internal-only",
"description": "allows read access to everything, denys write access to the main CoreOS app",
"statements": [
"effect": "allow",
"resource": ["*:*"],
"action": [""],
"effect": "deny",
"resource": [""],
"action": [""],
### Policy Associations
Policies can be attached to Organizations, Groups, or Users.
### Core Auth API
Should support the following operations:
- create/delete actions
- create/delete resources
- get policies for entity
# Open Questions
- Do we support resource-based permissions?
- Do we need to include the org in the CRNs?
- Do we version the policies (different than apiVersion) for easy undo/history?
- Should we have an `enabled` flag on policies?
- How to handle public anonymous access?
- Include the AWS equivalent of `NotResource` and `NotAction`?
- Do we need to support conditions in policies? Perhaps we don't need these for v1.

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# Configuring Connectors
Connectors connect dex to authentication providers. dex needs to have at least one connector configured so that users can log in.
## Configuration Format
The dex connector configuration format is a JSON array of objects, each with an ID and type, in addition to whatever other configuration is required, like so:
"id": "local",
"type": "local"
}, {
"id": "Google",
"type": "oidc",
...<<more config>>...
The additional configuration is dependent on the specific type of connector.
### `local` connector
The `local` connector allows email/password based authentication hosted by dex itself. It is special in several ways:
* There can only be one `local` connector in your configuration.
* The id must be `local`
* No other configuration is required
When the `local` connector is present, users can authenticate with the "Log in With Email" button on the authentication screen.
The configuration for the local connector is always the same; it looks like this:
"id": "local",
"type": "local"
### `oidc` connector
This connector config lets users authenticate with other OIDC providers. In addition to `id` and `type`, the `oidc` connector takes the following additional fields:
* issuerURL: a `string`. The base URL for the OIDC provider. Should be a URL with an `https` scheme.
* clientID: a `string`. The OIDC client ID.
* clientSecret: a `string`. The OIDC client secret.
* trustedEmailProvider: a `boolean`. If true dex will trust the email address claims from this provider and not require that users verify their emails.
In order to use the `oidc` connector you must register dex as an OIDC client; this mechanism is different from provider to provider. For Google, follow the instructions at their [developer site]( Regardless of your provider, registering your client will also provide you with the client ID and secret.
When registering dex as a client, you need to provide redirect URLs to the provider. dex requires just one:
`$DEX_HOST` and `$DEX_PORT` are the host and port of your dex installation. `$CONNECTOR_ID` is the `id` field of the connector for this OIDC provider.
Here's what a `oidc` connector looks like configured for authenticating with Google; the clientID and clientSecret shown are not usable. We consider Google a trusted email provider because the email address that is present in claims is for a Google provisioned email account (eg. an `` address)
"type": "oidc",
"id": "google",
"issuerURL": "",
"clientSecret": "$DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET",
"trustedEmailProvider": true
### `github` connector
This connector config lets users authenticate through [GitHub]( In addition to `id` and `type`, the `github` connector takes the following additional fields:
* clientID: a `string`. The GitHub OAuth application client ID.
* clientSecret: a `string`. The GitHub OAuth application client secret.
To begin, register an OAuth application with GitHub through your, or your organization's [account settings](ttps:// To register dex as a client of your GitHub application, enter dex's redirect URL under 'Authorization callback URL':
`$DEX_HOST` and `$DEX_PORT` are the host and port of your dex installation. `$CONNECTOR_ID` is the `id` field of the connector.
Here's an example of a `github` connector; the clientID and clientSecret should be replaced by values provided by GitHub.
"type": "github",
"id": "github",
The `github` connector requests read only access to user's email through the [`user:email` scope](
### `bitbucket` connector
This connector config lets users authenticate through [Bitbucket]( In addition to `id` and `type`, the `bitbucket` connector takes the following additional fields:
* clientID: a `string`. The Bitbucket OAuth consumer client ID.
* clientSecret: a `string`. The Bitbucket OAuth consumer client secret.
To begin, register an OAuth consumer with Bitbucket through your, or your teams's management page. Follow the documentation at their [developer site](
__NOTE:__ When configuring a consumer through Bitbucket you _must_ configure read email permissions.
To register dex as a client of your Bitbucket consumer, enter dex's redirect URL under 'Callback URL':
`$DEX_HOST` and `$DEX_PORT` are the host and port of your dex installation. `$CONNECTOR_ID` is the `id` field of the connector.
Here's an example of a `bitbucket` connector; the clientID and clientSecret should be replaced by values provided by Bitbucket.
"type": "bitbucket",
"id": "bitbucket",
## Setting the Configuration
To set a connectors configuration in dex, put it in some temporary file, then use the dexctl command to upload it to dex:
dexctl -db-url=$DEX_DB_URL set-connector-configs /tmp/dex_connectors.json

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Deploying
Generate systemd unit files by injecting secrets into the unit file templates located in: `./static/...`.
source <path-to-secure>/prod/dex.env.txt

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Dev Guide
## No DB mode
When you are working on dex it's convenient to use the `--no-db` flag. This starts up dex in a mode which uses an in-memory datastore for persistence. It also does not rotate keys, so no overlord is required.
In this mode you provide the binary with paths to files for connectors, users, and emailer. There are example files you can use inside of `static/fixtures` named *"connectors.json.sample"*, *"users.json.sample"*, and *"emailer.json.sample"*, respectively.
You can rename these to the equivalent without the *".sample"* suffix since the defaults point to those locations:
mv static/fixtures/connectors.json.sample static/fixtures/connectors.json
mv static/fixtures/users.json.sample static/fixtures/users.json
mv static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample static/fixtures/emailer.json
Starting dex is then as simple as:
bin/dex-worker --no-db
***Do not use this flag in production*** - it's not thread safe and data is destroyed when the process dies. In addition, there is no key rotation.
Note: If you want to test out the registration flow, you need to enable that feature by passing `--enable-registration=true` as well.
## Building
To build using the go binary on your host, use the `./build` script.
You can also use a copy of `go` hosted inside a Docker container if you prefix your command with `go-docker`, as in: `./go-docker ./build`
## Docker Build and Push
Once binaries are compiled you can build and push a dex image to Before doing this step binaries must be built above using one of the build tools.
export DOCKER_USER=<<your user>>
export DOCKER_PASSWORD=<<your password>>
By default the script pushes to ``; if you want to push to a different repository, override the `DOCKER_REGISTRY` and `DOCKER_REPO` environment variables.
## Rebuild API from JSON schema
Go API bindings are generated from a JSON Discovery file.
To regenerate run:
For updating generator dependencies see docs in: `schema/generator_import.go`.
## Running Tests
To run all tests (except functional) use the `./test` script;
If you want to test a single package only, use `PKG=<pkgname> ./test`
The functional tests require a database; create a database (eg. `createdb dex_func_test`) and then pass it as an environment variable to the functional test script, eg. `DEX_TEST_DSN=postgres://localhost/dex_func_test?sslmode=disable ./test-functional`
To run these tests with Docker is a little trickier; you need to have a container running Postgres, and then you need to link that container to the container running your tests:
# Run the Postgres docker container, which creates a db called "postgres"
docker run --name dex_postgres -d postgres
# The host name in the DSN is "postgres"; that works because that is what we
# will alias the link as, which causes Docker to modify /etc/hosts with a "postgres"
# entry.
export DEX_TEST_DSN=postgres://postgres@postgres/postgres?sslmode=disable
# Run the test container, linking it to the Postgres container.
DOCKER_LINKS=dex_postgres:postgres DOCKER_ENV=DEX_TEST_DSN ./go-docker ./test-functional
# Remove the container after the tests are run.
docker rm -f dex_postgres

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Configuring Sending Emails
Dex sends emails to a during the registration process to verify an email
address belongs to the person signing up. Currently Dex supports two ways of
sending emails, and has a third option for use during development.
Configuration of the email provider in Dex is provided through a JSON file. All
email providers have a `type` and `id` field as well as some additional provider
specific fields.
If using SMTP the `type` field **must** be set to `smtp`. Additionally both
`host` and `port` are required. If you wish to use SMTP plain auth, then
set `auth` to `plain` and specify your username and password.
"type": "smtp",
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"auth": "plain",
"username": "",
"password": "foo"
## Mailgun
If using Mailgun the `type` field **must** be set to `mailgun`. Additionally
`privateAPIKey`, `publicAPIKey`, and `domain` are required.
"type": "mailgun",
"domain": ""
## Dev
The fake emailer should only be used in development. The fake emailer
prints emails to `stdout` rather than sending any email. If using the fake
emailer the `type` field **must** be set to `fake`.
"type": "fake"

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@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
# Getting Started
# Introduction
In this document we'll stand up the full dex stack on a single machine. This should demonstrate all the moving parts involved in a dex installation, but is not appropriate for production deployment. Please see the [deployment guide][deployment-guide] for information on production dex setups.
We'll also start the example web app, so we can try registering and logging in.
# Pre-requisites
Before continuing, you must have the following installed on your system:
* Go 1.4 or greater
* Postgres 9.0 or greater (this guide also assumes that Postgres is up and running)
In addition, if you wish to try out authenticating against Google's OIDC backend, you must have a new client registered with Google:
* Go to and select an existing project or create a new project.
* Click on APIs and auth > Credentials, and select an OAuth 2 client ID from the Add credentials dropdown.
* On the "Create Client ID" screen, choose "Web Application", provide a Name and enter `` for your Authorised redirect URI.
* The generated client ID and client secret will be needed later.
# Create Database
On the PostgreSQL server, login as a user with appropriate permissions and create a database and user for dex to use. These can be named arbitrarily, but are called `dex_db` and `dex`, respectively, in this example.
Store the [connection string]( for the dex database in an environment variable:
# Building
The build script will build all dex components.
# Generate a Secret Symmetric Key
dex needs a 32 byte base64-encoded key which will be used to encrypt the private keys in the database. A good way to generate the key is to read from /dev/random:
`DEX_KEY_SECRET=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d '\n')`
The dex overlord and workers allow multiple key secrets (separated by commas) to be passed but only the first will be used to encrypt data; the rest are there for decryption only; this scheme allows for the rotation of keys without downtime (assuming a rolling restart of workers).
# Generate an Admin API Secret
The dex overlord has a an API which is very powerful - you can create Admin users with it, so it needs to be protected somehow. This is accomplished by requiring that a secret is passed via the Authorization header of each request. This secret is 128 bytes base64 encoded, and should be sufficiently random so as to make guessing impractical:
`DEX_OVERLORD_ADMIN_API_SECRET=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=128 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d '\n')`
# Start the overlord
The overlord is responsible for creating and rotating keys and some other adminsitrative tasks. In addition, the overlord is responsible for creating the necessary database tables (and when you update, performing schema migrations), so it must be started before we do anything else. Debug logging is turned on so we can see more of what's going on. Start it up.
`./bin/dex-overlord --admin-api-secret=$DEX_OVERLORD_ADMIN_API_SECRET --db-url=$DEX_DB_URL --key-secrets=$DEX_KEY_SECRET --log-debug=true &`
## Environment Variables.
Note that parameters can be passed as flags or environment variables to dex components; an equivalent start with environment variables would be:
./bin/dex-overlord &
# Start the dex-worker
Before starting `dex-worker` you should determine how you want verification emails to be delivered to the user.
If you just want to test dex out, you can just use the provided sample config in `static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample`.
Please review [email-configuration]( for details
(make sure you point `--email-cfg` to your newly configured file).
Once you have setup your email config run `dex-worker`:
`./bin/dex-worker --db-url=$DEX_DB_URL --key-secrets=$DEX_KEY_SECRET --email-cfg=static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample --enable-registration=true --log-debug=true &`
Now you have a worker which you can authenticate against, listening on ``, which is the default. Note that the default issuer URL (which can be changed on --issuerURL) is ``. The issuer URL is the base URL (i.e. no query or fragments) uniquely identifying your dex installation.
Note: the issuer URL MUST have an `https` scheme in production to meet spec compliance and to be considered reasonably secure.
# Set up Connectors
The worker and overlord are up and running, but we need to tell dex what connectors we want to use to authenticate. For this case we'll set up a local connector, where dex manages credentials and provides a UI for authentication, and a Google OIDC connector.
If you prefer to use the Google OIDC Identity Provider (IdP), just omit the second entry in the JSON connector list. Note that you must replace `DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET` and `DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID` with the client secret and client ID you got when you registered your project with the Google developer console.
cat << EOF > /tmp/dex_connectors.json
"type": "local",
"id": "local"
"type": "oidc",
"id": "google",
"issuerURL": "",
"clientSecret": "$DEX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET",
"trustedEmailProvider": true
./bin/dexctl -db-url=$DEX_DB_URL set-connector-configs /tmp/dex_connectors.json
One thing to note here that's a bit confusing here is that in the case of the Google OIDC connector, dex is the client and Google is the IdP, but when you're dealing with your own apps that want to authenticate against dex, your app is the client and dex is the IdP.
# Register a Client
Like all OAuth2/OIDC IdPs, clients must be registered with the IdP (dex), along with their valid redirect URLS.
New clients can be registered with the dexctl CLI tool:
eval "$(./bin/dexctl -db-url=$DEX_DB_URL new-client"
The output of this command is eval'able if you are in bash, and sets the following shell variables:
# Start the Example Web App
The included example app demonstrates registering and authenticating with dex. Start it up:
./bin/example-app --client-id=$DEX_APP_CLIENT_ID --client-secret=$DEX_APP_CLIENT_SECRET --discovery= &
# Authenticate with dex!
Go to ``, and click "register"; choose either "Google", if you have a Google Account and would like to use that to authenticate. Otherwise, choose "local".
If you chose Google, enter your credentials (if you are not logged into Google) and click through the authorization screen. If you chose "local", enter a name and password and submit.
After registering you should end up back at the example app, where it will display the claims returned by dex.
# Verify Your Email
If you registered with Google, your email address is already verified, and this should be reflected by the presence of an `email_verified` claim. Otherwise, you need to verify your email address.
In a fully configured production environment an email provider will be set up so that dex can email users email verification links (amongst other things); in this setup, we are using the `FakeEmailer` email provider which simply outputs to stdout. Look for the "Welcome to Dex!" message in your console and copy the link that follows it, and then paste it in your browser; you should end up back at the example app page that displays claims, but this time you'll see a tru `email_verified` claim.
# Standup Dev Script
A script which does almost everything in this guide exists at `contrib/`. Read the comments inside before attemping to run it - it requires a little setup beforehand.

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# dex OAuth 2.0 Implementation
OAuth 2.0 is defined in [RFC 6749][rfc6749]. The RFC defines the bare minimum necessary to implement OAuth 2.0, while it also describes a set of optional behaviors. This document aims to describe what decisions have been made in dex with respect to those optional behaviors.
While the goal of dex is to accurately implement the required aspects of the OAuth 2.0 specification, dex is still under active development and certain disrepancies exist. Any such discrepancies are documented below.
## TLS
It is a requirement of OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749 Section 2.3.1) that any authorization server utilize TLS to protect sensitive information (e.g. client passwords) transmitted between remote parties during the OAuth workflow.
From a practical standpoint, TLS can be a tedious requirement for development environments.
It also may be desirable to deploy dex behind an SSL-terminating load balancer.
dex does not require the use of TLS, but it should be considered necessary when deploying dex on any public networks.
## Client Authentication
Unregistered clients are not supported (RFC 6749 Section 2.4).
## Authorization Endpoint
User-agent MUST make a valid authorization request to the authorization endpoint (RFC 6749 Section 3.1) using the "authorization code" grant type; no other grant types are supported.
Additionally, GET w/ query parameters must be used - POST w/ a form in the request body body is not supported.
The OAuth 2.0 spec leaves the implementation details of the authorization step up to the implementer as long as the request and response formats are respected.
dex relies on remote identity providers to fulfill the actual authorization of user-agents.
This federated approach typically requires one or more additional HTTP redirects and a manual login step past what is encountered with a typical OAuth 2.0 server.
Given this detail, it is necessary that user-agents follow all HTTP redirects during an authorization attempt.
Additionally, the HTTP response from the initial authorization request will likely not redirect the user-agent to the redirection endpoint provided in that initial request.
User-agent MUST not reject redirections to unrecognized endpoints.
## Token endpoint
Clients MUST identify themselves using the Basic HTTP authentication scheme (RFC 6749 Section 2.3.1).
Given this requirement, the client_id and client_secret fields of the request are ignored.
Refresh tokens are never generated and returned.
Given that the authorization endpoint only supports authorization codes and refresh tokens are never generated, the only supported values of grant_type are "authorization_code" and "client_credentials".

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# OIDC Connect Core Notes
dex aims to be a full featured OIDC Provider, but it still has a little ways to go. Most of the places where dex and OIDC diverge are minor, but we do want to fix them. Here's a list of these places; there may be other discrepancies as well if you find any please file an issue or even better, a pull request.
To be clear: the places were we are not in compliance with mandatory features, we will fix. As for things marked as OPTIONAL in the spec, whether and when those are supported by dex will be driven by the needs of the community.
# Notes on [OpenID Connect Core](
Sec. 2. [ID Token](
- None of the OPTIONAL claims (`acr`, `amr`, `azp`, `auth_time`) are supported
- dex signs using JWS but does not do the OPTIONAL encryption.
Sec. 3. [Authentication](
- Only the authorization code flow (where `response_type` is `code`) is supported.
Sec. [Authentication Request](
- max_age not implemented; it's OPTIONAL in the spec, but if it's present servers MUST include auth_time, which dex does not.
- None of the other OPTIONAL parameters are implemented with the exception of:
- state
- nonce
- dex also defines a non-standard `register` parameter; when this parameter is `1`, end-users are taken through a registration flow, which after completing successfully, lands them at the specified `redirect_uri`
Sec. [Authorization Server Authenticates End-User](
- The spec states that the authentication server "MUST NOT interact with the End-User" when `prompt` is `none` We don't check the prompt parameter at all; similarly, dex MUST re-prompt when `prompt` is `login` - dex does not do this either.
Sec. [Token Request Validation](
- In Token requests, dex chooses to proceed without error when `redirect_uri` is not present and there's only one registered valid URI (which is valid behavior)
Sec. 4. [Initiating Login from a Third Party](
- dex does not support this at this time
Sec. 5.1.2. [AdditionalClaims](
- dex defines uses the following additional claims:
- ``
- ``
- ``
- ``
Sec. 5.3. [UserInfo Endpoint](
- dex does not implement this endpoint.
Sec. 6.1 [Passing a Request Object by Value](
- dex does not implement this feature.
Sec. 7. [Self-Issued OpenID Provider](
- dex does not implement this feature.
Sec. 8. [Subject Identifier Types](
- dex only supports the `public` subject identifier type.
Sec. 9. [Client Authentication](
- dex only supports the `client_secret_basic` client authentication type.
Sec. 11. [Offline Access](
- offline_access in 'scope' is supported, but as we haven't implemented 'prompt' yet, the
spec's requirement is not fully met yet.
Sec. 15.1. [Mandatory to Implement Features for All OpenID Providers](
- dex is missing the follow mandatory features (some are already noted elsewhere in this document):
- Support for `prompt` parameter
- Support for the `auth_time` parameter
- Support for enforcing `max_age` parameter
Sec. 15.3. [Discovery and Registration](
- dex supports OIDC Discovery at the standard `/.well-known/openid-configuration` endpoint.

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# TLS Setup
According to the [OpenID Connect Spec](,
TLS [is required]( for connection between the client and the dex server.
This guide explains how to set up a TLS connection for dex.
# Create certificates, key files.
To get up and running you will need:
- Certificate Authority file (CA cert).
- Certificate file for the server signed by the CA above.
- Private Key file of the server, used by the server to exchange keys during TLS handshake.
There are a lot of tools and guides available to help you generate these files:
- Use 'openssl' command line. The guide can be found [here](
- Use [etcd-ca](, which is a simple certificate manager written in Go. Despite the its name, it can be used in other cases than etcd as well.
- Use Cloudflare's [cfssl](, we also provide example configs [here](../examples/tls-setup), which is as simple as run `make`.
# Start the server using TLS
Assume we already generated a CA file, a server certificate and a key file, then in order to make the dex server accept TLS connections, we will run the `dex-worker` with `--cert-file=$PATH_TO_SERVER_CERTIFICATE` and `--key-file=$PATH_TO_SERVER_KEY_FILE`, For example:
./bin/dex-worker \
--cert-file=examples/tls-setup/certs/dex.pem \
--key-file=examples/tls-setup/certs/dex-key.pem \
--listen="" \
--issuer="" \
--clients=./static/fixtures/clients.json \
--connectors=./static/fixtures/connectors.json.sample \
--email-cfg=./static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample \
--users=./static/fixtures/users.json.sample \
Where: <br/>
`--cert-file` and `--key-file` tells the dex-worker which certificate and key file to use. <br/>
`--listen` tells dex-worker where to receive requests. <br/>
`--clients`, `--connectors`, `--email-cfg` and `--users` tells dex-worker where to find user/client data when database access is not enabled (`--no-db`). <br/>
When establishing connection to the server, we will need to provide the CA file to client unless the server's ceritificate is signed by CAs that already trusted by client's machine. For example:
./bin/example-app \
--trusted-ca-file=examples/tls-setup/certs/ca.pem \
--client-id="XXX" \
--client-secret="secrete" \
--redirect-url="" \
--discovery="" \
Where: <br/>
`--trusted-ca-file` tells the app where to find the CA file that we will trust. Note that if the server's certificate is self-signed, then the server's certificate is also the CA file here. <br/>
`--client-id`, `--client-secret` and `--redirect-url` are the registered client's identity information. <br/>
`--discovery` and `--listen` tell the app where to connect to the server and where to handle requests. <br/>
Next, you can go to to register, login and enjoy your OIDC tokens generated by dex server.

