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< h1 > Cooldown Period< / h1 >
< p class = "lead" > < / p >
< p > mCaptcha implements leaky bucket algorithm to measure
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current traffic levels. Cooldown period specifies the leak or the time
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after which a visitor addition is decremented.< / p >
< p > For instance, if initial traffic level is 0 and a user visits one
2023-02-13 16:52:49 +05:30
second later, the traffic level will be incremented to 1. Now, if the
cooldown period is set to 30 seconds, the traffic level will be
decremented after 30 seconds. So after 30 seconds, the traffic level will
2023-10-21 16:49:52 +05:30
go from 1 to 0.< / p >
< h2 id = "easy-mode-default-cooldown" > Easy Mode: Default cooldown< a href = "#easy-mode-default-cooldown" class = "anchor" aria-hidden = "true" > #< / a > < / h2 >
< p > When configuring mCaptcha in < a href = "/docs/introduction/configuring-difficulty-factor/#easy-option" > easy Mode< / a > , the default cooldown period is set to 30 seconds.< / p >
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