/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Aravinth Manivannan <realaravinth@batsense.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { Bench, BenchConfig, Submission, SubmissionProof } from "./types"; import ROUTES from "../api/v1/routes"; import genJsonPaylod from "../utils/genJsonPayload"; import isBlankString from "../utils/isBlankString"; import createError from "../components/error/"; import { get_bench_type } from "./prove"; export const index = () => { const ADV = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById("advance"); const toggleAdv = (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); if (ADV.innerText.includes("Show")) { ADV.innerText = "Hide Advance Log"; document .querySelectorAll(".advance-log") .forEach((e: HTMLElement) => (e.style.display = "block")); } else { ADV.innerText = "Show Advance Log"; document .querySelectorAll(".advance-log") .forEach((e: HTMLElement) => (e.style.display = "none")); } }; ADV.addEventListener("click", (e) => toggleAdv(e)); const initSession = async () => { fetch(ROUTES.register); }; const worker = new Worker("/bench.js"); const res: Array<Bench> = []; const stats = document.getElementById("stats"); const CAMPAIGN_ID = window.location.pathname.split("/")[3]; let deviceName = ""; const addResult = (perf: Bench) => { const row = document.createElement("tr"); row.className = "data"; const diff = document.createElement("td"); diff.innerHTML = perf.difficulty.toString(); const duration = document.createElement("td"); duration.innerHTML = perf.duration.toString(); row.appendChild(diff); row.appendChild(duration); stats.appendChild(row); res.push(perf); }; const submitBench = async () => { const submission_type = await get_bench_type(); const payload: Submission = { device_user_provided: deviceName, threads: window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency, device_software_recognised: window.navigator.userAgent, benches: res, submission_type, }; const resp = await fetch( ROUTES.submitBench(CAMPAIGN_ID), genJsonPaylod(payload) ); if (resp.status == 200) { const data: SubmissionProof = await resp.json(); const element = document.createElement("div"); const token = document.createElement("b"); token.innerText = "Submissinon ID: "; const tokenText = document.createTextNode(`${data.token}`); const proof = document.createElement("b"); proof.innerText = "Proof: "; const proofText = document.createTextNode(`${data.proof}`); element.appendChild(token); element.appendChild(tokenText); element.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); element.appendChild(proof); element.appendChild(proofText); document.getElementById("submission-proof").appendChild(element); } }; const addDeviceInfo = () => { const INFO = { threads: window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency, oscup: window.navigator.userAgent, }; console.log(res); console.log(INFO); const element = document.createElement("div"); const ua = document.createElement("span"); ua.innerText = "User Agent: "; const os = document.createTextNode(`${INFO.oscup}`); const threads = document.createElement("span"); threads.innerText = "Hardware concurrency: "; const threadsText = document.createTextNode(`${INFO.threads}`); element.appendChild(ua); element.appendChild(os); element.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); element.appendChild(threads); element.appendChild(threadsText); document.getElementById("device-info").appendChild(element); }; const finished = async () => { await submitBench(); const s = document.getElementById("status"); s.innerHTML = "Benchmark finished"; }; const getConfig = async (): Promise<BenchConfig> => { const resp = await fetch(ROUTES.fetchConfig(CAMPAIGN_ID)); if (resp.status != 200) { const msg = "Something went wrong while fetching survey"; createError(msg); throw new Error(msg); } const config: BenchConfig = await resp.json(); return config; }; const run = async (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); const deveceNameElement = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("name"); if (isBlankString(deveceNameElement.value, "Device Name", e)) { return; } deviceName = deveceNameElement.value; await initSession(); document.getElementById("pre-bench").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("bench").style.display = "flex"; const config = await getConfig(); const iterations = config.difficulties.length; const counterElement = document.getElementById("counter"); counterElement.innerText = `${iterations} more to go`; worker.onmessage = async (event: MessageEvent) => { const data: Bench = event.data; addResult(data); if (res.length == iterations) { await finished(); counterElement.innerText = "All Done!"; } else { counterElement.innerText = `${iterations - res.length} more to go`; } }; config.difficulties.forEach((difficulty_factor) => worker.postMessage(difficulty_factor) ); addDeviceInfo(); }; document .getElementById("start") .addEventListener("click", async (e) => await run(e)); };