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Godeps/Readme generated
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This directory tree is generated automatically by godep.
Please do not edit.
See for more information.

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Copyright (c) 2009,2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// A Domain represents a Version 2 domain
type Domain byte
// Domain constants for DCE Security (Version 2) UUIDs.
const (
Person = Domain(0)
Group = Domain(1)
Org = Domain(2)
// NewDCESecurity returns a DCE Security (Version 2) UUID.
// The domain should be one of Person, Group or Org.
// On a POSIX system the id should be the users UID for the Person
// domain and the users GID for the Group. The meaning of id for
// the domain Org or on non-POSIX systems is site defined.
// For a given domain/id pair the same token may be returned for up to
// 7 minutes and 10 seconds.
func NewDCESecurity(domain Domain, id uint32) UUID {
uuid := NewUUID()
if uuid != nil {
uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0f) | 0x20 // Version 2
uuid[9] = byte(domain)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(uuid[0:], id)
return uuid
// NewDCEPerson returns a DCE Security (Version 2) UUID in the person
// domain with the id returned by os.Getuid.
// NewDCEPerson(Person, uint32(os.Getuid()))
func NewDCEPerson() UUID {
return NewDCESecurity(Person, uint32(os.Getuid()))
// NewDCEGroup returns a DCE Security (Version 2) UUID in the group
// domain with the id returned by os.Getgid.
// NewDCEGroup(Group, uint32(os.Getgid()))
func NewDCEGroup() UUID {
return NewDCESecurity(Group, uint32(os.Getgid()))
// Domain returns the domain for a Version 2 UUID or false.
func (uuid UUID) Domain() (Domain, bool) {
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != 2 {
return 0, false
return Domain(uuid[9]), true
// Id returns the id for a Version 2 UUID or false.
func (uuid UUID) Id() (uint32, bool) {
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != 2 {
return 0, false
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(uuid[0:4]), true
func (d Domain) String() string {
switch d {
case Person:
return "Person"
case Group:
return "Group"
case Org:
return "Org"
return fmt.Sprintf("Domain%d", int(d))

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs.
// UUIDs are based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.
package uuid

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// Well known Name Space IDs and UUIDs
var (
NameSpace_DNS = Parse("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
NameSpace_URL = Parse("6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
NameSpace_OID = Parse("6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
NameSpace_X500 = Parse("6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
NIL = Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
// NewHash returns a new UUID dervied from the hash of space concatenated with
// data generated by h. The hash should be at least 16 byte in length. The
// first 16 bytes of the hash are used to form the UUID. The version of the
// UUID will be the lower 4 bits of version. NewHash is used to implement
// NewMD5 and NewSHA1.
func NewHash(h hash.Hash, space UUID, data []byte, version int) UUID {
s := h.Sum(nil)
uuid := make([]byte, 16)
copy(uuid, s)
uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0f) | uint8((version&0xf)<<4)
uuid[8] = (uuid[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80 // RFC 4122 variant
return uuid
// NewMD5 returns a new MD5 (Version 3) UUID based on the
// supplied name space and data.
// NewHash(md5.New(), space, data, 3)
func NewMD5(space UUID, data []byte) UUID {
return NewHash(md5.New(), space, data, 3)
// NewSHA1 returns a new SHA1 (Version 5) UUID based on the
// supplied name space and data.
// NewHash(sha1.New(), space, data, 5)
func NewSHA1(space UUID, data []byte) UUID {
return NewHash(sha1.New(), space, data, 5)

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import "errors"
func (u UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if len(u) == 0 {
return []byte(`""`), nil
return []byte(`"` + u.String() + `"`), nil
func (u *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
if len(data) == 0 || string(data) == `""` {
return nil
if len(data) < 2 || data[0] != '"' || data[len(data)-1] != '"' {
return errors.New("invalid UUID format")
data = data[1 : len(data)-1]
uu := Parse(string(data))
if uu == nil {
return errors.New("invalid UUID format")
*u = uu
return nil

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
var testUUID = Parse("f47ac10b-58cc-0372-8567-0e02b2c3d479")
func TestJSON(t *testing.T) {
type S struct {
s1 := S{ID1: testUUID}
data, err := json.Marshal(&s1)
if err != nil {
var s2 S
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s2); err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(&s1, &s2) {
t.Errorf("got %#v, want %#v", s2, s1)

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import "net"
var (
interfaces []net.Interface // cached list of interfaces
ifname string // name of interface being used
nodeID []byte // hardware for version 1 UUIDs
// NodeInterface returns the name of the interface from which the NodeID was
// derived. The interface "user" is returned if the NodeID was set by
// SetNodeID.
func NodeInterface() string {
return ifname
// SetNodeInterface selects the hardware address to be used for Version 1 UUIDs.
// If name is "" then the first usable interface found will be used or a random
// Node ID will be generated. If a named interface cannot be found then false
// is returned.
// SetNodeInterface never fails when name is "".
func SetNodeInterface(name string) bool {
if interfaces == nil {
var err error
interfaces, err = net.Interfaces()
if err != nil && name != "" {
return false
for _, ifs := range interfaces {
if len(ifs.HardwareAddr) >= 6 && (name == "" || name == ifs.Name) {
if setNodeID(ifs.HardwareAddr) {
ifname = ifs.Name
return true
// We found no interfaces with a valid hardware address. If name
// does not specify a specific interface generate a random Node ID
// (section 4.1.6)
if name == "" {
if nodeID == nil {
nodeID = make([]byte, 6)
return true
return false
// NodeID returns a slice of a copy of the current Node ID, setting the Node ID
// if not already set.
func NodeID() []byte {
if nodeID == nil {
nid := make([]byte, 6)
copy(nid, nodeID)
return nid
// SetNodeID sets the Node ID to be used for Version 1 UUIDs. The first 6 bytes
// of id are used. If id is less than 6 bytes then false is returned and the
// Node ID is not set.
func SetNodeID(id []byte) bool {
if setNodeID(id) {
ifname = "user"
return true
return false
func setNodeID(id []byte) bool {
if len(id) < 6 {
return false
if nodeID == nil {
nodeID = make([]byte, 6)
copy(nodeID, id)
return true
// NodeID returns the 6 byte node id encoded in uuid. It returns nil if uuid is
// not valid. The NodeID is only well defined for version 1 and 2 UUIDs.
func (uuid UUID) NodeID() []byte {
if len(uuid) != 16 {
return nil
node := make([]byte, 6)
copy(node, uuid[10:])
return node

View file

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// This test is only run when --regressions is passed on the go test line.
var regressions = flag.Bool("regressions", false, "run uuid regression tests")
// TestClockSeqRace tests for a particular race condition of returning two
// identical Version1 UUIDs. The duration of 1 minute was chosen as the race
// condition, before being fixed, nearly always occured in under 30 seconds.
func TestClockSeqRace(t *testing.T) {
if !*regressions {
t.Skip("skipping regression tests")
duration := time.Minute
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
ch := make(chan UUID, 10000)
ncpu := runtime.NumCPU()
switch ncpu {
case 0, 1:
// We can't run the test effectively.
t.Skip("skipping race test, only one CPU detected")
for i := 0; i < ncpu; i++ {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-done:
case ch <- NewUUID():
uuids := make(map[string]bool)
cnt := 0
start := time.Now()
for u := range ch {
s := u.String()
if uuids[s] {
t.Errorf("duplicate uuid after %d in %v: %s", cnt, time.Since(start), s)
uuids[s] = true
if time.Since(start) > duration {

View file

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// A Time represents a time as the number of 100's of nanoseconds since 15 Oct
// 1582.
type Time int64
const (
lillian = 2299160 // Julian day of 15 Oct 1582
unix = 2440587 // Julian day of 1 Jan 1970
epoch = unix - lillian // Days between epochs
g1582 = epoch * 86400 // seconds between epochs
g1582ns100 = g1582 * 10000000 // 100s of a nanoseconds between epochs
var (
mu sync.Mutex
lasttime uint64 // last time we returned
clock_seq uint16 // clock sequence for this run
timeNow = time.Now // for testing
// UnixTime converts t the number of seconds and nanoseconds using the Unix
// epoch of 1 Jan 1970.
func (t Time) UnixTime() (sec, nsec int64) {
sec = int64(t - g1582ns100)
nsec = (sec % 10000000) * 100
sec /= 10000000
return sec, nsec
// GetTime returns the current Time (100s of nanoseconds since 15 Oct 1582) and
// clock sequence as well as adjusting the clock sequence as needed. An error
// is returned if the current time cannot be determined.
func GetTime() (Time, uint16, error) {
defer mu.Unlock()
return getTime()
func getTime() (Time, uint16, error) {
t := timeNow()
// If we don't have a clock sequence already, set one.
if clock_seq == 0 {
now := uint64(t.UnixNano()/100) + g1582ns100
// If time has gone backwards with this clock sequence then we
// increment the clock sequence
if now <= lasttime {
clock_seq = ((clock_seq + 1) & 0x3fff) | 0x8000
lasttime = now
return Time(now), clock_seq, nil
// ClockSequence returns the current clock sequence, generating one if not
// already set. The clock sequence is only used for Version 1 UUIDs.
// The uuid package does not use global static storage for the clock sequence or
// the last time a UUID was generated. Unless SetClockSequence a new random
// clock sequence is generated the first time a clock sequence is requested by
// ClockSequence, GetTime, or NewUUID. (section sequence is generated
// for
func ClockSequence() int {
defer mu.Unlock()
return clockSequence()
func clockSequence() int {
if clock_seq == 0 {
return int(clock_seq & 0x3fff)
// SetClockSeq sets the clock sequence to the lower 14 bits of seq. Setting to
// -1 causes a new sequence to be generated.
func SetClockSequence(seq int) {
defer mu.Unlock()
func setClockSequence(seq int) {
if seq == -1 {
var b [2]byte
randomBits(b[:]) // clock sequence
seq = int(b[0])<<8 | int(b[1])
old_seq := clock_seq
clock_seq = uint16(seq&0x3fff) | 0x8000 // Set our variant
if old_seq != clock_seq {
lasttime = 0
// Time returns the time in 100s of nanoseconds since 15 Oct 1582 encoded in
// uuid. It returns false if uuid is not valid. The time is only well defined
// for version 1 and 2 UUIDs.
func (uuid UUID) Time() (Time, bool) {
if len(uuid) != 16 {
return 0, false
time := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(uuid[0:4]))
time |= int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(uuid[4:6])) << 32
time |= int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(uuid[6:8])&0xfff) << 48
return Time(time), true
// ClockSequence returns the clock sequence encoded in uuid. It returns false
// if uuid is not valid. The clock sequence is only well defined for version 1
// and 2 UUIDs.
func (uuid UUID) ClockSequence() (int, bool) {
if len(uuid) != 16 {
return 0, false
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(uuid[8:10])) & 0x3fff, true

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// randomBits completely fills slice b with random data.
func randomBits(b []byte) {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rander, b); err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // rand should never fail
// xvalues returns the value of a byte as a hexadecimal digit or 255.
var xvalues = []byte{
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
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0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
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255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
// xtob converts the the first two hex bytes of x into a byte.
func xtob(x string) (byte, bool) {
b1 := xvalues[x[0]]
b2 := xvalues[x[1]]
return (b1 << 4) | b2, b1 != 255 && b2 != 255

View file

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// A UUID is a 128 bit (16 byte) Universal Unique IDentifier as defined in RFC
// 4122.
type UUID []byte
// A Version represents a UUIDs version.
type Version byte
// A Variant represents a UUIDs variant.
type Variant byte
// Constants returned by Variant.
const (
Invalid = Variant(iota) // Invalid UUID
RFC4122 // The variant specified in RFC4122
Reserved // Reserved, NCS backward compatibility.
Microsoft // Reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward compatibility.
Future // Reserved for future definition.
var rander = rand.Reader // random function
// New returns a new random (version 4) UUID as a string. It is a convenience
// function for NewRandom().String().
func New() string {
return NewRandom().String()
// Parse decodes s into a UUID or returns nil. Both the UUID form of
// xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx and
// urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx are decoded.
func Parse(s string) UUID {
if len(s) == 36+9 {
if strings.ToLower(s[:9]) != "urn:uuid:" {
return nil
s = s[9:]
} else if len(s) != 36 {
return nil
if s[8] != '-' || s[13] != '-' || s[18] != '-' || s[23] != '-' {
return nil
uuid := make([]byte, 16)
for i, x := range []int{
0, 2, 4, 6,
9, 11,
14, 16,
19, 21,
24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34} {
if v, ok := xtob(s[x:]); !ok {
return nil
} else {
uuid[i] = v
return uuid
// Equal returns true if uuid1 and uuid2 are equal.
func Equal(uuid1, uuid2 UUID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(uuid1, uuid2)
// String returns the string form of uuid, xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
// , or "" if uuid is invalid.
func (uuid UUID) String() string {
if uuid == nil || len(uuid) != 16 {
return ""
b := []byte(uuid)
return fmt.Sprintf("%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x",
b[:4], b[4:6], b[6:8], b[8:10], b[10:])
// URN returns the RFC 2141 URN form of uuid,
// urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, or "" if uuid is invalid.
func (uuid UUID) URN() string {
if uuid == nil || len(uuid) != 16 {
return ""
b := []byte(uuid)
return fmt.Sprintf("urn:uuid:%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x",
b[:4], b[4:6], b[6:8], b[8:10], b[10:])
// Variant returns the variant encoded in uuid. It returns Invalid if
// uuid is invalid.
func (uuid UUID) Variant() Variant {
if len(uuid) != 16 {
return Invalid
switch {
case (uuid[8] & 0xc0) == 0x80:
return RFC4122
case (uuid[8] & 0xe0) == 0xc0:
return Microsoft
case (uuid[8] & 0xe0) == 0xe0:
return Future
return Reserved
// Version returns the verison of uuid. It returns false if uuid is not
// valid.
func (uuid UUID) Version() (Version, bool) {
if len(uuid) != 16 {
return 0, false
return Version(uuid[6] >> 4), true
func (v Version) String() string {
if v > 15 {
return fmt.Sprintf("BAD_VERSION_%d", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("VERSION_%d", v)
func (v Variant) String() string {
switch v {
case RFC4122:
return "RFC4122"
case Reserved:
return "Reserved"
case Microsoft:
return "Microsoft"
case Future:
return "Future"
case Invalid:
return "Invalid"
return fmt.Sprintf("BadVariant%d", int(v))
// SetRand sets the random number generator to r, which implents io.Reader.
// If r.Read returns an error when the package requests random data then
// a panic will be issued.
// Calling SetRand with nil sets the random number generator to the default
// generator.
func SetRand(r io.Reader) {
if r == nil {
rander = rand.Reader
rander = r

View file

@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
type test struct {
in string
version Version
variant Variant
isuuid bool
var tests = []test{
{"f47ac10b-58cc-0372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 0, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-1372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 1, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-2372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 2, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-3372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 3, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-5372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 5, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-6372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 6, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-7372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 7, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-8372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 8, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-9372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 9, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-a372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 10, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-b372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 11, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-c372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 12, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-d372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 13, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-e372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 14, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-f372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 15, RFC4122, true},
{"urn:uuid:f47ac10b-58cc-4372-0567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"URN:UUID:f47ac10b-58cc-4372-0567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-0567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-1567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-2567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-3567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-4567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-5567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-6567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-7567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Reserved, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-8567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-9567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-b567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, RFC4122, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-c567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Microsoft, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-d567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Microsoft, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-e567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Future, true},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-4372-f567-0e02b2c3d479", 4, Future, true},
{"f47ac10b158cc-5372-a567-0e02b2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
{"f47ac10b-58cc25372-a567-0e02b2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-53723a567-0e02b2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-5372-a56740e02b2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
{"f47ac10b-58cc-5372-a567-0e02-2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
{"g47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479", 0, Invalid, false},
var constants = []struct {
c interface{}
name string
{Person, "Person"},
{Group, "Group"},
{Org, "Org"},
{Invalid, "Invalid"},
{RFC4122, "RFC4122"},
{Reserved, "Reserved"},
{Microsoft, "Microsoft"},
{Future, "Future"},
{Domain(17), "Domain17"},
{Variant(42), "BadVariant42"},
func testTest(t *testing.T, in string, tt test) {
uuid := Parse(in)
if ok := (uuid != nil); ok != tt.isuuid {
t.Errorf("Parse(%s) got %v expected %v\b", in, ok, tt.isuuid)
if uuid == nil {
if v := uuid.Variant(); v != tt.variant {
t.Errorf("Variant(%s) got %d expected %d\b", in, v, tt.variant)
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != tt.version {
t.Errorf("Version(%s) got %d expected %d\b", in, v, tt.version)
func TestUUID(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range tests {
testTest(t,, tt)
testTest(t, strings.ToUpper(, tt)
func TestConstants(t *testing.T) {
for x, tt := range constants {
v, ok := tt.c.(fmt.Stringer)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%x: %v: not a stringer", x, v)
} else if s := v.String(); s != {
v, _ := tt.c.(int)
t.Errorf("%x: Constant %T:%d gives %q, expected %q\n", x, tt.c, v, s,
func TestRandomUUID(t *testing.T) {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for x := 1; x < 32; x++ {
uuid := NewRandom()
s := uuid.String()
if m[s] {
t.Errorf("NewRandom returned duplicated UUID %s\n", s)
m[s] = true
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != 4 {
t.Errorf("Random UUID of version %s\n", v)
if uuid.Variant() != RFC4122 {
t.Errorf("Random UUID is variant %d\n", uuid.Variant())
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for x := 1; x < 32; x++ {
s := New()
if m[s] {
t.Errorf("New returned duplicated UUID %s\n", s)
m[s] = true
uuid := Parse(s)
if uuid == nil {
t.Errorf("New returned %q which does not decode\n", s)
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != 4 {
t.Errorf("Random UUID of version %s\n", v)
if uuid.Variant() != RFC4122 {
t.Errorf("Random UUID is variant %d\n", uuid.Variant())
func clockSeq(t *testing.T, uuid UUID) int {
seq, ok := uuid.ClockSequence()
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("%s: invalid clock sequence\n", uuid)
return seq
func TestClockSeq(t *testing.T) {
// Fake time.Now for this test to return a monotonically advancing time; restore it at end.
defer func(orig func() time.Time) { timeNow = orig }(timeNow)
monTime := time.Now()
timeNow = func() time.Time {
monTime = monTime.Add(1 * time.Second)
return monTime
uuid1 := NewUUID()
uuid2 := NewUUID()
if clockSeq(t, uuid1) != clockSeq(t, uuid2) {
t.Errorf("clock sequence %d != %d\n", clockSeq(t, uuid1), clockSeq(t, uuid2))
uuid2 = NewUUID()
// Just on the very off chance we generated the same sequence
// two times we try again.
if clockSeq(t, uuid1) == clockSeq(t, uuid2) {
uuid2 = NewUUID()
if clockSeq(t, uuid1) == clockSeq(t, uuid2) {
t.Errorf("Duplicate clock sequence %d\n", clockSeq(t, uuid1))
uuid1 = NewUUID()
if seq := clockSeq(t, uuid1); seq != 0x1234 {
t.Errorf("%s: expected seq 0x1234 got 0x%04x\n", uuid1, seq)
func TestCoding(t *testing.T) {
text := "7d444840-9dc0-11d1-b245-5ffdce74fad2"
urn := "urn:uuid:7d444840-9dc0-11d1-b245-5ffdce74fad2"
data := UUID{
0x7d, 0x44, 0x48, 0x40,
0x9d, 0xc0,
0x11, 0xd1,
0xb2, 0x45,
0x5f, 0xfd, 0xce, 0x74, 0xfa, 0xd2,
if v := data.String(); v != text {
t.Errorf("%x: encoded to %s, expected %s\n", data, v, text)
if v := data.URN(); v != urn {
t.Errorf("%x: urn is %s, expected %s\n", data, v, urn)
uuid := Parse(text)
if !Equal(uuid, data) {
t.Errorf("%s: decoded to %s, expected %s\n", text, uuid, data)
func TestVersion1(t *testing.T) {
uuid1 := NewUUID()
uuid2 := NewUUID()
if Equal(uuid1, uuid2) {
t.Errorf("%s:duplicate uuid\n", uuid1)
if v, _ := uuid1.Version(); v != 1 {
t.Errorf("%s: version %s expected 1\n", uuid1, v)
if v, _ := uuid2.Version(); v != 1 {
t.Errorf("%s: version %s expected 1\n", uuid2, v)
n1 := uuid1.NodeID()
n2 := uuid2.NodeID()
if !bytes.Equal(n1, n2) {
t.Errorf("Different nodes %x != %x\n", n1, n2)
t1, ok := uuid1.Time()
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: invalid time\n", uuid1)
t2, ok := uuid2.Time()
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: invalid time\n", uuid2)
q1, ok := uuid1.ClockSequence()
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: invalid clock sequence\n", uuid1)
q2, ok := uuid2.ClockSequence()
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: invalid clock sequence", uuid2)
switch {
case t1 == t2 && q1 == q2:
t.Errorf("time stopped\n")
case t1 > t2 && q1 == q2:
t.Errorf("time reversed\n")
case t1 < t2 && q1 != q2:
t.Errorf("clock sequence chaned unexpectedly\n")
func TestNodeAndTime(t *testing.T) {
// Time is February 5, 1998 12:30:23.136364800 AM GMT
uuid := Parse("7d444840-9dc0-11d1-b245-5ffdce74fad2")
node := []byte{0x5f, 0xfd, 0xce, 0x74, 0xfa, 0xd2}
ts, ok := uuid.Time()
if ok {
c := time.Unix(ts.UnixTime())
want := time.Date(1998, 2, 5, 0, 30, 23, 136364800, time.UTC)
if !c.Equal(want) {
t.Errorf("Got time %v, want %v", c, want)
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: bad time\n", uuid)
if !bytes.Equal(node, uuid.NodeID()) {
t.Errorf("Expected node %v got %v\n", node, uuid.NodeID())
func TestMD5(t *testing.T) {
uuid := NewMD5(NameSpace_DNS, []byte("")).String()
want := "6fa459ea-ee8a-3ca4-894e-db77e160355e"
if uuid != want {
t.Errorf("MD5: got %q expected %q\n", uuid, want)
func TestSHA1(t *testing.T) {
uuid := NewSHA1(NameSpace_DNS, []byte("")).String()
want := "886313e1-3b8a-5372-9b90-0c9aee199e5d"
if uuid != want {
t.Errorf("SHA1: got %q expected %q\n", uuid, want)
func TestNodeID(t *testing.T) {
nid := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
s := NodeInterface()
if s == "" || s == "user" {
t.Errorf("NodeInterface %q after SetInteface\n", s)
node1 := NodeID()
if node1 == nil {
t.Errorf("NodeID nil after SetNodeInterface\n", s)
s = NodeInterface()
if s != "user" {
t.Errorf("Expected NodeInterface %q got %q\n", "user", s)
node2 := NodeID()
if node2 == nil {
t.Errorf("NodeID nil after SetNodeID\n", s)
if bytes.Equal(node1, node2) {
t.Errorf("NodeID not changed after SetNodeID\n", s)
} else if !bytes.Equal(nid, node2) {
t.Errorf("NodeID is %x, expected %x\n", node2, nid)
func testDCE(t *testing.T, name string, uuid UUID, domain Domain, id uint32) {
if uuid == nil {
t.Errorf("%s failed\n", name)
if v, _ := uuid.Version(); v != 2 {
t.Errorf("%s: %s: expected version 2, got %s\n", name, uuid, v)
if v, ok := uuid.Domain(); !ok || v != domain {
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: %d: Domain failed\n", name, uuid)
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: %s: expected domain %d, got %d\n", name, uuid, domain, v)
if v, ok := uuid.Id(); !ok || v != id {
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: %d: Id failed\n", name, uuid)
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: %s: expected id %d, got %d\n", name, uuid, id, v)
func TestDCE(t *testing.T) {
testDCE(t, "NewDCESecurity", NewDCESecurity(42, 12345678), 42, 12345678)
testDCE(t, "NewDCEPerson", NewDCEPerson(), Person, uint32(os.Getuid()))
testDCE(t, "NewDCEGroup", NewDCEGroup(), Group, uint32(os.Getgid()))
type badRand struct{}
func (r badRand) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
for i, _ := range buf {
buf[i] = byte(i)
return len(buf), nil
func TestBadRand(t *testing.T) {
uuid1 := New()
uuid2 := New()
if uuid1 != uuid2 {
t.Errorf("execpted duplicates, got %q and %q\n", uuid1, uuid2)
uuid1 = New()
uuid2 = New()
if uuid1 == uuid2 {
t.Errorf("unexecpted duplicates, got %q\n", uuid1)

