Email Based Registration #5

opened 2022-08-13 02:18:28 +05:30 by realaravinth · 0 comments
  • difficulty rating: 7 from [3, 5, 8, 13]
  • Total, including dependencies: 26 points
- difficulty rating: 7 from [3, 5, 8, 13] - Total, including dependencies: 26 points
realaravinth added this to the MVP project 2022-08-16 14:09:53 +05:30
realaravinth added the
label 2022-08-16 14:14:51 +05:30
realaravinth added the due date 2022-08-24 2022-08-16 14:20:07 +05:30
Arsharth changed title from Email based registration to Email Based Registration using SSO 2022-08-16 14:31:22 +05:30
realaravinth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:31:58 +05:30
realaravinth changed title from Email Based Registration using SSO to Email Based Registration 2022-08-16 14:32:21 +05:30
Arsharth changed title from Email Based Registration to Email Based Registration 2022-08-16 14:32:26 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:33:06 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:33:19 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:33:28 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:34:07 +05:30
realaravinth added the
label 2022-08-16 14:37:51 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:54:55 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:55:02 +05:30
Arsharth added a new dependency 2022-08-16 14:55:07 +05:30
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No milestone
No project
No assignees
1 participant
Due date
The due date is invalid or out of range. Please use the format "yyyy-mm-dd".


Reference: mystiq/MVP#5
No description provided.