2021-04-10 11:38:57 +00:00

1 line
679 B

initSidebarItems({"struct":[["CachePoW","Message to cache PoW difficulty factor and string"],["CachePoWBuilder","Builder for `CachePoW`."],["CacheResult","Message to cache captcha result and the captcha key for which it was generated"],["CacheResultBuilder","Builder for `CacheResult`."],["CachedPoWConfig",""],["DeleteCaptchaResult","Message to delete cached capthca result when it expires"],["DeletePoW","Message to delete cached PoW difficulty factor and string when they expire"],["RetrivePoW","Message to retrive the the difficulty factor for the specified string from the cache"],["VerifyCaptchaResult","Message to verify captcha result against the stored captcha key"]]});