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
import (
// NewUUID returns a Version 1 UUID based on the current NodeID and clock
// sequence, and the current time. If the NodeID has not been set by SetNodeID
// or SetNodeInterface then it will be set automatically. If the NodeID cannot
// be set NewUUID returns nil. If clock sequence has not been set by
// SetClockSequence then it will be set automatically. If GetTime fails to
// return the current NewUUID returns nil.
func NewUUID() UUID {
if nodeID == nil {
now, seq, err := GetTime()
if err != nil {
return nil
uuid := make([]byte, 16)
time_low := uint32(now & 0xffffffff)
time_mid := uint16((now >> 32) & 0xffff)
time_hi := uint16((now >> 48) & 0x0fff)
time_hi |= 0x1000 // Version 1
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(uuid[0:], time_low)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uuid[4:], time_mid)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uuid[6:], time_hi)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(uuid[8:], seq)
copy(uuid[10:], nodeID)
return uuid

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package uuid
// Random returns a Random (Version 4) UUID or panics.
// The strength of the UUIDs is based on the strength of the crypto/rand
// package.
// A note about uniqueness derived from from the UUID Wikipedia entry:
// Randomly generated UUIDs have 122 random bits. One's annual risk of being
// hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion, that
// means the probability is about 0.00000000006 (6 × 1011),
// equivalent to the odds of creating a few tens of trillions of UUIDs in a
// year and having one duplicate.
func NewRandom() UUID {
uuid := make([]byte, 16)
uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40 // Version 4
uuid[8] = (uuid[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80 // Variant is 10
return uuid

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.1
- 1.2
- 1.3
- tip

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Martin Angers & Contributors
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
# goquery - a little like that j-thing, only in Go
[![build status](](
goquery brings a syntax and a set of features similar to [jQuery][] to the [Go language][go]. It is based on Go's [net/html package][html] and the CSS Selector library [cascadia][]. Since the net/html parser returns nodes, and not a full-featured DOM tree, jQuery's stateful manipulation functions (like height(), css(), detach()) have been left off.
Also, because the net/html parser requires UTF-8 encoding, so does goquery: it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the source document provides UTF-8 encoded HTML. See the [wiki][] for various options to do this.
Syntax-wise, it is as close as possible to jQuery, with the same function names when possible, and that warm and fuzzy chainable interface. jQuery being the ultra-popular library that it is, I felt that writing a similar HTML-manipulating library was better to follow its API than to start anew (in the same spirit as Go's `fmt` package), even though some of its methods are less than intuitive (looking at you, [index()][index]...).
## Installation
Please note that because of the net/html dependency, goquery requires Go1.1+.
$ go get
(optional) To run unit tests:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test
(optional) To run benchmarks (warning: it runs for a few minutes):
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test -bench=".*"
## Changelog
**Note that goquery's API is now stable, and will not break.**
* **2015-04-20** : Add `AttrOr` helper method to return the attribute's value or a default value if absent. Thanks to [piotrkowalczuk][piotr].
* **2015-02-04** : Add more manipulation functions - Prepend* - thanks again to [Andrew Stone][thatguystone].
* **2014-11-28** : Add more manipulation functions - ReplaceWith*, Wrap* and Unwrap - thanks again to [Andrew Stone][thatguystone].
* **2014-11-07** : Add manipulation functions (thanks to [Andrew Stone][thatguystone]) and `*Matcher` functions, that receive compiled cascadia selectors instead of selector strings, thus avoiding potential panics thrown by goquery via `cascadia.MustCompile` calls. This results in better performance (selectors can be compiled once and reused) and more idiomatic error handling (you can handle cascadia's compilation errors, instead of recovering from panics, which had been bugging me for a long time). Note that the actual type expected is a `Matcher` interface, that `cascadia.Selector` implements. Other matcher implementations could be used.
* **2014-11-06** : Change import paths of net/html to (see!topic/golang-nuts/eD8dh3T9yyA). Make sure to update your code to use the new import path too when you call goquery with `html.Node`s.
* **v0.3.2** : Add `NewDocumentFromReader()` (thanks jweir) which allows creating a goquery document from an io.Reader.
* **v0.3.1** : Add `NewDocumentFromResponse()` (thanks assassingj) which allows creating a goquery document from an http response.
* **v0.3.0** : Add `EachWithBreak()` which allows to break out of an `Each()` loop by returning false. This function was added instead of changing the existing `Each()` to avoid breaking compatibility.
* **v0.2.1** : Make go-getable, now that [ is Go1.0-compatible][gonet] (thanks to @matrixik for pointing this out).
* **v0.2.0** : Add support for negative indices in Slice(). **BREAKING CHANGE** `Document.Root` is removed, `Document` is now a `Selection` itself (a selection of one, the root element, just like `Document.Root` was before). Add jQuery's Closest() method.
* **v0.1.1** : Add benchmarks to use as baseline for refactorings, refactor Next...() and Prev...() methods to use the new html package's linked list features (Next/PrevSibling, FirstChild). Good performance boost (40+% in some cases).
* **v0.1.0** : Initial release.
## API
goquery exposes two structs, `Document` and `Selection`, and the `Matcher` interface. Unlike jQuery, which is loaded as part of a DOM document, and thus acts on its containing document, goquery doesn't know which HTML document to act upon. So it needs to be told, and that's what the `Document` type is for. It holds the root document node as the initial Selection value to manipulate.
jQuery often has many variants for the same function (no argument, a selector string argument, a jQuery object argument, a DOM element argument, ...). Instead of exposing the same features in goquery as a single method with variadic empty interface arguments, statically-typed signatures are used following this naming convention:
* When the jQuery equivalent can be called with no argument, it has the same name as jQuery for the no argument signature (e.g.: `Prev()`), and the version with a selector string argument is called `XxxFiltered()` (e.g.: `PrevFiltered()`)
* When the jQuery equivalent **requires** one argument, the same name as jQuery is used for the selector string version (e.g.: `Is()`)
* The signatures accepting a jQuery object as argument are defined in goquery as `XxxSelection()` and take a `*Selection` object as argument (e.g.: `FilterSelection()`)
* The signatures accepting a DOM element as argument in jQuery are defined in goquery as `XxxNodes()` and take a variadic argument of type `*html.Node` (e.g.: `FilterNodes()`)
* The signatures accepting a function as argument in jQuery are defined in goquery as `XxxFunction()` and take a function as argument (e.g.: `FilterFunction()`)
* The goquery methods that can be called with a selector string have a corresponding version that take a `Matcher` interface and are defined as `XxxMatcher()` (e.g.: `IsMatcher()`)
The complete [godoc reference documentation can be found here][doc].
Please note that Cascadia's selectors do not necessarily match all supported selectors of jQuery (Sizzle). See the [cascadia project][cascadia] for details.
## Examples
See some tips and tricks in the [wiki][].
Taken (and adapted as if executed from outside the goquery package) from example_test.go:
package main
import (
func ExampleScrape() {
doc, err := goquery.NewDocument("")
if err != nil {
doc.Find(".reviews-wrap article .review-rhs").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
band := s.Find("h3").Text()
title := s.Find("i").Text()
fmt.Printf("Review %d: %s - %s\n", i, band, title)
func main() {
## License
The [BSD 3-Clause license][bsd], the same as the [Go language][golic]. Cascadia's license is [here][caslic].

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// First reduces the set of matched elements to the first in the set.
// It returns a new Selection object, and an empty Selection object if the
// the selection is empty.
func (s *Selection) First() *Selection {
return s.Eq(0)
// Last reduces the set of matched elements to the last in the set.
// It returns a new Selection object, and an empty Selection object if
// the selection is empty.
func (s *Selection) Last() *Selection {
return s.Eq(-1)
// Eq reduces the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index.
// If a negative index is given, it counts backwards starting at the end of the
// set. It returns a new Selection object, and an empty Selection object if the
// index is invalid.
func (s *Selection) Eq(index int) *Selection {
if index < 0 {
index += len(s.Nodes)
if index >= len(s.Nodes) || index < 0 {
return newEmptySelection(s.document)
return s.Slice(index, index+1)
// Slice reduces the set of matched elements to a subset specified by a range
// of indices.
func (s *Selection) Slice(start, end int) *Selection {
if start < 0 {
start += len(s.Nodes)
if end < 0 {
end += len(s.Nodes)
return pushStack(s, s.Nodes[start:end])
// Get retrieves the underlying node at the specified index.
// Get without parameter is not implemented, since the node array is available
// on the Selection object.
func (s *Selection) Get(index int) *html.Node {
if index < 0 {
index += len(s.Nodes) // Negative index gets from the end
return s.Nodes[index]
// Index returns the position of the first element within the Selection object
// relative to its sibling elements.
func (s *Selection) Index() int {
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
return newSingleSelection(s.Nodes[0], s.document).PrevAll().Length()
return -1
// IndexSelector returns the position of the first element within the
// Selection object relative to the elements matched by the selector, or -1 if
// not found.
func (s *Selection) IndexSelector(selector string) int {
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
sel := s.document.Find(selector)
return indexInSlice(sel.Nodes, s.Nodes[0])
return -1
// IndexMatcher returns the position of the first element within the
// Selection object relative to the elements matched by the matcher, or -1 if
// not found.
func (s *Selection) IndexMatcher(m Matcher) int {
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
sel := s.document.FindMatcher(m)
return indexInSlice(sel.Nodes, s.Nodes[0])
return -1
// IndexOfNode returns the position of the specified node within the Selection
// object, or -1 if not found.
func (s *Selection) IndexOfNode(node *html.Node) int {
return indexInSlice(s.Nodes, node)
// IndexOfSelection returns the position of the first node in the specified
// Selection object within this Selection object, or -1 if not found.
func (s *Selection) IndexOfSelection(sel *Selection) int {
if sel != nil && len(sel.Nodes) > 0 {
return indexInSlice(s.Nodes, sel.Nodes[0])
return -1

View file

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestFirst(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").First()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestFirstEmpty(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-zzcontentzz").First()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestFirstRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.First().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestLast(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Last()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
// Should contain Footer
foot := Doc().Find(".footer")
if !sel.Contains(foot.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Last .pvk-content should contain .footer.")
func TestLastEmpty(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-zzcontentzz").Last()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestLastRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Last().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestEq(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Eq(1)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestEqNegative(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Eq(-1)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
// Should contain Footer
foot := Doc().Find(".footer")
if !sel.Contains(foot.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Index -1 of .pvk-content should contain .footer.")
func TestEqEmpty(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("something_random_that_does_not_exists").Eq(0)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestEqInvalidPositive(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Eq(3)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestEqInvalidNegative(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Eq(-4)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestEqRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Eq(1).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestSlice(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Slice(0, 2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestSliceOutOfBounds(t *testing.T) {
defer assertPanic(t)
Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Slice(2, 12)
func TestNegativeSliceStart(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Slice(-2, 3)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel.Eq(0), "#cf3")
func TestNegativeSliceEnd(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Slice(1, -1)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel.Eq(0), "#cf2")
assertSelectionIs(t, sel.Eq(1), "#cf3")
func TestNegativeSliceBoth(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Slice(-3, -1)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel.Eq(0), "#cf2")
assertSelectionIs(t, sel.Eq(1), "#cf3")
func TestNegativeSliceOutOfBounds(t *testing.T) {
defer assertPanic(t)
Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Slice(-12, -7)
func TestSliceRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Slice(0, 2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
node := sel.Get(1)
if sel.Nodes[1] != node {
t.Errorf("Expected node %v to be %v.", node, sel.Nodes[1])
func TestGetNegative(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
node := sel.Get(-3)
if sel.Nodes[0] != node {
t.Errorf("Expected node %v to be %v.", node, sel.Nodes[0])
func TestGetInvalid(t *testing.T) {
defer assertPanic(t)
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
func TestIndex(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
if i := sel.Index(); i != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected index of 1, got %v.", i)
func TestIndexSelector(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".hero-unit")
if i := sel.IndexSelector("div"); i != 4 {
t.Errorf("Expected index of 4, got %v.", i)
func TestIndexOfNode(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.pvk-gutter")
if i := sel.IndexOfNode(sel.Nodes[1]); i != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected index of 1, got %v.", i)
func TestIndexOfNilNode(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.pvk-gutter")
if i := sel.IndexOfNode(nil); i != -1 {
t.Errorf("Expected index of -1, got %v.", i)
func TestIndexOfSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".hero-unit")
if i := sel.IndexOfSelection(sel2); i != 4 {
t.Errorf("Expected index of 4, got %v.", i)

View file

@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 92.9 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 91.6 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 90.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 86.7 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.14 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 500000 5308 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 50000 54962 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 11.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 12.1 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 5000 327144 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 50000 52945 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 205 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 203 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2639 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 50000 30182 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 50000 34855 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 66052 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 69721 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 66077 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 20000 80021 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 66256 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 20000 79568 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 569441 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 230585 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 231470 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.65 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 9558 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 16809 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 37.5 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 100000 18583 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.80 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 666 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 50000 34328 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 50000 32423 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2707 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 66976 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 66740 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 701722 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.9 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 50000 55444 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 10000 127984 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 355944 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 355596 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 500000 5656 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 200000 9007 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 1000000 1237 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 5613 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 47026 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 51438 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 91820 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 95156 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 10000 134383 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 235456 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 235936 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 50000 32451 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 50000 30570 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 50000 30729 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 10000 106704 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 10000 115592 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 50000 54449 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 50000 58503 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 20000 77698 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 20000 85034 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 50000 56458 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 50000 60163 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 50000 47679 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 50000 51563 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 10000 213998 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 10000 140720 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 20000 90702 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 5000 456039 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 10000 167944 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 20000 82059 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 10000 150883 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 10000 146578 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 10000 148284 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 10000 154303 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 10000 149062 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 10000 150584 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
ok 188.326s

View file

@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 96.2 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 95.8 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 94.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 89.9 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.31 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 1000000 1911 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 50000 56034 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 11.8 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 12.1 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 5000 336823 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 50000 54709 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 209 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 202 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2634 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 50000 31049 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 50000 35167 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 68974 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 74760 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 68670 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 20000 81357 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 68388 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 20000 82108 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 582934 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 241602 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 243612 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.14 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 9848 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 17569 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 37.6 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 100000 19345 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.80 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 688 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 50000 35061 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 50000 32789 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2816 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 68272 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 68107 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 709386 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 12.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 50000 56342 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 10000 131878 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 374240 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 374447 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 200000 9721 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 200000 12909 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 1000000 1869 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 5941 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 46223 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 51452 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 93967 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 97617 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 10000 138898 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 247817 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 246055 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 50000 33201 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 50000 31486 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 50000 31754 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 20000 94749 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 10000 103926 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 50000 33782 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 50000 37108 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 64769 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 71050 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 50000 33908 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 50000 37353 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 50000 31056 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 50000 34286 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 10000 202553 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 20000 98693 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 50000 45532 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 5000 454378 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 10000 123594 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 50000 37509 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 10000 109317 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 10000 105959 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 10000 107132 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 10000 114474 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 10000 107592 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 10000 107495 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
ok 187.652s

View file

@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
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<text x="649" y="237" style="text-anchor:start">-10.82%</text>
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<text x="749" y="263" style="text-anchor:start">-44.06%</text>
<text x="100" y="268" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkIndex</text>
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<text x="773" y="289" style="text-anchor:start">-52.26%</text>
<text x="100" y="294" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkIndexSelector</text>
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<text x="698" y="991" style="text-anchor:start">-27.31%</text>
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<text x="657" y="1017" style="text-anchor:start">-13.49%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="1964" width="111" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="728" y="1979" style="text-anchor:start">-37.02%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="1990" width="133" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="750" y="2005" style="text-anchor:start">-44.59%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2016" width="173" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="790" y="2031" style="text-anchor:start">-57.79%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2042" width="109" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="726" y="2057" style="text-anchor:start">-36.61%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2094" width="177" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="794" y="2109" style="text-anchor:start">-59.21%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2120" width="108" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="725" y="2135" style="text-anchor:start">-36.20%</text>
<text x="100" y="2140" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection</text>
<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2146" width="108" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="725" y="2161" style="text-anchor:start">-36.05%</text>
<text x="100" y="2166" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes</text>


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@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 94.3 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 94.7 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 93.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 89.9 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.72 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 1000000 1834 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 50000 53958 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 10.1 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 10.9 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 5000 326712 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 50000 51776 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 196 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 191 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2495 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 50000 30974 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 50000 35322 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 65644 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 69245 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 64824 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 20000 76247 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 66154 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 20000 76336 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 569495 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 227059 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 227167 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 3.99 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 9354 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 16557 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 36.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 100000 18473 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.76 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 666 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 50000 35174 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 50000 31814 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2754 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 66260 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 64682 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 672953 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.3 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 50000 53780 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 10000 125963 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 357318 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 357587 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 200000 9135 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 200000 12383 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 1000000 1809 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 5814 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 44810 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 48795 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 89102 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 93953 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 10000 130783 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 231797 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 233761 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 50000 31360 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 50000 30272 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 50000 30327 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 20000 89862 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 20000 97948 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 50000 31975 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 50000 34887 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 60734 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 67428 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 50000 32399 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 50000 34944 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 29360 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 50000 32291 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 10000 191890 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 20000 92054 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 50000 43401 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 5000 433383 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 10000 116423 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 50000 35338 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 10000 104686 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 20000 99485 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 20000 99452 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 10000 112640 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 10000 103702 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 10000 103277 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 6530 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 1000000 1135 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 1000000 1133 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 192.541s

