--- title: "mCaptcha net" description: "A network of mCaptcha instances sharing PoW stats to make mCaptcha more efficient and accessible" lead: "We are mCaptcha. We build kickass CAPTCHA systems that give (DDoS) attackers a run for their money. And we do all of this without tracking your users. Oh and did I mention our UX is great?" date: 2023-10-19 lastmod: 2023-10-19 draft: true weight: 50 images: ["icon.png"] contributors: ["Aravinth Manivannan"] --- mCaptcha requires the webmaster to provide [difficulty factor](docs/terminology/difficulty-factor/) configurations to offer effective protection. Choosing difficulty factors that work for everyone is a hard task because it isn't possible to accurately predict the kind of visitors have. But what if had a system that will improve [mCaptcha installations](/docs/introduction/installing-captcha/) based on performance of it users? Enter mCaptcha net! The admins of mCaptcha instances can choose to upload truly anonymous Proof-of-Work (PoW) statistics to [mCaptcha/survey](https://git.batsense.net/mCaptcha/survey) instances, which other mCaptcha instances can then use to automatically optimize the installations that they hsot. NOTE: This system is opt-in, webmasters must consent to publishing for the performance statistics from their mCaptcha installation to be uploaded. ## Ensuring anonymity mCaptcha doesn't fingerprint its users. Performance parameters include: 1. Time taken to generate PoW 2. The difficulty factor for which the PoW was computed 3. Type of client library used. ```json "time":14, "difficulty_factor":50000, "worker_type":"wasm" ``` This doesn't include the usual fingerprinting parameters like User-Agent, cookies, and IP address. Additionally, we use a psuedo ID within mCaptcha to avoid. We also use psuedo IDs within mCaptcha to prevent the underlying mCaptcha installation from being exposing.