Generic error reporting endpoint with GITEA integration #24

opened 2022-08-17 16:38:56 +05:30 by realaravinth · 2 comments

Rageshake deployment is becoming increasingly challenging, it requires an integration with GitLab or GitHub or Slack or a Generic webhook to submit bug reports from Hydrogen. No Gitea support. Needs to write Gitea integration or a generic endpoint with Gitea integration.

Originally posted by @realaravinth in #23 (comment)

Rageshake deployment is becoming increasingly challenging, it requires an integration with GitLab or GitHub or Slack or a Generic webhook to submit bug reports from Hydrogen. No Gitea support. Needs to write Gitea integration or a generic endpoint with Gitea integration. _Originally posted by @realaravinth in
realaravinth added this to the MVP project 2022-08-17 16:39:05 +05:30
realaravinth self-assigned this 2022-08-17 16:39:13 +05:30
realaravinth added the
label 2022-08-17 16:39:18 +05:30
realaravinth added spent time 2022-08-17 17:53:05 +05:30
1 hour
realaravinth started working 2022-08-17 17:53:06 +05:30
Owner is ready for deployment. Will deploy rageshake + rageshake-webhook tomorrow. is ready for deployment. Will deploy rageshake + rageshake-webhook tomorrow.
realaravinth stopped working 2022-08-17 19:54:25 +05:30
2 hours 1 minute
Arsharth changed title from Generic erorr reporting endpoint with Gitea itnegration to Generic error reporting endpoint with GITEA integration 2022-08-18 12:21:13 +05:30
Owner is deployed
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1 participant
Total time spent: 3 hours 1 minute
3 hours 1 minute
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Reference: mystiq/MVP#24
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