View file

@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
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<text x="689" y="237" style="text-anchor:start">-24.26%</text>
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<text x="742" y="263" style="text-anchor:start">-41.71%</text>
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<text x="100" y="294" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkIndexSelector</text>
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<text x="692" y="991" style="text-anchor:start">-25.08%</text>
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<text x="651" y="1017" style="text-anchor:start">-11.55%</text>
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<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
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<rect x="612" y="2172" width="74" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="691" y="2187" style="text-anchor:start">-24.82%</text>
<text x="100" y="2192" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkClosest</text>
<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2198" width="103" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="720" y="2213" style="text-anchor:start">-34.45%</text>
<text x="100" y="2218" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkClosestSelection</text>
<g style="font-style:italic;font-size:75%">
<rect x="612" y="2224" width="105" height="20" style="fill-opacity:0.3;fill:green"/>
<text x="722" y="2239" style="text-anchor:start">-35.30%</text>
<text x="100" y="2244" style="text-anchor:start">BenchmarkClosestNodes</text>


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View file

@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 96.3 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 95.7 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 97.1 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 92.3 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.06 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 1000000 1069 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 100000 26750 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 10.7 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 11.8 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 10000 219078 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 100000 22345 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 209 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 209 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2568 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 100000 26715 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 50000 30058 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 66346 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 72646 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 65493 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 20000 79466 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 65494 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 20000 79387 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 386571 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 230664 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 230705 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.61 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 9520 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 15960 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 30.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 100000 18718 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.31 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 606 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 100000 29289 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 100000 23834 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2436 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 67106 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 66042 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 565347 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.0 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 100000 27677 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 50000 72162 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 460124 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 459390 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 500000 3395 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 500000 5193 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 5000000 667 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 3591 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 43168 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 45836 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 92348 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 95306 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 50000 72782 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 157639 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 157510 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 100000 16987 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 100000 21174 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 100000 21238 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 50000 66536 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 50000 71822 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 200000 10745 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 200000 12399 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 44640 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 49713 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 200000 10743 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 200000 12456 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 17600 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 100000 19460 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 20000 92630 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 50000 61285 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 100000 25859 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 10000 230236 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 20000 77837 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 100000 20784 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 50000 46147 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 50000 67164 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 50000 66628 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 50000 46697 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 50000 68646 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 50000 68745 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 4909 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 5000000 744 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 5000000 733 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 220.793s

View file

@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 95.5 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 94.9 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 95.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 91.7 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.05 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 1000000 1079 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 100000 26972 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 10.8 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 11.7 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 10000 213800 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 100000 21811 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 205 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 202 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2467 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 100000 25643 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 100000 29566 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 66894 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 72183 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 65516 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 20000 78880 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 65232 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 20000 78813 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 388834 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 228552 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 228365 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.62 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 9548 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 15900 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkEachWithBreak 1000000 1650 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEachWithBreak
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 30.5 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 100000 18873 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.31 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 616 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 100000 29499 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 100000 23733 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2404 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 65376 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 65322 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 558933 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.1 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 100000 27841 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 50000 72096 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 457349 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 459324 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 500000 3435 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 500000 5241 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 5000000 667 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 3639 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 44867 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 46476 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 92559 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 96142 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 50000 73931 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 159820 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 158811 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 100000 17203 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 100000 21358 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 100000 21338 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 50000 66463 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 50000 72503 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 200000 10881 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 200000 12588 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 45075 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 50455 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 200000 10933 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 200000 12579 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 17751 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 100000 19702 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 20000 93586 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 50000 61155 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 100000 25805 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 10000 232225 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 20000 78316 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 100000 20657 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 50000 46567 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 50000 67227 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 50000 66995 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 50000 47361 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 50000 68802 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 50000 68928 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 4922 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 5000000 738 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 5000000 737 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 224.003s

View file

@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 88.4 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 88.2 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 87.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 84.9 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 2000000000 1.99 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 2000000 906 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 100000 22276 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 200000000 9.72 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 10.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 10000 199277 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 100000 18277 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 200 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 189 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2569 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 100000 25195 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 100000 29003 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 60690 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 66008 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 59723 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 50000 72698 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 59598 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 50000 72526 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 367076 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 219710 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 219105 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.58 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 8615 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 200000 14271 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkEachWithBreak 1000000 1497 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEachWithBreak
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 30.9 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 200000 13729 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.31 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 537 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 100000 28904 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 100000 23556 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2195 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 60100 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 59962 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 388679 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.0 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 100000 22779 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 50000 62033 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 446918 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 441753 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 1000000 2807 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 500000 4477 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 5000000 548 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 3304 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 38248 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 40677 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 83043 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 85391 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 50000 65118 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 144028 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 146713 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 100000 15113 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 100000 18881 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 100000 18926 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 50000 63221 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 50000 69028 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 200000 9133 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 200000 10601 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 43089 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 47867 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 200000 9104 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 200000 10579 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 15185 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 100000 17108 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 20000 81087 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 50000 55831 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 100000 23130 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 10000 204673 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 50000 70965 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 100000 18591 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 50000 42004 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 50000 61953 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 50000 62124 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 50000 42861 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 50000 62451 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 50000 62631 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 4684 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 5000000 622 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 5000000 617 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 218.724s

View file

@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 88.3 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 88.9 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 86.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 84.1 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 2000000000 1.99 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 2000000 907 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 200000 13052 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 10.5 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 11.6 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 10000 189556 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 200000 13714 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 200 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 186 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2532 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 100000 25199 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 100000 29162 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 60733 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 66124 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 59489 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 50000 73623 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 60053 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 50000 73477 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 364859 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 226980 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 220471 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.64 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 8811 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 100000 15365 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkEachWithBreak 1000000 1559 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEachWithBreak
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 31.7 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 200000 13901 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.31 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 541 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 100000 29435 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 100000 22938 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2185 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 60607 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 61599 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 395436 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.0 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 200000 13788 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 50000 54253 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 438879 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 437225 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 1000000 2844 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 500000 4528 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 5000000 552 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 3345 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 39482 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 42113 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 84136 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 86041 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 50000 65844 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 146903 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 146638 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 100000 16413 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 100000 20366 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 100000 18800 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 50000 63443 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 50000 69250 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 200000 9193 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 200000 10767 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 42829 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 48174 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 200000 9114 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 200000 11114 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 16387 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 100000 18322 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 20000 83828 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 50000 58822 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 100000 23173 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 10000 219407 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 20000 76033 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 100000 19417 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 50000 44648 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 50000 62751 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 50000 62035 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 50000 43331 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 50000 64767 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 50000 67808 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 4870 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 5000000 656 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 5000000 663 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 218.007s

View file

@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
BenchmarkFirst 20000000 91.0 ns/op
BenchmarkLast 20000000 90.5 ns/op
BenchmarkEq 20000000 90.2 ns/op
BenchmarkSlice 20000000 88.0 ns/op
BenchmarkGet 1000000000 2.04 ns/op
BenchmarkIndex 2000000 935 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndex
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
bench_array_test.go:73: Index=3
BenchmarkIndexSelector 100000 23613 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexSelector
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
bench_array_test.go:85: IndexSelector=4
BenchmarkIndexOfNode 100000000 10.2 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfNode
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
bench_array_test.go:99: IndexOfNode=2
BenchmarkIndexOfSelection 100000000 11.0 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIndexOfSelection
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
bench_array_test.go:111: IndexOfSelection=2
BenchmarkMetalReviewExample 10000 213843 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMetalReviewExample
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
bench_example_test.go:41: MetalReviewExample=10
bench_example_test.go:40: Review 0: Midnight - Complete and Total Hell (8.5).
Review 1: Over Your Threshold - Facticity (6.0).
Review 2: Nuclear Death Terror - Chaos Reigns (7.5).
Review 3: Evoken - Atra Mors (9.5).
... [output truncated]
BenchmarkAdd 100000 18671 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAdd
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
bench_expand_test.go:20: Add=43
BenchmarkAddSelection 10000000 204 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddSelection
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
bench_expand_test.go:37: AddSelection=43
BenchmarkAddNodes 10000000 195 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAddNodes
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
bench_expand_test.go:55: AddNodes=43
BenchmarkAndSelf 1000000 2611 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAndSelf
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
bench_expand_test.go:71: AndSelf=44
BenchmarkFilter 100000 27571 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilter
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
bench_filter_test.go:20: Filter=13
BenchmarkNot 50000 32006 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNot
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
bench_filter_test.go:36: Not=371
BenchmarkFilterFunction 50000 61388 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterFunction
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
bench_filter_test.go:55: FilterFunction=112
BenchmarkNotFunction 50000 66702 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotFunction
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
bench_filter_test.go:74: NotFunction=261
BenchmarkFilterNodes 50000 59699 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterNodes
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
bench_filter_test.go:92: FilterNodes=2
BenchmarkNotNodes 50000 73248 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotNodes
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
bench_filter_test.go:110: NotNodes=360
BenchmarkFilterSelection 50000 59242 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFilterSelection
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
bench_filter_test.go:127: FilterSelection=2
BenchmarkNotSelection 50000 73211 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNotSelection
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
bench_filter_test.go:144: NotSelection=360
BenchmarkHas 5000 395087 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHas
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
bench_filter_test.go:160: Has=13
BenchmarkHasNodes 10000 215849 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasNodes
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
bench_filter_test.go:178: HasNodes=15
BenchmarkHasSelection 10000 215612 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasSelection
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
bench_filter_test.go:195: HasSelection=15
BenchmarkEnd 500000000 4.59 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEnd
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
bench_filter_test.go:211: End=373
BenchmarkEach 200000 8588 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEach
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
bench_iteration_test.go:22: Each=59
BenchmarkMap 200000 14444 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkMap
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
bench_iteration_test.go:41: Map=59
BenchmarkEachWithBreak 1000000 1490 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEachWithBreak
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
bench_iteration_test.go:61: Each=10
BenchmarkAttr 50000000 30.9 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkAttr
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
bench_property_test.go:16: Attr=firstHeading
BenchmarkText 200000 14017 ns/op
BenchmarkLength 2000000000 0.31 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkLength
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
bench_property_test.go:37: Length=14
BenchmarkHtml 5000000 577 ns/op
BenchmarkIs 50000 31936 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIs
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
bench_query_test.go:16: Is=true
BenchmarkIsPositional 100000 23372 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsPositional
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
bench_query_test.go:28: IsPositional=true
BenchmarkIsFunction 1000000 2170 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsFunction
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
bench_query_test.go:43: IsFunction=true
BenchmarkIsSelection 50000 59814 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsSelection
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
bench_query_test.go:56: IsSelection=true
BenchmarkIsNodes 50000 59629 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkIsNodes
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
bench_query_test.go:70: IsNodes=true
BenchmarkHasClass 5000 384894 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkHasClass
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
bench_query_test.go:82: HasClass=true
BenchmarkContains 100000000 11.4 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContains
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
bench_query_test.go:96: Contains=true
BenchmarkFind 100000 23545 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFind
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
bench_traversal_test.go:18: Find=41
BenchmarkFindWithinSelection 50000 63775 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindWithinSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
bench_traversal_test.go:34: FindWithinSelection=39
BenchmarkFindSelection 5000 441958 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
bench_traversal_test.go:51: FindSelection=73
BenchmarkFindNodes 5000 437717 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkFindNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
bench_traversal_test.go:69: FindNodes=73
BenchmarkContents 1000000 2799 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContents
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
bench_traversal_test.go:85: Contents=16
BenchmarkContentsFiltered 500000 4489 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkContentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
bench_traversal_test.go:101: ContentsFiltered=1
BenchmarkChildren 5000000 546 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildren
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
bench_traversal_test.go:117: Children=2
BenchmarkChildrenFiltered 500000 3472 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkChildrenFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
bench_traversal_test.go:133: ChildrenFiltered=2
BenchmarkParent 50000 39067 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParent
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
bench_traversal_test.go:149: Parent=55
BenchmarkParentFiltered 50000 41450 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
bench_traversal_test.go:165: ParentFiltered=4
BenchmarkParents 20000 84864 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParents
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
bench_traversal_test.go:181: Parents=73
BenchmarkParentsFiltered 20000 87823 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
bench_traversal_test.go:197: ParentsFiltered=18
BenchmarkParentsUntil 50000 65986 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
bench_traversal_test.go:213: ParentsUntil=52
BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection 10000 149798 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
bench_traversal_test.go:230: ParentsUntilSelection=70
BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes 10000 148144 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
bench_traversal_test.go:248: ParentsUntilNodes=70
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil 100000 15579 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
bench_traversal_test.go:264: ParentsFilteredUntil=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection 100000 19094 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:281: ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=2
BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes 100000 19037 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:299: ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=2
BenchmarkSiblings 50000 63891 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblings
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
bench_traversal_test.go:315: Siblings=293
BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered 50000 70424 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
bench_traversal_test.go:331: SiblingsFiltered=46
BenchmarkNext 200000 9350 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNext
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
bench_traversal_test.go:347: Next=49
BenchmarkNextFiltered 200000 10929 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:363: NextFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextAll 50000 43398 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAll
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
bench_traversal_test.go:379: NextAll=234
BenchmarkNextAllFiltered 50000 48519 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
bench_traversal_test.go:395: NextAllFiltered=33
BenchmarkPrev 200000 9181 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrev
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
bench_traversal_test.go:411: Prev=49
BenchmarkPrevFiltered 200000 10811 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
bench_traversal_test.go:429: PrevFiltered=7
BenchmarkPrevAll 100000 15589 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAll
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
bench_traversal_test.go:445: PrevAll=78
BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered 100000 17341 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
bench_traversal_test.go:461: PrevAllFiltered=6
BenchmarkNextUntil 20000 80663 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
bench_traversal_test.go:477: NextUntil=84
BenchmarkNextUntilSelection 50000 56496 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
bench_traversal_test.go:494: NextUntilSelection=42
BenchmarkNextUntilNodes 100000 23729 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
bench_traversal_test.go:512: NextUntilNodes=12
BenchmarkPrevUntil 10000 208267 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
bench_traversal_test.go:528: PrevUntil=238
BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection 50000 72119 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
bench_traversal_test.go:545: PrevUntilSelection=49
BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes 100000 18549 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
bench_traversal_test.go:563: PrevUntilNodes=11
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil 50000 42339 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
bench_traversal_test.go:579: NextFilteredUntil=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection 50000 61916 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
bench_traversal_test.go:596: NextFilteredUntilSelection=22
BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes 50000 62139 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
bench_traversal_test.go:614: NextFilteredUntilNodes=22
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil 50000 43409 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
bench_traversal_test.go:630: PrevFilteredUntil=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection 50000 63768 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
bench_traversal_test.go:647: PrevFilteredUntilSelection=20
BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes 50000 63543 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
bench_traversal_test.go:665: PrevFilteredUntilNodes=20
BenchmarkClosest 500000 5110 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosest
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
bench_traversal_test.go:681: Closest=2
BenchmarkClosestSelection 5000000 629 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestSelection
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
bench_traversal_test.go:698: ClosestSelection=2
BenchmarkClosestNodes 5000000 627 ns/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkClosestNodes
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
bench_traversal_test.go:715: ClosestNodes=2
ok 215.785s

View file

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkFirst(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkLast(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkEq(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
j := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if j++; j >= sel.Length() {
j = 0
func BenchmarkSlice(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
j := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sel.Slice(j, j+4)
if j++; j >= (sel.Length() - 4) {
j = 0
func BenchmarkGet(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
j := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if j++; j >= sel.Length() {
j = 0
func BenchmarkIndex(b *testing.B) {
var j int
sel := DocB().Find("#Main")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
j = sel.Index()
b.Logf("Index=%d", j)
func BenchmarkIndexSelector(b *testing.B) {
var j int
sel := DocB().Find("#manual-nav dl dd:nth-child(1)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
j = sel.IndexSelector("dd")
b.Logf("IndexSelector=%d", j)
func BenchmarkIndexOfNode(b *testing.B) {
var j int
sel := DocB().Find("span a")
sel2 := DocB().Find("span a:nth-child(3)")
n := sel2.Get(0)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
j = sel.IndexOfNode(n)
b.Logf("IndexOfNode=%d", j)
func BenchmarkIndexOfSelection(b *testing.B) {
var j int
sel := DocB().Find("span a")
sel2 := DocB().Find("span a:nth-child(3)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
j = sel.IndexOfSelection(sel2)
b.Logf("IndexOfSelection=%d", j)

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkMetalReviewExample(b *testing.B) {
var n int
var buf bytes.Buffer
doc := loadDoc("metalreview.html")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
doc.Find(".slider-row:nth-child(1) .slider-item").Each(func(i int, s *Selection) {
var band, title string
var score float64
var e error
// For each item found, get the band, title and score, and print it
band = s.Find("strong").Text()
title = s.Find("em").Text()
if score, e = strconv.ParseFloat(s.Find(".score").Text(), 64); e != nil {
// Not a valid float, ignore score
if n <= 4 {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Review %d: %s - %s.\n", i, band, title))
} else {
// Print all, including score
if n <= 4 {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Review %d: %s - %s (%2.1f).\n", i, band, title, score))
b.Logf("MetalReviewExample=%d", n)

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkAdd(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Add("h2[title]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Add=%d", n)
func BenchmarkAddSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
sel2 := DocB().Find("h2[title]")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.AddSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("AddSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkAddNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocB().Find("dd")
sel2 := DocB().Find("h2[title]")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.AddNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("AddNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkAndSelf(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocB().Find("dd").Parent()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.AndSelf().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("AndSelf=%d", n)

View file

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkFilter(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Filter(".toclevel-1").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Filter=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNot(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Not(".toclevel-2").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Not=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFilterFunction(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return len(s.Get(0).Attr) > 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.FilterFunction(f).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FilterFunction=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNotFunction(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return len(s.Get(0).Attr) > 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NotFunction(f).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NotFunction=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFilterNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-2")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.FilterNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FilterNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNotNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NotNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NotNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFilterSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.FilterSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FilterSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNotSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NotSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NotSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkHas(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Has(".editsection").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Has=%d", n)
func BenchmarkHasNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".tocnumber")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.HasNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("HasNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkHasSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".tocnumber")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.HasSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("HasSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkEnd(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li").Has(".tocnumber")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.End().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("End=%d", n)

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkEach(b *testing.B) {
var tmp, n int
sel := DocW().Find("td")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = tmp
b.Logf("Each=%d", n)
func BenchmarkMap(b *testing.B) {
var tmp, n int
sel := DocW().Find("td")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) string {
return string(tmp)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = tmp
b.Logf("Map=%d", n)
func BenchmarkEachWithBreak(b *testing.B) {
var tmp, n int
sel := DocW().Find("td")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return tmp < 10
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
tmp = 0
if n == 0 {
n = tmp
b.Logf("Each=%d", n)

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkAttr(b *testing.B) {
var s string
sel := DocW().Find("h1")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
s, _ = sel.Attr("id")
b.Logf("Attr=%s", s)
func BenchmarkText(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkLength(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
n = sel.Length()
b.Logf("Length=%d", n)
func BenchmarkHtml(b *testing.B) {
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkIs(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.Is(".toclevel-2")
b.Logf("Is=%v", y)
func BenchmarkIsPositional(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.Is("li:nth-child(2)")
b.Logf("IsPositional=%v", y)
func BenchmarkIsFunction(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1")
f := func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return i == 8
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.IsFunction(f)
b.Logf("IsFunction=%v", y)
func BenchmarkIsSelection(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.IsSelection(sel2)
b.Logf("IsSelection=%v", y)
func BenchmarkIsNodes(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("li")
sel2 := DocW().Find(".toclevel-2")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.IsNodes(nodes...)
b.Logf("IsNodes=%v", y)
func BenchmarkHasClass(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("span")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.HasClass("official")
b.Logf("HasClass=%v", y)
func BenchmarkContains(b *testing.B) {
var y bool
sel := DocW().Find("span.url")
sel2 := DocW().Find("a[rel=\"nofollow\"]")
node := sel2.Nodes[0]
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
y = sel.Contains(node)
b.Logf("Contains=%v", y)

View file

@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func BenchmarkFind(b *testing.B) {
var n int
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = DocB().Find("dd").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Find=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFindWithinSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("ul")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Find("a[class]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FindWithinSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFindSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("ul")
sel2 := DocW().Find("span")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.FindSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FindSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkFindNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("ul")
sel2 := DocW().Find("span")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.FindNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("FindNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkContents(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Contents().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Contents=%d", n)
func BenchmarkContentsFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ContentsFiltered("a[href=\"#Examples\"]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ContentsFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkChildren(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Children().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Children=%d", n)
func BenchmarkChildrenFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h3")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ChildrenFiltered(".editsection").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ChildrenFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParent(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Parent().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Parent=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentFiltered("ul[id]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ParentFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParents(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("th a")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Parents().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Parents=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("th a")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsFiltered("tr").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ParentsFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("th a")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsUntil("table").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ParentsUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("th a")
sel2 := DocW().Find("#content")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsUntilSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ParentsUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("th a")
sel2 := DocW().Find("#content")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsUntilNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ParentsUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1 a")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsFilteredUntil(":nth-child(1)", "ul").Length()
} else {
sel.ParentsFilteredUntil(":nth-child(1)", "ul")
b.Logf("ParentsFilteredUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1 a")
sel2 := DocW().Find("ul")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilSelection(":nth-child(1)", sel2).Length()
} else {
sel.ParentsFilteredUntilSelection(":nth-child(1)", sel2)
b.Logf("ParentsFilteredUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkParentsFilteredUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find(".toclevel-1 a")
sel2 := DocW().Find("ul")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilNodes(":nth-child(1)", nodes...).Length()
} else {
sel.ParentsFilteredUntilNodes(":nth-child(1)", nodes...)
b.Logf("ParentsFilteredUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkSiblings(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("ul li:nth-child(1)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Siblings().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Siblings=%d", n)
func BenchmarkSiblingsFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("ul li:nth-child(1)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.SiblingsFiltered("[class]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("SiblingsFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNext(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(1)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Next().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Next=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(1)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextFiltered("[class]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextAll(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(3)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextAll().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextAll=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextAllFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(3)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextAllFiltered("[class]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextAllFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrev(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:last-child")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Prev().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Prev=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:last-child")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevFiltered("[class]").Length()
} else {
// There is one more Prev li with a class, compared to Next li with a class
// (confirmed by looking at the HTML, this is ok)
b.Logf("PrevFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevAll(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(4)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevAll().Length()
} else {
b.Logf("PrevAll=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevAllFiltered(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:nth-child(4)")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevAllFiltered("[class]").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("PrevAllFiltered=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:first-child")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextUntil(":nth-child(4)").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("ul")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextUntilSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("p")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextUntilNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("NextUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("li:last-child")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevUntil(":nth-child(4)").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("PrevUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("ul")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevUntilSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("PrevUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("p")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevUntilNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("PrevUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextFilteredUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextFilteredUntil("p", "div").Length()
} else {
sel.NextFilteredUntil("p", "div")
b.Logf("NextFilteredUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("div")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextFilteredUntilSelection("p", sel2).Length()
} else {
sel.NextFilteredUntilSelection("p", sel2)
b.Logf("NextFilteredUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkNextFilteredUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("div")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.NextFilteredUntilNodes("p", nodes...).Length()
} else {
sel.NextFilteredUntilNodes("p", nodes...)
b.Logf("NextFilteredUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntil(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevFilteredUntil("p", "div").Length()
} else {
sel.PrevFilteredUntil("p", "div")
b.Logf("PrevFilteredUntil=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("div")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevFilteredUntilSelection("p", sel2).Length()
} else {
sel.PrevFilteredUntilSelection("p", sel2)
b.Logf("PrevFilteredUntilSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkPrevFilteredUntilNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := DocW().Find("h2")
sel2 := DocW().Find("div")
nodes := sel2.Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.PrevFilteredUntilNodes("p", nodes...).Length()
} else {
sel.PrevFilteredUntilNodes("p", nodes...)
b.Logf("PrevFilteredUntilNodes=%d", n)
func BenchmarkClosest(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.Closest(".pvk-content").Length()
} else {
b.Logf("Closest=%d", n)
func BenchmarkClosestSelection(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ClosestSelection(sel2).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ClosestSelection=%d", n)
func BenchmarkClosestNodes(b *testing.B) {
var n int
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
nodes := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Nodes
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if n == 0 {
n = sel.ClosestNodes(nodes...).Length()
} else {
b.Logf("ClosestNodes=%d", n)

View file

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Martin Angers & Contributors
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
// other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to
// endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Package goquery implements features similar to jQuery, including the chainable
syntax, to manipulate and query an HTML document.
It brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language.
It is based on Go's net/html package and the CSS Selector library cascadia.
Since the net/html parser returns nodes, and not a full-featured DOM
tree, jQuery's stateful manipulation functions (like height(), css(), detach())
have been left off.
Also, because the net/html parser requires UTF-8 encoding, so does goquery: it is
the caller's responsibility to ensure that the source document provides UTF-8 encoded HTML.
See the repository's wiki for various options on how to do this.
Syntax-wise, it is as close as possible to jQuery, with the same function names when
possible, and that warm and fuzzy chainable interface. jQuery being the
ultra-popular library that it is, writing a similar HTML-manipulating
library was better to follow its API than to start anew (in the same spirit as
Go's fmt package), even though some of its methods are less than intuitive (looking
at you, index()...).
It is hosted on GitHub, along with additional documentation in the
Please note that because of the net/html dependency, goquery requires Go1.1+.
The various methods are split into files based on the category of behavior.
The three dots (...) indicate that various "overloads" are available.
* array.go : array-like positional manipulation of the selection.
- Eq()
- First()
- Get()
- Index...()
- Last()
- Slice()
* expand.go : methods that expand or augment the selection's set.
- Add...()
- AndSelf()
- Union(), which is an alias for AddSelection()
* filter.go : filtering methods, that reduce the selection's set.
- End()
- Filter...()
- Has...()
- Intersection(), which is an alias of FilterSelection()
- Not...()
* iteration.go : methods to loop over the selection's nodes.
- Each()
- EachWithBreak()
- Map()
* manipulation.go : methods for modifying the document
- After...()
- Append...()
- Before...()
- Clone()
- Empty()
- Prepend...()
- Remove...()
- ReplaceWith...()
- Unwrap()
- Wrap...()
- WrapAll...()
- WrapInner...()
* property.go : methods that inspect and get the node's properties values.
- Attr*(), RemoveAttr(), SetAttr()
- AddClass(), HasClass(), RemoveClass(), ToggleClass()
- Html()
- Length()
- Size(), which is an alias for Length()
- Text()
* query.go : methods that query, or reflect, a node's identity.
- Contains()
- Is...()
* traversal.go : methods to traverse the HTML document tree.
- Children...()
- Contents()
- Find...()
- Next...()
- Parent[s]...()
- Prev...()
- Siblings...()
* type.go : definition of the types exposed by goquery.
- Document
- Selection
- Matcher
package goquery

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
# Tips and tricks
## Handle Non-UTF8 html Pages
The `` package used by `goquery` requires that the html document is UTF-8 encoded. When you know the encoding of the html page is not UTF-8, you can use the `iconv` package to convert it to UTF-8 (there are various implementation of the `iconv` API, see [][iconv] for other options):
$ go get -u
and then:
// Load the URL
res, err := http.Get(url)
if e != nil {
// handle error
defer res.Body.Close()
// Convert the designated charset HTML to utf-8 encoded HTML.
// `charset` being one of the charsets known by the iconv package.
utfBody, err := iconv.NewReader(res.Body, charset, "utf-8")
if err != nil {
// handler error
// use utfBody using goquery
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(utfBody)
if err != nil {
// handler error
// use doc...
Thanks to github user @YuheiNakasaka.
Actually, the official go.text repository covers this use case too, see its [godoc page][text] for the details.
## Handle Javascript-based Pages
`goquery` is great to handle normal html pages, but when most of the page is build dynamically using javascript, there's not much it can do. There are various options when faced with this problem:
* Use a headless browser such as [webloop][].
* Use a Go javascript parser package, such as [otto][].
You can find a code example using `otto` [in this gist][exotto]. Thanks to github user @cryptix.
## For Loop
If all you need is a normal `for` loop over all nodes in the current selection, where `Map/Each`-style iteration is not necessary, you can use the following:
sel := Doc().Find(".selector")
for i := range sel.Nodes {
single := sel.Eq(i)
// use `single` as a selection of 1 node
Thanks to github user @jmoiron.

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// In real use, this import would be required (not in this example, since it
// is part of the goquery package)
// This example scrapes the reviews shown on the home page of
func ExampleScrape_MetalSucks() {
// Load the HTML document (in real use, the type would be *goquery.Document)
doc, err := NewDocument("")
if err != nil {
// Find the review items (the type of the Selection would be *goquery.Selection)
doc.Find(".reviews-wrap article .review-rhs").Each(func(i int, s *Selection) {
// For each item found, get the band and title
band := s.Find("h3").Text()
title := s.Find("i").Text()
fmt.Printf("Review %d: %s - %s\n", i, band, title)
// To see the output of the Example while running the test suite (go test), simply
// remove the leading "x" before Output on the next line. This will cause the
// example to fail (all the "real" tests should pass).
// xOutput: voluntarily fail the Example output.

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// Add adds the selector string's matching nodes to those in the current
// selection and returns a new Selection object.
// The selector string is run in the context of the document of the current
// Selection object.
func (s *Selection) Add(selector string) *Selection {
return s.AddNodes(findWithMatcher([]*html.Node{s.document.rootNode}, cascadia.MustCompile(selector))...)
// AddMatcher adds the matcher's matching nodes to those in the current
// selection and returns a new Selection object.
// The matcher is run in the context of the document of the current
// Selection object.
func (s *Selection) AddMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.AddNodes(findWithMatcher([]*html.Node{s.document.rootNode}, m)...)
// AddSelection adds the specified Selection object's nodes to those in the
// current selection and returns a new Selection object.
func (s *Selection) AddSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.AddNodes()
return s.AddNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// Union is an alias for AddSelection.
func (s *Selection) Union(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.AddSelection(sel)
// AddNodes adds the specified nodes to those in the
// current selection and returns a new Selection object.
func (s *Selection) AddNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, appendWithoutDuplicates(s.Nodes, nodes))
// AndSelf adds the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set.
// It returns a new Selection object containing the current Selection combined
// with the previous one.
func (s *Selection) AndSelf() *Selection {
return s.AddSelection(s.prevSel)

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid").Add("a")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 19)
func TestAddRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Add("a").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestAddSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a")
sel = sel.AddSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 19)
func TestAddSelectionNil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 9)
sel = sel.AddSelection(nil)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 9)
func TestAddSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Find("a")
sel2 = sel.AddSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestAddNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.pvk-gutter")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel = sel.AddNodes(sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 9)
func TestAddNodesNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.pvk-gutter").AddNodes()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
func TestAddNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Find("a")
sel2 = sel.AddNodes(sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestAndSelf(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12").Last().AndSelf()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestAndSelfRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Find("a").AndSelf().End().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)

View file

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// Filter reduces the set of matched elements to those that match the selector string.
// It returns a new Selection object for this subset of matching elements.
func (s *Selection) Filter(selector string) *Selection {
return s.FilterMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// FilterMatcher reduces the set of matched elements to those that match
// the given matcher.
// It returns a new Selection object for this subset of matching elements.
func (s *Selection) FilterMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnow(s, m, true))
// Not removes elements from the Selection that match the selector string.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements removed.
func (s *Selection) Not(selector string) *Selection {
return s.NotMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// NotMatcher removes elements from the Selection that match the given matcher.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements removed.
func (s *Selection) NotMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnow(s, m, false))
// FilterFunction reduces the set of matched elements to those that pass the function's test.
// It returns a new Selection object for this subset of elements.
func (s *Selection) FilterFunction(f func(int, *Selection) bool) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnowFunction(s, f, true))
// NotFunction removes elements from the Selection that pass the function's test.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements removed.
func (s *Selection) NotFunction(f func(int, *Selection) bool) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnowFunction(s, f, false))
// FilterNodes reduces the set of matched elements to those that match the specified nodes.
// It returns a new Selection object for this subset of elements.
func (s *Selection) FilterNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, nodes, true))
// NotNodes removes elements from the Selection that match the specified nodes.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements removed.
func (s *Selection) NotNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, nodes, false))
// FilterSelection reduces the set of matched elements to those that match a
// node in the specified Selection object.
// It returns a new Selection object for this subset of elements.
func (s *Selection) FilterSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, nil, true))
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, sel.Nodes, true))
// NotSelection removes elements from the Selection that match a node in the specified
// Selection object. It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements removed.
func (s *Selection) NotSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, nil, false))
return pushStack(s, winnowNodes(s, sel.Nodes, false))
// Intersection is an alias for FilterSelection.
func (s *Selection) Intersection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.FilterSelection(sel)
// Has reduces the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant
// that matches the selector.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements.
func (s *Selection) Has(selector string) *Selection {
return s.HasSelection(s.document.Find(selector))
// HasMatcher reduces the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant
// that matches the matcher.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements.
func (s *Selection) HasMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.HasSelection(s.document.FindMatcher(m))
// HasNodes reduces the set of matched elements to those that have a
// descendant that matches one of the nodes.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements.
func (s *Selection) HasNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.FilterFunction(func(_ int, sel *Selection) bool {
// Add all nodes that contain one of the specified nodes
for _, n := range nodes {
if sel.Contains(n) {
return true
return false
// HasSelection reduces the set of matched elements to those that have a
// descendant that matches one of the nodes of the specified Selection object.
// It returns a new Selection object with the matching elements.
func (s *Selection) HasSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.HasNodes()
return s.HasNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// End ends the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and
// returns the set of matched elements to its previous state.
func (s *Selection) End() *Selection {
if s.prevSel != nil {
return s.prevSel
return newEmptySelection(s.document)
// Filter based on the matcher, and the indicator to keep (Filter) or
// to get rid of (Not) the matching elements.
func winnow(sel *Selection, m Matcher, keep bool) []*html.Node {
// Optimize if keep is requested
if keep {
return m.Filter(sel.Nodes)
// Use grep
return grep(sel, func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return !m.Match(s.Get(0))
// Filter based on an array of nodes, and the indicator to keep (Filter) or
// to get rid of (Not) the matching elements.
func winnowNodes(sel *Selection, nodes []*html.Node, keep bool) []*html.Node {
return grep(sel, func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return isInSlice(nodes, s.Get(0)) == keep
// Filter based on a function test, and the indicator to keep (Filter) or
// to get rid of (Not) the matching elements.
func winnowFunction(sel *Selection, f func(int, *Selection) bool, keep bool) []*html.Node {
return grep(sel, func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return f(i, s) == keep

View file

@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestFilter(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12").Filter(".alert")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestFilterNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12").Filter(".zzalert")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestFilterRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Filter(".alert").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestFilterFunction(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").FilterFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return i > 0
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestFilterFunctionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.FilterFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return i > 0
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestFilterNode(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.FilterNodes(sel.Nodes[2])
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
func TestFilterNodeRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.FilterNodes(sel.Nodes[2]).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestFilterSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".link")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a[ng-click]")
sel3 := sel.FilterSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel3.Nodes, 1)
func TestFilterSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".link")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a[ng-click]")
sel2 = sel.FilterSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestFilterSelectionNil(t *testing.T) {
var sel2 *Selection
sel := Doc().Find(".link")
sel3 := sel.FilterSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel3.Nodes, 0)
func TestNot(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12").Not(".alert")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestNotRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12")
sel2 := sel.Not(".alert").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNotNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12").Not(".zzalert")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestNotFunction(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").NotFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return i > 0
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestNotFunctionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.NotFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return i > 0
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNotNode(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.NotNodes(sel.Nodes[2])
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
func TestNotNodeRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.NotNodes(sel.Nodes[2]).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNotSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".link")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a[ng-click]")
sel3 := sel.NotSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel3.Nodes, 6)
func TestNotSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".link")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a[ng-click]")
sel2 = sel.NotSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestIntersection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter")
sel2 := Doc().Find("div").Intersection(sel)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 6)
func TestIntersectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter")
sel2 := Doc().Find("div")
sel2 = sel.Intersection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestHas(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Has(".center-content")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
// Has() returns the high-level .container-fluid div, and the one that is the immediate parent of center-content
func TestHasRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Has(".center-content").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestHasNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".center-content")
sel = sel.HasNodes(sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
// Has() returns the high-level .container-fluid div, and the one that is the immediate parent of center-content
func TestHasNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".center-content")
sel2 = sel.HasNodes(sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestHasSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("p")
sel2 := Doc().Find("small")
sel = sel.HasSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestHasSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("p")
sel2 := Doc().Find("small")
sel2 = sel.HasSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestEnd(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("p").Has("small").End()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 4)
func TestEndToTop(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("p").Has("small").End().End().End()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package goquery
// Each iterates over a Selection object, executing a function for each
// matched element. It returns the current Selection object.
func (s *Selection) Each(f func(int, *Selection)) *Selection {
for i, n := range s.Nodes {
f(i, newSingleSelection(n, s.document))
return s
// EachWithBreak iterates over a Selection object, executing a function for each
// matched element. It is identical to Each except that it is possible to break
// out of the loop by returning false in the callback function. It returns the
// current Selection object.
func (s *Selection) EachWithBreak(f func(int, *Selection) bool) *Selection {
for i, n := range s.Nodes {
if !f(i, newSingleSelection(n, s.document)) {
return s
return s
// Map passes each element in the current matched set through a function,
// producing a slice of string holding the returned values.
func (s *Selection) Map(f func(int, *Selection) string) (result []string) {
for i, n := range s.Nodes {
result = append(result, f(i, newSingleSelection(n, s.document)))
return result

View file

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestEach(t *testing.T) {
var cnt int
sel := Doc().Find(".hero-unit .row-fluid").Each(func(i int, n *Selection) {
t.Logf("At index %v, node %v", i, n.Nodes[0].Data)
if cnt != 4 {
t.Errorf("Expected Each() to call function 4 times, got %v times.", cnt)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
func TestEachWithBreak(t *testing.T) {
var cnt int
sel := Doc().Find(".hero-unit .row-fluid").EachWithBreak(func(i int, n *Selection) bool {
t.Logf("At index %v, node %v", i, n.Nodes[0].Data)
return false
if cnt != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected Each() to call function 1 time, got %v times.", cnt)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
func TestEachEmptySelection(t *testing.T) {
var cnt int
sel := Doc().Find("zzzz")
sel.Each(func(i int, n *Selection) {
if cnt > 0 {
t.Error("Expected Each() to not be called on empty Selection.")
sel2 := sel.Find("div")
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 0)
func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
vals := sel.Map(func(i int, s *Selection) string {
n := s.Get(0)
if n.Type == html.ElementNode {
return n.Data
return ""
for _, v := range vals {
if v != "div" {
t.Error("Expected Map array result to be all 'div's.")
if len(vals) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Expected Map array result to have a length of 3, found %v.", len(vals))
func TestForRange(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
initLen := sel.Length()
for i := range sel.Nodes {
single := sel.Eq(i)
//h, err := single.Html()
//if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
//fmt.Println(i, h)
if single.Length() != 1 {
t.Errorf("%d: expected length of 1, got %d", i, single.Length())
if sel.Length() != initLen {
t.Errorf("expected initial selection to still have length %d, got %d", initLen, sel.Length())

View file

@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// After applies the selector from the root document and inserts the matched elements
// after the elements in the set of matched elements.
// If one of the matched elements in the selection is not currently in the
// document, it's impossible to insert nodes after it, so it will be ignored.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) After(selector string) *Selection {
return s.AfterMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// AfterMatcher applies the matcher from the root document and inserts the matched elements
// after the elements in the set of matched elements.
// If one of the matched elements in the selection is not currently in the
// document, it's impossible to insert nodes after it, so it will be ignored.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AfterMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.AfterNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// AfterSelection inserts the elements in the selection after each element in the set of matched
// elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AfterSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.AfterNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// AfterHtml parses the html and inserts it after the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AfterHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.AfterNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// AfterNodes inserts the nodes after each element in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AfterNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.manipulateNodes(ns, true, func(sn *html.Node, n *html.Node) {
if sn.Parent != nil {
sn.Parent.InsertBefore(n, sn.NextSibling)
// Append appends the elements specified by the selector to the end of each element
// in the set of matched elements, following those rules:
// 1) The selector is applied to the root document.
// 2) Elements that are part of the document will be moved to the new location.
// 3) If there are multiple locations to append to, cloned nodes will be
// appended to all target locations except the last one, which will be moved
// as noted in (2).
func (s *Selection) Append(selector string) *Selection {
return s.AppendMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// AppendMatcher appends the elements specified by the matcher to the end of each element
// in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AppendMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.AppendNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// AppendSelection appends the elements in the selection to the end of each element
// in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AppendSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.AppendNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// AppendHtml parses the html and appends it to the set of matched elements.
func (s *Selection) AppendHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.AppendNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// AppendNodes appends the specified nodes to each node in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) AppendNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.manipulateNodes(ns, false, func(sn *html.Node, n *html.Node) {
// Before inserts the matched elements before each element in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) Before(selector string) *Selection {
return s.BeforeMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// BeforeMatcher inserts the matched elements before each element in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) BeforeMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.BeforeNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// BeforeSelection inserts the elements in the selection before each element in the set of matched
// elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) BeforeSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.BeforeNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// BeforeHtml parses the html and inserts it before the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) BeforeHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.BeforeNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// BeforeNodes inserts the nodes before each element in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) BeforeNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.manipulateNodes(ns, false, func(sn *html.Node, n *html.Node) {
if sn.Parent != nil {
sn.Parent.InsertBefore(n, sn)
// Clone creates a deep copy of the set of matched nodes. The new nodes will not be
// attached to the document.
func (s *Selection) Clone() *Selection {
ns := newEmptySelection(s.document)
ns.Nodes = cloneNodes(s.Nodes)
return ns
// Empty removes all children nodes from the set of matched elements.
// It returns the children nodes in a new Selection.
func (s *Selection) Empty() *Selection {
var nodes []*html.Node
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = n.FirstChild {
nodes = append(nodes, c)
return pushStack(s, nodes)
// Prepend prepends the elements specified by the selector to each element in
// the set of matched elements, following the same rules as Append.
func (s *Selection) Prepend(selector string) *Selection {
return s.PrependMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// PrependMatcher prepends the elements specified by the matcher to each
// element in the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) PrependMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.PrependNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// PrependSelection prepends the elements in the selection to each element in
// the set of matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) PrependSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.PrependNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// PrependHtml parses the html and prepends it to the set of matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrependHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.PrependNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// PrependNodes prepends the specified nodes to each node in the set of
// matched elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) PrependNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.manipulateNodes(ns, true, func(sn *html.Node, n *html.Node) {
// sn.FirstChild may be nil, in which case this functions like
// sn.AppendChild()
sn.InsertBefore(n, sn.FirstChild)
// Remove removes the set of matched elements from the document.
// It returns the same selection, now consisting of nodes not in the document.
func (s *Selection) Remove() *Selection {
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
if n.Parent != nil {
return s
// RemoveFiltered removes the set of matched elements by selector.
// It returns the Selection of removed nodes.
func (s *Selection) RemoveFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return s.RemoveMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// RemoveMatcher removes the set of matched elements.
// It returns the Selection of removed nodes.
func (s *Selection) RemoveMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.FilterMatcher(m).Remove()
// ReplaceWith replaces each element in the set of matched elements with the
// nodes matched by the given selector.
// It returns the removed elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) ReplaceWith(selector string) *Selection {
return s.ReplaceWithMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// ReplaceWithMatcher replaces each element in the set of matched elements with
// the nodes matched by the given Matcher.
// It returns the removed elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) ReplaceWithMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.ReplaceWithNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// ReplaceWithSelection replaces each element in the set of matched elements with
// the nodes from the given Selection.
// It returns the removed elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) ReplaceWithSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.ReplaceWithNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// ReplaceWithHtml replaces each element in the set of matched elements with
// the parsed HTML.
// It returns the removed elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) ReplaceWithHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.ReplaceWithNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// ReplaceWithNodes replaces each element in the set of matched elements with
// the given nodes.
// It returns the removed elements.
// This follows the same rules as Selection.Append.
func (s *Selection) ReplaceWithNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return s.Remove()
// Unwrap removes the parents of the set of matched elements, leaving the matched
// elements (and their siblings, if any) in their place.
// It returns the original selection.
func (s *Selection) Unwrap() *Selection {
s.Parent().Each(func(i int, ss *Selection) {
// For some reason, jquery allows unwrap to remove the <head> element, so
// allowing it here too. Same for <html>. Why it allows those elements to
// be unwrapped while not allowing body is a mystery to me.
if ss.Nodes[0].Data != "body" {
return s
// Wrap wraps each element in the set of matched elements inside the first
// element matched by the given selector. The matched child is cloned before
// being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) Wrap(selector string) *Selection {
return s.WrapMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// WrapMatcher wraps each element in the set of matched elements inside the
// first element matched by the given matcher. The matched child is cloned
// before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.wrapNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// WrapSelection wraps each element in the set of matched elements inside the
// first element in the given Selection. The element is cloned before being
// inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.wrapNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// WrapHtml wraps each element in the set of matched elements inside the inner-
// most child of the given HTML.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.wrapNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// WrapNode wraps each element in the set of matched elements inside the inner-
// most child of the given node. The given node is copied before being inserted
// into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapNode(n *html.Node) *Selection {
return s.wrapNodes(n)
func (s *Selection) wrapNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
s.Each(func(i int, ss *Selection) {
return s
// WrapAll wraps a single HTML structure, matched by the given selector, around
// all elements in the set of matched elements. The matched child is cloned
// before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapAll(selector string) *Selection {
return s.WrapAllMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// WrapAllMatcher wraps a single HTML structure, matched by the given Matcher,
// around all elements in the set of matched elements. The matched child is
// cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapAllMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.wrapAllNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// WrapAllSelection wraps a single HTML structure, the first node of the given
// Selection, around all elements in the set of matched elements. The matched
// child is cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapAllSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.wrapAllNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// WrapAllHtml wraps the given HTML structure around all elements in the set of
// matched elements. The matched child is cloned before being inserted into the
// document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapAllHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.wrapAllNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
func (s *Selection) wrapAllNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
if len(ns) > 0 {
return s.WrapAllNode(ns[0])
return s
// WrapAllNode wraps the given node around the first element in the Selection,
// making all other nodes in the Selection children of the given node. The node
// is cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapAllNode(n *html.Node) *Selection {
if s.Size() == 0 {
return s
wrap := cloneNode(n)
first := s.Nodes[0]
if first.Parent != nil {
first.Parent.InsertBefore(wrap, first)
for c := getFirstChildEl(wrap); c != nil; c = getFirstChildEl(wrap) {
wrap = c
newSingleSelection(wrap, s.document).AppendSelection(s)
return s
// WrapInner wraps an HTML structure, matched by the given selector, around the
// content of element in the set of matched elements. The matched child is
// cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapInner(selector string) *Selection {
return s.WrapInnerMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// WrapInnerMatcher wraps an HTML structure, matched by the given selector,
// around the content of element in the set of matched elements. The matched
// child is cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapInnerMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.wrapInnerNodes(m.MatchAll(s.document.rootNode)...)
// WrapInnerSelection wraps an HTML structure, matched by the given selector,
// around the content of element in the set of matched elements. The matched
// child is cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapInnerSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.wrapInnerNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// WrapInnerHtml wraps an HTML structure, matched by the given selector, around
// the content of element in the set of matched elements. The matched child is
// cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapInnerHtml(html string) *Selection {
return s.wrapInnerNodes(parseHtml(html)...)
// WrapInnerNode wraps an HTML structure, matched by the given selector, around
// the content of element in the set of matched elements. The matched child is
// cloned before being inserted into the document.
// It returns the original set of elements.
func (s *Selection) WrapInnerNode(n *html.Node) *Selection {
return s.wrapInnerNodes(n)
func (s *Selection) wrapInnerNodes(ns ...*html.Node) *Selection {
if len(ns) == 0 {
return s
s.Each(func(i int, s *Selection) {
contents := s.Contents()
if contents.Size() > 0 {
} else {
return s
func parseHtml(h string) []*html.Node {
// Errors are only returned when the io.Reader returns any error besides
// EOF, but strings.Reader never will
nodes, err := html.ParseFragment(strings.NewReader(h), &html.Node{Type: html.ElementNode})
if err != nil {
panic("goquery: failed to parse HTML: " + err.Error())
return nodes
// Get the first child that is an ElementNode
func getFirstChildEl(n *html.Node) *html.Node {
c := n.FirstChild
for c != nil && c.Type != html.ElementNode {
c = c.NextSibling
return c
// Deep copy a slice of nodes.
func cloneNodes(ns []*html.Node) []*html.Node {
cns := make([]*html.Node, 0, len(ns))
for _, n := range ns {
cns = append(cns, cloneNode(n))
return cns
// Deep copy a node. The new node has clones of all the original node's
// children but none of its parents or siblings.
func cloneNode(n *html.Node) *html.Node {
nn := &html.Node{
Type: n.Type,
DataAtom: n.DataAtom,
Data: n.Data,
Attr: make([]html.Attribute, len(n.Attr)),
copy(nn.Attr, n.Attr)
for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
return nn
func (s *Selection) manipulateNodes(ns []*html.Node, reverse bool,
f func(sn *html.Node, n *html.Node)) *Selection {
lasti := s.Size() - 1
// net.Html doesn't provide document fragments for insertion, so to get
// things in the correct order with After() and Prepend(), the callback
// needs to be called on the reverse of the nodes.
if reverse {
for i, j := 0, len(ns)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
ns[i], ns[j] = ns[j], ns[i]
for i, sn := range s.Nodes {
for _, n := range ns {
if i != lasti {
f(sn, cloneNode(n))
} else {
if n.Parent != nil {
f(sn, n)
return s

View file

@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
const (
wrapHtml = "<div id=\"ins\">test string<div><p><em><b></b></em></p></div></div>"
func TestAfter(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + #nf6").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAfterMany(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one + #nf6").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAfterWithRemoved(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
s := doc.Find("#main").Remove()
assertLength(t, s.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAfterSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").AfterSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1, #main #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1, #foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + #nf1, #nf1 + #nf2").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAfterHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").AfterHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main + strong").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppend(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppendBody(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppendSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").AppendSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf2").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppendSelectionExisting(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").AppendSelection(doc.Find("#n1, #n2"))
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(1)"), "three")
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(5)"), "one")
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(6)"), "two")
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppendClone(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestAppendHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("div").AppendHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("strong").Nodes, 14)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestBefore(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestBeforeWithRemoved(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
s := doc.Find("#main").Remove()
assertLength(t, s.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestBeforeSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").BeforeSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1, #main #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1, #foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf1:first-child, #nf1 + #nf2").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestBeforeHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").BeforeHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > strong:first-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestEmpty(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
s := doc.Find("#main").Empty()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Children().Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, s.Filter("div").Nodes, 6)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrepend(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrependBody(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf6:first-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrependSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").PrependSelection(doc.Find("#nf1, #nf2"))
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf2").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf2:nth-child(2)").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrependSelectionExisting(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main").PrependSelection(doc.Find("#n5, #n6"))
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(1)"), "five")
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(2)"), "six")
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(5)"), "three")
assertClass(t, doc.Find("#main :nth-child(6)"), "four")
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrependClone(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main #nf1:first-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestPrependHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("div").PrependHtml("<strong>new node</strong>")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("strong:first-child").Nodes, 14)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestRemove(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #nf1").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestRemoveAll(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("*").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestRemoveRoot(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("html").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestRemoveFiltered(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf6 := doc.Find("#nf6")
s := doc.Find("div").RemoveFiltered("#nf6")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, s.Nodes, 1)
if nf6.Nodes[0] != s.Nodes[0] {
t.Error("Removed node does not match original")
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestReplaceWith(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot #main:last-child").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestReplaceWithHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#main, #foot").ReplaceWithHtml("<div id=\"replace\"></div>")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#replace").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestReplaceWithSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
sel := doc.Find("#nf6").ReplaceWithSelection(doc.Find("#nf5"))
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#nf6")
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf6").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#nf5").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestUnwrap(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf1").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf5").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
doc = Doc2Clone()
doc.Find("#nf5, #n1").Unwrap()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#foot").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("#main").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #n1").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #nf5").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestUnwrapBody(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body").Nodes, 1)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("body > #main").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestUnwrapHead(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("head").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("head > title").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("title").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestUnwrapHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
assertLength(t, doc.Find("html").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("html head").Nodes, 0)
assertLength(t, doc.Find("head").Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrap(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf1 := doc.Find("#foot #nf2 #nf1")
assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)
nf2 := doc.Find("#nf2")
assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapEmpty(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
origHtml, _ := Doc2().Html()
newHtml, _ := doc.Html()
if origHtml != newHtml {
t.Error("Expected the two documents to be identical.")
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf2 := doc.Find("#ins #nf2")
assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapSelection(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf1 := doc.Find("#foot #nf2 #nf1")
assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)
nf2 := doc.Find("#nf2")
assertLength(t, nf2.Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapAll(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf1 := doc.Find("#main #nf1")
assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)
sel := nf1.Find("#n2 ~ #n4 ~ #n6 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf4 ~ #nf6")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapAllHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
nf1 := doc.Find("#main div#ins div p em b #n2 ~ #n4 ~ #n6 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf4 ~ #nf6")
assertLength(t, nf1.Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapInnerNoContent(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
twos := doc.Find(".two")
assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 4)
assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapInnerWithContent(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc3Clone()
twos := doc.Find(".two")
assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 4)
assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 2)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapInnerNoWrapper(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
twos := doc.Find(".two")
assertLength(t, twos.Nodes, 2)
assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one").Nodes, 2)
assertLength(t, doc.Find(".one .two").Nodes, 0)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)
func TestWrapInnerHtml(t *testing.T) {
doc := Doc2Clone()
foot := doc.Find("#foot div#ins div p em b #nf1 ~ #nf2 ~ #nf3")
assertLength(t, foot.Nodes, 1)
printSel(t, doc.Selection)

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# git gofmt pre-commit hook
# To use, store as .git/hooks/pre-commit inside your repository and make sure
# it has execute permissions.
# This script does not handle file names that contain spaces.
# golint is purely informational, it doesn't fail with exit code != 0 if it finds something,
# because it may find a lot of false positives. Just print out its result for information.
echo "lint result (informational only):"
golint .
# go vet returns 1 if an error was found. Exit the hook with this exit code.
go vet ./...
# Check for gofmt problems and report if any.
gofiles=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep '.go$')
[ -z "$gofiles" ] && echo "EXIT $vetres" && exit $vetres
unformatted=$(gofmt -l $gofiles)
[ -z "$unformatted" ] && echo "EXIT $vetres" && exit $vetres
# Some files are not gofmt'd. Print message and fail.
echo >&2 "Go files must be formatted with gofmt. Please run:"
for fn in $unformatted; do
echo >&2 " gofmt -w $PWD/$fn"
echo "EXIT 1"
exit 1

View file

@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
var rxClassTrim = regexp.MustCompile("[\t\r\n]")
// Attr gets the specified attribute's value for the first element in the
// Selection. To get the value for each element individually, use a looping
// construct such as Each or Map method.
func (s *Selection) Attr(attrName string) (val string, exists bool) {
if len(s.Nodes) == 0 {
return getAttributeValue(attrName, s.Nodes[0])
// AttrOr works like Attr but returns default value if attribute is not present.
func (s *Selection) AttrOr(attrName, defaultValue string) string {
if len(s.Nodes) == 0 {
return defaultValue
val, exists := getAttributeValue(attrName, s.Nodes[0])
if !exists {
return defaultValue
return val
// RemoveAttr removes the named attribute from each element in the set of matched elements.
func (s *Selection) RemoveAttr(attrName string) *Selection {
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
removeAttr(n, attrName)
return s
// SetAttr sets the given attribute on each element in the set of matched elements.
func (s *Selection) SetAttr(attrName, val string) *Selection {
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
attr := getAttributePtr(attrName, n)
if attr == nil {
n.Attr = append(n.Attr, html.Attribute{Key: attrName, Val: val})
} else {
attr.Val = val
return s
// Text gets the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched
// elements, including their descendants.
func (s *Selection) Text() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Slightly optimized vs calling Each: no single selection object created
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
return buf.String()
// Size is an alias for Length.
func (s *Selection) Size() int {
return s.Length()
// Length returns the number of elements in the Selection object.
func (s *Selection) Length() int {
return len(s.Nodes)
// Html gets the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched
// elements. It includes text and comment nodes.
func (s *Selection) Html() (ret string, e error) {
// Since there is no .innerHtml, the HTML content must be re-created from
// the nodes using html.Render.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
for c := s.Nodes[0].FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
e = html.Render(&buf, c)
if e != nil {
ret = buf.String()
// AddClass adds the given class(es) to each element in the set of matched elements.
// Multiple class names can be specified, separated by a space or via multiple arguments.
func (s *Selection) AddClass(class ...string) *Selection {
classStr := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(class, " "))
if classStr == "" {
return s
tcls := getClassesSlice(classStr)
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
curClasses, attr := getClassesAndAttr(n, true)
for _, newClass := range tcls {
if strings.Index(curClasses, " "+newClass+" ") == -1 {
curClasses += newClass + " "
setClasses(n, attr, curClasses)
return s
// HasClass determines whether any of the matched elements are assigned the
// given class.
func (s *Selection) HasClass(class string) bool {
class = " " + class + " "
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
classes, _ := getClassesAndAttr(n, false)
if strings.Index(classes, class) > -1 {
return true
return false
// RemoveClass removes the given class(es) from each element in the set of matched elements.
// Multiple class names can be specified, separated by a space or via multiple arguments.
// If no class name is provided, all classes are removed.
func (s *Selection) RemoveClass(class ...string) *Selection {
var rclasses []string
classStr := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(class, " "))
remove := classStr == ""
if !remove {
rclasses = getClassesSlice(classStr)
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
if remove {
removeAttr(n, "class")
} else {
classes, attr := getClassesAndAttr(n, true)
for _, rcl := range rclasses {
classes = strings.Replace(classes, " "+rcl+" ", " ", -1)
setClasses(n, attr, classes)
return s
// ToggleClass adds or removes the given class(es) for each element in the set of matched elements.
// Multiple class names can be specified, separated by a space or via multiple arguments.
func (s *Selection) ToggleClass(class ...string) *Selection {
classStr := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(class, " "))
if classStr == "" {
return s
tcls := getClassesSlice(classStr)
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
classes, attr := getClassesAndAttr(n, true)
for _, tcl := range tcls {
if strings.Index(classes, " "+tcl+" ") != -1 {
classes = strings.Replace(classes, " "+tcl+" ", " ", -1)
} else {
classes += tcl + " "
setClasses(n, attr, classes)
return s
// Get the specified node's text content.
func getNodeText(node *html.Node) string {
if node.Type == html.TextNode {
// Keep newlines and spaces, like jQuery
return node.Data
} else if node.FirstChild != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
return buf.String()
return ""
func getAttributePtr(attrName string, n *html.Node) *html.Attribute {
if n == nil {
return nil
for i, a := range n.Attr {
if a.Key == attrName {
return &n.Attr[i]
return nil
// Private function to get the specified attribute's value from a node.
func getAttributeValue(attrName string, n *html.Node) (val string, exists bool) {
if a := getAttributePtr(attrName, n); a != nil {
val = a.Val
exists = true
// Get and normalize the "class" attribute from the node.
func getClassesAndAttr(n *html.Node, create bool) (classes string, attr *html.Attribute) {
// Applies only to element nodes
if n.Type == html.ElementNode {
attr = getAttributePtr("class", n)
if attr == nil && create {
n.Attr = append(n.Attr, html.Attribute{
Key: "class",
Val: "",
attr = &n.Attr[len(n.Attr)-1]
if attr == nil {
classes = " "
} else {
classes = rxClassTrim.ReplaceAllString(" "+attr.Val+" ", " ")
func getClassesSlice(classes string) []string {
return strings.Split(rxClassTrim.ReplaceAllString(" "+classes+" ", " "), " ")
func removeAttr(n *html.Node, attrName string) {
for i, a := range n.Attr {
if a.Key == attrName {
n.Attr[i], n.Attr[len(n.Attr)-1], n.Attr =
n.Attr[len(n.Attr)-1], html.Attribute{}, n.Attr[:len(n.Attr)-1]
func setClasses(n *html.Node, attr *html.Attribute, classes string) {
classes = strings.TrimSpace(classes)
if classes == "" {
removeAttr(n, "class")
attr.Val = classes

View file

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestAttrExists(t *testing.T) {
if val, ok := Doc().Find("a").Attr("href"); !ok {
t.Error("Expected a value for the href attribute.")
} else {
t.Logf("Href of first anchor: %v.", val)
func TestAttrOr(t *testing.T) {
if val := Doc().Find("a").AttrOr("fake-attribute", "alternative"); val != "alternative" {
t.Error("Expected an alternative value for 'fake-attribute' attribute.")
} else {
t.Logf("Value returned for not existing attribute: %v.", val)
if val := Doc().Find("zz").AttrOr("fake-attribute", "alternative"); val != "alternative" {
t.Error("Expected an alternative value for 'fake-attribute' on an empty selection.")
} else {
t.Logf("Value returned for empty selection: %v.", val)
func TestAttrNotExist(t *testing.T) {
if val, ok := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid").Attr("href"); ok {
t.Errorf("Expected no value for the href attribute, got %v.", val)
func TestRemoveAttr(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("div")
_, ok := sel.Attr("id")
if ok {
t.Error("Expected there to be no id attributes set")
func TestSetAttr(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
sel.SetAttr("id", "not-main")
val, ok := sel.Attr("id")
if !ok {
t.Error("Expected an id attribute on main")
if val != "not-main" {
t.Errorf("Expected an attribute id to be not-main, got %s", val)
func TestSetAttr2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
sel.SetAttr("foo", "bar")
val, ok := sel.Attr("foo")
if !ok {
t.Error("Expected an 'foo' attribute on main")
if val != "bar" {
t.Errorf("Expected an attribute 'foo' to be 'bar', got '%s'", val)
func TestText(t *testing.T) {
txt := Doc().Find("h1").Text()
if strings.Trim(txt, " \n\r\t") != "" {
t.Errorf("Expected text to be, found %s.", txt)
func TestText2(t *testing.T) {
txt := Doc().Find(".hero-unit .container-fluid .row-fluid:nth-child(1)").Text()
if ok, e := regexp.MatchString(`^\s+Provok\.in\s+Prove your point.\s+$`, txt); !ok || e != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected text to be Prove your point., found %s.", txt)
if e != nil {
t.Logf("Error: %s.", e.Error())
func TestText3(t *testing.T) {
txt := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter").First().Text()
// There's an &nbsp; character in there...
if ok, e := regexp.MatchString(`^[\s\x{00A0}]+$`, txt); !ok || e != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected spaces, found <%v>.", txt)
if e != nil {
t.Logf("Error: %s.", e.Error())
func TestHtml(t *testing.T) {
txt, e := Doc().Find("h1").Html()
if e != nil {
t.Errorf("Error: %s.", e)
if ok, e := regexp.MatchString(`^\s*<a href="/">Provok<span class="green">\.</span><span class="red">i</span>n</a>\s*$`, txt); !ok || e != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected HTML content, found %s.", txt)
if e != nil {
t.Logf("Error: %s.", e.Error())
func TestNbsp(t *testing.T) {
src := `<p>Some&nbsp;text</p>`
d, err := NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(src))
if err != nil {
txt := d.Find("p").Text()
ix := strings.Index(txt, "\u00a0")
if ix != 4 {
t.Errorf("Text: expected a non-breaking space at index 4, got %d", ix)
h, err := d.Find("p").Html()
if err != nil {
ix = strings.Index(h, "\u00a0")
if ix != 4 {
t.Errorf("Html: expected a non-breaking space at index 4, got %d", ix)
func TestAddClass(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
sel.AddClass("main main main")
// Make sure that class was only added once
if a, ok := sel.Attr("class"); !ok || a != "main" {
t.Error("Expected #main to have class main")
func TestAddClassSimilar(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#nf5")
assertClass(t, sel, "odd")
assertClass(t, sel, "odder")
printSel(t, sel.Parent())
func TestAddEmptyClass(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
// Make sure that class was only added once
if a, ok := sel.Attr("class"); ok {
t.Errorf("Expected #main to not to have a class, have: %s", a)
func TestAddClasses(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
sel.AddClass("a b")
// Make sure that class was only added once
if !sel.HasClass("a") || !sel.HasClass("b") {
t.Errorf("#main does not have classes")
func TestHasClass(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div")
if !sel.HasClass("span12") {
t.Error("Expected at least one div to have class span12.")
func TestHasClassNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h2")
if sel.HasClass("toto") {
t.Error("Expected h1 to have no class.")
func TestHasClassNotFirst(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".alert")
if !sel.HasClass("alert-error") {
t.Error("Expected .alert to also have class .alert-error.")
func TestRemoveClass(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#nf1")
sel.RemoveClass("one row")
if !sel.HasClass("even") || sel.HasClass("one") || sel.HasClass("row") {
classes, _ := sel.Attr("class")
t.Error("Expected #nf1 to have class even, has ", classes)
func TestRemoveClassSimilar(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#nf5, #nf6")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertClass(t, sel.Eq(0), "odder")
printSel(t, sel)
func TestRemoveAllClasses(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#nf1")
if a, ok := sel.Attr("class"); ok {
t.Error("All classes were not removed, has ", a)
sel = Doc2Clone().Find("#main")
if a, ok := sel.Attr("class"); ok {
t.Error("All classes were not removed, has ", a)
func TestToggleClass(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2Clone().Find("#nf1")
if sel.HasClass("one") {
t.Error("Expected #nf1 to not have class one")
if !sel.HasClass("one") {
t.Error("Expected #nf1 to have class one")
sel.ToggleClass("one even row")
if a, ok := sel.Attr("class"); ok {
t.Errorf("Expected #nf1 to have no classes, have %q", a)

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
// Is checks the current matched set of elements against a selector and
// returns true if at least one of these elements matches.
func (s *Selection) Is(selector string) bool {
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
return s.IsMatcher(cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
return false
// IsMatcher checks the current matched set of elements against a matcher and
// returns true if at least one of these elements matches.
func (s *Selection) IsMatcher(m Matcher) bool {
if len(s.Nodes) > 0 {
if len(s.Nodes) == 1 {
return m.Match(s.Nodes[0])
return len(m.Filter(s.Nodes)) > 0
return false
// IsFunction checks the current matched set of elements against a predicate and
// returns true if at least one of these elements matches.
func (s *Selection) IsFunction(f func(int, *Selection) bool) bool {
return s.FilterFunction(f).Length() > 0
// IsSelection checks the current matched set of elements against a Selection object
// and returns true if at least one of these elements matches.
func (s *Selection) IsSelection(sel *Selection) bool {
return s.FilterSelection(sel).Length() > 0
// IsNodes checks the current matched set of elements against the specified nodes
// and returns true if at least one of these elements matches.
func (s *Selection) IsNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) bool {
return s.FilterNodes(nodes...).Length() > 0
// Contains returns true if the specified Node is within,
// at any depth, one of the nodes in the Selection object.
// It is NOT inclusive, to behave like jQuery's implementation, and
// unlike Javascript's .contains, so if the contained
// node is itself in the selection, it returns false.
func (s *Selection) Contains(n *html.Node) bool {
return sliceContains(s.Nodes, n)

View file

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestIs(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".footer p:nth-child(1)")
if !sel.Is("p") {
t.Error("Expected .footer p:nth-child(1) to be p.")
func TestIsPositional(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".footer p:nth-child(2)")
if !sel.Is("p:nth-child(2)") {
t.Error("Expected .footer p:nth-child(2) to be p:nth-child(2).")
func TestIsPositionalNot(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".footer p:nth-child(1)")
if sel.Is("p:nth-child(2)") {
t.Error("Expected .footer p:nth-child(1) NOT to be p:nth-child(2).")
func TestIsFunction(t *testing.T) {
ok := Doc().Find("div").IsFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return s.HasClass("container-fluid")
if !ok {
t.Error("Expected some div to have a container-fluid class.")
func TestIsFunctionRollback(t *testing.T) {
ok := Doc().Find("div").IsFunction(func(i int, s *Selection) bool {
return s.HasClass("container-fluid")
if !ok {
t.Error("Expected some div to have a container-fluid class.")
func TestIsSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter")
if !sel.IsSelection(sel2) {
t.Error("Expected some div to have a pvk-gutter class.")
func TestIsSelectionNot(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a")
if sel.IsSelection(sel2) {
t.Error("Expected some div NOT to be an anchor.")
func TestIsNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".footer")
if !sel.IsNodes(sel2.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Expected some div to have a footer class.")
func TestDocContains(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1")
if !Doc().Contains(sel.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Expected document to contain H1 tag.")
func TestSelContains(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find("a[ng-click]")
if !sel.Contains(sel2.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Expected .row-fluid to contain a[ng-click] tag.")
func TestSelNotContains(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("")
sel2 := Doc().Find("span")
if sel.Contains(sel2.Nodes[0]) {
t.Error("Expected to NOT contain span tag.")

View file

@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
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<h1>Package testing</h1>
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Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
<div id="short-nav">
<dd><code>import "testing"</code></dd>
<dd><a href="#overview" class="overviewLink">Overview</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#index">Index</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#subdirectories">Subdirectories</a></dd>
<!-- The package's Name is printed as title by the top-level template -->
<div id="overview" class="toggleVisible">
<div class="collapsed">
<h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Overview section">Overview ▹</h2>
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<h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Overview section">Overview ▾</h2>
Package testing provides support for automated testing of Go packages.
It is intended to be used in concert with the &ldquo;go test&rdquo; command, which automates
execution of any function of the form
<pre>func TestXxx(*testing.T)
where Xxx can be any alphanumeric string (but the first letter must not be in
[a-z]) and serves to identify the test routine.
These TestXxx routines should be declared within the package they are testing.
Functions of the form
<pre>func BenchmarkXxx(*testing.B)
are considered benchmarks, and are executed by the &#34;go test&#34; command when
the -test.bench flag is provided.
A sample benchmark function looks like this:
<pre>func BenchmarkHello(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i &lt; b.N; i++ {
The benchmark package will vary b.N until the benchmark function lasts
long enough to be timed reliably. The output
<pre>testing.BenchmarkHello 10000000 282 ns/op
means that the loop ran 10000000 times at a speed of 282 ns per loop.
If a benchmark needs some expensive setup before running, the timer
may be stopped:
<pre>func BenchmarkBigLen(b *testing.B) {
big := NewBig()
for i := 0; i &lt; b.N; i++ {
The package also runs and verifies example code. Example functions may
include a concluding comment that begins with &#34;Output:&#34; and is compared with
the standard output of the function when the tests are run, as in these
examples of an example:
<pre>func ExampleHello() {
// Output: hello
func ExampleSalutations() {
fmt.Println(&#34;hello, and&#34;)
// Output:
// hello, and
// goodbye
Example functions without output comments are compiled but not executed.
The naming convention to declare examples for a function F, a type T and
method M on type T are:
<pre>func ExampleF() { ... }
func ExampleT() { ... }
func ExampleT_M() { ... }
Multiple example functions for a type/function/method may be provided by
appending a distinct suffix to the name. The suffix must start with a
lower-case letter.
<pre>func ExampleF_suffix() { ... }
func ExampleT_suffix() { ... }
func ExampleT_M_suffix() { ... }
The entire test file is presented as the example when it contains a single
example function, at least one other function, type, variable, or constant
declaration, and no test or benchmark functions.
<h2 id="index">Index</h2>
<!-- Table of contents for API; must be named manual-nav to turn off auto nav. -->
<div id="manual-nav">
<dd><a href="#Main">func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample)</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#RunBenchmarks">func RunBenchmarks(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark)</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#RunExamples">func RunExamples(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), examples []InternalExample) (ok bool)</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#RunTests">func RunTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest) (ok bool)</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#Short">func Short() bool</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#B">type B</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Error">func (c *B) Error(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Errorf">func (c *B) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Fail">func (c *B) Fail()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.FailNow">func (c *B) FailNow()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Failed">func (c *B) Failed() bool</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Fatal">func (c *B) Fatal(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Fatalf">func (c *B) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Log">func (c *B) Log(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.Logf">func (c *B) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.ResetTimer">func (b *B) ResetTimer()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.SetBytes">func (b *B) SetBytes(n int64)</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.StartTimer">func (b *B) StartTimer()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#B.StopTimer">func (b *B) StopTimer()</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#BenchmarkResult">type BenchmarkResult</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#Benchmark">func Benchmark(f func(b *B)) BenchmarkResult</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#BenchmarkResult.NsPerOp">func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#BenchmarkResult.String">func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#InternalBenchmark">type InternalBenchmark</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#InternalExample">type InternalExample</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#InternalTest">type InternalTest</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#T">type T</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Error">func (c *T) Error(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Errorf">func (c *T) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Fail">func (c *T) Fail()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.FailNow">func (c *T) FailNow()</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Failed">func (c *T) Failed() bool</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Fatal">func (c *T) Fatal(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Fatalf">func (c *T) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Log">func (c *T) Log(args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Logf">func (c *T) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})</a></dd>
<dd>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="#T.Parallel">func (t *T) Parallel()</a></dd>
<h4>Package files</h4>
<span style="font-size:90%">
<a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go">benchmark.go</a>
<a href="/src/pkg/testing/example.go">example.go</a>
<a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go">testing.go</a>
<h2 id="Main">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=9750:9890#L268">Main</a></h2>
<pre>func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample)</pre>
An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
of the &#34;go test&#34; command.
<h2 id="RunBenchmarks">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=5365:5464#L207">RunBenchmarks</a></h2>
<pre>func RunBenchmarks(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark)</pre>
An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
of the &#34;go test&#34; command.
<h2 id="RunExamples">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/example.go?s=314:417#L12">RunExamples</a></h2>
<pre>func RunExamples(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), examples []InternalExample) (ok bool)</pre>
<h2 id="RunTests">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=10486:10580#L297">RunTests</a></h2>
<pre>func RunTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest) (ok bool)</pre>
<h2 id="Short">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=4859:4876#L117">Short</a></h2>
<pre>func Short() bool</pre>
Short reports whether the -test.short flag is set.
<h2 id="B">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=743:872#L17">B</a></h2>
<pre>type B struct {
N int
<span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span>
B is a type passed to Benchmark functions to manage benchmark
timing and to specify the number of iterations to run.
<h3 id="B.Error">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8110:8153#L209">Error</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Error(args ...interface{})</pre>
Error is equivalent to Log() followed by Fail().
<h3 id="B.Errorf">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8253:8312#L215">Errorf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Errorf is equivalent to Logf() followed by Fail().
<h3 id="B.Fail">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6270:6293#L163">Fail</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Fail()</pre>
Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
<h3 id="B.FailNow">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6548:6574#L170">FailNow</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) FailNow()</pre>
FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its execution.
Execution will continue at the next test or benchmark.
<h3 id="B.Failed">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6366:6396#L166">Failed</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Failed() bool</pre>
Failed returns whether the function has failed.
<h3 id="B.Fatal">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8420:8463#L221">Fatal</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Fatal(args ...interface{})</pre>
Fatal is equivalent to Log() followed by FailNow().
<h3 id="B.Fatalf">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8569:8628#L227">Fatalf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Fatalf is equivalent to Logf() followed by FailNow().
<h3 id="B.Log">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=7763:7804#L202">Log</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Log(args ...interface{})</pre>
Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous to Println(),
and records the text in the error log.
<h3 id="B.Logf">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=7959:8016#L206">Logf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *B) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous to Printf(),
and records the text in the error log.
<h3 id="B.ResetTimer">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=1503:1527#L48">ResetTimer</a></h3>
<pre>func (b *B) ResetTimer()</pre>
ResetTimer sets the elapsed benchmark time to zero.
It does not affect whether the timer is running.
<h3 id="B.SetBytes">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=1728:1757#L57">SetBytes</a></h3>
<pre>func (b *B) SetBytes(n int64)</pre>
SetBytes records the number of bytes processed in a single operation.
If this is called, the benchmark will report ns/op and MB/s.
<h3 id="B.StartTimer">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=1047:1071#L29">StartTimer</a></h3>
<pre>func (b *B) StartTimer()</pre>
StartTimer starts timing a test. This function is called automatically
before a benchmark starts, but it can also used to resume timing after
a call to StopTimer.
<h3 id="B.StopTimer">func (*B) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=1288:1311#L39">StopTimer</a></h3>
<pre>func (b *B) StopTimer()</pre>
StopTimer stops timing a test. This can be used to pause the timer
while performing complex initialization that you don&#39;t
want to measure.
<h2 id="BenchmarkResult">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=4206:4391#L165">BenchmarkResult</a></h2>
<pre>type BenchmarkResult struct {
N int <span class="comment">// The number of iterations.</span>
T time.Duration <span class="comment">// The total time taken.</span>
Bytes int64 <span class="comment">// Bytes processed in one iteration.</span>
The results of a benchmark run.
<h3 id="Benchmark">func <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=7545:7589#L275">Benchmark</a></h3>
<pre>func Benchmark(f func(b *B)) BenchmarkResult</pre>
Benchmark benchmarks a single function. Useful for creating
custom benchmarks that do not use the &#34;go test&#34; command.
<h3 id="BenchmarkResult.NsPerOp">func (BenchmarkResult) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=4393:4433#L171">NsPerOp</a></h3>
<pre>func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64</pre>
<h3 id="BenchmarkResult.String">func (BenchmarkResult) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=4677:4717#L185">String</a></h3>
<pre>func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string</pre>
<h2 id="InternalBenchmark">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/benchmark.go?s=555:618#L10">InternalBenchmark</a></h2>
<pre>type InternalBenchmark struct {
Name string
F func(b *B)
An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
of the &#34;go test&#34; command.
<h2 id="InternalExample">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/example.go?s=236:312#L6">InternalExample</a></h2>
<pre>type InternalExample struct {
Name string
F func()
Output string
<h2 id="InternalTest">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=9065:9121#L241">InternalTest</a></h2>
<pre>type InternalTest struct {
Name string
F func(*T)
An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
of the &#34;go test&#34; command.
<h2 id="T">type <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6070:6199#L156">T</a></h2>
<pre>type T struct {
<span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span>
T is a type passed to Test functions to manage test state and support formatted test logs.
Logs are accumulated during execution and dumped to standard error when done.
<h3 id="T.Error">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8110:8153#L209">Error</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Error(args ...interface{})</pre>
Error is equivalent to Log() followed by Fail().
<h3 id="T.Errorf">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8253:8312#L215">Errorf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Errorf is equivalent to Logf() followed by Fail().
<h3 id="T.Fail">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6270:6293#L163">Fail</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Fail()</pre>
Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
<h3 id="T.FailNow">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6548:6574#L170">FailNow</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) FailNow()</pre>
FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its execution.
Execution will continue at the next test or benchmark.
<h3 id="T.Failed">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=6366:6396#L166">Failed</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Failed() bool</pre>
Failed returns whether the function has failed.
<h3 id="T.Fatal">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8420:8463#L221">Fatal</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Fatal(args ...interface{})</pre>
Fatal is equivalent to Log() followed by FailNow().
<h3 id="T.Fatalf">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8569:8628#L227">Fatalf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Fatalf is equivalent to Logf() followed by FailNow().
<h3 id="T.Log">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=7763:7804#L202">Log</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Log(args ...interface{})</pre>
Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous to Println(),
and records the text in the error log.
<h3 id="T.Logf">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=7959:8016#L206">Logf</a></h3>
<pre>func (c *T) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})</pre>
Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous to Printf(),
and records the text in the error log.
<h3 id="T.Parallel">func (*T) <a href="/src/pkg/testing/testing.go?s=8809:8831#L234">Parallel</a></h3>
<pre>func (t *T) Parallel()</pre>
Parallel signals that this test is to be run in parallel with (and only with)
other parallel tests in this CPU group.
<h2 id="subdirectories">Subdirectories</h2>
<table class="dir">
<th style="text-align: left; width: auto">Synopsis</th>
<td><a href="..">..</a></td>
<td class="name"><a href="iotest">iotest</a></td>
<td style="width: auto">Package iotest implements Readers and Writers useful mainly for testing.</td>
<td class="name"><a href="quick">quick</a></td>
<td style="width: auto">Package quick implements utility functions to help with black box testing.</td>
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<span class="title"><strong>Serpentine Path</strong></span><br />
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Oro: Opus Alter<br />
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package goquery
import (
type siblingType int
// Sibling type, used internally when iterating over children at the same
// level (siblings) to specify which nodes are requested.
const (
siblingPrevUntil siblingType = iota - 3
// Find gets the descendants of each element in the current set of matched
// elements, filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object
// containing these matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Find(selector string) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, findWithMatcher(s.Nodes, cascadia.MustCompile(selector)))
// FindMatcher gets the descendants of each element in the current set of matched
// elements, filtered by the matcher. It returns a new Selection object
// containing these matched elements.
func (s *Selection) FindMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, findWithMatcher(s.Nodes, m))
// FindSelection gets the descendants of each element in the current
// Selection, filtered by a Selection. It returns a new Selection object
// containing these matched elements.
func (s *Selection) FindSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return pushStack(s, nil)
return s.FindNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// FindNodes gets the descendants of each element in the current
// Selection, filtered by some nodes. It returns a new Selection object
// containing these matched elements.
func (s *Selection) FindNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
if sliceContains(s.Nodes, n) {
return []*html.Node{n}
return nil
// Contents gets the children of each element in the Selection,
// including text and comment nodes. It returns a new Selection object
// containing these elements.
func (s *Selection) Contents() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getChildrenNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAllIncludingNonElements))
// ContentsFiltered gets the children of each element in the Selection,
// filtered by the specified selector. It returns a new Selection
// object containing these elements. Since selectors only act on Element nodes,
// this function is an alias to ChildrenFiltered unless the selector is empty,
// in which case it is an alias to Contents.
func (s *Selection) ContentsFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
if selector != "" {
return s.ChildrenFiltered(selector)
return s.Contents()
// ContentsMatcher gets the children of each element in the Selection,
// filtered by the specified matcher. It returns a new Selection
// object containing these elements. Since matchers only act on Element nodes,
// this function is an alias to ChildrenMatcher.
func (s *Selection) ContentsMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return s.ChildrenMatcher(m)
// Children gets the child elements of each element in the Selection.
// It returns a new Selection object containing these elements.
func (s *Selection) Children() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getChildrenNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll))
// ChildrenFiltered gets the child elements of each element in the Selection,
// filtered by the specified selector. It returns a new
// Selection object containing these elements.
func (s *Selection) ChildrenFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getChildrenNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// ChildrenMatcher gets the child elements of each element in the Selection,
// filtered by the specified matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing these elements.
func (s *Selection) ChildrenMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getChildrenNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll), m)
// Parent gets the parent of each element in the Selection. It returns a
// new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Parent() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getParentNodes(s.Nodes))
// ParentFiltered gets the parent of each element in the Selection filtered by a
// selector. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentNodes(s.Nodes), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// ParentMatcher gets the parent of each element in the Selection filtered by a
// matcher. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentNodes(s.Nodes), m)
// Closest gets the first element that matches the selector by testing the
// element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
func (s *Selection) Closest(selector string) *Selection {
cs := cascadia.MustCompile(selector)
return s.ClosestMatcher(cs)
// ClosestMatcher gets the first element that matches the matcher by testing the
// element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
func (s *Selection) ClosestMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, mapNodes(s.Nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
// For each node in the selection, test the node itself, then each parent
// until a match is found.
for ; n != nil; n = n.Parent {
if m.Match(n) {
return []*html.Node{n}
return nil
// ClosestNodes gets the first element that matches one of the nodes by testing the
// element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
func (s *Selection) ClosestNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, mapNodes(s.Nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
// For each node in the selection, test the node itself, then each parent
// until a match is found.
for ; n != nil; n = n.Parent {
if isInSlice(nodes, n) {
return []*html.Node{n}
return nil
// ClosestSelection gets the first element that matches one of the nodes in the
// Selection by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors
// in the DOM tree.
func (s *Selection) ClosestSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return pushStack(s, nil)
return s.ClosestNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// Parents gets the ancestors of each element in the current Selection. It
// returns a new Selection object with the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Parents() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nil))
// ParentsFiltered gets the ancestors of each element in the current
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object with the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// ParentsMatcher gets the ancestors of each element in the current
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object with the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nil), m)
// ParentsUntil gets the ancestors of each element in the Selection, up to but
// not including the element matched by the selector. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsUntil(selector string) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, cascadia.MustCompile(selector), nil))
// ParentsUntilMatcher gets the ancestors of each element in the Selection, up to but
// not including the element matched by the matcher. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsUntilMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, m, nil))
// ParentsUntilSelection gets the ancestors of each element in the Selection,
// up to but not including the elements in the specified Selection. It returns a
// new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsUntilSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.Parents()
return s.ParentsUntilNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// ParentsUntilNodes gets the ancestors of each element in the Selection,
// up to but not including the specified nodes. It returns a
// new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsUntilNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nodes))
// ParentsFilteredUntil is like ParentsUntil, with the option to filter the
// results based on a selector string. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsFilteredUntil(filterSelector, untilSelector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, cascadia.MustCompile(untilSelector), nil), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// ParentsFilteredUntilMatcher is like ParentsUntilMatcher, with the option to filter the
// results based on a matcher. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsFilteredUntilMatcher(filter, until Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, until, nil), filter)
// ParentsFilteredUntilSelection is like ParentsUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsFilteredUntilSelection(filterSelector string, sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.ParentsMatcherUntilSelection(cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector), sel)
// ParentsMatcherUntilSelection is like ParentsUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsMatcherUntilSelection(filter Matcher, sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.ParentsMatcher(filter)
return s.ParentsMatcherUntilNodes(filter, sel.Nodes...)
// ParentsFilteredUntilNodes is like ParentsUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsFilteredUntilNodes(filterSelector string, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nodes), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// ParentsMatcherUntilNodes is like ParentsUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) ParentsMatcherUntilNodes(filter Matcher, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getParentsNodes(s.Nodes, nil, nodes), filter)
// Siblings gets the siblings of each element in the Selection. It returns
// a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Siblings() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll, nil, nil))
// SiblingsFiltered gets the siblings of each element in the Selection
// filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object containing the
// matched elements.
func (s *Selection) SiblingsFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// SiblingsMatcher gets the siblings of each element in the Selection
// filtered by a matcher. It returns a new Selection object containing the
// matched elements.
func (s *Selection) SiblingsMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingAll, nil, nil), m)
// Next gets the immediately following sibling of each element in the
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Next() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNext, nil, nil))
// NextFiltered gets the immediately following sibling of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNext, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// NextMatcher gets the immediately following sibling of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a matcher. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNext, nil, nil), m)
// NextAll gets all the following siblings of each element in the
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextAll() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextAll, nil, nil))
// NextAllFiltered gets all the following siblings of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextAllFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextAll, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// NextAllMatcher gets all the following siblings of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a matcher. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextAllMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextAll, nil, nil), m)
// Prev gets the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) Prev() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrev, nil, nil))
// PrevFiltered gets the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrev, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// PrevMatcher gets the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a matcher. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrev, nil, nil), m)
// PrevAll gets all the preceding siblings of each element in the
// Selection. It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevAll() *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevAll, nil, nil))
// PrevAllFiltered gets all the preceding siblings of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a selector. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevAllFiltered(selector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevAll, nil, nil), cascadia.MustCompile(selector))
// PrevAllMatcher gets all the preceding siblings of each element in the
// Selection filtered by a matcher. It returns a new Selection object
// containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevAllMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevAll, nil, nil), m)
// NextUntil gets all following siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the selector. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextUntil(selector string) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
cascadia.MustCompile(selector), nil))
// NextUntilMatcher gets all following siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the matcher. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextUntilMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
m, nil))
// NextUntilSelection gets all following siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the Selection. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextUntilSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.NextAll()
return s.NextUntilNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// NextUntilNodes gets all following siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the nodes. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextUntilNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
nil, nodes))
// PrevUntil gets all preceding siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the selector. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevUntil(selector string) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
cascadia.MustCompile(selector), nil))
// PrevUntilMatcher gets all preceding siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the matcher. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevUntilMatcher(m Matcher) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
m, nil))
// PrevUntilSelection gets all preceding siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the Selection. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevUntilSelection(sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.PrevAll()
return s.PrevUntilNodes(sel.Nodes...)
// PrevUntilNodes gets all preceding siblings of each element up to but not
// including the element matched by the nodes. It returns a new Selection
// object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevUntilNodes(nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return pushStack(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
nil, nodes))
// NextFilteredUntil is like NextUntil, with the option to filter
// the results based on a selector string.
// It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextFilteredUntil(filterSelector, untilSelector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
cascadia.MustCompile(untilSelector), nil), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// NextFilteredUntilMatcher is like NextUntilMatcher, with the option to filter
// the results based on a matcher.
// It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextFilteredUntilMatcher(filter, until Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
until, nil), filter)
// NextFilteredUntilSelection is like NextUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextFilteredUntilSelection(filterSelector string, sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.NextMatcherUntilSelection(cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector), sel)
// NextMatcherUntilSelection is like NextUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextMatcherUntilSelection(filter Matcher, sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.NextMatcher(filter)
return s.NextMatcherUntilNodes(filter, sel.Nodes...)
// NextFilteredUntilNodes is like NextUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextFilteredUntilNodes(filterSelector string, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
nil, nodes), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// NextMatcherUntilNodes is like NextUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) NextMatcherUntilNodes(filter Matcher, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingNextUntil,
nil, nodes), filter)
// PrevFilteredUntil is like PrevUntil, with the option to filter
// the results based on a selector string.
// It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevFilteredUntil(filterSelector, untilSelector string) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
cascadia.MustCompile(untilSelector), nil), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// PrevFilteredUntilMatcher is like PrevUntilMatcher, with the option to filter
// the results based on a matcher.
// It returns a new Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevFilteredUntilMatcher(filter, until Matcher) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
until, nil), filter)
// PrevFilteredUntilSelection is like PrevUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevFilteredUntilSelection(filterSelector string, sel *Selection) *Selection {
return s.PrevMatcherUntilSelection(cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector), sel)
// PrevMatcherUntilSelection is like PrevUntilSelection, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevMatcherUntilSelection(filter Matcher, sel *Selection) *Selection {
if sel == nil {
return s.PrevMatcher(filter)
return s.PrevMatcherUntilNodes(filter, sel.Nodes...)
// PrevFilteredUntilNodes is like PrevUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a selector string. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevFilteredUntilNodes(filterSelector string, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
nil, nodes), cascadia.MustCompile(filterSelector))
// PrevMatcherUntilNodes is like PrevUntilNodes, with the
// option to filter the results based on a matcher. It returns a new
// Selection object containing the matched elements.
func (s *Selection) PrevMatcherUntilNodes(filter Matcher, nodes ...*html.Node) *Selection {
return filterAndPush(s, getSiblingNodes(s.Nodes, siblingPrevUntil,
nil, nodes), filter)
// Filter and push filters the nodes based on a matcher, and pushes the results
// on the stack, with the srcSel as previous selection.
func filterAndPush(srcSel *Selection, nodes []*html.Node, m Matcher) *Selection {
// Create a temporary Selection with the specified nodes to filter using winnow
sel := &Selection{nodes, srcSel.document, nil}
// Filter based on matcher and push on stack
return pushStack(srcSel, winnow(sel, m, true))
// Internal implementation of Find that return raw nodes.
func findWithMatcher(nodes []*html.Node, m Matcher) []*html.Node {
// Map nodes to find the matches within the children of each node
return mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) (result []*html.Node) {
// Go down one level, becausejQuery's Find selects only within descendants
for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
if c.Type == html.ElementNode {
result = append(result, m.MatchAll(c)...)
// Internal implementation to get all parent nodes, stopping at the specified
// node (or nil if no stop).
func getParentsNodes(nodes []*html.Node, stopm Matcher, stopNodes []*html.Node) []*html.Node {
return mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) (result []*html.Node) {
for p := n.Parent; p != nil; p = p.Parent {
sel := newSingleSelection(p, nil)
if stopm != nil {
if sel.IsMatcher(stopm) {
} else if len(stopNodes) > 0 {
if sel.IsNodes(stopNodes...) {
if p.Type == html.ElementNode {
result = append(result, p)
// Internal implementation of sibling nodes that return a raw slice of matches.
func getSiblingNodes(nodes []*html.Node, st siblingType, untilm Matcher, untilNodes []*html.Node) []*html.Node {
var f func(*html.Node) bool
// If the requested siblings are ...Until, create the test function to
// determine if the until condition is reached (returns true if it is)
if st == siblingNextUntil || st == siblingPrevUntil {
f = func(n *html.Node) bool {
if untilm != nil {
// Matcher-based condition
sel := newSingleSelection(n, nil)
return sel.IsMatcher(untilm)
} else if len(untilNodes) > 0 {
// Nodes-based condition
sel := newSingleSelection(n, nil)
return sel.IsNodes(untilNodes...)
return false
return mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
return getChildrenWithSiblingType(n.Parent, st, n, f)
// Gets the children nodes of each node in the specified slice of nodes,
// based on the sibling type request.
func getChildrenNodes(nodes []*html.Node, st siblingType) []*html.Node {
return mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
return getChildrenWithSiblingType(n, st, nil, nil)
// Gets the children of the specified parent, based on the requested sibling
// type, skipping a specified node if required.
func getChildrenWithSiblingType(parent *html.Node, st siblingType, skipNode *html.Node,
untilFunc func(*html.Node) bool) (result []*html.Node) {
// Create the iterator function
var iter = func(cur *html.Node) (ret *html.Node) {
// Based on the sibling type requested, iterate the right way
for {
switch st {
case siblingAll, siblingAllIncludingNonElements:
if cur == nil {
// First iteration, start with first child of parent
// Skip node if required
if ret = parent.FirstChild; ret == skipNode && skipNode != nil {
ret = skipNode.NextSibling
} else {
// Skip node if required
if ret = cur.NextSibling; ret == skipNode && skipNode != nil {
ret = skipNode.NextSibling
case siblingPrev, siblingPrevAll, siblingPrevUntil:
if cur == nil {
// Start with previous sibling of the skip node
ret = skipNode.PrevSibling
} else {
ret = cur.PrevSibling
case siblingNext, siblingNextAll, siblingNextUntil:
if cur == nil {
// Start with next sibling of the skip node
ret = skipNode.NextSibling
} else {
ret = cur.NextSibling
panic("Invalid sibling type.")
if ret == nil || ret.Type == html.ElementNode || st == siblingAllIncludingNonElements {
// Not a valid node, try again from this one
cur = ret
for c := iter(nil); c != nil; c = iter(c) {
// If this is an ...Until case, test before append (returns true
// if the until condition is reached)
if st == siblingNextUntil || st == siblingPrevUntil {
if untilFunc(c) {
result = append(result, c)
if st == siblingNext || st == siblingPrev {
// Only one node was requested (immediate next or previous), so exit
// Internal implementation of parent nodes that return a raw slice of Nodes.
func getParentNodes(nodes []*html.Node) []*html.Node {
return mapNodes(nodes, func(i int, n *html.Node) []*html.Node {
if n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Type == html.ElementNode {
return []*html.Node{n.Parent}
return nil
// Internal map function used by many traversing methods. Takes the source nodes
// to iterate on and the mapping function that returns an array of nodes.
// Returns an array of nodes mapped by calling the callback function once for
// each node in the source nodes.
func mapNodes(nodes []*html.Node, f func(int, *html.Node) []*html.Node) (result []*html.Node) {
for i, n := range nodes {
if vals := f(i, n); len(vals) > 0 {
result = appendWithoutDuplicates(result, vals)

View file

@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
package goquery
import (
func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 9)
func TestFindRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.row-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Find("a").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestFindNotSelf(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1").Find("h1")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestFindInvalidSelector(t *testing.T) {
defer assertPanic(t)
Doc().Find(":+ ^")
func TestChainedFind(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div.hero-unit").Find(".row-fluid")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 4)
func TestChildren(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Children()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 5)
func TestChildrenRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Children().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestContents(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Contents()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 13)
func TestContentsRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.Contents().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestChildrenFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").ChildrenFiltered(".hero-unit")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestChildrenFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.ChildrenFiltered(".hero-unit").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestContentsFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").ContentsFiltered(".hero-unit")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestContentsFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 := sel.ContentsFiltered(".hero-unit").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestChildrenFilteredNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-content").ChildrenFiltered("a.btn")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestParent(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Parent()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestParentRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Parent().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentBody(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("body").Parent()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestParentFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").ParentFiltered(".hero-unit")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertClass(t, sel, "hero-unit")
func TestParentFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ParentFiltered(".hero-unit").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParents(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").Parents()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 8)
func TestParentsOrder(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2").Parents()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, ".hero-unit", ".pvk-content", "div.row-fluid", "#cf1", "body", "html")
func TestParentsRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Parents().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").ParentsFiltered("body")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestParentsFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ParentsFiltered("body").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").ParentsUntil("body")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
func TestParentsUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ParentsUntil("body").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel = sel.ParentsUntilSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestParentsUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content")
sel2 = sel.ParentsUntilSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content, .hero-unit")
sel = sel.ParentsUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestParentsUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".pvk-content, .hero-unit")
sel2 = sel.ParentsUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsFilteredUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").ParentsFilteredUntil(".pvk-content", "body")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestParentsFilteredUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ParentsFilteredUntil(".pvk-content", "body").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsFilteredUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilSelection("div", sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestParentsFilteredUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel2 = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilSelection("div", sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestParentsFilteredUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilNodes("body", sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestParentsFilteredUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel2 = sel.ParentsFilteredUntilNodes("body", sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestSiblings(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1").Siblings()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestSiblingsRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1")
sel2 := sel.Siblings().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestSiblings2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter").Siblings()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 9)
func TestSiblings3(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("body>.container-fluid").Siblings()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestSiblingsFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter").SiblingsFiltered(".pvk-content")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestSiblingsFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter")
sel2 := sel.SiblingsFiltered(".pvk-content").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNext(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1").Next()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestNextRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h1")
sel2 := sel.Next().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNext2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".close").Next()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestNextNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("small").Next()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestNextFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").NextFiltered("div")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestNextFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.NextFiltered("div").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextFiltered2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid").NextFiltered("[ng-view]")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestPrev(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".red").Prev()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertClass(t, sel, "green")
func TestPrevRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".red")
sel2 := sel.Prev().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrev2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".row-fluid").Prev()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 5)
func TestPrevNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h2").Prev()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestPrevFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".row-fluid").PrevFiltered(".row-fluid")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 5)
func TestPrevFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".row-fluid")
sel2 := sel.PrevFiltered(".row-fluid").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextAll(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2 div:nth-child(1)").NextAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestNextAllRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2 div:nth-child(1)")
sel2 := sel.NextAll().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextAll2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("div[ng-cloak]").NextAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestNextAllNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".footer").NextAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 0)
func TestNextAllFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2 .row-fluid").NextAllFiltered("[ng-cloak]")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestNextAllFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2 .row-fluid")
sel2 := sel.NextAllFiltered("[ng-cloak]").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextAllFiltered2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".close").NextAllFiltered("h4")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
func TestPrevAll(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("[ng-view]").PrevAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
func TestPrevAllOrder(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("[ng-view]").PrevAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#cf4", "#cf3")
func TestPrevAllRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("[ng-view]")
sel2 := sel.PrevAll().End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrevAll2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter").PrevAll()
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 6)
func TestPrevAllFiltered(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter").PrevAllFiltered(".pvk-content")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 3)
func TestPrevAllFilteredRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".pvk-gutter")
sel2 := sel.PrevAllFiltered(".pvk-content").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".alert a").NextUntil("p")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "h4")
func TestNextUntil2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2-1").NextUntil("[ng-cloak]")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#cf2-2")
func TestNextUntilOrder(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2-1").NextUntil("#cf2-4")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#cf2-2", "#cf2-3")
func TestNextUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2-1")
sel2 := sel.PrevUntil("#cf2-4").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n4")
sel2 = sel.NextUntilSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#n3")
func TestNextUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n4")
sel2 = sel.NextUntilSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n5")
sel2 = sel.NextUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#n3", "#n4")
func TestNextUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n5")
sel2 = sel.NextUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrevUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".alert p").PrevUntil("a")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "h4")
func TestPrevUntil2(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("[ng-cloak]").PrevUntil(":not([ng-cloak])")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "[ng-cloak]")
func TestPrevUntilOrder(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2-4").PrevUntil("#cf2-1")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#cf2-3", "#cf2-2")
func TestPrevUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("#cf2-4")
sel2 := sel.PrevUntil("#cf2-1").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrevUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n4")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 = sel.PrevUntilSelection(sel2)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#n3")
func TestPrevUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n4")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 = sel.PrevUntilSelection(sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrevUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n5")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 = sel.PrevUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#n4", "#n3")
func TestPrevUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find("#n5")
sel2 := Doc2().Find("#n2")
sel2 = sel.PrevUntilNodes(sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextFilteredUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".two").NextFilteredUntil(".even", ".six")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 4)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n3", "#n5", "#nf3", "#nf5")
func TestNextFilteredUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".two")
sel2 := sel.NextFilteredUntil(".even", ".six").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestNextFilteredUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".five")
sel = sel.NextFilteredUntilSelection(".even", sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n3", "#nf3")
func TestNextFilteredUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".five")
sel3 := sel.NextFilteredUntilSelection(".even", sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel3)
func TestNextFilteredUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".four")
sel = sel.NextFilteredUntilNodes(".odd", sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 4)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n2", "#n6", "#nf2", "#nf6")
func TestNextFilteredUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".four")
sel3 := sel.NextFilteredUntilNodes(".odd", sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel3)
func TestPrevFilteredUntil(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".five").PrevFilteredUntil(".odd", ".one")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 4)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n4", "#n2", "#nf4", "#nf2")
func TestPrevFilteredUntilRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".four")
sel2 := sel.PrevFilteredUntil(".odd", ".one").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestPrevFilteredUntilSelection(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".odd")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".two")
sel = sel.PrevFilteredUntilSelection(".odd", sel2)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n4", "#nf4")
func TestPrevFilteredUntilSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".five")
sel3 := sel.PrevFilteredUntilSelection(".even", sel2).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel3)
func TestPrevFilteredUntilNodes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".four")
sel = sel.PrevFilteredUntilNodes(".odd", sel2.Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel, "#n2", "#nf2")
func TestPrevFilteredUntilNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".even")
sel2 := Doc2().Find(".four")
sel3 := sel.PrevFilteredUntilNodes(".odd", sel2.Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel3)
func TestClosestItself(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".three")
sel2 := sel.Closest(".row")
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, sel.Length())
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#n3", "#nf3")
func TestClosestNoDupes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12")
sel2 := sel.Closest(".pvk-content")
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
assertClass(t, sel2, "pvk-content")
func TestClosestNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h4")
sel2 := sel.Closest("a")
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 0)
func TestClosestMany(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Closest(".pvk-content")
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#pc1", "#pc2")
func TestClosestRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.Closest(".pvk-content").End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestClosestSelectionItself(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".three")
sel2 := sel.ClosestSelection(Doc2().Find(".row"))
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, sel.Length())
func TestClosestSelectionNoDupes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12")
sel2 := sel.ClosestSelection(Doc().Find(".pvk-content"))
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
assertClass(t, sel2, "pvk-content")
func TestClosestSelectionNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h4")
sel2 := sel.ClosestSelection(Doc().Find("a"))
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 0)
func TestClosestSelectionMany(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ClosestSelection(Doc().Find(".pvk-content"))
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#pc1", "#pc2")
func TestClosestSelectionRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ClosestSelection(Doc().Find(".pvk-content")).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestClosestNodesItself(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc2().Find(".three")
sel2 := sel.ClosestNodes(Doc2().Find(".row").Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, sel.Length())
func TestClosestNodesNoDupes(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".span12")
sel2 := sel.ClosestNodes(Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 1)
assertClass(t, sel2, "pvk-content")
func TestClosestNodesNone(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find("h4")
sel2 := sel.ClosestNodes(Doc().Find("a").Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 0)
func TestClosestNodesMany(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ClosestNodes(Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Nodes...)
assertLength(t, sel2.Nodes, 2)
assertSelectionIs(t, sel2, "#pc1", "#pc2")
func TestClosestNodesRollback(t *testing.T) {
sel := Doc().Find(".container-fluid")
sel2 := sel.ClosestNodes(Doc().Find(".pvk-content").Nodes...).End()
assertEqual(t, sel, sel2)
func TestIssue26(t *testing.T) {
img1 := `<img src="assets/images/gallery/thumb-1.jpg" alt="150x150" />`
img2 := `<img alt="150x150" src="assets/images/gallery/thumb-1.jpg" />`
cases := []struct {
s string
l int
{s: img1 + img2, l: 2},
{s: img1, l: 1},
{s: img2, l: 1},
for _, c := range cases {
doc, err := NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(c.s))
if err != nil {
sel := doc.Find("img[src]")
assertLength(t, sel.Nodes, c.l)

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